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A Multidisciplinary Design Firm TODA celebrates the beauty of simplicity and the impact of many.
When smart ideas are put into action effective results follow.
We are rolling through 2016 with a burst of energy, engaged in
great projects, and putting a positive spin on the challenges we take on.
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TODA created a global campaign that positioned men's professional grooming brand, American Crew, as 'The King of Men's Grooming' presenting Elvis Presley as American Crew's brand ambassador. TODA worked with American Crew to create a series of limited edition styling products which featured Elvis, and was supported by an extensive marketing campaign which included merchandise, advertising, exhibit, packaging, web, and retail activations.
Revlon / American Crew
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National Sculpture Society (NSS) promotes excellence in sculpture that is inspired by the natural world. TODA recently redesigned the NSS website and created a new masthead design and website for their print publication, Sculpture Review — North America's oldest sculpture arts magazine. TODA provided a comprehensive solution that sought to both modernize and retain the equities of the long-standing institution.
A collaborative, research based process provided NSS with a strategic design framework that included a color scheme which relates to the raw materials a sculptor uses: copper, zinc, slate and stone.
National Sculpture Society
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The Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) is an early childhood literacy and school readiness program that provides under-rescourced families with the necessary skills and to tools to help their children thrive in school and life. TODA recently redesigned PCHP's website updating the visual presence of the site to better meet the needs of many audiences, from participants of the program to government officials and donors. The website communicates their nearly 50 years worth of research in parent-child interaction and also features a wide range of PCHP resources like recommended books and toys as well as news and calendar pages. See all the features at
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TODA created a dynamic series visual communication assets for a global health care company's human resources department. As part of a re-naming and redesign effort for an online e-newsletter, TODA created a library of icons and illustrations designed to help communicate both employee human interest stories and enterprise-wide announcements. The imageries fun, optimistic and spirited approach provided a fresh contrast to the companies existing corporate standards.
Global Human Resources
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TODA created a poster design as part of a 10th Anniversary event put on by DUMBO Improvement District. Participants were asked to re-imagine the acronym for DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and to create a new concept and poster that helped celebrate our historic neighborhood. DISCOVER YO(UR) MIND BLOWING ORIGINALITY was our concept featuring a Dada inspired type and illustration treatment. A great result and a true team effort!
DUMBO Improvement District
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Designed by Sou Fujimoto, Usagi is a concept store that houses an art gallery, library, and cafe, all-in-one. The Gallery showcases the work of both local and global talent, providing a place of discovery for everyone. TODA created Usagi’s new visual identity which features a dynamic system of active icons that symbolize the creative spirit of the brand. The primary logo represents the overall organization and features an organic visual line drawing that isinspired by the movement of people within a space. This form embodies personalized adaptability of usagi’s experimental spaces and its commitmentto collaborate with local artists.
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d:fi is a unisex salon brand that provides professional hair styling products to expressive young adults who are pleasure seekers. TODA approached the designs with the concept of sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll — translating the emotion of these three into multiple vibrant party-like elements. TODA created several directions incorporating new levels of imagery and deep colors to reflect the feelings and excitement of partying as well as to reenforce d:fi as a professional product line.
Revlon / d:fi
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TODA designed the brand identity for Allswell, a Brooklyn-based image production company. The bright yellow color and bold typographic treatment of the branding represents the no-drama and clear communicative approach of the production firm. The slanted letter within the logo stands for the uniqueness and creativity of every project they produce, for clients such as Citibank, Nike, Converse and Gillette.
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TODA has partnered with the social entrepreneurship brand DERT to help in their mission to spread literacy. As part of DERT's business model to raise money for literacy charity, TODA has helped in the development of a collaborative design process that connects DERT with various student designers in
to create a range of book products to both inspiring reading and learning and as fundraising tools where profits are donated to literacy efforts. Products include the redesign of classic literature and the design of inspirational products including a series of early childhood learning posters designed by Lise Bye Kjeldsen (a TODA intern and student at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts).
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Canteen Magazine is a bi-annual literary/arts journal, which runs after-school tutoring programs for underserved youths in writing and the visual arts. TODA re-design the four color/perfect bound publication, creating a new masthead and typographic/layout standards.
Editors JJ Sulin and Stephen Pierson create each issue with a great respect for photography. This recent issue contains stories by three female writers and photography contributors include Walker Pickering (cover image), Jessica Eve Rattner, Mary Ellen Bartley, Charlie Simokaitis and Seth Lowery, among others.
Canteen Magazine
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TODA recently designed a print photo promotion for Brooklyn based photographer JJ Sulin. JJ is a master of the art of storytelling through his vibrant photography, inspired by awkward and off-beat moments. The cover and layout of this particular printed promo is a reflection of this, with a broken logo treatment and scattered interior layout.
JJ Sulin Photography
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Brooklyn based commercial and fine art photographer JJ Sulin commissioned TODA to update his brand communication. TODA upgraded his logotype and created a series of print and digital marketing pieces including stationery, emailers and a website. See more at .
JJ Sulin Photography
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TODA is proud to announce the relaunch of Daylong—one of Switzerland's leading brands in sun protection. Our New York office collaborated closely with our partners in Hamburg to guide our Swiss client in redesigning Daylong. Inspired by the deep traditions of Swiss design & science, the packaging embraces bold typography & vibrant colors to distinguish the formulas, the families, and the brand as a whole. The new brand is sure to stand the heat—whether lounging seaside, trekking the Alps, or winding through town.
Spirig Galderma
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, the professional association for design, is changing their membership structure and asked TODA to develop a national campaign. TODA's challenge was to effectively communicate AIGA's shift to a
that is more accessible and increases participation. TODA created a manifesto that clearly states AIGA's call to action, making it the center of the campaign. The ads feature spirited designers interacting with the manifesto and demonstrate AIGA's new voice, speaking from the bottom up.
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TODA recently completed a direct mail print piece as part of AIGA's new efforts to build up membership. The direct mail promotion features detailed information on the merits and levels of membership to the design community and unfolds into a poster size version of the organizations new manifesto. TODA created the manifesto as the centerpiece to the membership campaign that seeks to connect the human attributes of the designer to the profession itself.
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TODA has been working closely with AIGA to produce a national campaign for their new membership structure. The latest component that TODA developed is a series of three
featuring AIGA members telling their own stories about the organization and how it has benefited their career and outlook on design. The focus of the videos is on the voices of the AIGA community to tell the story.
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TODA recently collaborated with , the professional association for design, and influential designer Tina Roth Eisenberg of , , , , and , to concept a new line of temporary tattoos. The Tattlys, drawn in the old-school flash style, reflect AIGA's mission to facilitate dialogue and cooperation within the design world. Tina hosted TODA at Studiomates for a shoot featuring the new tattoos positioned on Tina herself to be featured on the new AIGA membership renewal post card. TODA was thrilled to work with Tina, the Tattly team, and photographer , who captured the temporary tattoo magic beautifully.
AIGA and Tattly
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TODA designed the 2015 Annual Report for American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), A Future of Possibilities. This year’s annual report celebrated the 25 year tenure of the AFB President and CEO, Carl R. Augusto, who dedicated his career to expanding possibilities within the lives of those with vision loss. The relevance of technology in advances for these people are shown throughout the report with colorful, yet simple illustrations.
American Foundation for the Blind
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Smooch is a full service New York-based photography retouching company serving as a multi-platform for fashion, beauty, commercial and editorial photography. TODA designed the visual identity and printed materials that reflect a playful yet polished script embodying vibrancy throughout all elements, from its comprehensive portfolio to color choices and typographic treatments. The contrast of the soft glossy logo on the smooth texture of the stationary, creates texture with a modern feel. The continuity of polished color choices and clean compositions is also eminent in the branded materials that also include a witty element to use for various purposes.
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TODA created the visual identity for Reader's Digest's new literacy initiative: R.E.A.D Together. The program is a partnership with Parent-Child Home Program and promotes early childhood learning by asking families to read together for 30 minutes a day. The logo was developed using three basic shapes (a square, circle and triangle) to depict an adult and a child actively reading. The identity is the basis of a full social media effort to encourage family reading and includes a web page as well as banner ads that promote the campaign.
Reader's Digest
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TODA participated in a design competition to create a brand identity, campaign, and a fitness course concept for the DUMBO Business Improvement District. Initiated by AIGA/NY, TODA produced a concept that speaks with hopeful enthusiasm while keeping in place the copious attitudes of the creative community in DUMBO. The voice of the campaign captured an optimistic, energetic and rebellious spirit that encompasses various aspects of neighborhood and its residents. TODA conceived of an active (and unexpected) visual icon, using socks as an ideal democratic symbol of the individual fitness effort. TODA developed an iconic visual element (of socks/feet in motion) to function as park identifiers and wayfindng system. The overall On You Feet Dumbo concept connects the local community and inspires active individuals from adjacent neighborhoods to enjoy DUMBO as a destination for both physical and creative growth.
DUMBO Improvement District
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TODA created an identity for DERT, a start-up book selling enterprise that advocates reading and the spread of literacy. DERT's holistic philosophy to book selling includes a sustainable approach that views the printed book as the ultimate human artifact. TODA created a visual identity that communicates DERT's ground- creating a clear, sustainable marketing pieces that express a human, personal touch to the exciting endeavor of acquiring books.
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TODA celebrates its 15th year in business. In that time we created many good projects and worked with lots of great people. We thank all of those, throughout the years, who contributed to the success of our projects and acknowledge each and every individual who put in their time, thought and effort into helping us create ideas that inspire. Cheers!
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TODA principal Marcos Chavez and his creative team designed the brand identity for Modern Organic Products (MOP). Since then TODA has developed the brand into the successful international beauty brand that it is today. Throughout this growth period, TODA has participated in multiple aspects of of MOP's marketing and promotional efforts, including product packaging, retail merchandising, promotions displays, print collateral, website development and trade advertising.
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Ruven Afanador is an internationally renowned photographer whose work spans the highest levels of fashion, portraiture and art photography. He has published several books and has worked for the top magazines shooting a wide range of global celebrities. TODA recently designed a new visual identity for Ruven which was influenced by his Columbian heritage and by his affinity for classical beauty with an opulent twist. TODA created a print promotion which features his latest photography work and is designed to be an ongoing print publication that continually updates clientele on his prolific range of work.
Ruven Afandor
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TODA was honored to be included in the Art Directors Club open studio night in DUMBO Brooklyn. We opened our space to a variety of creative professionals, showcasing our work, and meeting with attendees to talk about our work culture and design philosophy. For the second hour we asked guests to participate in a collaborative workshop directing over 30 people to work together to create an enhanced version of Helvetica using basic office supplies and tools (such as tape, string, stickers, post-it notes, scissors, staplers and paper shredders!). The result was an inspirational and energetic process with random individuals banding together to create a magical set of letters that delighted all.
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This season, TODA designed a holiday promotion for Shaw Family Archives featuring the life of John Cassavetes. On one side, the piece functions as a poster featuring Cassavetes and Sam Shaw on set, with a large quote from Cassavetes set in typography reminiscent of his vintage movie posters. On the other side, the promotion contains highlights of the collaborations between Cassavetes and Shaw, and supporting imagery of some key defining moments in Cassavetes' life.
Shaw Family Archives
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TODA has created a new visual identity for Shaw Family Archives. As a nod to the classic photography of Sam Shaw, most notably his iconic images of Marilyn Monroe, the visual identity mixes classic design principles with inspiration from Sam's forward-thinking perspective. Bold typography, vivid colors, innovative cropping techniques, and metropolitan influences come together to form the new branding system.
Shaw Family Archives
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TODA worked closely with Shaw Family Archives to extend its
to the web. In addition to keeping its visitors up-to-date with the Archives' upcoming news and events,
pays tribute to Sam and Larry Shaw's lives and their extensive body of work. The audience gets an inside view into their personal and professional lives—revealing stories from the past. The physicality of the site is inspired by the experience of working with prints on a lightboard, how Sam and Larry would have experienced their work.
Shaw Family Archives
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TODA is proud to have been a part of , a fundraising event benefiting , the Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS. The event featured over 40 one-of-a-kind baskets designed by renowned New York designers. TODA's basket took inspiration from curiosity and second looks, and created a one-of-a-kind crafty picnic basket with surprising twists. Our basket was sold to the great folks at Judy Case, Inc., who enjoyed an urban picnic and movie night with their fully equipped picnic basket for two.
Picnic By Design
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TODA designed a set of educational course manuals for the leading hair clipper brand, Wahl. The printed course guides each contain a set of educator and student manuals which demonstrate the latest in classic men's grooming technique through photography, text and illustration. The manuals are bound and packaged in a custom slip case which is designed to work in the salon and barber shop environments.
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TODA developed a brand for the initiative called "NeighborFood", in cooperation with the , following the awarding of a grant by , an organization in NYC that facilitates pro bono projects that increase the quality of local life through grants and community outreach. Two Bridges neighborhood lost Pathmark Supermarket to Hurricane Sandy in October 2012 as well as access to affordable, fresh produce and prepared foods. NeighborFood includes a guide (printed in the three prominent languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese) with a map to local businesses that carry fresh and affordable food. The initiative aims to create more connectivity and growth for local businesses in Two Bridges Neighborhood.
desigNYC and Two Bridges
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TODA's DUMBO, Brooklyn office was featured on . Described as "a multidisciplinary design studio in Brooklyn with sensible style and a heart for well crafted design", Apartment Therapy captures the spirit (and almost every corner) of TODA. Also, don't forget to check out the extra images featured in the extended .
Apartment Therapy
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Kipling and Clark is a global luxury travel agency that promotes one-on-one conversations and a personalized experience. TODA captured the spirit of the brand by creating a high-end site that the viewer can "explore" through a click-and-drag functionality, over maps or throughout the content. The imagery and writing is focused on delivering the facts through the voice of the founding Lynch Family of Kipling and Clark.
Kipling and Clark
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TODA designed a holiday promotional mailer for photographer Jim Hughes showcasing his work in 2013. The snow-white envelope, embossed logo, and seasonally-themed birch tree packaging functioned to protect as well as highlight the vivid quality of Jim's body of work. In each package is a hand-selected assortment of photo prints for those near and dear to the photographer.
Jim Hughes
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TODA is excited to announce the launch of the new
ZIP Magazine
website. As part of a full rebranding effort, the website redesign introduces a graphic language that follows the identity system&pulling inspiration from New York and Vienna, as well as capturing a timeless, feminine aesthetic. In addition, the modular site structure allows the diverse content to be accessible and the ever changing homepage to be captivating. Check out
to keep up-to-date with the latest in Art, Fashion and everything in between.
ZIP Magazine
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TODA designed a direct mail promo for renowned photographer
that is both modern and artistic, utilizing oversized newsprint paper. Walter selected a direction that features large, interesting crops and layered elements to help visualize his recent works onto a simple publication. The goal was to create a splash on each recipient's desk with a big, tangible representation of the photographer's best and most recent pieces.
Walter Smith
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TODA worked with Beth Galton to redesign her portfolio . Beth's food and still-life photography is now presented as an easy-to-search live archive, showcasing her extensive body of work. The site's large format images allow visitors to become lost in crisp, savory details, while the clean layout makes exploring her work easy and enjoyable.
Beth Galton
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TODA is excited to announce the product launch of MENSDEPT., an exclusive brand of grooming products that targets a high-end male clientele. Over the past two years TODA has been developing the MENSDEPT. brand, creating identity, print, signage and web experiences to give shape and voice to the next evolutionary step in men's grooming.
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TODA makes an appearance in the beautiful, hard-bound design book "GOWEST! Cutting-Edge Creatives in the United States". Published by German publishing company DAAB and edited by Farameh Media's Patrice Farameh, the massive coffee table reader devotes six pages to the industrial design of TODA. A brief Q&A with the founders, published in both English and German, talks about the movement and demand of people to undertake a type of self-branding through the products we buy, and how that could lead to a better designed world in the near future.
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TODA consulted with film editing and finishing company , part of the Filmworkers Collective, to redesign their website. Treehouse needed a site that would be easily sorted through, using large, full-screen views and plenty of video embedding to establish the strengths of each member featured on the site. TODA designed a clean, interactive, and easily accessible site and mobile version that caters to the media-savvy clients Treehouse attracts.
Treehouse Edit
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An important part of TODA's process includes creating and leading engaging, collaborative workshop sessions to insight inspiration and gather solutions for a company that comes from within the organization itself. We strongly believe our smartest ideas come from our clients. Let us help you figure out your next big idea!
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TODA has been working with the
and Knight Arts to brand components of the . TODA created a giveaway to be distributed at conferences that contains basic information to introduce people to the Challenge. The giveaway contains a bag with a set of blocks that are featured throughout the Knight Arts Challenge materials, as well as a booklet that highlights the data from the past year's Challenges.
Knight Foundation
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TODA has designed Samsung's bi-annual Hope for Children Magazine. This communication piece&in addition to being distributed internally&is shared with program partners, business partners, journalists, and is also featured on Samsung's corporate website. The publication highlights different milestones and events from Samsung Electronics North America and CSR initiatives. Clean, Samsung-branded visuals are used in conjunction with playful, vivid design elements and colors.
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TODA partner Mark Naden designed a 600 sq live work space in lower Manhattan. TODA collaborated with Daniela Stallinger on the interior design to create a space that functions as an office and home for a photographer and designer couple. The design sought to maximize a small amount of space that could be used as a fully open loft, or sectioned by moving panels and floor to ceiling curtains. The apartment also features a wide range of custom cabinetry and drawer/shelving systems that allowed the couple to conduct their complex lives while still keeping a simple and elegant atmosphere.
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TODA has been working with Margaret Lampert, a Boston-based commercial photographer, for many years in her branding, editing, and promotional efforts. A new portfolio book has been launched that features oversized prints of her images that are packaged in a bright, optimistic hard cover. The cover design layers in the values of Margaret's work through a subtle typographic treatment that pervades the cover, spine, and back of the book.
Margaret Lampert
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This year's print promotion for Boston-based commercial photographer Margaret Lampert is a set of four booklets, each with their own unique theme. The booklets highlight Margaret's eye for color, her ability to capture different personalities, and an overall sense of joy. Ranging from portraits to environmental shots, the imagery of each piece is told through a visual narrative that is revealed through the accordion-fold booklets. These promotional mailers extend Margaret's overall brand through a direct mail campaign, and play off of her recently redesigned .
Margaret Lampert
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From Hamburg, Germany to Brooklyn, New York is just a few skips away. TODA's offices have been working in sync to create a number of exciting new projects for global brands and local endeavors. High technology and a good, old-fashioned neighborly manners keep our teams connected around the clock and throughout the year. Get a
of our offices working together!
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For over ten years, TODA and the internationally acclaimed product company, , have collaborated in designing functional and beautiful products for consumers around the world. Led by partner Mark Naden, TODA has designed a wide range of OXO's products, including accessories for the bathroom, refrigerator clips, drawer organization systems, lazy susans, corn strippers, and various water kettles. The Uplift water kettle is now part of the permanent design collection of the
OXO International
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With the Topos Chair Project, TODA's challenge was to create a furniture concept whereby a three-dimensional form could be created from a rigid two-dimensional material, 7 mm thick plywood. The result was a 'topographically' inspired chair that comfortably conforms to the contours of the body. The Topos chair is currently part of the permanent design collections at SFMoMA, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich.
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TODA is featured on a map created by Pentagram that outlines the New York graphic design scene. The map was created by Pentagram partner Luke Hayman as a clever little guide to New York designers. Done up like Massimo Vignelli's iconic NYC subway map, it assigns 'subway stops' to key figures in the city's design network, both past and present, from Sagmeister Inc. to the late ad-industry pioneer Helmut Krone. Learn more at
News Feature
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TODA's No Smoking Ashtray ignites thinking by presenting the user with the opportunity to ban smoking by lighting up. This contradiction in logic makes for an engaging product that leaves a burning impression.
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TODA's work spans across the areas of visual design. Our environment is a source of influence as we work to find inspiration through our tools and resources. Our philosophy is to keep it simple and pay attention to details. This dynamic allows us to create ideas and products that make our clients happy. Click on the photo, or view all, to get an inside view of our world.
TODA Feature
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TODA is a multidisciplinary design firm with offices in New York and Hamburg. Multidisciplinary because TODA's areas of expertise are not only visual communication, industrial design and architecture, but also the possibilities that lie between. When different ideas are brought together, there is an opportunity for something unexpected to develop.
20 Jay StreetSuite 828Brooklyn NY 11201United States
T 718 797 2302
F 718 797 2307
Papenhuder Str. 49D-22087 HamburgDeutschland
Lydia Benova
Zach Bokhour
Marcos Chavez
Eric Garcia
Thom Kajaba
Bryan McCartney
Mark Naden
Rebecca Tarr
Copyright (C) 2016 TODA
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