reputation 和 renown品牌都有名誉声望的意思,它们的区别是什么?或者说能通用么

fame reputation popularity renown 单词都为名望之意,但有何区别?
fame是指一个人红了.出名了.成名了,名声大震了.是famous的名词形式.有点贬义.比如:She won her overnight fame by her first novel.她的第一部小说一问世,便使她一举成名.She has always been desirous of fame.她...
扫描下载二维码英语fame和 reputation 的用法区别?
famethe state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements 属于比较大的社会名望reputationthe opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past 属于个人的名誉,别人对你的看法,比较小.
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They're gonna want you
They're gonna love you
They're gonna make your dreams come true
They don't know the real you, but
They're gonna steal you, oh
They're gonna take my dreams away
Well you tried, you looked for a way
Of keeping your face, of keeping your face, oh, oh
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) oh, oh
(Who cares what they're whispering?, whispering, whispering)
You know I won't blame you
And I won't defame you, oh
I won't name you in any court of law
Well you tried, you looked for a way
Of keeping your face, of keeping your face, oh, oh
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) oh, oh
(Who cares what they're whispering?, whispering)
They're whispering
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) Baby
(Who cares what they're whispering?, whispering, whispering), ooh, ooh
You leave me to cry again
Well you tried
Baby, you looked for a way, oh
You don't want to change, but
You still change the same, oh
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) oh, oh
(Who cares what they're whispering, whispering?)
They're whispering
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) ooh, ooh
(Who cares what they're whispering, whispering?)
They're whispering
You try and you try again
(Isn't worth the patience)
You leave me to cry again
(Who cares what they're thinking?) Baby
(Who cares what they're whispering?, whispering, whispering)
reputation [,repju'tei??n]
by reputation 由(或通过)名声;由于知名度
have a reputation for something 以某事出名[可用于褒义或贬义]
live up to one's reputation 行为与名声相符,名不虚传
of great reputation 享有盛名的,很有声望的[常作 a man of great reputation]
of no reputation 声名狼藉的
of reputation 有名望的
stab one's reputation 破坏(或伤害)自己的名誉
stab someone's reputation 恶意地破坏某人的名誉
stake one's reputation on 拿名誉打赌
N-COUNT To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it. 名声
Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
N-COUNT Something's or someone's reputation is the opinion that people have about how good they are. If they have a good reputation, people think they are good. 声誉
This college has a good academic reputation.
PHRASE If you know someone by reputation, you have never met them but you have heard of their reputation. 久闻
She was by reputation a good organizer.
good reputation 良好声誉
high reputation 盛誉
reputation for 名声,名气;以…闻名
of reputation 有名望的
business reputation 商业信誉;营业信誉
by reputation 由(或通过)名声;由于知名度
bad reputation n. 坏名声,臭名
reliable reputation 信誉可靠
have a reputation for vt. 出名因(因…而著称);有…的好名声
n. 名声,名誉;声望
credit , name , fame , celebrity , prestige
词根: repute
reputable 声誉好的;受尊敬的;卓越的
reputed 名誉好的;被普遍认为…的
repute 名誉;声望
reputed 认为(repute的过去式和过去分词)
repute 名誉;认为;把…称为
renown, honour, fame, glory, reputation
renown 指远近闻名的声誉。
honour 侧重指因高尚的举止,忠心或诚实而受到公众钦佩和崇敬,得到好名声和荣誉。
fame 普通用词,含义广,一般指好名声,可大可小,可远可近。
glory 指因功绩卓著而获得的令人称颂的光荣或荣誉地位。
reputation 通常指熟悉某人或某地的人对该人、该地的看法,可好可坏。
fame, honor, reputation
fame 是常用词,一般指好的名声。如:He was not anxious for fame.(他并不渴望成名。)
honor 荣誉,尊敬,指受到公众崇敬的荣誉和光荣。如:This is an honor more than I can deserve.(这光荣我受之有愧。)
reputation 名誉,指公众对某人的看法,可好可坏。如:He has a reputation for laziness.(他的懒惰出了名。)
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