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文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&外国网友热议Snake:挑战者就意味着艰难
作者:露西亚&&&发布时间: 12:30:17
& & & &8月27日,2016赛季全球总决赛LPL赛区选拔赛在《英雄联盟》五周年庆狂欢盛典现场掀开战幕。WE战队将迎战刚刚击败了VG的Snake战队,在一边观看这几场精彩赛事的同时,有一些精彩的评论我们也不容错过!快来看看外国网友们都在讨论些什么吧!赛前预测:
& & & & & & & & &&
anniemorellistalker:whoever wins this game is gonna lose the next one
xXbucXx:doenst matter who wins they will stil lose to WE
Jackp0tta:WE will 3-0 against both of them
berry_0489:we waiting to 3-0 the winner
& & & & & & & & & & &
Jopro2410 :SS will throw this game again
Hauyuen :SOFM is god
HoaHoang90 :SofM in Nidalee just a monster
goblibguy01 :To be honest, SOFM would be good in any NA team.
anniemorellistalker :chinese players get paid so much more in china why would they move to na?
HoaHoang90 :Just because Clearlove has experience than SofM doesn't mean he's better than SofM.SofM is now top 20 in Korea Rank, Where is Clearlove, I couldn't find him
xxxxxijs:plz calm down sofm'gay fan
& & & & & & & & & &
ARCTICSALAM : you gotta remember Snake has played 10games already today lol
kuro113 :the reason to lose: Schedule
Hardyakka : who cares about the difficult schedule? it's a gauntlet it's meant to be difficult
jinhjs:Snake all need a break
&&& &&& &&&
S6世界总决赛国外网友热议RNG获胜 那个Uzi回来啦!
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 看完此新闻的心情是外国网友之声:外网友热议林丹VS李宗伟时代收官战
Lee Chong Wei beats Lin Dan to go on to the Mens Singles Finals! self.olympics李宗伟击败林丹挺近羽毛球男子单打决赛!HOLY SHIT WHAT A FUCKING MATCH!!!卧槽,真尼玛碉堡的一场比赛!!![–]vthanhvinh 11 points 6 hours ago&Here is the GIF of Lin Dan 20th point, insane !!!!!!!!&这是林丹第20分的gif图,太疯狂了!! (图大,流量党慎点)[–]Chinaxieeeeeee 52 points 12 hours ago&Three match points saved by Lin Dan but it wasn't enough. That third match point saved was incredible.林丹挽救了3个赛点,但是还不足以赢下比赛。第3个赛点太逆天了。[–]19degreez 26 points 12 hours ago&My god that third match point was the pinnacle of insanity, how on earth did Lin Dan save that point after being so out of position is beyond me.我的天呐,第3个赛点是全盛时期的巅峰水准啊,林丹尼玛怎么在完全失去位置的情况下挽救回这一分的,真是超乎我的想象[–]United Statesthepowerisyours 20 points 11 hours ago&Would you say...Linsanity?可以说这是。。。林疯狂么?[–]Canadafeb914 20 points 10 hours ago&LinDanity.丹疯狂![–]iForgotMyOldAcc 72 points 12 hours ago&Anyone Malaysian will get how big this was. Most of us didn't even expect to see our hero in Rio after losing to Lin Dan in the finals again back in London. The fact that this one was Lin Dan makes this even bigger, it's as if no one can stop him anymore.In our hearts Chong Wei is way overdue for a Gold medal, and to do it at the 3rd time would make it so much sweeter, especially if it becomes our first gold (still hope our Mens Doubles team win it first, of course).What a game.任何马来西亚人都会懂这场胜利意义有多重大。 在伦敦奥运决赛再次输给林丹之后,我们大多数人都没指望我们的英雄还能参加里约奥运。 这场比赛正因为林丹才变得意义更加重大,就像是没有人再能阻止他一样。在我们心中李宗伟早就该拿到一枚金牌了,第3次奥运能实现它会变得更加美妙,特别是这会是我大马历史上首枚奥运金牌(当然了,我仍然希望我们的男双能先赢下金牌)这场比赛太精彩了[–]Canadafeb914 34 points 10 hours ago&anyone who follows badminton knows how big it is. the two biggest name in badminton for the last decade, and finally Lee Chong Wei beat him in the olympics.任何一个关注羽毛球的人都会知道这场胜利的意义,羽毛球过去十年里最重要的2个名字,终于李宗伟在奥运上战胜林丹了。[–]iForgotMyOldAcc 21 points 10 hours ago&Absolutely agreed, if Badminton was any bigger this would be hailed as one of the greatest rivalries ever and movies will be made for this.绝逼同意。如果羽毛球影响力更大的话,他们2人会被吹成世上最伟大的一对宿敌,甚至会有人专门为他们拍一部电影。[–]iVarun 13 points 9 hours ago&Badminton is big at the grassroots level it's just not marketed properly. It's a really popular sport in India and there is China. It doesn't need anyone with these two countries locked in at the base level, yet the sport is even bigger with rest of Asia having great presence.It needs proper modern branding. The base talent pool in badminton would be like 10 times that of swimming at a minimum.羽毛球在草根层面是很流行的,只是没有很好地市场运作化。在印度和中国真的是非常流行的运动,有这两个国家在,基础层面上都不需要别人了,再加上亚洲其余国家的存在就让它影响力更大了。它需要合适的现代包装推广,羽毛球基本的人才储备至少要比游泳多10倍。[–]DenmarkCyanr 4 points 9 hours ago&As a dane I'm rooting for you guys. I remember watching him play last time and it was amazing, really hoping he takes out the chinese wall this time!作为丹麦人,我支持你们大马。我记得上次看过李宗伟的球,太不可思议了。真的希望他这次能战胜中国[–]AllHailCharlye 32 points 11 hours ago&that hug after match, oh boy... greatest rivalry in the history of badminton比赛最后的那个拥抱,天呐。。羽毛球史上最伟大的对手[–]ycnz 10 points 10 hours ago&Yeah, end of an era right there.是的,一个时代的结束[–]MalaysiaCastrumnovum 12 points 10 hours ago&I'm sad that the seemingly eternal rivalry between LCW and Lin Dan is coming to a close.我很伤感,看着李宗伟和林丹的对决走到了尽头[–]DenmarkKongRahbek 12 points 11 hours ago&Truly an amazing match, and you do have Chen Long in the finals, congratulations on that win, I'm a bit bitter Victor Axelsen couldn't play up with him but Long outclassed him.确实是逆天的比赛,李宗伟进了决赛,恭喜他这场胜利。安塞龙没法与他对决让我有点心酸,但是谌龙确实水平比安塞龙更高一筹。[–]RC211V 23 points 11 hours ago*&I think the significance of this win is probably not known to new viewers. This is pretty much THE outcome almost every fan has been waiting for for 8 years, regardless of who they support. Sure many people would prefer LD to win but honestly I don't think there's a single person out there who isn't happy for LCW.我认为这场胜利的重要性对新的观众来说可能是没法理解的。 这可以说是每个球迷等了8年的结果,无论他们支持的是谁。当然很多人都更喜欢林丹赢,但是平胸而论我不认为有人会对李宗伟获胜感到不开心[–]cyn_nyc 2 points 3 hours ago&Huge LD fan here. LCW deserved this for sure and I hope he wins gold.我是林丹的脑残粉,李宗伟绝对配得上胜利,我希望他能拿金牌[–]PREaviation 21 points 12 hours ago&This is so great for LCW, especially after losing to Lin Dan in the finals of the 2012 Olympics. This could be Malaysia's true chance to get their first ever gold haha这对李宗伟来说太棒了,特别是在2012年奥运输给林丹之后。这真的是马来西亚最好的机会来拿下他们史上第一枚金牌。哈哈[–]DenmarkCyanr 7 points 9 hours ago&Just to clarify, Malysia haven't only not won gold in badminton, they've never won gold in the olympics ever.澄清一下,马来西亚不仅没拿过羽毛球金牌,他们也从来没有在奥运上拿过任何金牌。[–]lilbunnyf 9 points 12 hours ago&he got it, at this point he overcame his biggest obstacle in life and neither chen long and viktor axelsen will be able to stop him.李宗伟搞得定的,在此刻他已经战胜了最大障碍,不管是谌龙还是安塞龙都没法阻止他了。[–]RC211V 8 points 12 hours ago&True but I can safely bet a lot of money that he'd prefer to face Axelson lol.没错,但是我可以很放心地打赌,李宗伟更想面对安塞龙,哈哈[–]CanadaKoenig99 3 points 7 hours ago&God that would be so funny if he lost. The entirety of Malaysia would be on suicide watch.天呐,如果李宗伟决赛输了就搞笑了。得担心整个马来西亚都要自杀了。[–]Singaporemarigoldhl 16 points 11 hours ago&This is the best badminton match that I have ever watched in my lifetimeKudos to both, and hope LCW gets gold这是我看过的有生以来最好的羽毛球比赛。为双方点赞,希望李宗伟能拿金牌[–]RC211V 7 points 11 hours ago&You should also watch the 2011 World Championships Finals and 2012 Olympics Finals. I think the 2011 match is the greatest I've ever watched.2006 Asian Games final and 08 Olympics Finals were amazing back then too but they were more shows of domination than close games.你应该还去看看2011年世锦赛决赛,和2012年奥运决赛。我认为2011年那场是我看过的史上最伟大一场比赛。 2006年的亚运决赛和08年的奥运决赛也非常逆天,但那更像是统治力的表演,而不是一场接近的激烈比赛。[–]Skotzie 8 points 9 hours ago&A danish commentator mentioned that Lee Chong Wei's wedding was transmitted live on national television, is that true? Man he must be insanely popular.一个丹麦评论员提到,李宗伟的婚礼都是马来西亚全国直播的,真的吗?天呐,他肯定是超级火啊[–]iForgotMyOldAcc 12 points 9 hours ago&Pretty much. Undisputed best sportsman we have and only one to get medals in the past few Olympics., it wasn't until recently that we actually got someone other than Chong Wei that can win Super Series level competitions.He had Lamborghinis and the Prime Minister attending in his wedding, says a lot really.基本上是这样的。毫无争议地是我大马最好的运动员,过去几届奥运里他是唯一能拿到奥运奖牌的选手。直到最近,我们才终于涌现出李宗伟之外能在超级系列赛级别上赢球的选手。[–]Skotzie 3 points 9 hours ago&Sounds like he's a god in Malaysia. His legacy must have inspired a lot of Malaysian badminton players to follow his footsteps and become professional. You guys have had an amazing badminton tournament here at the Olympics with 3 finals, and 2 potential gold medals yet to win.听起来他在马来西亚就是神一样的存在。 他的历史地位肯定激励了很多马来西亚的羽毛球运动员跟随他的脚步成为职业选手。你们在这届奥运上羽毛球比赛上的表现太牛逼了,有了3次决赛,有2次拿下金牌的可能。[–]iForgotMyOldAcc 3 points 8 hours ago&Absolutely. Unexpected as just months before this we were talking about the lack of a next generation after Chong Wei retires. Our mixed doubles pair was always up there but never major final level, and this mens double pair was relatively new.必须的,这是意料之外的,几个月前我们还在谈论李宗伟之后的下一代缺乏天赋呢。我们的混双一直水平都在,但却从没赢过重大决赛。这次男双组合相对来说是新的一代了。[–]H0m3Wr3ck3r 1 point 2 hours ago&While phelps was flag bearer for USA, LCW was the flag bearer for Malaysia... so that does say a lot about him. He is pretty much on the highest pedestal for Malaysia sportman.菲尔普斯是美国的旗手,李宗伟是马来西亚的旗手。。。这可以看出他的地位了。他可以说是马来西亚最受人尊敬的体育运动员了。
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