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05:58 上传
Warden of the North
You have passed your trials and became a full-fledged warrior of the village.
完成训练关,值得一提的是,会挖到一双old shoes,不要分解或者赠送给女武神,这是游戏中的一个彩蛋,穿着旧鞋与Arlania的酒店老板对话,能得到神秘盒子,可以用来购买游戏中除了不死生物、恶魔和中立兵种之外的所有部队。
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06:01 上传
Exterminator of the Undead
You killed four leaders of the undead and took possession of their weapons. That alone is reason enough to be proud to wear this title!
Nordlig,摧毁4支亡灵军队,并将其头目的武器death whips交给Runolv。
After the battle with your brother, you fled your native island, and now your destiny, it seems, is to roam inhospitable islands on the cold and barren sea.
You have returned Taor to sanity and killed the rebellious vikings of Chukata and Gronnum! Now everyone knows that it is impossible to resist you!
Vestlig, 寻求国王Hauck的帮助,但某种力量使他的士兵失去了理智。将解药带给三个叛军首领,其中两个拒绝服用并攻击你,需要杀掉他们,剩下一个服药之后恢复正常。
True Honor
You helped Ingvar Kopperrad and found the survivors of Fastland. In gratitude, he has awarded your faithfulness with an appropriate title.
Fastland,亡灵军队也袭击了这里,国王Ingvar希望你找到幸存者。在岛上搜索之后发现有两个人: Enund和Hakon. 前者在灯塔,暂时不原意撤离,后者在一个被摧毁的村庄附近。Hakon在逃亡的时候遗失了祖父的斧头,在村子里找到斧头(就在地上)交给Hakon,他就会去国王那里。回去报告Ingvar,成就达成。
需要注意的是,这个是主线任务Invasion of Fastland的一部份,如果你找到幸存者之后不去报告,而是继续寻找3片面具碎片并交给女武神Gudrida合成Summoner's Mask,那么主线任务就会完成,事后再去找Ingvar也不会解锁成就了。
After the battle with Runorm, you were swamped by the Dark Portal and ejected in an unknown place. It is no wonder that the locals look at you askance.
You overcame the magicians of Arlania and took possession of the Staff of Starlight! Woe to anyone who would stand in your way, as your title clearly suggests!
Dark Blade
You cut out the heart from the chest of the evil necromancer Ksaltotun, and his dark blood has forever tarnished your blade. Let this blade be a sign of your courage and strength!
Greenwort,Guilford告诉你,有另外一件神器,叫做Ksaltotun之心,可以帮助阻止不死军团出现在Endoria。在Verlon Wasteland找到Ksaltotun,杀死他并取出心脏。但在这之前,必须要击败吸血鬼Constantine,救出女武神Regina。
Demon Conqueror
You completed the quest of the demon Xeona, and bent the four other demon lords to her will. In recognition of your achievements, Xeona bestowed upon you this title.
Greenwort,Guilford告诉你,他还需要一件神器龙之泪,来帮助他与亡灵作战。他会打开一个传送门,通过传送门去到Demonis,在那里遇到Xeona(这位是国王恩赐:传奇主角Bill Gilbert的前妻),Demonis的统治者。Xeona正烦恼于Hades的四个恶魔王子试图取代她的位置,她希望你教训这四个家伙,让他们屈服于她的意志之下,作为交换,她会把龙之泪给你。在Hades找到这四个恶魔,通过各种手段迫使他们在Xeona所给的合约上签字。
You have overcome a huge dragon Rikshenassitrax and took from him a powerful artifact called the Tear of the Dragon. This grants you the right to truly be called a Gambler!
Enemy of the Kingdom
You have refused to side with the Prince Consort Guilford, and now he is your sworn enemy. Neither of you shall rest until one of you is put out to sea on a fiery funeral ship!
得到三件神器之后Guilford的真面目就暴露了,他想自己当国王,而三件神器使他的实力得到极大提升。在战斗中击败他,但是Guilford很强大,仍然差点摧毁你。幸好被女武神Mista Cloud所救,Mista加入,她建议你去找大法师Rezo谈谈。
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06:04 上传
At Home Among Strangers
The elf Lin Evere has given you a branch of myrtle as a symbol of peace and friendship. Even though you still feel like a stranger in the company of Children of the Star, it is better to have elves as allies than enemies!
Heart of Flint
You left the poisoned Ele Taera to die in the cave. Of course you have a heart -- as cold as a piece of granite!
在大法师Rezo的建议下你决定寻找盟军共同对抗Guilford,首先是精灵。在Arlania找到精灵军队的指挥官Las Ksarind,这时正好有艘精灵的船在Griffin岛附近失踪了,Las Ksarind让你去找到这艘船,其实失踪的就是他的女儿Ele Taera。在Griffind岛的地下洞穴里找到Ele Taera,原来船队在海上遇到风暴,被迫躲避到这里,不幸被蜘蛛咬中,中毒了。Ele Taera让你去寻找解毒药,拒绝她的提议,离开洞穴再回来,她已经变成亡灵了,并会向你复仇。击败她,解锁成就。其实这里救与不救都不影响与精灵的结盟,但是选择救人就无法得到成就。不过对Ele Taera的这场战斗有不小难度。
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06:05 上传
Border Guard
You have completed the task of Korn Digor, and cleared New Kordar of the undead hordes. You can now rightfully be called &d'hukha marud& -- Border Guard!
Las Kasrind考虑之后告诉你,精灵只会与Darion的合法统治者女王Amelie谈判,她最近去了Kordar,所以Las Kasrind让你通过Arlania的Creiston矿洞通道去Kordar找到她。不过在那里,矮人国王Korn Digor说并没有见到她。他让你等待消息,自己再调查一下。他建议你在等待消息的时候,顺便帮忙消灭New Kordar附近威胁矮人安全的五支亡灵军队,杀死他们的头目。
*Demon Talker
You have entered an alliance with Xeona, leader of the demonic army, and enlisted his support in the upcoming battle with the usurper Prince Consort Guilford.
取得龙之泪返回后,Greenwort的传送门就会关闭,不能再去Demonis。但是在New Kordar,你遇到一个叫Frod的矮人,他爱上了一个叫Freolina的妹子,但是自己又不敢去表白,你同意帮他去和Freolina谈谈。Freolina原来是一只魅魔,而且她也要你的灵魂,打败她之后,附近的结界就会打开,过去之后发现会在Hades。这时任务会提示找Xeona结盟。通过Hades到Demonis,Xeona倒是挺爽快,马上就答应共同对付Guilford,成就达成。
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06:08 上传
Friend of the Giants
You defeated the giant Loki in a fair fight. No one ever before has beaten him in a contest of strength, so he has offered you his friendship, an honor impossible to refuse.
维京和矮人是另外两个可以争取的盟友,但他们之间有些利益冲突需要先解决。去Riftland找维京国王Asvald,但是与他见面必须先过巨人Loki这一关,之前还没人能击败他。这里如果在10回合内放倒Loki,还可以解锁另一个成就God of War。
Jarl Protector
You have completed the task of the King of Asvald, and brought peace and tranquility to the island of South Vinland. You now carry the title of Jarl Protector, defender of the Vikings!
Beloved of the Gods
You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Christa, and for your generosity you are now a favorite of the gods.
Black Death
You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Gudrida, by destroying the army of orcs that were threatening your island. This earned you the greenskin nickname &Uck Judg& that is, the Black Death.
You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Hilda, defeating the mighty Veritory the Blood and his army of dragons, and now carry with honor the title of Dragonslayer!
Lord of the Giants
You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Regina, bringning her 10 giant creatures, and can now rightfully be called the Lord of the Giants.
带给Regina 10个大型生物,龙啊巨人什么的都可以。
Equal to the Gods
You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Mista, by returning to her the weapon of Tyr, stolen by Fenrir. For this you have earned the title of Favorite of Ragnarok!
You have been awarded honorary membership in the Free Brotherhood of Isterreng, making you a real sea wolf. Yo, ho, ho!
Isterreng,你在海盗洞窟safe heaven遇到一个叫Henk Owleye的海盗,他说现在湖边到处是蛇,海盗们都很害怕。这些蛇是女巫Ettilla的,但是她遗失了手杖,所以失去了对蛇的控制。回去问Henk,他说手杖可能在Toothless Jack那里,Toothless Jack拒绝归还手杖,杀死他,把手杖还给Ettilla。于是这里再次安全了。
Snowy Mountain Pathfinder
You performed a great service for the old pirate Simon Danziker, having found and buried the remains of his cabin boy, and destroying the pack of wild wolves who attacked the poor youth.
Isterreng,老海盗Simon Danziker告诉你,一个男孩曾经在风暴中救过同船人的性命,但他已经有3天没有这个孩子的消息了,他希望你帮他找到这个男孩Thomas Mayer。在山顶找到Thomas的遗骨,原来他受到了野兽的攻击。埋葬Thomas之后,Simon Danziker让你为Thomas报仇。在岛上找到袭击男孩的那群狼,杀死它们。
Friend of the Pirates
You helped Captain Tigg and his friends from Undershore Brotherhood. For your service, a special brotherhood council unanimously voted to award you the title of Friend of the Pirates.
Western Freedom Island,兽人在这个岛上占据了统治地位,海盗Captain Tigg的同伴们被关在监狱里,他让你去营救他们。这里可以选择用钱打通关节,也可以用其他办法。
Myth Buster
You defeated the dragon Glaurmur the Dazzling, and now the &white bird of happiness& will no longer lure unsuspecting travelers into his deadly trap.
Western Freedom Island,你听到关于快乐白鸟的传说。据说这鸟只在天黑之后出现,在通往一座旧矿洞的路上。任何找到这只鸟的人都会变得非常富有和幸运。在Eastern Freedom Island你果然找到了这只鸟,并被引入了矿洞,在那里有一条叫Glaurmur的龙,原来鸟是它制造的幻像,目的就是吸引人们到它的巢穴杀死,夺取财物,现在应该惩罚这条贪婪的龙了。
Thanks to your efforts, the artist Eye Vaz the Orc finally wrote his masterpiece, and has become reknown throughout the world.
Western Freedom Island,兽人画家Ay Vaz一直希望描绘海战的场面,但这些年兽人和海盗已经学会了如何相处,他一直没有这样的机会。Ay Vaz请求你和最近出现在岛附近的3艘海盗船作战,作为回报,他会把最近的作品送给你。
Strong as Hagyr
On Freedom Islands you defeated the necromancer Sirius Pale, and for this the orc Hagyr Bigaxe proclaimed that henceforth you shall be known as &Strong as Hagyr!&
Western Freedom Island,兽人Hagyr Bigaxe告诉你,最近有些不请自来的家伙出现在岛上,原来Eastern Freedom Island的一座城堡被死灵法师Sirius Pale占据了,Hagyr让你去杀死他。不过为了测试你的实力,Hagyr会先和你打一场,通过考验后他很满意。Hagyr让你在杀死dead shaman之前先告诉它,世界上最好的海盗是兽人,亡灵永远不能成为真正的海盗。
Keeper of Order
You killed the rebel Selmy Boros and his rebel troops have returned to their barracks. To reward you for your services to Darion, you have been granted this title.
Greenwort,王宫卫队长Renli Swann会给你一个任务,杀死脱离组织的Selmy Boros,让他手下的人回到军营。
Killer of Giants
You killed the giant Gloomgnaw, and captain of the palace guard, Renli Swann, has granted you this title in recognition of this great achievement.
还是Renli Swann的任务,有个食人魔Gloomnaw藏在Greenwort的森林里,队长希望你除掉这个祸害。
Kael-shot, the first blade, in gratitude for your service to the King of Merlassar, has taken you into the ranks of the elven order of the Blossoming Blades!
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06:15 上传
Astral Rider
You have helped to free the demon Lurfu from the astral captivity in boiling lava, and for this he rewarded you with the title of Astral Rider.
Verlon Wasteland,你答应帮助一位老人清理掉花园里的不死生物。作为回报,你得到一个沙漏,里面有个小恶魔叫Lurf,他被一个法师关在沙漏里很久了,他问你是否愿意释放他。在Demonis将沙漏扔入岩浆,Lurf就自由了,成就达成。
Heavy Striker
You won the Dwarven High Hammer, and now you are known across all the dwarven lands as &bhak udrut& -- the Heavy Striker! It has quite a ring to it!
New Kordar,你在矿洞里看到有个奇怪的锤子,矮人Archon Runsage说这是前些日子从天上掉下来的,之后就没人能碰它。你决定挑战控制锤子的灵魂,让其成为自己的武器。
Elemental Overlord
At the request of the magician-daemon Arkton, you tracked down and killed a strange creature of fire and smoke. Arkton gave you this title in recognition of your services.
Lord of the Flame
You helped the strange fiery creature Zahar defeat his opponent, and he awarded you with this title. Now all creatures made of fire and flames will know that you are a true friend!
Friend of the Griffins
You have helped with the griffin Sirranu with the dragon Massalatrix, and he awarded you this title. Now all the Griffins know that you are their friend!
Defender of the Ice
You saved the Royal Egg of the dragon Massalatrix, and were awarded the title &Defender of the Ice.& Now you are a great friend to the Ice Dragons.
Ragnarok's Messenger
Complete the game on Impossible difficulty.
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06:18 上传
Bane of Life
Apply a total of 1,000,000 damage.
Destroy 250 enemy armies.
Destroy 25 enemy troops in a row without replenishing your army.
Cool Warrior
Win 50 fights without using Rage skills.
Looking for Trouble
Receive 500,000 damage points in one game.
同Bane of Life
Get the achievements &Bane of Life,& &Fighter&, &Butcher&, &Cool Warrior& and &Looking for Trouble&.
Accumulate at least 10,000,000 gold.
Collect 75 artefacts and game items.
Lose 10,000 troops.
Amateur Jeweler
Collect 250 chests during your travels.
Bane of Death
Defeat Runorm and close the Dark Portal, losing no more than 30% of your forces, or without losing a single troop.
Get the achievements &Greedy&, &Collector&, &Heartless&, &Amateur Jeweler& and &Bane of Death&.
Valhalla's Favourite
Raise all Valkyries to level 3 before entering Demonis.
Inflict 500,000 magic damage over the course of the game.
使用范围伤害的法术,比如fire ball,fire rain,death star等比较快。
Mad Courage
Defeat Guilford in the final battle, without using your Spell Book.
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Defeat Eric with the fewest allies.
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06:23 上传
Reckless Fighter
Win 50 fights without using the Spell Book.
Get the achievements &Valhalla's Favorite&, &High Mage&, &Mad Courage&, &Confident& and &Reckless Fighter&.
Valkyrie's Favourite
Raise all Valkyries to level 5.
Receive 15 medals (at least to 1 level).
Gain all the talents in your class tree (at least to level 1).
Collect all items of the set.
Defeat the Undead Spider and all of its troops in under 15 rounds.
这个似乎比较难啊,网上的讨论也比较多。impossible难度下,大蜘蛛的HP有34000,而且我这个档,没有engineer,warrior maiden也只有8个,还不如不带,法术方面连个治疗都没有,那些说在第一个岛就挖到召唤凤凰卷轴都是什么人品。最后的组合是troll,jarls,berserker,viking和royal snake,主力输出是berserker和jarls,蛇负责清理小蜘蛛。此战的关键就是速战速决,越往后,召唤的蜘蛛越多,我是第13轮过的,无损什么的这里就别考虑了。
God of War
Defeat Loki in 10 rounds.
Master Player
Raise your character to the maximum level.
把角色升到70级。这是我唯一使用控制台命令取得的成就。61级的时候,我只剩下两个自由岛和Tungsinn岛上有些敌人没有清理,估计不够升一级的,我也知道在New Kordar可以花钱训练,100万一次,但打一次只有两万多的经验,看了经验表之后我发现就算打完1300万也不可能升几级,总的说来我觉得很难在impossible难度下取得这个成就。其他难度应该可以,但我实在不想再打一遍了。
Friend of Dwarves
Perform all major and minor quests in New Kordar.
1.之前说过的,完成Heavy Striker那个成就的任务。
3.工程师Granik抱怨说他的一些零件被不死生物偷走了,为此必须消灭New Kordar附近所有的不死生物,总共有3个零件。
4.商人Chronic Brassface的地下室出现了吸血鬼,帮他消灭这些敌人。
6.一个叫Tori Hanson的男孩,和朋友玩耍时在地下通道迷路了,但是由于妈妈让他不和陌生人一起,你只好去Grotland找到他的妈妈Betty,让他的妈妈带他回家。
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06:25 上传
写的很用心,收藏。& && && && && && && &
Get the achievements &Valhalla's Favorite&, &High Mage&, &Mad Courage&, &Confident& and &Reckless Fighter&.
本帖最后由 pegguy 于
11:18 编辑
Valhalla's Favorite
Reckless Fighter
50场战斗不使用法术,也就是你的spell book
Mad Courage
Valhalla's Favorite
Valhalla's Favorite这个不是指的是女武神在进魔域前升到3级吗?还是要后面这个也完成?谢谢你的存档0 0
你说得对。是我错把&Valkyrie's Favourite&的内容给复制过来了,已修正。&
SteamCN 蒸汽动力 & Chinese Steam User Fan Site.
20:37, PE: 0.803468s , QE: 136, Gzip On, Redis On.}


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