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Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation. It is used to distribute games and related media online, from small independent developers to larger software houses.
is best known as the platform needed to play Source Engine games (e.g. Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike). Today it offers many games from many other developers.
Arch Linux is not .
If you have a 64-bit system, enable the
Steam is not supported on this distribution. As such some fixes are needed on the users part to get things functioning properly:
Steam may fail to start due to broken/missing libraries.
Steam makes heavy usage of the Arial font. A decent Arial font to use is
or . Asian languages require
to display properly.
If you have a 64-bit system, you must install the 32-bit Multilib version of your , and ,
to enable update at first run.
Several games have dependencies which may be missing from your system. If a game fails to launch (often without error messages) then make sure all of the libraries listed in
are installed.
In case that you are using Arch Linux in your local language, make sure that you also have properly generated en_US locales (see ). Otherwise Steam client wont start with invalid pointer error.
To start Steam in Big Picture Mode from a , create a /usr/share/xsessions/steam-big-picture.desktop file with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Steam Big Picture Mode
Comment=Start Steam in Big Picture Mode
Exec=/usr/bin/steam -bigpicture
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Steam has fortunately added support for launching games using your own custom command. To do so, navigate to the Library page, right click on the selected game, click Properties, and Set Launch Options. Steam replaces the tag %command% with the command it actually wishes to run. For example, to launch Team Fortress 2 with primusrun and at resolution , you would enter:
primusrun %command% -w 1920 -h 1080
The corresponding example for AMD PRIME users is:
DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
On some systems optirun gives better performances than primusrun, however some games may crash shortly after the launch. This may be fixed preloading the correct version of libGL. Use:
locate libGL
to find out the available implementations. For a 64 bits game you may want to preload the nvidia 64 bits libGL, then use the launch command:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/nvidia/ optirun %command%
If you are running the
kernel, you may have some success in reducing overall latencies and improving performance by launching the game in SCHED_ISO (low latency, avoid choking CPU) via
# schedtool -I -e %command% other arguments
Also keep in mind that Steam
what you want it to run. By setting %command% to an environment variable, you can have Steam run whatever you would like. For example, the Launch Option used in the image above:
IGNORE_ME=%command% glxgears
Note: Using skins that are not up-to-date with the version of the Steam client may cause visual errors.
The Steam interface can be fully customized by copying its various interface files in its skins directory and modifying them.
An extensive list of skins can be found on .
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Note: A handful of games do not support this, for example this can not work with XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
You can create a skin that does nothing but change the notification corner. First you need to create the directories:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/Top-Right/resource
$ cp -R $HOME/.steam/steam/resource/styles $HOME/Top-Right/resource/
$ mv $HOME/Top-Right $HOME/.local/share/Steam/skins/
$ cd .local/share/Steam/skins/
$ cp -R Top-Right Top-Left && cp -R Top-Right Bottom-Right
Then modify the correct files. Top-Right/resource/styles/ will change the corner for the in-game overlay whereas will change it for your desktop.
Now find the entry: Notifications.PanelPosition in whichever file you opened and change it to the appropriate value, for example for Top-Right:
This line will look the same in both files. Repeat the process for all the 3 variants (Top-Right, Top-Left and Bottom-Left) and adjust the corners for the desktop and in-game overlay to your satisfaction for each skin, then save the files.
To finish you will have to select the skin in Steam: Settings & Interface and &default skin& in the drop-down menu.
You can use these files across distributions and even between Windows and Linux (macOS has its own entry for the desktop notification placement)
This method is more compatible with future updates of Steams since the files in the skins above are updated as part of steam and as such if the original files change, the skin will not follow the graphics update to steam and will have to be re-created every time something like that happens. Doing things this way will also give you the ability to use per-game notification locations as you can run a patch changing the location of the notifications by specifying it in the launch options for games.
Steam updates the files we need to edit everytime it updates (which is everytime it is launched) so the most effective way to do this is patching the file after Steam has already been launched.
First you will need a patch:
--- A/steam/resource/styles/gameoverlay.styles
23:49:36. +0000
+++ B/steam/resource/styles/gameoverlay.styles
23:13:15. +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
mostly_black "0 0 0 240"
semi_black "0 0 0 128"
semi_gray "32 32 32 220"
Note: The patch file should have all above lines, including the newline at the end.
You can edit the entry and change it between "BottomRight"(default), "TopRight" "TopLeft" and "BottomLeft": the following will assume you used "TopRight" as in the original file.
Next create an alias in $HOME/.bashrc:
alias steam_topright='pushd $HOME/.steam/ && patch -p1 -f -r - --no-backup-if-mismatch & topright.patch && popd'
Log out and back in to refresh the aliases. Launch Steam and wait for it to fully load, then run the alias
$ steam_topright
And most games you launch after this will have their notification in the upper right corner.
You can also duplicate the patch and make more aliases for the other corners if you do not want all games to use the same corner so you can switch back.
To automate the process you will need a script file as steam launch options cannot read your aliases. The location and name of the file could for example be $HOME/.scripts/, and assuming that is the path you used, it needs to be executable:
$ chmod +755 $HOME/.scripts/
The contents of the file should be the following:
pushd $HOME/.steam/ && patch -p1 -f -r - --no-backup-if-mismatch & topright.patch && popd
And the launch options should be something like the following.
$HOME/.scripts/ && %command%
There is another file in the same folder as folder called which has an entry with the exact same function as the file we patched and will change the notification corner for the desktop only (not in-game), but for editing this file to actually work it has to be set before steam is launched and the folder set to read-only so steam cannot re-write the file. Therefore the only two ways to modify that file is to make the directory read only so steam cannot change it when it is launched (can break updates) or making a skin like in method 1.
To stop the main window from showing at startup, use the -silent option:
$ steam -silent
Tip: This option can be added to a .
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贴数:6&分页:tangu发信人: tottinedved (tangu), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 10 21:22:16 2013), 站内 && 装了dota2,太大了。 &&&& --
者金徽章粉碎机MSL最年轻王者之路神--MIND &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 210.32.144.*]
九月|十有八九/* 39块钱买了文明5... */发信人: septem (九月|辅助毁一生 酱狗穷三代), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: Re: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 10 21:31:20 2013), 站内 && 没戏,dota2就4~5g左右的样子... &&&& 【 在 tottinedved (tangu) 的大作中提到: 】
: 装了dota2,太大了。
 越得了二塔 蹲得了草丛
 控得住狂战 打得过泰隆
 追得死炼金 挡得住大虫
 买得起三相 磕得起大红
 扛得住泉水 抢得到大龙 &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 219.140.147.*]
tangu发信人: tottinedved (tangu), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: Re: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 10 21:33:00 2013), 站内 && C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\downloading
这里还有4-5g &&&& 【 在 septem (九月|辅助毁一生 酱狗穷三代) 的大作中提到: 】
: 没戏,dota2就4~5g左右的样子...
者金徽章粉碎机MSL最年轻王者之路神--MIND &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 210.32.144.*]
九月|十有八九/* 39块钱买了文明5... */发信人: septem (九月|辅助毁一生 酱狗穷三代), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: Re: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 10 21:48:54 2013), 站内 &&&& 我这更新完后那目录就清空了啊... && 【 在 tottinedved (tangu) 的大作中提到: 】
: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\downloading
: 这里还有4-5g
 越得了二塔 蹲得了草丛
 控得住狂战 打得过泰隆
 追得死炼金 挡得住大虫
 买得起三相 磕得起大红
 扛得住泉水 抢得到大龙 &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 219.140.147.*]
tangu发信人: tottinedved (tangu), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: Re: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 10 21:56:59 2013), 站内 && 确实。。
我2了 &&&& 【 在 septem (九月|辅助毁一生 酱狗穷三代) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我这更新完后那目录就清空了啊...
者金徽章粉碎机MSL最年轻王者之路神--MIND &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 210.32.143.*]
空空发信人: emptyzero (空空), 信区: DotaAllstars
标&&题: Re: steam文件夹里有哪些文件可以删的
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Jan 11 02:38:20 2013), 站内 && 我看成sterm了。。。。
【 在 tottinedved (tangu) 的大作中提到: 】
: 装了dota2,太大了。
&&&& -- && ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 128.175.178.*]
看门狗2破解补丁怎么用 看门狗2破解补丁使用方法
作者:佚名&&来源:华彩软件站&&发布时间: 19:24:07
3.如果运行不了,需要建个快捷方式后面加个参数 -eac_launcher 就可以开始游戏了。
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