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五子棋 基本解释五子棋[wǔ zǐ qí]词典:(日本的)五子棋,联珠棋。词典:五子棋。五子棋 汉英大词典五子棋[wǔ zǐ qí] {计} five-in-a-row五子棋 网络解释1. 1. gobang:其特点: 1.五子棋(Gobang) 这是一套非常传统的棋类游戏,先下成五个棋子连成一线的人获胜 2.黑白棋(Reversi) 这是一套非常普遍的奥赛罗(Othello)棋类游戏,你可以和计算机对打或是和你的朋友对打 3.猜颜色(Guess Color) 这是一套简单好玩的猜颜色游戏,2. 2. five-in-a-row:担任日本多种报刊连珠专栏主笔,是创办社团法人日本连珠社的功臣. 他一直在为连珠棋的普及和发展尽心尽力.
著有<<图解五子棋入门>><><<三手胜五子棋题解>>英文版<<五子棋>>(Five in a Row)等五子棋图书多种.3. 五子棋3. FIVE CHESS:170 MILLIPEDE 迷你昆虫 | 171 FIVE CHESS 五子棋 | 172 COMBAT 特种兵团五子棋 双语例句1. 本文介绍一种会学习玩五子棋的神经网络。&&&&In this paper a neural network that learns to play the board game of five-in-a-row is presented.2. 本文介绍将一个基于强化学习的神经网络用于学习玩五子棋。&&&&In this paper a neural network based on reinforcement learning is presented that learns to play five-in-a-row.3. 可以预测,经过训练的网络可以在商业五子棋比赛中、或是在与一位有经验的玩家的较量中取得较好的成绩。&&&&I t will be shown that the trained network is able to achieve good results against a commercial five-in-a-row program and an experienced human player.4. 此前,自动进行的五子棋的方法是基于较为传统的人工智能技术,比如游戏树搜索方法和记录、分析关键的步骤来分析棋盘某个位置的重要性;但是神经网络的方法从未被用于此类研究。&&&&P revious approaches to automated five-in-a-row playing are based on more conventional AI techniques, such as game tree search methods and storage/analysis of significant situations to evaluate the importance of board positions, but a neural network does not to appear to have been applied to the problem yet.5. 5. 使用神经网络来学习玩五子棋,这样一个想法来自人们玩这个游戏时能够自主地识别棋盘上的特定的位置,并以记忆走过的棋来取得最后的胜利。&&&&T he use of a neural network for playing five-in-a-row is motivated by the fact that a human player implicitly tries to recognize particular patterns of pieces on the board for which he or she remembers sequences of moves to successfully win the game.6. 包括服务器端、客户端的socket编程,五子棋服务器和客户端通信的实现,五子棋判断算法的实现,主界面视图,多媒体播放以及定时器等附加功能的实现。&&&&The thesis have a full touch on server and client socket programming, the communication between server and client was implemented, the algorithm of the five-in-a-row game, the multimedia playback functions.7. 介绍:片刻的休息换来更佳的状态,轻松悠哉的五子棋游戏可以轻易的放松一下心情。&&&&A moment of rest in exchange for a better state of relaxed leisurely game of backgammon can easily relax mood.8. 8. 本文基于J2ME技术,以计算机网络游戏的运行流程为基础,分模块开发一款网络五子棋游戏软件。&&&&The main points of this paper go as follows:(1) The overall system structure.9. 真想和你再下一盘五子棋,然后每每在输了的时候,跳进我的怀中,娇痴着撒赖。&&&&I really want to you again next, then often renju experience in lost, jumped into my arms, JiaoChi SaLai with.10. 这是一款五子棋游戏的源码,是居家必备,论文答辩绝好代码!!!&&&&This is one source of 331 games, is now an essential, the paper reply excellent code!11. 我的妙手连珠五子棋人工智能源代码,具有极高的参考价值。&&&&&&My good blend of witty renju artificial intelligence source code of high reference value.12. 再次强调一下,我们一点都不想插手中国的五子棋政治。&&&&&&Once again, we have no wish to interfer to China renju politics.13. 综上所述,本系统实现了五子棋网络游戏以及游戏的移植。&&&&&&To summarize, the Gobang network gaming and porting have been realized in this system.14. 这是一个经典的五子棋游戏,五子棋冠军的比赛是谁把一个头5石头在横向,纵向或斜行一个接一个。&&&&&&The winner of the game is the one who puts first 5 stones in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row one after another.15. 详细说明:五子棋代码,可以直接运行,是个单机版的小游戏程序。&&&&&&Gobang code, can be directly run, is a stand-alone version of the game procedures.16. 五子棋16. 该运动会包括桥牌、国际象棋、国际跳棋和五子棋项目。在北京智力运动会的发布会上,中国象棋也应邀参加。&&&&&&In the inaugural Mind Sports Games in Beijing, Chinese Chess has also been invited to participate.17. 17. 采用极大极小剪枝的博弈算法实现的五子棋游戏,可以工机对弈、人人对弈,设置棋力。&&&&&&Using Minimax Game pruning algorithm of 331 games, players can work for everyone chessboard, chess set.18. 所以,我们让五子棋进入学校并在青少年中普及。&&&&&&But I saw something written about 5 a row in newspaper, so I started to read.19. 爱玛不遗余力地鼓励父亲娓娓道出这些令人愉快的想法,而且还希望借助一副五子棋,让父亲度过晚上的时光而不感到厌倦,她要把遗憾藏进内心,不愿提起任何不愉快的事,棋桌已经摆好,但是立刻就变得毫无必要,一位客人来造访了。&&&&&&They are to be put into mr.20. 这是一款小品级的五子棋手机游戏!&&&&&&This is a short class Gobang Mobile Game!五子棋是什么意思,五子棋在线翻译,五子棋什么意思,五子棋的意思,五子棋的翻译,五子棋的解释,五子棋的发音,五子棋的同义词,五子棋的反义词,五子棋的例句,五子棋的相关词组,五子棋意思是什么,五子棋怎么翻译,单词五子棋是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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