passware kit 破解怎么进入暴力破解

Passware Kit是一个功能极为强大的密码恢复工具合集。Passware Kit包含32个密码恢复模块,支持 Excel、Access、Outlook、Word、WinZip、Windows NT、 Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows 2003、Windows Vista、Acrobat WordPerfect、Lotus Notes、Quicken QuickBooks、Quattro Pro、 Internet Explorer、Outlook Express、ACT、1-2-3、Paradox 等,新版本除加强了对 Windows XP/2000/NT、QuickBooks和Internet Explorer 密码的恢复功能外,还加强了对 MSN Messenger、Google Talk Messenger、Yahoo Messenger 的支持,对微软最新的操作系统 Vista 和 Office 2007 也有很好的支持,尤其是在 Windows Key 恢复模块上体现更为明显,以前使用 Windows Key 创建系统重置光盘映像后,还需要使用第三方刻录软件进行刻录,现在无需使用第三方刻录软件即可完成映像的刻录,为你免去了不少的麻烦,真正实现了映像创建、刻录的一体化。
适合机型:三星Note4,三星Note4 ROM
ROM大小:1370.00 MB
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Passware Kit Standard 2015 v.2
Passware Kit Standard 2015 v.2
12345678910Key Product Features
Highest Speed
Reports all password-protected items on a computer and gains access to these items using the fastest decryption and password recovery algorithms.
Over 250 file types
Instant decryption of BitLocker, TrueCrypt, FileVault2, and PGP hard disks, MS Office documents,
instant recovery of passwords for websites, Windows and Mac users.
hard disk decryption
Instantly decrypts hard disk images with live memory analysis or recovers their passwords with accelerated brute-force attacks.
Recovers passwords for 250+ file types
Including BitLocker, TrueCrypt, FileVault2, and PGP hard disks, MS Office 2016 documents,and providing an all-in-one user interface.
64-bit version
Improved performance while processing thousands of files simultaneously and larger dictionary files
Scans computers for password-protected files
Detects encrypted files, reports encryption strength and decryption complexity
Live Memory Analysis
Recovers passwords for Facebook, Google, and other websites from live memory images or hibernation files
Decrypts hard disks
BitLocker, TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, PGP, FileVault 2, LUKS, Apple DMG
Batch processing
Detects all the encrypted files & hard disc images, reports encryption type and decryption complexity
Hardware Acceleration
Uses multiple-core CPUs, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, Tableau TACC and Guidance TACC2 hardware accelerators
Distributed and Cloud Computing
on both Windows and Linux platforms (Passware Kit Agents should be purchased additionally)
Recovers passwords for Facebook, Google, and other websites from live memory images or hibernation files
Instantly recovers passwords for email, websites and network connections from standalone registry files
Extracts passwords from encrypted Mac keychain files
Provides 10 different password recovery attacks (and any combination of them) with an easy-to-use setup wizard and drag & drop attacks editor
Microsoft Windows Vista, Server 12, or Windows 7/8.x/10 (32-bit or 64-bit) installed and configured on your system
1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
150 MB of free hard disk space (more if you use custom dictionaries)
Passware software supports PC platforms only. However, it can recover passwords for some files created on Macintosh such as FileMaker. You can run Passware products on a Virtual PC or
to unprotect your files.
For Windows Key, a Windows Setup CD (32-bit or 64-bit) is required, as well as a burning CD-RW drive in order to record a password reset CD instead of the USB disk.
To acquire a physical memory image of the target computer using Passware FireWire Memory Imager (used to recover BitLocker, TrueCrypt, PGP, MS Office encryption keys, Windows and Mac user passwords, and website logins), a FireWire cable is required. Both the target computer and the computer used for acquisition should have FireWire (IEEE 1394) ports. A USB flash drive for Passware FireWire Memory Imager should be 8 GB or more.
File Types
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
OpenOffice Documents
Local Administrator on workstation
Other local accounts
Server accounts
Microsoft Live ID accounts
Domain Administrator
Archives (.zip, .7z, .rar, .exe)
MS Outlook (PST, email accounts)
VBA projects (MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
QuickBooks databases
LUKS disk images
Mac keychain files
Windows/Unix/Mac hashes
iTunes mobile backup
Android backups
Android physical images
iOS iCloud backups
iOS iCloud photostreams
MS OneDrive data
Dropbox data
Process multiple files in batches
Support for distributed and Amazon cloud password recovery
Passware Kit Agents included
Automatic updates for the Server and the Agents
160 other file types supported
Password recovery for OS user accounts and websites
Authentication data extraction for iCloud, MS OneDrive, etc
Firewire memory imaging tool
Decryption of hard disk images
Portable version
Automatic software updates
Software Maintenance and Support (SMS) subscription
1 year included, optional subscription
1 year included, optional subscription
Related Products
Download Passware Kit Business 2016 Demo
Demo Limitations
Demo version recovers either the first 3 letters of passwords, or passwords containing no more than 3 characters.
Demo version allows each of the attacks to work for up to 1 minute.
For Windows Administrators, demo version resets a 'Demo12345' password only.
Money Back Guarantee
Passware provides a 30-day Money Back Guarantee when any product does not function as advertised on the web site or in help files.
Passware stands by its products and provides its customers with the most reliable and up-to-date password recovery solutions as well as excellent customer support service.
Refund Policy
Products must be returned within 30 days from the date of their purchase.
Customers are required to produce evidence of the problem, e.g. screenshots, sample files, etc. upon request of Passware Customer Support representative.
Full purchase prices are refunded, excluding shipping costs.
NOTE: For some types of files, such as MS Office
documents, RAR archives, and other types marked as "Brute-force Recovery" in the specifications table, password recovery process is time-consuming. In this case, only the password recovery speed is guaranteed, but the time required to check all the passwords for this file depends on the password settings. Therefore, a long password recovery process is not a reason for a refund. |  |  | 
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> Passware Password Recovery Kit(密码破解套装) V11.1.4002 破解绿色版
Passware Password Recovery Kit(密码破解套装) V11.1.4002 破解绿色版
软件大小:28.74 MB
Passware Password Recovery Kit,世界上最著名的密码破解工具组
如果你不需要用到全部十七种密码恢复软件,你可以只下载所需要的单独 版。请勿将此套程序用于不法用途!
Password Recovery Kit是一个软件包,它包含的软件及这些软件针对的文件类型见下表:
这些软件的运行界面除Windows NT Key 外都相同,使用方法是将要寻找口令的文件用鼠标拖放到软件窗口中
或者单击“More”按钮,在弹出菜单中选择“Browse”命令指定要寻找口令的文件。 软件将很快找到口令并将口令显示在其窗口中。
Password Recovery Kit软件包中的部分软件可以通过在“More”按钮的弹出菜单中选择“Settings”命令启动
“Brute-force Settings”对话框来设定口令的字符范围、长度范围、样式等选项。通过这些选项的设置能够加快软件寻找口令的速度。
Passware Kit Enterprise可以找回各种世界上最受欢迎的办公室应用程序档案失去或忘记密码,
包括Excel、Word、Windows 2003/XP/2K/NT、Lotus Notes、RAR、 WinZip、Access、
支持包括 Office 2003等所有的MS Office软件。Passware Kit 可以为开启档案、
Lotus Notes Key 模式可以为Lotus Notes使用者ID档案找回密码。
ZIP password recovery模式可以在一小时内复原大部分的ZIP密码。
Passware Password Recovery Kit(密码破解套装)V11.1.4002 破解绿色版图片(1/2)
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