
百万手环(メガリング、Mega Ring)是之一,初登场于第六世代的游戏中。
Y打败道馆训练家コルニ后,コルニ赠送。查看: 23196|回复: 14
最后登录在线时间600 小时UID502705阅读权限50积分903精华3蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 903, 距离下一级还需 297 积分
蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
本帖最后由 thestarking 于
11:49 编辑
1#&&版本限定精灵列表 & 孵蛋大道 & 神兽入手指南 & Mega石头入手文字说明
Omega Rubby
备注140 化石盔 化石 141 镰刀盔 化石250 凤王
273 橡实果
274 长鼻叶
275 狡猾天狗 303 大嘴蛙 335 猫鼬斩 338 太阳岩
383 古拉顿 410 盾甲龙 化石 411 护城龙 化石 422无壳海牛西海版 423 海牛兽西海版 484 帕鲁基亚
538 投射鬼
566 始祖小鸟 化石567 始祖大鸟 化石641 龙卷云
643 雷西拉姆
690 毒海马
691 毒海马龙
Alpha Sapphire
备注138 菊石兽化石 139 多刺菊石兽 化石249 洛基亚
270 莲叶童子
271 莲帽小童
272 乐天河童 302 勾魂眼 336 饭勺蛇 337 月亮岩
382 海皇牙 408 头盖龙 化石 409 战槌龙 化石 422无壳海牛东海版 423 海牛兽东海版 483 迪亚鲁加
539 打击鬼
564 原盖海龟 化石565 肋骨海龟 化石642 雷电云
644 捷克罗姆
692 小钳炮虾 693 钳炮虾
Cave of Origin&&原始之窟
在剧情中被唤醒之后,在原始之窟的最深处与封面神兽对战!其携带原始回归所需的Red/Blue Orb 红/蓝珠宝
古拉顿 LV45
喷烟 睡觉 地震 断崖之刃
断崖之刃(新大招)属性 地面 威力120 命中85
海皇牙 LV45
压制 液态圈 冰冻光线 原始波动
原始波动(新大招)属性 水 威力110 命中85
沙漠之墓 (111道路)
压路 诅咒 原始力量 铁壁
小岛洞窟 道路105(冲浪)
压路 诅咒 原始力量 超级健忘
远古之墓(水静市以西 120道路)
铁壁 诅咒 原始力量 超级健忘
二周目Delta之章的高潮部分,会来到天柱顶端,与迷之龙族少女Zinnia唤醒烈空座。烈空座吃下你持有的陨石,并拒绝成为Zinnia的精灵,并开始与你战斗。必需捕获才可以继续剧情,捕获之后,需要向自己的箱子中传送一只精灵,保证烈空座在队伍中。Zinnia教学烈空座 Dragon Ascent(暂译作飞龙在天)并与你对战。
飞龙在天:新大招 属性飞行,威力120,命中100,使用后下降两防一级
在岩洞内,会遇到火系馆主 亚莎,她在寻找一只精灵。来到洞窟最深处会有一个传送门,可以遇到火钢兽
在琉璃市附近翱翔时,可以发现无名洞穴。调查传送门,即可与三圣菇之一发生战斗。与圣菇的对战是根据训练师ID特定的某小时为起点的8小时一周期。另一说法是黄圣菇每晚20:00-21:00 蓝圣姑21:00到凌晨3:59,红圣菇是凌晨4:00到晚上19:59。这一时间还有待最终确认
大地之力 波导弹亚空切裂水压
大地之力 波导弹时间咆哮光栅加农
精灵 地点 大针蜂 紫堇海:完成废船剧情后捡取 比雕 在绿荫镇帮小女孩找到在城中告示板后面躲藏的蘑蘑菇后得到奇妙石,向得文(天力00)公司跟社长Mr.Stone展示后入手 呆河马 浅滩洞穴中替老人收集4+4浅滩道具后得到空贝铃同时赠送 大钢蛇石之洞窟 蜥蜴王/火焰鸡/巨沼怪初始选择对应:120号道路吊桥上,触发变隐龙剧情后,入手侦测镜,同时大吾还会给与初始精灵相对应的Mega石其余两个未选择的御三家114路老人,1500元*2可以购得& & 勾魂眼琉璃市觉醒祠堂右边 喷火驼OR/巨牙鲨AS Delta之章剧情 熔岩团/水舰队秘密基地处赠送 巨牙鲨OR/喷火驼石AS 战斗边疆前剧情赠送 七夕青鸟 带上七夕青鸟到水静市找某男子,向他展示七夕青鸟后入手 冰鬼护 浅滩洞穴深处(退潮时) 血翼飞龙 Delta章后到流星瀑布下与Zinnia的祖母对话入手 巨金怪 配信赠送/二周目挑战联盟打败大吾后入手 拉帝亚斯AS/拉迪欧斯OR 得到5个徽章后触发剧情,随着大吾前往南方小岛,PM进入队伍时自身携带,同时得到mega手环 拉迪欧斯AS/拉帝亚斯OR与妈妈对话获得裂空座 无需Mega石头,学会Dragon Acsent即可,忘掉后无法Mega进化 长耳兔 紫堇市二楼住宅居帮助西装男后再次对话后入手 艾路雷朵 Delta之章后:秋叶镇跟索蓝斯博士对话后入手 塔布奈 对战边疆救起了失忆的国际刑警Handsome后,在小屋再次对话后入手 钻石公主 将XY的公主传送过来,放在首位进入任意精灵中心触发剧情获得
精灵 地点 妙娃花 119路小屋前的长草 X喷 烟突山底部的热炎小径 Y喷 120道路 干旱洞窟 水箭龟 破浪号(前往对战开拓区的船)甲板上 胡地 凯那市市集(据说只有晚上?) 耿鬼石 对战开拓区 袋龙 暮水镇 大甲 124水道(需要潜水) 暴鲤龙 123路有钓鱼达人的屋中,土狼犬的嘴中&&化石翼龙 流星瀑布 X梦 完成一周目神兽剧情后,初始城镇博士研究所旁 Y梦 精灵联盟外 电龙 新紫堇(发电厂)巨钳螳螂石 橙华森林 赫拉克罗斯 127水道的沙滩上 黑鲁加 釜炎镇温泉下方 班吉拉 烟突山山腰-凹凸山道 火焰鸡 选择小火鸡120道路大吾剧情;非选择:114道路 老人1500元买到 沙奈朵 完成一周目神兽剧情后,绿荫镇,小光家中小光的姐姐赠送大嘴娃 117号道路 靠近绿荫镇的花圃下 波士可多拉 卡绿隧道里用碎岩帮助情侣相会后,格斗男子赠送 恰雷姆 送神火山坟场顶楼 落雷兽 获得自行车后,110号路自行车道下方 诅咒娃娃 送神火山山顶 灾兽 狩猎区:需要自行车 路卡利欧 称霸华丽大赛后,再跟露琪亚比一场华丽大赛并取得优胜后,某爱慕露琪亚的高富帅赠送==地龙 超级秘密基地中,取得白金奖章后到茵郁市找秘密基地专Aarune对话后获得==好费事暴雪王 123路树果名人之家花园
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The Star King——Tim-FSK-Flying
最后登录在线时间600 小时UID502705阅读权限50积分903精华3蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 903, 距离下一级还需 297 积分
蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
本帖最后由 thestarking 于
12:04 编辑
It’s extremely friendly toward you. It couldn’t possibly love you more. It’s a pleasure to see!& & & & 250+
It seems to be very happy. It’s obviously friendly toward you.& & & & 200-249
It’s quite friendly toward you. It seems to want to be babied a little.& & & & 150-199
It’s getting used to you. It seems to believe in you.& & & & 100-149
It’s not very used to you yet. It neither loves nor hates you.& & & & 50-89
It’s very wary. It has a scary look in its eyes. It doesn’t like you much at all.& & & & 1-49
This is a little hard for me to say... Your Pokémon simply detests you. Doesn’t that make you uncomfortable?& & & & 0
Move Reminder
Location: Fallarbor Town
The Move Reminder is arguably the most important Move Tutor in the game. This guy, located in the house in the north-west of Fallarbor Town, will teach your Pokémon any move that is in its level up move list. In addition to that, if the Pokémon hatched from an Egg with an egg move, was caught with an Egg move using the DexNav, or is an event Pokémon with specific moves exclusive to that event, the Pokémon will be able to relearn that move if it has forgotten it. The Move Reminder does this for the simple price of 1 Heart Scale.
Move Deleter
Location: Lilycove City
The Move Deleter is located within the top part of Lilycove City and will gladly delete a move for you. Normally, all moves can be overwritten, but this is incredibly useful if you're trying to delete an HM from a Pokémon, which is common in Hoenn due to there being more HMs in this region.
Secret Base Avatar Changer
Location: Fortree City
In the Super Secret Base Guild in the bottom-right of the town, you will find this Pokémon Ranger. Speak to her and she'll ask you what people say you look like. If you disagree with her first question, you can then decide what you look like. This will be the avatar of your character that appears in your Super Secret Base when it is sent out via StreetPass or QR Code.
Male& & & & Female
Ace Trainer& & & & Aroma Lady
Rich Boy& & & & Ace Trainer
Swimmer& & & & Lady
Black Belt& & & & Delinquent
Guitarist& & & & Schoolkid
Poké Maniac& & & & Poké Fan
Street Thug& & & & Expert
Schoolkid& & & & Battle Girl
Poké Fan& & & & Hex Maniac
Expert& & & & Beauty
Ninja Boy& & & & Picnicker
Pokémon Breeder& & & & Pokémon Breeder
Camper& & & & Lass
Hiker& & & & Fairy Tale Girl
Pokémon Ranger& & & & Pokémon Ranger
IV Checker
Location: Battle Resort
In the Pokémon Center is the special IV Judge. This man will tell you the best of your Pokémon's stats, in fact telling you multiple stats this time. In addition to that, he will rate the overall potential your Pokémon has, giving a rating of all of the IVs of the Pokémon.
Secret Base Team
Location: Secret Base
In your Secret Base, you can recruit various people from other bases to be a part of your team. Once a day, you can have them perform a special skill. These Secret Skills are free and are powered up in their strength as you rank up.
Masages: One of the special skills is the ability to have your Pokémon massaged
Egg Nurturing: One of the special skills is the ability to make Eggs hatch quicker
Level Up: Some Secret Pals will raise your Pokémon's level
Decorations: You can receive various decorations from your Secret Pals
Move Reminder
Location: Fallarbor Town
The Move Reminder is arguably the most important Move Tutor in the game. This guy, located in the house in the north-west of Fallarbor Town, will teach your Pokémon any move that is in its level up move list. In addition to that, if the Pokémon hatched from an Egg with an egg move, was caught with an Egg move using the DexNav, or is an event Pokémon with specific moves exclusive to that event, the Pokémon will be able to relearn that move if it has forgotten it. The Move Reminder does this for the simple price of 1 Heart Scale.
Move Deleter
Location: Lilycove City
The Move Deleter is located within the top part of Lilycove City and will gladly delete a move for you. Normally, all moves can be overwritten, but this is incredibly useful if you're trying to delete an HM from a Pokémon, which is common in Hoenn due to there being more HMs in this region.
Fire Pledge, Water Pledge, Grass Pledge
Location: Mauville City
Located on the right hand part of Mauville City's shopping is a move tutor. This tutor will teach one of the pledge moves to any of the starter Pokémon from any region.
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect
Grass Pledge& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & Does damage. Can be combined with the other Pledge moves
Fire Pledge& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & Does damage. Can be combined with the other Pledge moves
Water Pledge& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & Does damage. Can be combined with the other Pledge moves
Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon
Location: Mauville City
Also located on the right hand part of Mauville City's shopping is another move tutor. This tutor will teach one of the elemental beam moves to any of the fully evolved starter Pokémon from any region.
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect
Frenzy Plant& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 150& & & & 90& & & & User cannot attack on the next turn.
Blast Burn& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 150& & & & 90& & & & User cannot attack on the next turn.
Hydro Cannon& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 150& & & & 90& & & & User cannot attack on the next turn.
Secret Sword, Relic Song
Location: Mauville City
In the south-western part of Mauville City is a small café. Within this café, you will find this character who will teach moves to two specific Pokémon. He will teach Secret Sword to Keldeo, causing it to instantly change form, or Relic Song to Meloetta.
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect
Secret Sword& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 85& & & & 100& & & & The user cuts with its long horn. The odd power contained in the horn does physical damage to the target.
Relic Song& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & The user sings an ancient song and attacks by appealing to the hearts of those listening. It may also induce sleep.
Draco Meteor
Location: Sootopolis City
In the north-eastern part of Sootopolis City is a house with this elderly gentleman within it. If you speak to him with a Dragon-type Pokémon of high happiness, he will teach it the special move, Draco Meteor.
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect
Draco Meteor& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 130& & & & 90& & & & Comets are summoned down from the sky. The attack's recoil sharply reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Dragon Ascent
Location: Meteor Falls
After completing the Delta Episode, when you return to Meteor Falls, you will find Zinnia's grandmother right in the middle of the first floor. Speak to her, and she says she'll be happy to teach your Rayquaza the special move, Dragon Ascent, if it has previously forgotten it. Rayquaza needs to know Dragon Ascent to Mega Evolve.
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect
Dragon Ascent& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 120& & & & 100& & & & After soaring upward, the user attacks its target by dropping out of the sky at high speeds, although it lowers its own Defense and Sp. Def in the process.
Battle Resort - Tutor #1
Location: Battle Resort
In the Battle Resort, west of the Pokémon Center, there are four small shacks, each of them housing a special tutor. These Move Tutors will teach your Pokémon various moves in exchange for BP earned in the Battle Maison. The first tutor from the left teaches the following
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect& & & & Price
Bind& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & 15& & & & 85& & & & Things such as long bodies or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the target for four to five turns.& & & & 4 BP
Snore& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 50& & & & 100& & & & An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.& & & & 4 BP
Water Pulse& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & 60& & & & 100& & & & The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. It may also confuse the target.& & & & 4 BP
Shock Wave& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & 60& & & & --& & & & The user strikes the target with a quick jolt of electricity. This attack cannot be evaded.& & & & 4 BP
Bug Bite& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & 60& & & & 100& & & & The user bites the target. If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect.& & & & 4 BP
Covet& & & & & & & & & & & & 25& & & & 60& & & & 100& & & & The user endearingly approaches the target, then steals the target's held item.& & & & 4 BP
Low Kick& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier targets.& & & & 8 BP
Signal Beam& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & The user attacks with a sinister beam of light. It may also confuse the target.& & & & 8 BP
Giga Drain& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.& & & & 8 BP
Thunder Punch& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & The target is punched with an electrified fist. It may also leave the target with paralysis.& & & & 8 BP
Fire Punch& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & The target is punched with a fiery fist. It may also leave the target with a burn.& & & & 8 BP
Ice Punch& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.& & & & 8 BP
Drain Punch& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 75& & & & 100& & & & An energy-draining punch. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.& & & & 8 BP
Knock Off& & & & & & & & & & & & 25& & & & 65& & & & 100& & & & The user slaps down the target's held item, preventing that item from being used in the battle.& & & & 12 BP
Super Fang& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & 90& & & & The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the target's HP to half.& & & & 12 BP
Dual Chop& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 40& & & & 90& & & & The user attacks its target by hitting it with brutal strikes. The target is hit twice in a row.& & & & 12 BP
Endeavor& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & An attack move that cuts down the target's HP to equal the user's HP.& & & & 16 BP
Battle Resort - Tutor #2
Location: Battle Resort
In the Battle Resort, west of the Pokémon Center, there are four small shacks, each of them housing a special tutor. These Move Tutors will teach your Pokémon various moves in exchange for BP earned in the Battle Maison. The second tutor from the left teaches the following
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect& & & & Price
Uproar& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 90& & & & 100& & & & The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. Over that time, no one can fall asleep.& & & & 8 BP
Iron Tail& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 100& & & & 75& & & & The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.& & & & 8 BP
Bounce& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 85& & & & 85& & & & The user bounces up high, then drops on the target on the second turn. It may also leave the target with paralysis.& & & & 8 BP
Drill Run& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 80& & & & 95& & & & The user crashes into its target while rotating its body like a drill. Critical hits land more easily.& & & & 8 BP
Iron Head& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & The user slams the target with its steel-hard head. It may also make the target flinch.& & & & 8 BP
Zen Headbutt& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 80& & & & 90& & & & The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. It may also make the target flinch.& & & & 8 BP
Aqua Tail& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 90& & & & 90& & & & The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.& & & & 12 BP
Dragon Pulse& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 85& & & & 100& & & & The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user's gaping mouth.& & & & 12 BP
Seed Bomb& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled seeds down on the target from above.& & & & 12 BP
Heat Wave& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 95& & & & 90& & & & The user attacks by exhaling hot breath on the opposing team. It may also leave targets with a burn.& & & & 12 BP
Last Resort& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 140& & & & 100& & & & This move can be used only after the user has used all the other moves it knows in the battle.& & & & 12 BP
Hyper Voice& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 90& & & & 100& & & & The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.& & & & 12 BP
Foul Play& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 95& & & & 100& & & & The user turns the target's power against it. The higher the target's Attack stat, the greater the damage.& & & & 12 BP
Earth Power& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 90& & & & 100& & & & The user makes the ground under the target erupt with power. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def.& & & & 12 BP
Outrage& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & 120& & & & 100& & & & The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.& & & & 16 BP
Superpower& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 120& & & & 100& & & & The user attacks the target with great power. However, it also lowers the user's Attack and Defense.& & & & 16 BP
Gunk Shot& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 120& & & & 80& & & & The user shoots filthy garbage at the target to attack. It may also poison the target.& & & & 16 BP
Sky Attack& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & 140& & & & 90& & & & A second-turn attack move where critical hits land more easily. It may also make the target flinch.& & & & 16 BP
Focus Punch& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & 150& & & & 100& & & & The user focuses its mind before launching a punch. It will fail if the user is hit before it is used.& & & & 16 BP
Battle Resort - Tutor #3
Location: Battle Resort
In the Battle Resort, west of the Pokémon Center, there are four small shacks, each of them housing a special tutor. These Move Tutors will teach your Pokémon various moves in exchange for BP earned in the Battle Maison. The third tutor from the left teaches the following
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect& & & & Price
Block& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user blocks the target's way with arms spread wide to prevent escape.& & & & 8 BP
Skill Swap& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.& & & & 8 BP
Synthesis& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.& & & & 8 BP
Role Play& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user mimics the target completely, copying the target's natural Ability.& & & & 8 BP
Pain Split& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user adds its HP to the target's HP, then equally shares the combined HP with the target.& & & & 8 BP
Gastro Acid& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & The user hurls up its stomach acids on the target. The fluid eliminates the effect of the target's Ability.& & & & 8 BP
Worry Seed& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & A seed that causes worry is planted on the target. It prevents sleep by making its Ability Insomnia.& & & & 8 BP
Spite& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.& & & & 8 BP
After You& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user helps the target and makes it use its move right after the user.& & & & 8 BP
Helping Hand& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user assists an ally by boosting the power of its attack.& & & & 8 BP
Trick& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & 100& & & & The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.& & & & 8 BP
Recycle& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.& & & & 8 BP
Snatch& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user steals the effects of any healing or stat-changing move the opponent attempts to use.& & & & 8 BP
Magic Coat& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & --& & & & --& & & & A barrier reflects back to the target moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status.& & & & 8 BP
Magnet Rise& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns.& & & & 8 BP
Iron Defense& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.& & & & 8 BP
Battle Resort - Tutor #4
Location: Battle Resort
In the Battle Resort, west of the Pokémon Center, there are four small shacks, each of them housing a special tutor. These Move Tutors will teach your Pokémon various moves in exchange for BP earned in the Battle Maison. The fourth tutor from the left teaches the following
Name& & & & Type& & & & Cat.& & & & PP& & & & Att.& & & & Acc.& & & & Effect& & & & Price
Heal Bell& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon.& & & & 8 BP
Tailwind& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind that ups the Speed of all party Pokémon for four turns.& & & & 8 BP
Magic Room& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.& & & & 8 BP
Wonder Room& & & & & & & & & & & & 10& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.& & & & 8 BP
Stealth Rock& & & & & & & & & & & & 20& & & & --& & & & --& & & & The user lays a trap of levitating stones around the opponent's team. The trap hurts opponents that switch into battle.& & & & 8 BP
Gravity& & & & & & & & & & & & 5& & & & --& & & & --& & & & Gravity is intensified for five turns, making moves involving flying unusable and negating Levitate.& & & & 8 BP
Electroweb& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 55& & & & 95& & & & The user captures and attacks opposing Pokémon by using an electric net. It reduces the targets' Speed stat.& & & & 8 BP
Icy Wind& & & & & & & & & & & & 15& & & & 55& & & & 95& & & & The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also reduces the targets' Speed stat.& & & & 12 BP
Location: Cave of Origin
The main Legendary Pokémon in the games are found within the Cave of Origin as you go through the story. After being awakened on the Seafloor Cavern, the legends will be found in the deepest part of the Cave of Origin. When you battle them, they will Primal Revert to their Primal forms automatically. As such, when captured, they come holding their orbs. Groudon is found in Omega Ruby and Kyogre is found in Alpha Sapphire.
Hold Item:
Lava Plume
Precipice Blades
Hold Item:
Origin Pulse
The Regi trio have got the same legwork to activate. Before the three locations become available to you you must have a Relicanth and Wailord as well as a Pokemon with Dig and Dive. On Route 134 you must take the correct path through the currents to the patch of water you can Dive in. Once below folow the path up to the Braille inscription and resurface. Go to the next inscription and use Dig. Make Relicanth the 1st of your party and Wailord the 6th, then read that inscription. Three earthquakes will trigger and open passages on each respective route.
Regirock is found in the Desert Tomb, which is at the bottom of the desert in Route 111. Scribed on the walls inside is a message like the ones on Route 134: go right twice, down twice (best use the D-Pad for this) and then use Strength and the door to Regirock should appear. It's at Level 40, so be prepared.
Ancient Power
Iron Defense
Regice is hiding out in Island Cave, which is on a small reef on the west part Route 105, requiring Surf to gain access. Once inside, you will find a message in braille telling you to wait. After two minutes the door opens and Regice can be fought.
Ancient Power
Registeel is the last of the three, found west of Lilycove in Route 120's Ancient Tomb. The answer to this riddle to is use Fly in the middle of the room. Doing so will expose Registeel.
Ancient Power
Iron Defense
Once you have the three Regis, you can unlock Regirock, Regice and Registeel. The method to get this is rather complicated. In Pacifidlog Town, in the north-eastern house, a girl will tell you stories her grandfather told her. At random, she will tell you a part of the story about how to get Regigigas. This involves location and the other features. Take all three of the Pokémon to the Island Cave, and make Regice hold a frozen item such as CasteliaCone, Snowball or Never-Melt Ice, and have Regice have a nickname, and Regigigas will challenge you
Ability:& & & & Slow Start
Wide Guard
Zen Headbutt
As you progress through the Delta Episode, you will eventually come to a climax which has you and Zinnia reach the top of Sky Pillar and awaken Rayquaza. Rayquaza eats your meteorite and refuses to accept Zinnia as its protector, and instead wishes to challenge you. It's at Level 70 and requires capture to proceed. It also will require you to send a Pokémon back to your box from your team. Immediately after capturing it, Zinnia teaches it Dragon Ascent and challenges you to a battle. It can Mega Evolve without holding a Mega Stone, but needs to know Dragon Ascent to do so.
After defeating Zinnia with Rayquaza, you will then go up in space in order to defeat the asteroid which is heading towards the planet. Doing so has Rayquaza Mega Evolve and destroy the asteroid. However, from the remnants comes the black triangle which opens up and unleashes Deoxys, who challenges you. It is at Level 80 and your Rayquaza starts out Mega Evolved, so you cannot Mega Evolve any other Pokémon in the battle.
After the Delta Episode, when you go to Sea Mauville, you can hunt for the Scanner in the basement. When found, if you take it to Captain Stern in Slateport City, he will give you a key item. This item is the Clear Bell in Omega Ruby and the Tidal Bell in Alpha Sapphire. Take the bells to Sea Mauville and they will start to resonate, on the deck in Omega Ruby and in the underwate basement in Alpha Sapphire. This causes a portal to appear. Interact with it and Ho-Oh will appear in Omega Ruby, and Lugia will appear in Alpha Sapphire.
After the Delta Episode, when you go into Scorched Slab, you will encounter Flannery who exclaims that she is looking for a Pokémon that is said to be found within it. Traverse to the bottom of the cave and you will find another portal. Interact with the portal and you will get challenged by Heatran
Mirage Spot Pokémon
When you're Soaring in the Sky, you will sometimes notice random islands and areas having a star hover over them, or actually be in the sky. These Mirage Spots contain various Legendary Pokémon and can only be accessed by soaring. In addition to that, some only appear when certain requirements have been met.
Location: Nameless Cavern (Near Sootopolis City)
Additional Requirements: None
When Soaring around by Sootopolis City, you will discover a very small area called the Nameless Cavern. Inside the cave in the area, you will note a familiar pattern on the ground and a portal. Interact with the portal and Uxie, Mesprit or Azelf will challenge you. The rest will appear after a certain amount of time has passed.
Future Sight
Lucky Chant
Future Sight
Future Sight
Nasty Plot
Location: Soaring in the Sky (South of Dewford Town)
Additional Requirements: Azelf, Mesprit & Uxie in your team
If you have Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit in your team while you're Soaring in the Sky, when you near Dewford Town, you will discover a large tear in the Space-Time Continuum. As you approach the tear, you will be asked if you wish to enter. If you do, then Palkia will attack in Omega Ruby, and Dialga will attack in Alpha Sapphire
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Hold Item:
Earth Power
Aura Sphere
Spacial Rend
Hydro Pump
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Hold Item:
Earth Power
Aura Sphere
Roar of Time
Flash Cannon
Location: Soaring in the Sky (South of Dewford Town)
Additional Requirements: Dialga & Palkia in your team
If you return to the same area as above with Dialga and Palkia in your team while you're Soaring, then the tear in the space-time continuum will return. Fly into it and this time you will be challenged by Giratina
OT:& & & & Yours
ID:& & & & Yours
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Hold Item:
Aura Sphere
Shadow Claw
Shadow Force
Location: Pathless Plain (Near Pacifidlog Town)
Additional Requirements: None
When Soaring around by Pacifidlog Town, you will discover a large island called the Pathless Plain. When you land, you will find a small path to a peninsula where a portal is standing. Interact with the portal and Virizion, Terrakion and then Cobalion will challenge you. The rest will appear after a certain amount of time has passed.
Giga Drain
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Location: Fabled Cave (South-east of Mauville City)
Additional Requirements: None
When Soaring around, you may discover a small area near Mauville City which has a star above it. This is the Fabled Cave and inside the cave you will find another portal. In it, you will encounter Reshiram in Omega Ruby or Zekrom in Alpha Sapphire.
Dragon Breath
Fusion Flare
Dragon Breath
Zen Headbutt
Fusion Bolt
Location: Gnarled Den (Near Fallarbor Town)
Additional Requirements: Reshiram & Zekrom on team
When Soaring in the Sky, if you have both Reshiram and Zekrom in your team, then a new area will open up. This area can only be accessed when both Pokémon are in your team. This area is located behind Mt. Chimney and is known as the Gnarled Den. Inside, you will find a portal that has Kyurem in. In addition to that, if you use the Dowsing Machine, you will find the DNA Splicers in the cave
Dragon Breath
Scary Face
Location: Trackless Forest (Near Rustboro City)
Additional Requirements: Lugia & Ho-Oh on team
When Soaring in the Sky, if you have both Lugia and Ho-Oh in your team, then a new area will open up. This area can only be accessed when both Pokémon are in your team. This area is located east of Rustboro City and is a small forest. In there, you will find a portal which has Raikou, Entei or Suicune in. Remove the Pokémon from your team and then readd them again to get the next one
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Thunder Fang
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Ability:& & & & Pressure
Aurora Beam
Mirror Coat
Location: Soaring in the Sky (Near Fortree City)
Additional Requirements: Castform on team
When Soaring in the Sky, if you have a Castform on your team, then a thunder cloud will appear over Fortree City. If you get close to it, you will get the option to fly in where you'll be able to battle the Pokémon Tornadus in Omega Ruby or Thundurus in Alpha Sapphire
Heal Block
Location: Soaring in the Sky (Near Fortree City)
Additional Requirements: Tornadus & Thundurus on team
When Soaring in the Sky, if you have both Tornadus & Thundurus in your team, then a thunder cloud will appear over Fortree City. If you get close to it, you will get the option to fly in where you'll be able to battle the Pokémon Landorus
Swords Dance
Earth Power
Rock Slide
Location: Crescent Isle
Additional Requirements: ??
At some point, with the unlock method still unknown, an island will appear south of Ever Grande City. On this island, you will find a portal that gives you access to Cresselia
Aurora Beam
Future Sight
#015& & & &
Mega Beedrill
メガスピアー& & & & Adaptability& & & &&&& & & & 65& & & & 150& & & & 40& & & & 15& & & & 80& & & & 145& & & & Sea Mauville
#018& & & &
Mega Pidgeot
メガピジョット& & & & No Guard& & & &&&& & & & 83& & & & 80& & & & 80& & & & 135& & & & 80& & & & 121& & & & Rustboro City - Show Mr. Stone the Intriguing Stone
#080& & & &
Mega Slowbro
メガヤドラン& & & & Shell Armor& & & &&&& & & & 95& & & & 75& & & & 180& & & & 130& & & & 80& & & & 30& & & & Shoal Cave - Give man 4 Shoal Salts & 4 Shoal Shells
#208& & & &
Mega Steelix
メガハガネール& & & & Sand Force& & & &&&& & & & 75& & & & 125& & & & 230& & & & 55& & & & 95& & & & 30& & & & Granite Cave
#254& & & &
Mega Sceptile
メガジュカイン& & & & Lightningrod& & & &&&& & & & 70& & & & 110& & & & 75& & & & 145& & & & 85& & & & 145& & & & Route 120 (If Starter)
Route 114 Stone Salesman (If not Starter)
#260& & & &
Mega Swampert
メガラグラージ& & & & Swift Swim& & & &&&& & & & 100& & & & 150& & & & 110& & & & 95& & & & 110& & & & 70& & & & Route 120 (If Starter)
Route 114 Stone Salesman (If not Starter)
#302& & & &
Mega Sableye
メガヤミラミ& & & & Magic Bounce& & & &&&& & & & 50& & & & 85& & & & 125& & & & 85& & & & 115& & & & 20& & & & Sootopolis City
#319& & & &
Mega Sharpedo
メガサメハダー& & & & Strong Jaw& & & &&&& & & & 70& & & & 140& & & & 70& & & & 110& & & & 65& & & & 105& & & & Battle Resort (Omega Ruby)
Aqua Hideout - Delta Episode (Alpha Sapphire)
#323& & & &
Mega Camerupt
メガバクーダ& & & & Sheer Force& & & &&&& & & & 70& & & & 120& & & & 100& & & & 145& & & & 105& & & & 20& & & & Magma Hideout - Delta Episode (Omega Ruby)
Battle Resort (Alpha Sapphire)
#334& & & &
Mega Altaria
メガチルタリス& & & & Pixilate& & & &&&& & & & 75& & & & 110& & & & 110& & & & 110& & & & 105& & & & 80& & & & Lilycove City - Show Collector Altaria
#362& & & &
Mega Glalie
メガオニゴーリ& & & & Refrigerate& & & & & & & & 80& & & & 120& & & & 80& & & & 120& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & Shoal Cave Basement
#373& & & &
Mega Salamence
メガボーマンダ& & & & Aerilate& & & &&&& & & & 95& & & & 145& & & & 130& & & & 120& & & & 90& & & & 120& & & & Meteor Falls - From Zinnia's Grandmother
#376& & & &
Mega Metagross
メガメタグロス& & & & Tough Claws& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 145& & & & 150& & & & 105& & & & 110& & & & 110& & & & Pok&#195;&#169;mon League - From Steven after rematch
#380& & & &
Mega Latias
Mega Latias was coded into X & Y but not available before now.& & & & Levitate& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & 120& & & & 140& & & & 150& & & & 110& & & & Littleroot Town - From Mother (Omega Ruby)
On Latias (Alpha Sapphire)
#381& & & &
Mega Latios
Mega Latios was coded into X & Y but not available before now.& & & & Levitate& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 130& & & & 100& & & & 160& & & & 120& & & & 110& & & & On Latios (Omega Ruby)
Littleroot Town - From Mother (Alpha Sapphire)
#384& & & &
Mega Rayquaza
メガレックウザ& & & & Delta Stream& & & &&&& & & & 105& & & & 180& & & & 100& & & & 180& & & & 100& & & & 115& & & & Rayquaza does not require a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve.
Rayquaza needs to know the move Dragon Asecent to Mega Evolve
#428& & & &
Mega Lopunny
メガミミロップ& & & & Scrappy& & & &&&& & & & 65& & & & 136& & & & 94& & & & 54& & & & 96& & & & 135& & & & Mauville City - Man in suit in Mauville Hills
#475& & & &
Mega Gallade
メガエルレイド& & & & Inner Focus& & & &&&& & & & 68& & & & 165& & & & 95& & & & 65& & & & 115& & & & 110& & & & From Professor Cozmo - After Delta Episode
#531& & & &
Mega Audino
メガタブンネ& & & & Healer& & & &&&& & & & 103& & & & 60& & & & 126& & & & 80& & & & 126& & & & 50& & & & Battle Resort - From Looker
#719& & & &
Mega Diancie
メガディアンシー& & & & Magic Bounce& & & &&&& & & & 50& & & & 160& & & & 110& & & & 160& & & & 110& & & & 110& & & & Any Pok&#195;&#169;mon Center after you receive Diancie
#003& & & &
Mega Venusaur
メガフシギバナ& & & & Thick Fat& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & 123& & & & 122& & & & 120& & & & 80& & & & Route 119
#006& & & &
Mega Charizard X
メガリザードンX& & & & Tough Claws& & & &&&& & & & 78& & & & 130& & & & 111& & & & 130& & & & 85& & & & 100& & & & Fiery Path
#006& & & &
Mega Charizard Y
メガリザードンY& & & & Drought& & & &&&& & & & 78& & & & 104& & & & 78& & & & 159& & & & 115& & & & 100& & & & Scorched Slab
#009& & & &
Mega Blastoise
メガカメックス& & & & Mega Launcher& & & & & & & & 79& & & & 103& & & & 120& & & & 135& & & & 115& & & & 78& & & & SS Tidal
#065& & & &
Mega Alakazam
メガフーディン& & & & Trace& & & & & & & & 55& & & & 50& & & & 65& & & & 175& & & & 95& & & & 150& & & & Slateport City Market
#094& & & &
Mega Gengar
メガゲンガー& & & & Shadow Tag& & & &&&& & & & 60& & & & 65& & & & 80& & & & 170& & & & 95& & & & 130& & & & Battle Resort
#115& & & &
Mega Kangaskhan
メガガルーラ& & & & Parental Bond& & & & & & & & 105& & & & 125& & & & 100& & & & 60& & & & 100& & & & 100& & & & Pacifidlog Town
#127& & & &
Mega Pinsir
メガカイロス& & & & Aerilate& & & &&&& & & & 65& & & & 155& & & & 120& & & & 65& & & & 90& & & & 105& & & & Route 124
#130& & & &
Mega Gyarados
メガギャラドス& & & & Mold Breaker& & & &&&& & & & 95& & & & 155& & & & 109& & & & 70& & & & 130& & & & 81& & & & Route 123 - In mouth of Poochyena
#142& & & &
Mega Aerodactyl
メガプテラ& & & & Tough Claws& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 135& & & & 85& & & & 70& & & & 95& & & & 150& & & & Meteor Falls
#150& & & &
Mega Mewtwo X
メガミュウツーX& & & & Steadfast& & & &&&& & & & 106& & & & 190& & & & 100& & & & 154& & & & 100& & & & 130& & & & Littleroot Town
#150& & & &
Mega Mewtwo Y
メガミュウツーY& & & & Insomnia& & & & & & & & 106& & & & 150& & & & 70& & & & 194& & & & 120& & & & 140& & & & Pok&#195;&#169;mon League
#181& & & &
Mega Ampharos
メガデンリュウ& & & & Mold Breaker& & & &&&& & & & 90& & & & 95& & & & 105& & & & 165& & & & 110& & & & 45& & & & New Mauville
#212& & & &
Mega Scizor
メガハッサム& & & & Technician& & & &&&& & & & 70& & & & 150& & & & 140& & & & 65& & & & 100& & & & 75& & & & Petalburg Woods
#214& & & &
Mega Heracross
メガヘラクロス& & & & Skill Link& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 185& & & & 115& & & & 40& & & & 105& & & & 75& & & & Route 127
#229& & & &
Mega Houndoom
メガヘルガー& & & & Solar Power& & & &&&& & & & 75& & & & 90& & & & 90& & & & 140& & & & 90& & & & 115& & & & Lavaridge Town
#248& & & &
Mega Tyranitar
メガバンギラス& & & & Sand Stream& & & &&&& & & & 100& & & & 164& & & & 150& & & & 95& & & & 120& & & & 71& & & & Jagged Pass
#257& & & &
Mega Blaziken
メガバシャーモ& & & & Speed Boost& & & &&&& & & & 80& & & & 160& & & & 80& & & & 130& & & & 80& & & & 100& & & & Route 120 (If Starter)
Route 114 Stone Salesman (If not Starter)
#282& & & &
Mega Gardevoir
メガサーナイト& & & & Pixilate& & & &&&& & & & 68& & & & 85& & & & 65& & & & 165& & & & 135& & & & 100& & & & Verdanturf Town - From Wanda
#303& & & &
Mega Mawile
メガクチート& & & & Huge Power& & & &&&& & & & 50& & & & 105& & & & 125& & & & 55& & & & 95& & & & 50& & & & Verdanturf Town
#306& & & &
Mega Aggron
メガボスゴドラ& & & & Filter& & & & & & & & 70& & & & 140& & & & 230& & & & 60& & & & 80& & & & 50& & & & Rusturf Tunnel
#308& & & &
Mega Medicham
メガチャーレム& & & & Pure Power& & & &&&& & & & 60& & & & 100& & & & 85& & & & 80& & & & 85& & & & 100& & & & Mt. Pyre
#310& & & &
Mega Manectric
メガライボルト& & & & Intimidate& & & & & & & & 70& & & & 75& & & & 80& & & & 135& & & & 80& & & & 135& & & & Route 110 - Cycling Road
#354& & & &
Mega Banette
メガジュペッタ& & & & Prankster& & & & & & & & 64& & & & 165& & & & 75& & & & 93& & & & 83& & & & 75& & & & Mt. Pyre
#359& & & &
Mega Absol
メガアブソル& & & & Magic Bounce& & & & & & & & 65& & & & 150& & & & 60& & & & 115& & & & 60& & & & 115& & & & Safari Zone
#445& & & &
Mega Garchomp
メガガブリアス& & & & Sand Force& & & &&&& & & & 108& & & & 170& & & & 115& & & & 120& & & & 95& & & & 92& & & & ??
#448& & & &
Mega Lucario
メガルカリオ& & & & Adaptability& & & &&&& & & & 70& & & & 145& & & & 88& & & & 140& & & & 70& & & & 112& & & & ??
#460& & & &
Mega Abomasnow
メガユキノオー& & & & Snow Warning& & & &&&& & & & 90& & & & 132& & & & 105& & & & 132& & & & 105& & & & 30& & & & Route 123 Berry Garden
<p id="rate_7" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="赞一个!建议把3个楼整合一下&N币 + 100 枚
" class="mtn mbn">
The Star King——Tim-FSK-Flying
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本帖最后由 thestarking 于
09:56 编辑
编号 名称 特性 HP 物攻 物防 特攻 特防 速度 入手地点 图片 015 大针蜂 适应力 65 150 40 15 80 145 紫堇海:完成废船剧情后捡取&& 018 比雕 无防御 83 80 80 135 80 121 在绿荫镇帮绿荫镇左下角民房前的小女孩找寻躲在城中告示牌后的蘑蘑菇后得到奇妙石,向得文(天力00)公司跟社长Mr.Stone展示后入手
080 呆河马 贝壳盔甲 95 75 180 130 80 30 浅滩洞穴中替老人收集4+4浅滩道具后得到空贝铃同时赠送
208 大钢蛇 沙之力量 75 125 230 55 95 30 石之洞窟2层254 蜥蜴王 避雷针 70 110 75 145 85 145 初始选择对应:120号道路吊桥上,触发变隐龙剧情后,入手侦测镜,同时大吾还会给与初始精灵相对应的Mega石
260 巨沼怪 轻快 100 150 110 95 110 70 [td]其余两个未选择的御三家,114路老人,1500元*2可以购得
302 勾魂眼 魔装反射 50 85 125 85 115 20 琉璃市觉醒祠堂右边
319 巨牙鲨 坚硬下颚 70 140 70 110 65 105 Delta之章剧情 水舰队秘密基地处赠送AS 战斗边疆前剧情赠送OR323 喷火驼 全力攻击 70 120 100 145 105 20 战斗边疆前剧情赠送AS 熔岩队秘密基地处赠送OR 334 七夕青鸟 妖精皮肤 75 110 110 110 105 80 带上七夕青鸟到水静市找某男子,向他展示七夕青鸟后入手
362 冰鬼护 冰冻皮肤 80 120 80 120 80 100 浅滩洞穴深处(退潮时)
373 血翼飞龙 天空皮肤 95 145 130 120 90 120 Delta章后到流星瀑布下与Zinnia的祖母对话入手
376 巨金怪 坚硬之爪 80 145 150 105 110 110 配信赠送/二周目挑战联盟打败大吾后入手 380 拉帝亚斯 浮游 80 100 120 140 150 110 得到5个徽章后触发剧情,随着大吾前往南方小岛,PM进入队伍时自身携带(AS) 381 拉帝欧斯 浮游 80 130 100 160 120 110 与妈妈对话获得(AS)
384 烈空座 Delta乱流 105 180 100 180 100 115
无需Mega石头,学会Dragon Acsent即可,忘掉后无法Mega进化 428 女郎兔 气魄 65 136 94 54 96 135 紫堇市二楼住宅居帮助西装男后再次对话后入手 475 艾路雷朵 精神力 68 165 95 65 115 110 Delta之章后:秋叶镇跟索蓝斯博士对话后入手 531塔布奈 治愈之心 103 60 126 80 126 50 对战边疆救起了失忆的国际刑警Handsome后,在小屋再次对话后入手
719 钻石公主 魔装反射 50 160 110 160 110 110
精灵 地点 图片 妙娃花 119路小屋前的长草
X喷 烟突山底部的热炎小径
Y喷 120道路 干旱洞窟
水箭龟 破浪号(前往对战开拓区的船)甲板上
胡地 凯那市市集(据说只有晚上?)
耿鬼 对战开拓区管理这的房内
袋龙 暮水镇 大甲 124水道(需要潜水)
暴鲤龙 123路有钓鱼达人的屋中,土狼犬的嘴中&& 化石翼龙 流星瀑布
X梦 完成一周目神兽剧情后,初始城镇博士研究所旁
Y梦 精灵联盟外
电龙 新紫堇(发电厂) 巨钳螳螂 橙华森林,需要砍树 赫拉克罗斯
黑鲁加 釜炎镇温泉下方
班吉拉 烟突山山腰-凹凸山道
火焰鸡 选择小火鸡120道路大吾剧情;非选择:114道路 老人1500元买到 沙奈朵 完成一周目神兽剧情后,绿荫镇,小光的家中小光姐姐赠送 大嘴娃 117号道路 靠近绿荫镇的花圃下
波士可多拉 卡绿隧道里用碎岩帮助情侣相会后,格斗男子赠送
恰雷姆 送神火山坟场顶楼
落雷兽 获得自行车后,110号路自行车道下方
诅咒娃娃 送神火山山顶
灾兽 狩猎区:需要自行车
路卡利欧 称霸大师级华丽大赛后,再跟露琪亚比一场华丽大赛并取得优胜后,某爱慕露琪亚的高富帅赠送== 地龙 超级秘密基地中,取得白金奖章后到茵郁市找秘密基地专Aarune对话后获得==好费事 暴雪王 123路树果名人之家花园
The Star King——Tim-FSK-Flying
最后登录在线时间1630 小时UID527984阅读权限60积分2051精华1蘑菇4 朵N币3980 枚帖子注册时间
Nw精英, 积分 2051, 距离下一级还需 2949 积分
蘑菇4 朵N币3980 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间600 小时UID502705阅读权限50积分903精华3蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 903, 距离下一级还需 297 积分
蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
gujialun 发表于
顶楼主一个,向我们这种已经快要毕业的准备退役的一族都不知道该什么时候入游戏了。。也不知道半年后工作了 ...
我其实是一个留美申请的高三党00 申请忙里偷闲来翻译翻译东西...
The Star King——Tim-FSK-Flying
最后登录在线时间1500 小时UID505034阅读权限60积分1776精华0蘑菇2 朵N币1441 枚帖子注册时间
Nw精英, 积分 1776, 距离下一级还需 3224 积分
蘑菇2 朵N币1441 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间686 小时UID8047阅读权限100积分983精华0蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间686 小时UID8047阅读权限100积分983精华0蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
这几天不是周末了...可能进一步完善还得等等 &
最后登录在线时间0 小时UID1045842阅读权限20积分17精华0蘑菇2 朵N币25 枚帖子注册时间
Nw入门, 积分 17, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
蘑菇2 朵N币25 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间537 小时UID999754阅读权限50积分724精华0蘑菇10 朵N币1453 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 724, 距离下一级还需 476 积分
蘑菇10 朵N币1453 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间5283 小时UID282075阅读权限90积分16352精华0蘑菇3 朵N币37390 枚帖子注册时间
蘑菇3 朵N币37390 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间4084 小时UID72527阅读权限60积分4578精华0蘑菇3 朵N币5645 枚帖子注册时间
Nw精英, 积分 4578, 距离下一级还需 422 积分
蘑菇3 朵N币5645 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间686 小时UID8047阅读权限100积分983精华0蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
蘑菇3 朵N币4335 枚帖子注册时间
GT39 发表于
最后登录在线时间537 小时UID999754阅读权限50积分724精华0蘑菇10 朵N币1453 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 724, 距离下一级还需 476 积分
蘑菇10 朵N币1453 枚帖子注册时间
最后登录在线时间600 小时UID502705阅读权限50积分903精华3蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
Nw高级, 积分 903, 距离下一级还需 297 积分
蘑菇3 朵N币5401 枚帖子注册时间
嘉咔 发表于
Uxie can be found between 20:00 and 21:00, Azelf can be found between 21:00 and 03:59 and Mesprit can be found between 04:00 and 19:59. Note: Times are still being finalised
另一说法是黄圣菇每晚20:00-21:00 蓝圣姑21:00到凌晨3:59,红圣菇是凌晨4:00到晚上19:59。这一时间还有待最终确认
The Star King——Tim-FSK-Flying
鬼计栗子之王 番茄园
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