tap dragon攻略 throne chapter攻略 怎么合成

最近大家一直争论古孤竹国的首都是不是在永平府,这本书的作者说了永平府是古孤竹国的首都,这是在100多年前说的,又多了一条证据,仅供参考。hecity of eternal peace 永恒的和平之城Nestling amid the high hills that girdlethe northeastrn border of china is a quaint,old-fashioned city rejoicing in themelodious name which stands at the head of this chapter,but which is knownlocally as YUNG P'ING FU. 本章开头这个悠美的名字是在中国东北边界一个古老、传统的城市,她坐落在优美的群山之间,当地人称为永平府。how long that city has been in existence noliving mortal can tell with certainty .The ancient records of the city and district take you back at leastand though in the course of the centuries her name haschanged several times,and possibly enough the site has not been permanent, yetall throughout China that is the envy of many much larger and more prosperouscities today.这座城市已经存在多久了没有活着的人能下定论。在古老的记录中能带你回到至少三千年;尽管在几个世纪以来她的名字已经改变了几次,就好像任何一个站点都没有永久性的一样,但在中国,她引起了许多更大和更繁荣的城市的嫉妒。The primary reason for this distinction isthat YUNG P'ING FU marks the anciint capital of the little&Ku ChuKuoa,&or the Lonely Bamboo Kingdom ,which flourished in the days of theShang dynasty,i.e.,from 1766 to 1401i B.C. Here in that dim past lived and reigneda minor king,who,when advancing age was making him unfit for his royal duties,determined to abdicate in favour of one of his two sons. elder of these wasnamed Po Yi,the younger Shu Ch'i,最主要的原因是有一个非常值得骄傲的事情发生在这里。永平府以前作为古代孤竹国的首都,在公元前的商代非常繁荣,这时候国王要选一位太子,当他不能料理国政的时候太子可以继承王位,国王有两个儿子,大的叫伯夷,小的叫叔齐,and,contrary both to usage and experience,in abdicating,the king named as his successor the younger of the two lads,asbeing the more competent statesman,and likely to govern the little kingdom mostsuccesssully.but Shu Ch,i had been brought up in a school where filial pietyand fraternal regard were the principal items in a boy's education,and hadlearned his lessons so well that he revolted at the suggestiong to promote himover the head of his brother. rather than accept the throne afferde to him hefled from the court and went into voluntary exile.这两兄弟都非常能干并富有经验,但国王认为更年轻一点的小伙子更能成功的治理国家,因为叔齐很好的完成了学校教育,胜过他的哥哥,他没有接受王位,而是逃离了家园,选择自己去流浪。He hoped , of course ,by this unselfish actto make his brother's advance to the throne an easy matter.But PO YI,the elderbrother ,was not to be outdone by his younger brother ,and concluding that hisfather considerde him unfit to govern well the little kingdom,he too fled fromthe court and followed Shu Ch'i into exile.The two brothers,thus one in theirself-forgetful qualities,were companionsin exile for the remainder of their lives ,and the kongdom eventually fell tothe son of Po Yi,the elder of the king's two sons.他希望,这种无私的行为能使他哥哥登上王位变得更容易。但是伯夷,哥哥,是为了不篡了弟弟的位置,并认为父亲认为他不适合执政,他也逃离了家园,并且和叔齐一样去流浪。两兄弟具有多么无私的品质,他们的余生一直在流浪中同伴,最终王国传给了伯夷的儿子,两个兄弟中年长的孩子。(我国古代传王位于长子)Five hundred years before the Christian erabegan the immortal sage K'ung Fu Tzu,or Confucius,as we call him in thewest,rescued this incident from the oblivion to which it had been consigned,and held up the two men as examples of the unselfishness and fraternal regardof the ancients,stamed their action with his approval, and so immortalised thetwo brothers,who little thought that wheresoever the Chinese Classics should beread in future years&this should be told for a memorial of them’’.比西方基督教时代还早500年,中国出了个不朽的圣人叫孔夫子,或者叫孔子,把这件快湮灭的事情提出来,让后人记住这是无私和友好的典范,并认可他们的行动并支持他们,认为他们会永垂不朽,两兄弟后来不会想到,无论在哪里,将来的岁月中国人都会把他们的故事作为经典来读,“流传并永远铭记他们”。(未完待续)
Hence our old city of YUNG P'ING FU,quiet,sleepy,modest as she is,occupies in the mind of the Chinese scholar to-day aposition of honour and esteem that is held by comparatively few of her manygreat cities.The casual visitor ,ignorant of her history,would see but littleto interest him in her rough,uneven street:the large open spaces within thewalls might tempt him to call upon the people to lock the door lest the cityshould run out:and he would probably turn away with the feeling that he hadbeen for ten minutes or so plunged into an ancient sleepy hollow ,wherebusiness drags a weary length along and the hurry and bustle of modern life hasnot yet found its way.Not so however,the dwellers within its walls ,or theforeign resident from a far country .To these the old city possesses manycharms, and the historic imagination sees in YUNG P'ING FU the centre of atleast one worthy episode of the past and remembers that long before many famouscities of the West had sprung into being,she was the capital of a kingdom andthe scene of daring deeds. 因此这个平静,祥和,谦虚的古老城市——永平府,在中国的学者心目中比其他很多伟大的城市更能得到尊重和荣誉,休闲的游客,不知道她的历史的人,或许只看见她原始的,不平的街道而不太感兴趣(以后再有说卢龙路不平的人得反思一下了)。或许城墙内的大型开放空间,能让他感觉有一种冲动,呼吁人们要锁上门以免城市会消失:或者感觉马上得离开,不然十分钟后会进入一个古老的断头谷。在生意繁忙,喧嚣的现代生活中不可能找到她的生活方式,不,然而,生活在她城墙内的居民,或者来自遥远国度的一个外国居民(估计是说作者自己,知道了城市的历史,已经被震撼过很多次,习惯了),会觉得这个古老的城市非常有魅力,她的历史迹象表明她比西方很多著名的城市出现的更早,她是一个王国和勇敢者的首都(这段说明了古城气场太强大了)。
四周的城 墙都处在一个非常出色的状态,尽管它 已 经 在 大 风 和 暴雨 中 矗 立 了超过五 百年。墙的周长是9里18步(卢龙县志记为9里13步,这里可能印刷错误,3和8没分清)从广阔的城墙走过城市的景观尽收眼底。城市建在三座山上,有一部分的城墙穿过了在山上的老贡院。除此以外,在墙上有一个45度的斜坡(估计就是士兵从内城地面上城墙的路,其他很多城都是台阶上城楼)的斜坡,它足够容得下多辆购物车并排在上边行走,这种情况在中国常见的城墙中非常少见。在一些凉爽的夏夜,一些居民会在城墙上做一些不太剧烈的的运动。通常在大多数城市和城镇的中国对城墙的使用是作为一个散步的长廊。他们不喜欢呆在自己的家或者大杂院里被别人偷窥,就我所知,紧靠着衙门,或官方的住处的那段城墙,任何人敢于冒险去锻炼,如果被发现,会被跪在法庭上接受惩罚。但是在永平府这个地方,人们可以随便在城墙上走,根本不在乎被别人偷 窥不偷 窥这件事
et us take a stroll there nom,and note thespecial objects of interest in the city.Mounting at the east gate,and turningnorthwards for our stroll,we note first the old examination hall alreadymentioned ,and now transformed by the exigencies of modern innovations into anormal school for teachers.It stands in a large and commodious compound on thehighest of the city’s three hills.It has immense covered halls on east andwest,in which the budding literati of the prefecture were accustomed to sit for examination.At the north end of the compound are two rows of well-built rooms ,which formed the temporary residence of the Literary Chancellor on his bi-annual visits to the city.All is,of course ,in the utilitarian rather than the ornate style of architecture ,for the place was built for use,and for several hundred years was consecrated to the purpose of discovering by examination the promising young men of the prefecture,whose knowledge of the Confucian classics was sufficient to justify their passing forward to the stiffer tests of the metropolitan examinations ,and so by gradation finding their way to literary honours and official recompense .More severely utilitarian still is the old place now that the examination system has been abrogated .The front entrance halls have been demolished , a plain gateway in foreign style has been erthe covered sheds have been turned into class-rooms and dormitories ,and the place is inhabited by a score or more of the younger race of school teachers,anxious to fit themselves in some little measure for the new demands of the new teaching.让我们出去顺便走一走吧,并注意一下城里特别有趣的东西。从东门开始,和我们一起向北漫步,我们前边提到过的老贡院,现在已经变成了新式学校。它站在三座山中最高的那座,院子大而宽敞。从东到西都有遮盖物(卢龙叫大棚?),这里读书人通过考试露出头角。院子的北端有两排好的房间,是给两年来一次考察城市的文学总监暂住。当然,房子在建设方面不是要求建筑风格的华丽,而是为了实用,几百年来,这里神圣的目的就是发现有前途的年轻人,考察他们对儒家经典的知识掌握的程度以便他们前往更大的都市参加更严厉的测试,以这样的方式来得到不同等级的文学荣誉和官方的报酬。这种功利性的考试现在已经被废除。前面的入口已被拆除,代替的是有高耸略带外国朴素风格的大门;屋棚下边都变成了教室和宿舍,新居住的年轻老师正想尽办法使这里变的更适应新教学的需求。You will observe that the east gate ,to the top of which we have now climbed,is destitute of its tower,while just there the wall bears signs of recent repairs.That is a relic of the dark days of 1900.For once in its long history we have now Yung P'ing Yu belied its gracious name by a venom and vindictiveness that spelt ruin and death to scores of Christian people,both of the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths .Russian troops found their way there i September of the same year,and administered severe ,and in some cases unmerited,punishment.It is not necessary at this date to speak in detail of their conduct towards the inhabitants of the city and district.Let it be enough to say that it can scarcely be described as Christian,and that when,some two months later,the writer and a missionary colleague first visited the city, almost every woman and girl fled in terror on learning that two of the dreaded foreigners were approaching.你会观察到东大门,在上面我们已经爬过,没有了它原来的塔,墙上有新维修的迹象。它们见证公元1900的黑暗日子。这个拥有漫长和平吉祥历史的永平府曾经一度变为所谓废墟和基督教,天主教及新教眼里的死地。同年九月俄罗斯军队血洗古城,细节不必描述。惊人恐怖结果是当作为基督徒的作者及同事,第一次来这座城市,几乎每一个女人和女孩极度恐怖与这两个外国人接近。
the occasion of this Russian visit the Prefect,a Manchu of the olden type, was asked if he possessed any armaments in the city,was asked if he possessed any armaments in the city.His answer was in the negative,but unfortunately for him and the city the visitors looked for themselves ,and in the wall tower over the wast gate found a number of ancient useless cannon and two or three pieces of modern artillery.The delay the old Prefect was beaten five hundred blows in the street,and the &Hsien,&or county magistrate,received two hundred.The tower in which the guns were found was blown to smithereens, while the Hsien official was forced with his own hand to set fire to the central city tower,which to this day remains in its ruins,a silent but reproving reminder of the visit of the wild Cossacks from the north.俄国人曾一度造访当地满族行政长官,问他城中是否有武器。官员回答说没有。结果不幸从他本人及百姓开始。 俄国人自己从城墙上发现了很多废弃的土大炮和三架新火炮。满族长官因此当街被打500大板,县长200大板。发现炮的城墙被打成碎片。县长被逼亲手点火炮打城中的塔。如今只剩城塔废墟静静的提醒后来人,来自北方野蛮的哥萨克人所犯的罪行。Passing along the eastern arm of the city wall,you will next observe an ancient look-out tower,from which in former days men watched for the beacon lights that flashed messages between cities and provinces.That is the highest point of the wall,and is fully 200 feet above the road that was once the main channel of communication between the Chinese and Manchu capitals.Little temples ,quaint and varied ,dot the wall here and there ,the most picturesque being perhaps the Kuei Hsing Lou,or temple to the God of Literature ,built on the south wall and directly facing the examination hall,This is an open shrine of octagonal shape,the figure poised on one leg and with one arm threateningly raised on one leg and with one arm threateningly raised looking more like an ancient prophet come to judgment than a patron of the quiet, dignified men who aspire to walk in the ways of Confucius.顺着东边的城墙走,你会发现一个古老的望军台,人们用它来瞭望烽火,以便在各个城市和省府之间起到联系。这个塔位于城墙的最高点,距离地面有两百英尺高(相当于60.95米。这条路曾是中国和满洲各个主要城市最主要的通讯渠道。各种小庙宇,古朴而各异,散布在城墙的周边。最美要数魁星楼(学士殿),建在城南,直对考试院。这是有一个开放的八角形神社,里边的雕塑举着拳头,抬脚像一个古老的判官。而不是像正襟危坐的孔圣塑像。
ention of that name leads us to remark that the city contains two fine temples erected in honour of the great sage.This is due to the fact of its being a prefectural city,having authority not only over the county governed from the city itself,and known officially as Lu Lung Hsien,but also over six other cities covering an area of several hundred square miles.So important a frontier town as Shan Hai Kuan(called &T'ien Hsia ti yi ch'eng,&or First City under Heaven)is under the rule of the head civil official of Yung P'ing Fu, while the busy and important cities of Ch'ang Li and Lanchou, and the bustling town of Tongshan,all standing on the Imperial Railway between Peking and Mukden,the later being the centre of the great locomotive works and coal mines,are subjict to his order.In consequence of its prefectural dignity,Yung P'ing boasts two Confucian temples ,the larger one set in the midst of stately firs, and the ancient rendezvous of schilars and officials in the days of examinations.谈到圣贤像,使我们会想到城中两座精美庙宇。由于是首府所在地,永平府辖区除了包括卢龙县城外还包括方圆几百里六个其他城市。比如山海关(天下第一关),昌黎,滦县,唐山。这些城市位于通往北京和奉天的铁路沿线上。奉天是机车及煤炭中心。相应为了彰显首府尊严,永平府建有两座孔圣庙。较大一座庄严肃穆,当年曾用于应考及面试。In most,if not indeed in all,Confucian temples there is a quietude and order that somehow commends itself to the foreign visitor,and all the more welcome because rarely found in the Buddhist and Taoist fanes.For one thing,there are no ignorant and superstitious bonzes to tell you weird stories of the gods they profess to serve ,and gull the peonor to pester you with pleas for gifts of money,of which every foreigner is popularly supposed to have an abundant supply.Neither are there any images of wood,iron,or stone,ofen of revolting countenance and in dilapidated condition.There are simply the tablets of the great men of the golden age that is gone ,that of the Master Confucius standing in the centre ,Mencius on his left,and those of his seventy-two faithful disciples erected round the great hall in order of merit and popular appreciation .很多时候对外国人而言孔庙相比佛堂、道观更显寂静,庄严。至少这里没有愚昧无知和尚讲一些稀奇古怪神圣故事让人去信奉,骗人钱财。他们仿佛认为每个外国人都是富翁。 同时这里也没有那些像木制,石头制,鉄制面容狰狞,破败的雕塑。取而代之的是孔子所在黄金时代的场景,孔圣站中,孟子居左,72门徒延着大厅按序直立排开。
may perhaps not be quite orthodox in a missionary to declare it,but it is quier true that to the man of reverent and worshipful spirit there is nothing to offend the sight in a Cinfucian temple.There may be dust and dirt,but there is also quietness and dignity,a sense of human character.And one might commune with his spirit and be still ,and pass upward to the higher communion with the Father of all men, as surely in a Confucian temple of China as in the noble pile of St.Paul's in London or the marble poem of stately Milan.In these temples twice a month the officials go to pay homage to the great sage,recently deified as the Most Holy,and save on these fortnightly and somewhat perfunctory observances,the temples are left severely alone,things to be admired and wondered at,but not used too frequently or familiarly .也许不能像传教士那样宣布其思想是唯一正统,但孔庙实际上说明孔子的儒家思想得到很大认可。雕塑上虽有尘埃,但也不能掩盖其平静及庄严。温文尔雅君子气质。在孔庙很容易让人感觉自己正在与前圣对话。可以说孔庙在中国就像伦敦圣保罗大教堂与称为“大理石的诗”的意大利米兰大教堂。官员们过去通常每隔两周会回去参拜孔庙。但是最近人们对圣庙的参拜日渐减少和敷衍。昔日的圣殿倍显孤独,曾经被人崇拜孔子的思想也因而变的陌生。注:圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul's Cathedral),坐落于英国伦敦,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂。是世界五大教堂之一,世界第五大教堂。是英国古典主义建筑的代表。米兰大教堂(Church of Duomo),意大利著名的天主教堂,米兰大教堂用白色大理石砌成,是欧洲最大的大理石建筑,有“大理石山”之称。美国作家马克吐温
he Middle school now stands appropriately enough within close proximity to the prefectural temple of Confucius.This is an old literary hall adapted to the requirements of the new education,where some eighty young men,selected from the various cities in the prefecture ,receive their initiation into the mysteries of English,arithmetic,and geography,from there being drafted into the universities established now both at Pao Ting Fu and Tientsin.县中学目前坐落在夫子庙附近,这里也有旧的图书馆来适应了新教学的需求。中学有大约80名年轻人就读。他们经过层层选拔,来自周边城市。这里有现代的英语,数学,地理教育,这之后他们会进入保定或天津等地的大学读书。From the wall also may be distinctly seen both the prefectural and country yamens,while here and there are the headquarters of sundry petty officials always to be found in Chinese cities.The formers yamen is a fairly good specinmen of ifficial residences,but that of the county magistrate is mean and commonplace in the extreme.Aspeciality in its compound,however ,is an old&huai shu&(locust-tree)which illustrates the Chinese cult of tree worship.Bannerettes and scrolls,in more or less faded and ragged condition ,wave from its branches and are fastened to its trunk.That some are of recent date prove that superstition dies hard,and that even yet there are not wanting people who find a god they can worship in a tree of hoary age,round which has gathered a series of traditiongs and wonderworkings.I have never been able to get a clear reason for the worship of this particular tree ,but its nearness to the common prison would suggest that its beneficent powers are exercised on behalf of the unhappy mortals who find themselves on the wrong side of the door.从城墙上可以明显区分县府和县衙,周围是隶属部门。前县衙属典型居住办公两用结构,但比较居民楼更戒备威严。门前有棵老槐树,也许与中国万物有灵,自然信仰有关。树上有一些褪色的许愿布条系在树干上,随风飘动。目前可以说当地人迷信已大大减弱。但是拜老树,已变成一种特定的风俗。我还没弄清究竟老槐树有什么保护作用。但是我想这些终究离不开消灾减祸。One special feature of the city is the method adopted to prevent floods within the city.standing in an amphitheatre of hills, YUNG P'ING FU on its western and southern sides is bounded by two rivers,the Lan Ho and the Ch'ing Lung Ho.In times of heavy tains these rivers have been known to overflow their banks and inundate the surrounding country ,and on occasion have flooded the land right up to the wall of the city,The Mission with which the writer is associated some sixteen years ago lost its little place of worship outside the south gate through such a flood ,and the people live every year in dread of a foe they have no means of beating back.Each of the city gates,therefore ,has been built not only with heavy massive outer doors with iron facings,but has in addition a semicircular space leading to a second door equally strong .Futher ,on the top of the wall at each gate is kept a stock of heavy timbers,which in time of flood are let down within the second door into apertures or grooves specially prepared,so proving not only an effectual guard against water,but in the ancient days offering a stout resistance to any opposing force that were so used was in the summer of 1902,when the brigands from without from without the wall came near and threatened an attack upon the city.该城另一功能是防洪,永平府建在山上,其西南边有青龙河和滦河绕过,遇大雨时,河水可上涨到河岸,导致周围村落发水。有时大水可以直到城墙那么高。16年前我曾去过的南门小教堂就毁于洪水。这周围居民每年都担心发水却又无能为力。因而城的大门不仅有坚固的外层铁门,也有同样坚固二城门,两门间连有半圆形门厅。另外在每个城门墙上,都有备用木材,这些木头,在发水时可用于有效放开二门排水沟槽。打仗时这些木头可以防敌。就像1902年使强盗很难靠近城墙。
Mention of the two rivers flowing past YUNG P'ING FU leads me to speak of them more fully.The larger of the two,the Lan Ho,rises in the distant plains of Mongolia over 400 miles north -west,and flows down through some of the grandest and wildest mountain scenery that North China can show.The Ch'ing Lung (Bright Dragon) River has its source in the hills some 80 miles north of the Great Wall,through which it passes at T'ao Lin K'ou (Peach Grove Pass),and is navigable by boats for only a comparatively short distance beyond the city.Joining with the Lan River at YUNG P'ING FU ,they form a wide and swiftly running stream that empties itself into the Gulf of Pechihli,50miles fuither down.提到经过永平府的两条河,让我稍加详述。较大的是栾河,源于西北400英里远的蒙古平原,流经中国北方境内的一些高山,野岭。青龙河源自长城以北80英里外的上山。经过桃林口。两河会流于永平府,水流变宽,行约50英里,然后在流入渤海湾。The scenery from YUNG P'ING FU to Lanchou,a short distance of 12 miles,is of the most pleasing description ,and few more enjoyable trips can be made over such a short distance.Sheltered amid the hills is the little village of Ts'ai Chia Fen,so named from the presence of the graveyard of the Ts'ai family,for such is the translation of the local name .This is a beautiful old cemetery dating back some three hundred years,terraced in white marble and crowned with a massive white memorial arch which leads to the burying-ground proper.Surmounting the graveyard is a beautiful firclad hill:the graves are kept in excellent repair,and the place has been aptly described as bearing more resemblance to the pastoral beauty of England than anything else to be seen in this pare of China.The Ts'ai family ,in olden times,was a clan of more than local importance,the founder of the family being high in Inperial favour i the days of the Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming emperor and seated themselves on the dragon throne,Ts'ai Ta Jen transferred his allegiance to the conquerors ,and is ,when he is thought of at all,held in execration by all true pensation,however ,is found in the fact that the Manchu records speak of him in terms of highest praise.Yet his clan has fallen on evil times.There are now no official represenatives of what was once a great family,nor have there been for many long years.Nothing remains of their ancient grandeur save the lovely cemetery among the hills and a few insignificant villagers bearing the old name.在途经永平府至滦县县城约12英里处有蔡家坟,坐落在小山上,是当地屈指可数的美景。蔡家坟建于约300年前,有白色花岗岩拱门通向墓室,周围是美丽的红色山丘。墓地保存修缮完好。这里有着和英国田园风光类似,这在当地很罕见。蔡氏宗族祖上不止是当地望族,在明朝深受皇帝爱戴。当满人推翻明朝建立清朝,蔡家宣布拥护清朝。这点为当时的正统爱国者所不满。但是在满清记录上却给了蔡家很高评价。蔡家自此也开始衰退。很长一段时间以后没有出现和兴盛时期一样的代表人物。只留下坟墓和一些保留该姓后裔村民记录的曾经的荣耀。
urther down the river stands the kingfisher's altar,or,to give ti its Chinese name,&Tiao Yu T'ai,&a massive column of limestone standing clear away from the face of the hikk some 70 or 80 feet high ,and the home of multitudes of wild pigeons and waterfowl.Lower down still is the K'u Lung Shan(Cavern Hill),a mighty hill riddled with caves and holes of all sizes and shapes .Perched on the side of this hill is a dilapidated temple,which in native tradition has a gruesome interest attached to it because of a tragedy of the common kind,one man hurling the dead body of his murdered enemy over the cliff into the stream belowm,whence it was carried to sea by the swift current.沿河向下,是钓鱼台,约70-80英尺大石柱,这里住着大量鸽子和水禽。再往下是九龙山(是不是九龙山呢?)。由坚硬岩石构成,上面有各种大小的石洞。山的一侧有座残庙,这里发生过一个可怕的事故,就是有人被仇家尸体推下山涧,任其被水冲走。The &Long Wang Miao,&or Dragon King Temple, stands yet nearer to the Imperial railway station at Lanchou.It is a temple of tasteful design though comparatively small and inexpensive.It was built originally to please an ancient emperor .It stands on the hill surmounting the river,and since the main road to YUNG P'ING FU winds round the side of the hill,the,temple has its principal room built over the road ,a miniature tunnel passing underneath its piazza.so pleased was the old emperor when he saw it,hill behind,river before,and people passing beneath his feet as he sat on the verandah above the tunnel,that he at once conferred high dignity on the lucky official who had built it .And there it stands to-day,adding to the beauty of the landscape,if serving no tther useful perpose.龙王庙建在离滦县火车站不远的地方,此庙虽然面积不大,也不奢华却也很考究。该庙最早是为取悦皇帝所造。龙王建在河边的山上,庙下有通往永平府的路。由于其面水背山,下有人行而深受皇帝的喜爱。建造的官员也被奖励。因而此庙也被保留至今。
ut the most conspicuous building on the Lan Ho lies 7 miles west of the city.This is the &Yi Ch'i,miao,&or the temple of Po Yi and Shu Ch'i ,already named in this chapter.This is very fine specimen of Chinese architecture ,erected to commemorate the virtues of the two famous brothers,and honoured above most in that on two separate occasions it was visited by the Emperor of his visits in a stone tablet bearing some of his wen handwriting extolling the conduct of the heroes of YUNG P'ING FU ,or more correctly speaking,the heroes of the Lonely Bamboo Kingdom.The temple stands at the foot of a group of picturesque hills,while the Lan river winds underneath the large wall that encircles the bulildings,making the situation one of great charm.There are no priests resident in this temple ,and while on occasion the officials will visit in state to worship at the dual shrine ,the temple is principally useful in that it provides quarters for a small company of soldiers set to keep the peace of the neighbourhood,In the city itself,just facing the street chapel of the United Methodist Mission ,is a memorial arch erected to the honour of the two brothers ,while a little further along the same street is an insignificant temple built with similar intent.然而沿着滦河最受人瞩目的建筑当属伯夷叔齐庙。该庙建在城西7里远,是中式建筑良好范本。两兄弟故事为世人长久的称道。乾隆帝曾两次造访,并留字以纪念这两位永平府的英雄,或者称孤竹国的英雄。夷齐庙座落在风景如画的山脚下,滦河风吹过,使这里更显迷人。庙里没人居住,偶尔官员来庙祭拜。现在主要由一些部队用于维护当地治安。在城里教堂对面,也有纪念两兄弟的碑及更大的庙。
UNG P'ING FU has historic interests of another kind connected with the overthrow of the Ming dynasty and the establishment of the present Manchu rule.Standing on what was once the main road between Peking and Mukden,here in 1644 was fought one of the fierce battles that helped to place the Manchus in possession of China .General Wu San Kuei ,then commandant at Shan Hai Kuan,had asked the aid of the Manchu soldiers to rid the country of the rebel Li Tse Ch'eng ,little dreaming that once beyond the pass they would not be easily persuaded to go back.The allies met the rebel forces on the banks of the river at YUNG P'ING FU ,and Li Tse Ch'eng sufferde a terrible defeat .Then came the first Manchu emperor ,Shun Chih,through the city,sleeping one night in some inn outside the south gate.But but when he passed he left behind him some of his supporters ,and YUNG P'ING FU to-day has some one hundred families of Manchus living within its walls,descendants of the wild men who followed their prince and shared his fortunes in 1644.永平府在历史上与明朝覆灭满清建立有渊源。永平府地处连接北京与奉天交通线上。公元1644年发生一场决定满清统治中原的战役,山海关总兵吴三桂要求清兵帮助围剿李自成叛乱。梦想着清兵消灭掉李自成后一定会返回。清兵与李自成部永平府河外相遇,李自成大败。自此清太祖得以入关,他曾经过永平府,宿于南门一夜。清太祖走后,有一部分满族人自此留在城中。今天约有100户满族后裔仍居住城中享受着其祖上1644年战役积下的财富。Much of the ancident glory has departed from our city.The coming of the iron horse,passing through Lanchou and Ch'ang Li ,and leaving the prefectural city 12miles away to the nouth among the hills,has robbed her of much of her offcial prestige and business.But nothing can rob her of the records of her past,and many of her quiet old scholars still think proudly of their city as she was thought of in the days of her prime ,and at least one Western&barbarian&has allowed some of her old-world charm to steal into his heart ,and make reflection upon his association with her a matter of constant pleasure.永平府曾经的历史辉煌随时间渐渐远去,以后异族铁蹄踏过12英里外的处于群山之中的滦县和昌黎,继续向北进军,夺走众多财富和生意。但这些却无法摸去古城的历史,及宁静儒雅的令人骄傲的人文。至少古城使得一个来自西方的野蛮人(作者),一见倾心,并以到过此地为荣。


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