
Xenogenesis (Original Mix) - TheFatRat - 网易云音乐
Xenogenesis (Original Mix)
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A woman and an engineered man are sent in a gigantic sentient starship to search space for a place to start a new life cycle. Raj decides to take a look around the ship. He comes across a gigantic robotic cleaner. Combat ensues.
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Complete credited cast:
A woman and an engineered man are sent in a gigantic sentient starship to search space for a place to start a new life cycle. Raj decides to take a look around the ship. He comes across a gigantic robotic cleaner. Combat ensues.
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Also Known As: Ксеногенезис
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Sound Mix:
Aspect Ratio: 1.66 : 1
Did You Know?
This is the first film directed by
and was financed by a group of Californian dentists looking for a quick tax write-off. Cameron co-wrote and co-directed it to being able to enter the world of cinema. This happened when he was discovered by . Cameron began as a special-effects supervisor.
[first lines]
They made him, a machine, trained to deliver humanity from the final catacylsm. They built him a machine, the most awesome ship ever constructed, and with a mind of its own. She was raised by a machine, that alone knew the power of love. Together, they searched the wilderness of stars for a place where the cycle of creation could begin again. Xenogenesis - man's ultimate adventure.
Referenced in &(2010)
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User Reviews
A preview to a rising filmmaker
This is quite a cool little film. If, for anything, it's just to see how James Cameron became to be.In Xenogenesis, you can HEAR the sound effects that would later be used in his major debut The Terminator, you can also SEE how the idea of the exosuit in Aliens came to be, and finally you can FEEL the Japanimation-induced inspiration that will become the driving force behind his Battle Angel Alita.Xenogenesis marks Cameron's passion for science-fiction, tragic love tales, and the beginnings of trademarks such as having strong female leads.Don't mind the acting, or the special effects for that matter (of which, are pretty impressive) this film is undeniably interesting for any Cameron fan and worth to track down. It'll bring a smile to your face... and for any of you aspiring filmmakers out there, it just may sway you to get out there and film something!
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You may not use this work for commercial purposes without making specific arrangements with the artist.
Rated 4.59 / 5 stars
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Author Comments
Rated 4 / 5 stars
Great job on this song!
My only controversy to you is the part that starts at 01:25. While I am a huge fan of dubstep, I'm just not a huge fan of barely-pitched dubstep. It just sounds like noise. I do like the percussion, though.
Still, the rest of it is great! I especially love the brass part. It makes the song sound full, if you understand what I mean by that.
Overall, I give this song four stars. You did a great job!
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Rated 5 / 5 stars
dope man :D i feel like i heard this earlier but not on ng...OMG THAT MEANS UR FAMOUS!
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Rated 5 / 5 stars
Easily one of the best songs on newgrounds. Even the trap part everyone seems to hate is good!
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Rated 4 / 5 stars
I found out Xenogenesis was pronounced [?z?.n??.'d??.n?.?sis] (ze-no-JEN-i-sis) and I thought it was [?zi.??.d??.'ni.s?s] (zee-no-juh-NEE-sis) which is a lot cooler :(
Other than that I really liked this song. It gradually builds up to a good drop with brass, of all things. I really like brass but I might be biased as I play the trumpet. The robot fart noises later in were kind of weird, but it resolved later (the little tinny-ish noise as melody helped it). The piano at the end was quite satisfying to hear, for some reason.
Points off for robo-farts, but it was a good song with a good development arc. As a digital music maker (please don't ban me NG) I understand how hard it is to get right. Sometimes it just happens, but usually I have to work really hard and it never really works...
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Rated 5 / 5 stars
No download please tell me that my eyes r playing tricks on me
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Hip Hop - Modern Song
2,640 Listens
3.73 / 5.00
Industrial Song
1,715 Listens
4.65 / 5.00
Dance Song
1,384 Listens
4.53 / 5.00TheFatRat - Xenogenesis (Original Mix). - LOL专用节奏电音 - 主播电台 - 网易云音乐
TheFatRat - Xenogenesis (Original Mix).
LOL专用节奏电音 第43期
介绍: Xenogenesis
介绍: Xenogenesis
杭州乐读科技有限公司运营:Xenogenesis - TheFatRat - 网易云音乐


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