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libo39 发表于
先升级技巧吧,圣剑毕竟双修,力量可以先停,前期等级低的时候,技巧先到50,然后是力量到50,同期加一下 ...
公民, 积分 199, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
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锯肉刀近身无脑逼死他 注意自己体力闪躲
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又是一式『隔山打牛』^++++^ y
无视迷迭香及远方的召唤-小宇宙爆发追踪弹 ,
在上层拿了月球运行仪钥匙等一会才爬下梯,(或离开游戏再进入) 在我视频所站位置等一会,
所以杀了也没问题(没过往系列的犯罪记录系统) XD
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11:28:27 来源:i7gg 作者:kojima 编辑:Shy夏夏 
  (★ ---------- NPC支线会在中间插入,先更新主线)
  ★ 扁桃状石头的作用:大教堂出门左转下山,小教堂里有个亚米达拉会抓住你,如果你带着这块石头,就直接传送到噩梦边境,这里将遇到BOSS亚米达拉。
  ★ 一般的打法是,附电纸,先清理第一波小蜘蛛,然后砍BOSS砍到传送。(砍身体两侧)
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
游戏制作:From Software
由Eric M. Lang设计的桌游《血源:卡牌游戏》将在今年9月份正式发售,现在国外玩家David Silva拿到了这款实体版的卡牌游戏,并率先带来了一部开箱评测视频。
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The World of Yharnam
Yharnam is a towering, labyrinthine gothic-architectured city, home to both the Healing Church and the Plague. The Church focuses around healing by infusions of blood. Miraculously, blood healing can repair wounds and cure or hinder diseases. Yharnam's whole culture became focused on blood, even to the point of blood-based drinks surpassing alcoholic beverages as the most commonly consumed. Yharnam's populace is apparently viewed as insane or degenerate by the wider world, and the citizens have become extremely distrustful of non-natives as a result.
The Plague
The most common form of the plague appears to be lycanthropy: Humans slowly turning into wolves. Those in the early stages of the plague have lengthened canine teeth, and grow more hair. As they progress, their arms and legs lengthen and the spine hunches over and the face begins to elongate. Eventually they grow fur and their body finishes the change into a full Lycanthrope. Along with the physical transformation comes a mental degradation: At first the victim assumes all people they don't know are hostile and they'll attack on sight. As the alterations progress, the victim becomes more and more savage and hostile, until it can only stand to be around other exactly like it. Sometimes individuals react str some become unique beasts, and it's rumored that infected Clerics of the Healing Church become great misshapen wolves.The plague seems to be endemic to Yharnam, requiring periodic hunts for those very far gone. The hunters are both respected and feared: They bring down the worst of the beasts, but are at risk of contamination themselves.
The Healing Church
The Healing Church began as an offspring to the Academy teaching, thus their garb is reminiscent of Byrgenwreth student attire. It's point was to worship blood and develop it's healing abilities. Apparently at some point someone brought a vile blood from Byrgenwreth, thus causing a betrayal to Master Willem, this blood became the source of the Plague. Healing Church has two types of Clerics - black ones and white ones. Black ones zealously eradicate plague, often precautionary. They view it as a cancer growth, removing every victim to it, as well as every potential victim. They have become synonymous with the hunt and instill fear into citizens. White ones view plague as an opportunity to learn and develop new cures, often via experimenting on oneself, testing how far one can go without turning into a beast.
The Choir: The leaders of the church, The Choir truly believed they could commune with the Great Ones and learn their Truth. They believed they could ascend to the Cosmos (or at least make contact with it, as implied by the gesture), and it came in a sudden and unexpected realization that perhaps while their feet were rooted to the ground, the cosmos was not immeasurably far away, but right above their heads. Together with Ebrietas, they worked tirelessly to understand the Great One&s Truth.
The Orphanage: Children were abducted from the streets of Yharnam and experimented upon, locked away inside this orphanage to become &brilliant minds.& In fact, they became celestial hosts (the big bulbous headed blue guys).One of them even became a Great One (as indicated by the Celestial Emissary boss), or perhaps was already a Great One that guided them. There is quite a hell of a lot of evidence to suggest that Iosefka is either a member of the Choir or the White-Garbed Hunters (didn&t look closely enough at her garb at the time), which is why she believes that transforming victims sent to her is considered &healing them.& However, this does raise implications as to what exactly you are, since you woke up in her clinic.
圣诗班是教会的领导层,圣诗班深深的相信他们能够与The Great Ones沟通并学习他们的真理。他们相信他们能够追溯至Cosmos(或者至少和它取得联系,&取得联系&的动作给出了暗示),并且突然一种出乎意料的认知产生了:也许他们的双脚被大地束缚,但Cosmos并非无限的遥远,而就在他们的头顶上。他们和伊碧塔斯一起为了理解The Great Ones的真理而不知疲倦的进行着研究工作。
从雅南街头绑架孩童并进行试验的地方。这些孤儿被关在孤儿院中并成为所谓的&伟大的思想者&。实际上他们成为了天庭使者的宿主(大头的蓝精灵)。他们之中的一个甚至成为了Great One(从天庭使者BOSS得到暗示),也或者也许只是受到Great One的指引。有大量证据证明Iosefka(诊所护士)不仅是圣诗班的成员,还是白袍猎人(她穿的是圣诗班一套),这也是为什么她认为她将受害者变成&蓝精灵&的行为是在&治疗他们&。无论如何,关于&自从主角从她的诊所醒来后,主角究竟是什么&的这个疑问一定与Iosefka存在重大关联。
The Great Ones(修正)
The Healing Church has pursued a strange goal for a long, long time. That goal has been hidden from all but the highest of rank among them. To summon or harness the power of the Great Ones, beings not of this world, powerful enough to be seen as gods. They were here, in the labyrinth, long ago. They appear to be much closer than you'd think At Byrgenwerth, men were sent into the labyrinth, and an academy was built to understand the strange discoveries inside, generally called the Truth. It seems the Truth is a terrible thing, slowly breaking the mind of anyone who delves too deeply. Awful things happened at Bygenwerth, and as a result, the church closed off not only the academy, but the entire forest, calling it &forbidden&.
Whether or not the Great Ones are gods is entirely academic. The important thing is: They exist. They have an influence on the world. They appear to be ageless, but they can be killed. Their powers are strange things, often involving teleportation or energy or things that the physical world cannot do. Even perceiving the Great Ones properly requires great amounts of Insight--as Master Willem tried to, to his own cost. The strongest of the Great Ones appears to be the Moon Presence, the creator of the Nightmare the Hunter is trapped within. Others are Oedon, Rom, Mergo, Amygdala, Celestial Emissary, Mother Brain, and Ebrietas.
Oedon, who has transcended to the point he doesn't have a physical body but instead is just a voice and influence. He is very powerful and has become sort of &timeless&, thus potentially making him the most powerful one, yet the most indirect.
Some items' descriptions tell about Great Ones living in &The Dream& and others living in &The Nightmare& (Which is the case of Amygdala whose function is still to be defined, and Mergo's Wet Nurse). Humans have been able to contact them through the use of Phantasm, little invertebrates found in the Labyrinth.
The Great Ones
治愈教会坚定的追求着一个长远的目标。此目标被作为教会的最高等级的秘密而隐藏起来。为了召唤和控制The Grate One的力量,The Grate One并非这个世界的生物,他力量强大到可以被视为神(复数个)的存在。很久以前他们存在于迷宫(雅南地下的迷宫遗址)中。它们似乎比你想象中的还要接近我们,就在拜尔金沃斯,人们进入迷宫探索,并且成立学会来研究迷宫中发现的一切奇怪的东西,这些东西被统称为&真理&。但似乎&真理&是一件很可怕的东西,慢慢的让每一个钻研过深的人心智崩溃。终于可怕的事情在拜尔金沃斯发生了,最后,治愈教会不仅仅封闭了学会,还封锁了整个森林,那个被封锁的地区就叫&禁忌之森&。
The Great Ones到底是不是神,这完全是个学术上的问题。但重要的是:它们是存在的。它们影响着世界。它们似乎是不朽的,但是可以被杀死。它们的力量千奇百怪,经常牵涉到传送,能量,和一些现实世界里做不到的事情。甚至仅仅感知到The Great Ones的存在都需要大量的&灵视&------威廉大师以个人目的这样尝试过。力量最强的The Great One似乎是月神,猎人梦境的创造者。其他的有无形之欧顿,蜘蛛罗姆,梅高,阿米达拉,天庭使者,多眼的大脑,以及伊碧塔斯。
一些物品描述中说到,我们被告知The Grate One居住在&梦境&中,而另一些则居住在&噩梦&中。人类已经能够通过在迷宫中找到的无脊椎生物来和他们联系。(&梦境&类似另一个位面的空间)
Pthumeria and the Pthumerians
Pthumeria was an ancient civilization ruled by Queen Yharnam. It was populated by Pthumerians, an ancient race of people who truly understood the Truth of the Great Ones and gained supernatural powers as a result. Queen Yharnam was a medium for the Great Ones, as cited by an item (saying the Choir discovered a medium, though she&s the only likely candidate). Eventually the Pthumerians retreated into a deep labyrinth, with their holy chalices being the only remnants of their ancient rituals to break the seals. Some chalices (such as the ailing Loran chalice) led to other lands, and the Isz Chalice was in particular used in holy communion with the Great Ones.
苏梅鲁是一个由雅南女王统治的古老文明。那里居住的苏梅鲁人是一支能够真正理解The Great Ones的真理的,获得了超自然力量的古老种族。雅南女王则是The Great Ones的媒介,引用物品说明(物品说明指出圣诗班发现了一个媒介,虽然&她&可能是唯一的候选者)。最后苏梅鲁人退隐至深深的迷宫中,他们的圣杯,也就成为了唯一能够打破迷宫封印的古老仪式遗物。一些圣杯(例如ailing Loran圣杯)通向其他地域,而伊兹大圣杯则是特别的用于和The Great Ones交流沟通的。
Caryll was a member of the Workshop that was able to hear the voice of Oedon, and managed to inscribe his words into runes, which (according to item descriptions) would have made Willem proud because it was power without using blood. While the runes themselves are a singular thing, their descriptions are incredibly varied and moreso tend to tinge the lore here and there with extra information.
The Workshop and the Heretics
In time, a man named Gherman would rise to the task of taking care of the Beast problem. Redesigning his clothes to provide defense against their claws, Gherman also took to creating the Burial Blade, a unique weapon that was made out of Starlite, a metal made from the heavens. He also created the Mercy Blades from the same material, which would later be used by Eileen. Gherman&s work was so admired that his methods and trick weapons would become the basis for all hunter technology in the future. While it doesn&t say specifically, there is a heavy implication that Gherman was hired by the Church of Healing to work in the Workshop, due to his familiarity with it and its location beneath the Healing Church&s cathedral.
Gherman worked in the Workshop presumably until his death. He took many apprentices, who all did his duty in his honor, and may well have died long ago. The bone in the workshop graveyard was one of such apprentices, who had mastered the art of Quickening, allowing his stamina to recover faster and his rolls to function better.
There were others, however. Notably, the Powder Kegs were a group of hunters that tried to make explosive weapons, to varying degrees of success (the Stake Driver, the Rifle Spear, and the Cannon are all such devices). However, due to differences in designs, they were banned from the Workshop, becoming known as Workshop Heretics.
Cainhurst, The Vilebloods, and the Executioners
In Cainhurst Castle, Queen Annalise was a ruler over many nobles and dandies who learned of the Healing Church&s Blood Ministrations. Having little to no scruples, they decided to take their fill of blood where they could find it, and gained a nasty reputation for their habit of hunting down hunters and taking blood dregs, draughts of their blood. Eventually, Annalise became immortal as a result of her vile predations, and an eternal society of vampires was formed in Cainhurst. It was a place of refinement and sophistication, and the occasional beast that arose from the foul practice was dispatched discreetly and with artisanship (as stated in the outfit). Those who served the queen did so out of loyalty, fear, and an unending desire to taste her blood, and settled with various Caryll runes that improved Visceral Attacks as a cheap substitute (as described in the rune&s texts). Queen Annalise hoped desperately one day to bear a true heir, and dubbed this the Child of Blood, which she sought to have at all costs. She sent her Vilebloods to hunt for her, and all hoped that, with enough blood dregs, she could birth a Child of Blood.
However, the Healing Church took these practices as an affront, and Master Logarius founded the E battle-thirsty zealots looking to kill Vilebloods at all costs. Eventually they stormed Cainhurst, killing everyone so violently their spirits linger on to this day. However, Logarius martyred himself in order to prevent the quee he sent his Executioners away and sat upon a throne where he could forever keep guard. It is said that only one with the crown of illusions could see the entrance to the queen&s lair, and Logarius donned this crown that none could ever see it.
Eileen the Crow, Hunter of Hunters
In time, hunters needed to receive blood ministrations in order to compete with the beasts they hunted, as a kind of all-or-nothing gamble. However, many hunters would fail, and become obsessed with, infected by, and eventually overcome by the blood, becoming beasts themselves. For this, the Hunter of Hunters did their duty, ending the lives of these madmen with grace and dignity. Eileen&s set says that they were buried in a foreign and respectful way, rather than the vile way of Yharnam (which I assume is cremation on a pyre or cross), and references a sky burial (which is a practice in which a body is dismembered and left out for the carrion birds, such as a crow, to eat). However, there is one interesting note: it says that the hope for the sky burial is that the hunters would find rest and solace in &a hunter&s dream.& This leads me to some fairly open-ended speculation, but I need to start with the Red Moon and the Umbilical Cords.
The Red Moon(待修正)
The Red Moon is a nightmare. The servants of Amygdala are fully powered, the beasts are more ravenous, and the children of Amygdala are visible. In this nightmare, the world reveals the eldritch abominations it has been truly hiding. As a result, everything gets worse, and the character sees the world as they would if they had amassed 40 insight. Unfortunately, by killing Rom, you usher in the Red Moon, which I believe to be the coming of Oedon. I do not think Oedon is the Moon Presence, but he very well could be. Regardless, this leads to my other point
The Umbilical Cords
While this presents a weird part of the story, it is a known fact that 75% of the game&s umbilical cords can be found on women or children. During the Red Moon, Iosefka&s dialogue suggests that she has become pregnant, and Arianna gets pregnant as well. You also find a cord from defeating Mergo&s Wet Nurse. To me, this implies that on the Red Moon, Oedon impregnates all able-bodied women not protected by incense or inside. (But Arianna was INSIDE the chapel, which had INCENSE protecting it) Because the Great Ones always lose a child on the Red Moon (though the reason is not necessarily stated, maybe Hunters?), it seems to be that the Great Ones impregnate women to have surrogate children.
However, this reveals another truth about the game that previously eluded me: the other cord you find is in the Workshop, very near the doll
脐带是剧情中的疑点,众所周知,75%的脐带都可以被从女性和孩子身上找到。红月时,losefka(诊所护士)的对话暗示了她怀孕了,Arianna(妓女)也怀孕了。在打败梅高的奶妈后也能获得脐带。对于我来说,这暗示着红月之时,欧顿使所有那些可能的女性怀孕,包括那些未被香薰保护的女性。(但是Arianna在小教堂里被香薰保护着)由于红月之时The Great Ones总是会失去他的孩子(也许是因为猎人的猎杀?虽然这不是必然的原因),似乎The Great Ones为了寻找自己子嗣的替代品而让所有可能的女性怀孕。
D.该隐赫斯特(保守):希望通过欧顿的堕落之血获得不朽,永生,女王希望获得足够的血之沉淀来诞生她自己的子嗣,仅此而已?(安于现状,懂的满足才是幸福 = =)
E.教会下层(保守中的无知):教会的执行层,传教,血疗,欧顿的堕落之血造成了&兽灾&(执行层的人不需要知道太多 = =)
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