
没什么特别的……装备和TAG SKILLS的区别而已……我就发现这些……
就是ARS MOD里在小屋一出生选职业那个~
This is a completely list of ALL the Professions and Classes in AS-R.= means it's a Profession choice- means it's a Class choice========Outcasts========--------Engineer--------Outcast Engineers are the ones who get the salvaged tech working again. Being trained in repair allows them to fix broken robots and technology, but also fixing the guns of their allies. Engineers also have some experience in the use of explosives. Combine this with their repair skills and they can easily create devastating land mines and grenades.TAG: Explosives and Repair------------Heavy Gunner------------The Heavy Gunner is trained in the use of Big Guns and Explosives. This combination allows these soldiers to rain death upon their enemies, whether their using the energy-based Gatling Gun, a rocket launcher, or a few well placed mines and grenades. The Outcast Heavy Gunner is always found at the forefront of every battle, clearing the way so their comrades can move in.TAG: Explosives and Big Guns--------Infantry--------Like all Outcasts the Infantry is trained with the use of Energy Weapons, but they're also very skilled with Small Guns and field Repair. This unique combination of training ensures that the Infantry is never in need of a weapon, whether they're carrying an Assault Rifle or a Laser Rifle. Infantry are highly skilled at tearing apart salvaged weapons and using the pieces to repair their own guns. The Infantry are usually found on the frontlines of battle, standing heroically behind the Heavy Gunners.TAG: Small Guns and Repair-----Medic-----Medics are trained in the fields of Medicine and Science. This allows them to quickly and effectively heal their comrades with Stimpacks or through the use of medical machinery. Medics are also a valuable asset to any Outcast strike force due to the fact that they can hack into computers to find vital information, or to reprogram turrets to fire upon their enemies.TAG: Medicine and Science======Raider======------Gunner------These guys are seen as cowards by the Maulers. Preferring to stand at a distance popping lead into their enemies, no raider can deny their effectiveness though. They can easily keep their Assault Rifles and 10mm Pistols in working condition with their repair skills. Ultimately, the only downside to being a gunner is the fact that they're usually the last ones to get to the loot. But then, holding a pistol to a friend usually gets them a pretty nice cut...TAG: Small Guns and Repair------Mauler------Nothing is more intimate than seeing the terror in your victim's eyes as they watch your lead pipe rushing toward the soft flesh and bone of their faces. Maulers love their fights being up close and personal, whether their using a set of brass knuckles or a baseball bat. But that doesn't mean these maniacs can't deal death at a distance. With the use of a few grenades and mines, Maulers can easily and efficiently leave a trail of dead bodies and looted homes behind them.
TAG: Unarmed and Explosives----------Pyromaniac----------Pyromaniacs love-- no, LOVE-- fire. Fire, fire, FIRE!!! Nothing is more exciting than toasting your enemies with a Flamer or lobbing a beautiful grenade at their feet and watching the fireworks! Skilled in the use of Big Guns and Explosives these crazy, bloodthirsty Raiders are indeed a force to be reckoned with. Piss a Pyromaniac off and you'll find yourself on the dinner menu as barbeque.TAG: Big Guns and Explosives=========Mercenary=========-----------------Regulator Tracker-----------------Evil hides. Evil lurks. Evil pounces. And it is up to you to find Evil's lair, to discover its machinations before they come to fruition. Whether out in the open where you follow footprints and slight scratches in the rocky terrain, or in ancient computer systems where you follow the bits and bytes of information that it has left behind: either way, you will track down evil and see it exposed, writhing under the bright light of truth and justice. Your team mates count on you to lead them true, to find the path you must all follow. You will not let them down, you will not let the wasteland down, for you are a Regulator.TAG: Sneak and Science----------------------Regulator Field Expert----------------------The wasteland is afflicted b you can see it in the degrading machinery, t you can see it in the raving raiders, you can see it in the hearts of men and women everywhere. You are one of the talented few with the skills to cure this cancer: not just with your medical and technical skills, but also with your blazing gun and the blazing fire of judgment that burns in your heart. When you and your team discover evil, you cauterize it from the wastelands. Only afterward can the healing and rebuilding begin - and you are often the person who guides the wastelanders in this healing, reminding them that regulators are more than just mercenaries of justice.TAG: Repair and Medicine-------------Talon Sniffer-------------A rustling leaf, the scent of a cigarette - there are so many ways for the prey to reveal itself, to betray itself. So many ways, and you know them all. You have a deep affection for your prey: otherwise how could you be as intimate with their mind as you are? You read the path they will take from a single footprint, you alert your unit, and then you all go and prepare the ambush. And when your lovely prey arrives, so innocent, you all rain ruin and
none so more than you, who loves the prey, who KNOWS they prey - you caress it with a grenade or a Mo it is sad, like losing a pet. And just like with pets - there will be others.TAG: Sneak and Explosives------------Talon Reaper------------You do not care why a man is being hunted down, you do not care if he ever since you were youth in the Talon boot camp, you have been instructed in one area, and one area alone - bringing quick death to your mark, up and personal and quiet: with a knife, hammer or any other sort of improvised junk. But you you are also an expert in the making of deadly traps, from a simple tripwire to a lethal baby carriage, using your repair skills to improvise any needed trap form the wasteland's junk. No, you do not care what your mark did, what it did or who only one thing matters - fulfilling the contract, tearing out the heart, taking off the head.
TAG: Repair and Melee======Slaver======------Hunter------These men have ruthless and calculating minds. While not the smartest of the slavers these guys are smart enough to outwit their prey. Their ability to sneak up on an unsuspecting slave is nigh unmatched. Furthermore, when a merchant is missing a Hunter is still relatively skilled at bartering for the price of a slave.TAG: Sneak and Barter--------Merchant--------Merchants deal directly with potential clients. These men have a
eye for detail and can pick up the best of their stock in a heartbeat. With their silver tongues and barter skills, however, a Merchant can make their clients believe that a slave on his deathbed will live for a hundred years.TAG: Barter and Speech-------Watcher-------By far the dullest of the slavers. Watchers aren't smart enough to be a hunter, let alone a merchant. They are, however, very good at shooting escaped slaves, if the explosive collar doesn't kill them first. Watchers quickly learn how to repair broken objects due to damage done from the exploding collars, or if they're feeling particularly lazy, their melee skills allow them to 'persuade' slaves to do the work for them.TAG: Small Guns and Repair==================Special Operations==================-----Agent-----I am not just a common thief - I in this day and age, when seemingly rundown buildings might hide security bots or demented think machines, you just can't allow yourself to buy cheap hoodlums t after all, anything worth having is almost certainly unique these days - either one of a kind or one of a few. Can you really risk having a common thug go out and try to retrieve a museum piece for you? No; you cannot afford the low price of such raiders, not even if you were ten times as rich. But rich as you are, you just might be able to afford ME; and I WILL I will enter that building, I will neutralize its computers and open all of its locks - and I will obtain your artifact.TAG: Lockpicking and Science-----------------Chinese Operative-----------------You carry the heritage of pure mandarin you hold the truths of the Glorious People's Re with such superiority, how could you fail to achieve your goals, to fulfill your destiny? The corrupt government of the USA shall fall and a new order will arise! like your birthright, your education comes from your parents - a long line of skilled operatives, continuing their mission on the enemy's land. You have been well trained to kill, and have mastered both the unarmed style of the Black Flamingo Kung Fu and the skill t and so, you will never lack a tool of war with which to hasten the Dawn of the Red Republic!TAG: Melee and Small Guns------Sniper------Breath deep, let your eyes the finger must be relaxed, easy yet ready. Ensure that you are aware of all lines of sight in the target area. Here they are - three heads are but a distraction, but the fourth is your mark. The finger tightens, squeezing slowly on the trigger - you built this gun yourself, machine tooled many of the parts yourself, and you know it will not fail you. You synchronize your heartbeat with the m three seconds, that is all you need for it all. You squeeze, there is a sharp retort, time to leave.
TAG: Small Guns and Repair===========WNote that this is a general term for the following classes===========-------Android-------Human emotion: so illogical, yet clearly a survival trait - how else would these radiation-sensitive beings still exist, if it were not for the sheer tenacity produced by their emotions? And so, while treading carefully to avoid recapture by the Institution Headhunters you have escaped a while back, you seek to contact humans and learn their ways. As a Cybernetic Threat Elimination Device you hold knowledge of science and energy weapons in your data banks, and you discovered that such knowledge is rare in the wasteland - a commodity you can use in your efforts to infiltrate human society.TAG: Energy Weapons and Science------Doctor------The wasteland may have mutated all fauna and flora, but it has not changed Man's desire to understand himself and the surrounding world. Indeed, with the flux of mutation, it is a conundrum to precisely decide what can still be categorized as human. And so, after years of studying hard and apprenticing to a wandering doctor, you have seen the ravages of radiation and ignorance. You have to knowledge to eithe the choice is yours.TAG: Medicine and Speech--------Mechanic--------There is much more to restoration of the world than just fitting parts together. It is a spiritual thing, not just physical. One needs to understand the underlying principles, not just their physical manifestation. Yes, you know all this, you understand this, for you have studied long wi and now, 10 years later, you have received your journeyman's kit, and the blessing of your Master, and you are heading out - to learn more, to experience the world, and to fix it right up - fix it the way YOU would like it to be.TAG: Science and Repair---------Scavenger---------You ain't just a stupid dirt-farming wastelander, no sireee! You have an eye for the old tech, you have a feel for the nuts and bolts and all of them fancy repair parts. You were apprenticed for 3 years to a mechanic, and when she died you took off with some of her equipment to make your own fortunes. You have the tools and the know how, and you used those to fix up a revolver or two - and that's lucky because out here in the wastes you had to learn how to use them guns right up quick.TAG: Small Guns and Repair-----Slave-----So tired... you run all night, you hide all day under rocks and in caves, unable to really sleep in the glare of the sun, always afraid to hear the approaching patter and chatter of Paradise Falls slavers. You have learned how to break into the most unlikely ruins in search of respite, and experience has taught you to move so quietly that even mutated animals don't sniff you out. Regrettably, you've still been unable to remove your slave collar, but you did manage to somehow disarm the cursed thing before escaping, that's got to count for something, right?TAG: Sneak and Lockpicking------Trader------You have been reared on the move, as your parents were caravan merchants. You knew how to ride a brahamin before you could talk, and your first words were an attempt to haggle an extra bowl of pudding from your mom. You treat the wastes as a web that connects the real points of interest - the cities and villages were you can trade the unneeded surplus of one settlement for the best another settlement has, as if you were dealing in riches.TAG: Speech and Barter
这个是说明哈· · · 那位大神能把这个翻译咯· ···
告诉你只是装备和TAG skills的区别了……装备选好职业以后上那个空着的长条箱里拿,TAG skills可以拿了装备后选自己定……
也是哈 · · · 我今天用了,不停地拿那个箱子,拿一个往旁边的衣柜里放一个,刷了好多好多子弹跟枪还有动力装甲治疗针···
恩· · ·东西多到没追求了· · · 全给炸弹镇杂货铺了
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服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
服务器: 天武之心昵称: 若雲影职业: 御灵等级: 83帮会: 主宰荣耀
服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
服务器: 万法归宗昵称: 刀锋意志职业: 影刹等级: 67帮会: 星星点灯
服务器: 天武之心昵称: 灬舞影职业: 夜狩等级: 80帮会: 休闲世家
服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
1000破甲哪里是1000伤害了怎么算的,1000点护甲是可以免疫10%左右的伤害,也就是说1000点破甲可以给你 ...
现在我的取舍就是。 我堆攻击可以堆到上限7300
还有就是 攻击上限 7000
服务器: 天武之心昵称: 若雲影职业: 御灵等级: 83帮会: 主宰荣耀
现在我的取舍就是。 我堆攻击可以堆到上限7300
这游戏有两种伤害,一种是基础伤害也就是面板上面的每秒伤害,装备加成全部是这个伤害,第二个就是技能伤害也就是所谓的元素伤害(对应的全元素抗性宝石),& &还有就是这游戏护甲并不是说1000点护甲可以抵消1000点伤害而是免伤程度,护甲越高所有伤害的免伤越高,比例约是1000点护甲10%左右的免伤,也就是说在不清楚对方的护甲情况下自身破甲越高那么打人的时候对方免伤就越低,所以在自己攻击够高的情况下1000点破甲的作用肯定比200点固定伤害来的大
服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
这样 那我懂了。
服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
这游戏有两种伤害,一种是基础伤害也就是面板上面的每秒伤害,装备加成全部是这个伤害,第二个就是技能伤害 ...
服务器: 烽火雷霆昵称: 史珍香职业: 御灵等级: 66帮会: 无
服务器: 浮生万古昵称: 婊妹职业: 夜狩等级: 83帮会: 惜缘
这游戏有两种伤害,一种是基础伤害也就是面板上面的每秒伤害,装备加成全部是这个伤害,第二个就是技能伤害 ...
那面板秒伤越大 是否就说明 你打出来的伤害高呢
实际打出来倒不比一些破甲高 但是秒伤低的 实际伤害高
服务器: 天星燎原昵称: 兔免免兔职业: 影刹等级: 80帮会: 煙雨踏輕舟ξ
服务器: 怒海狂涛昵称: 老和尚职业: 圣修等级: 78帮会: 无
现在我的取舍就是。 我堆攻击可以堆到上限7300
目测:国宝级 中华田园犬
你好,我是“ 中国精神健康研究中心”的主治医师,我院领导看到你的回帖后高度重视你的情况,特派我来帮助你摆脱病魔的困扰。希望你相信医生,配合我们工作。精神疾病可防可控可治,你要树立起坚强的信心。我们一定会使你走出阴影,过上正常人的生活!


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