nba2k怎么获得游戏币feel the momentis moment中文歌词

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游戏狂人, 积分 1272, 距离下一级还需 728 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1272, 距离下一级还需 728 积分
本帖最后由 史提芬楊 于
22:08 编辑
[color=rgb(57, 57, 57)][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=12px][align=left]MyTEAM
“Be Different.” That has been our theme, focus, and inspiration for MyTEAM in 2K16. After listening to the community feedback from 2K15 we noticed an important element missing which was a sense of individuality. Since the creation of MyTEAM in 2013, we have struggled with our long list of features having to pick and choose what would make the biggest impact. Branding and creating an identity has always been on that list and it was finally time to start working on it.[align=left]“与众不同”是我们开发2K16 MyTEAM模式的主旨、着眼点和灵感来源所在。在听取了来自于广大玩家对2K15的反馈以后,我们发现以前犯的一个很重要的错误,就是个性化不足。MT模式自2013年被创建以来,我们列出一个长长的特色功能列表,从列表中选择那些能让这个模式更具有影响力的特色。创建一支自主品牌的球队是那个列表中的特色功能之一,这次我们终于可以实现了。
will be featured in multiple modes in 2K16 but holds a special place for us in MyTEAM. In the creator you can customize your logo, arena, court floor, and uniforms. You can choose from some predefined images, go online and upload your custom logos or use other community favorites. We are all secret bloggers, sportscasters, and online sensations so show us what you can create.[align=left]该功能将会在多人模式中出现,在MT模式中为我们保留了这块特殊的空间。在这个创建模式中,你可以自制你们的队标、球场、地板和队服。你可以先把预制的图片,也可以上网下载或者上传你自制的标志、或者使用其他社区钟爱的标志。做为神秘博主、体育评论员和网络大卡,请秀出你们的创造力吧。
[align=left]The Gauntlet
In MyTEAM we are always dreaming of “different” ways to play the game. That is how The Gauntlet got started. The Gauntlet is a short 3v3 rooftop street game to 21 played in a 10 game series. It is online head-to-head, but you won’t be taking your best against their best. (You didn’t think it would be that easy did you?) You will choose 10 of your favorite players but the catch is that each player can only be used in a single game. The AI will then select two players at random from all available cards that have been released. These “Trial” cards will be your squad for the game.[align=left]在MT模式中,我们总是梦想着以“与众不同”的方式打球,这也是该模式设计的初衷。该模式采用街头3V3,10场系列赛,每场21分制。联网斗牛,但并不是你最好的球员对战对方最好的球员(你指定不会认为就那么简单,是吧)。由你选十名最喜欢的球员,但每名球员只能打一局比赛。电脑然后从已经推出的可以使用的卡片中随机抽选两个球员,与玩家挑选的那个球员组成比赛的队伍。[align=left]
In The Gauntlet you will be playing for cards on a board. After eac工口GAME in the series you can earn picks off the board. The higher in the series you go the more picks you can earn. Boards come in different varieties and contain all types of cards including players. We also will be adding new boards throughout the year with chances at All-Stars and many of our special edition players.[align=left]圣铠对决模式中,玩家通过比赛可以获得球员卡。系列赛每打完一场,玩家都有机会得到球员卡。系列赛走到越后面的玩家,会获得更多的球员卡。卡片的种类多样,有包括球员在内的多种类型。未来的一年我们都将会不断加入新的卡片,比如全明星赛期间,还有好多特殊版本的球员。
Domination has always been a great way to kick-start your team. It has quickly become a fan favorite way to play so when we heard the community asking us to extend gameplay we completely agreed. This year you can continue winning games and stars for 33 more games against some of the toughest historic teams. How will your team stack up against the '08 Celtics, the '13 Heat and many more?[align=left]打称霸赛一直是开始建立一支球队的最好的方法。它很快成为一个玩家们最喜欢的比赛模式,所以当收到玩家们要求我们扩充游戏内容的要求时,我们欣然应允。本年度你们可以继续通过比赛来不断获胜和赢得星星,比赛总数超过33场,其中不乏超厉害的历史球队。好好想想该如何对付08年的凯尔特人和13年的热火队以及更多的棘手球队吧。
We are also excited to introduce MyTEAM a quick new way to earn a little extra. When starting a Challenge, Road to the Playoffs or Domination game you will have a random chance of getting a Trial. Trials are stat related and can be accomplished in a single game. The only rule is you can only use one player on your team. Trials range from easy (like scoring four jump shots) to hard (such as getting twelve rebounds and second chance points). The difficultly of a Trial ramps with your team’s overall rating but the harder the trial the more MyTEAM points you earn.[align=left]我们对引入任务考验感到很是刺激。这是一个快速地获取一点MT币的方式。当进行挑战赛、季后赛之路或者称霸赛时,你将随机得到任务考验的机会。所谓的任务考验是对玩家在一场比赛中的某些方面的统计评估。唯一的规则就是你只能使用队伍中的一名球员。考验任务难易不同,简单的比如通过四次跳投得分,困难的比如获得12个篮板和二次进攻得分。任务的困难程度因玩家队伍的总评不同而异,不过任务越难,在完成以后,获得的MT点数也就越多。
This year it was important for the cards to stand out and feel “different” from each other. For us it was no longer enough to have a special edition card. We wanted each card to feel unique and clearly recognizable when it comes out of a pack. We also took in a lot of the community feedback and came up with a way to classify cards in two ways.[align=left]今年卡片的的重点是让人眼前一亮,以及不同各类卡片间的辨识度。对于我们来说,单单有特殊版本的球员卡已经不算什么,翻开卡片包,我们想让每一类卡片都给玩家以与众不同的感觉,醒目易辨识。我们也吸取了很多玩家的反馈意见,将卡片分成两大类。
The first change is the border colors of the cards are now tied to the overall rating of a player. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Amethyst and Diamond are the only border colors and ramp accordingly. When flipping cards you will instantly know what general overall range the player belongs to by color. We also added the overall rating to the top corner to make it easier to sort through your players when building a lineup.[align=left]首要的改变是卡片边缘的颜色,现在是根据每个球员总评而定。依据球员等级从低到高,卡片边界的颜色依次为铜、银、金、紫水晶和钻石。当翻卡时,你将可以通过卡片颜色立即判断出该球员大致的能力总评范围。我们还将球员的总评标在了卡牌的上边角,以利于玩家分类组建队伍。[align=left]
The second classification is theme. Each theme is represented by a custom art background and an emblem in the corner. One of the themes we added this year is the Dynamic Ratings theme. Players in this class match their current player counterpart in the collection at launch but will have fluctuating attributes as the season starts based on their real performances. Dynamic Ratings players will be released closer to the season but those who pre-order will get a couple of these players as part of their MyTEAM bonus content.[align=left]第二类是按主题分类。每个定制的艺术背景色和边角标注的符号代表一个主题。今年我们加入的一个主题叫动态能力值主题。此类主题的球员开始时与他们普通的卡片上的能力值相同,但赛季开始后,这些人的能力值会随着他们在球场上的真实表现的好坏而发生上下波动。动态能力值球员的发布将与真实比赛结合得更加紧密,那些预定了游戏的玩家将会得到一些这样的球员,作为他们的MT福利。
Another theme we have announced will be Moment cards. A moment card is a card that is added shortly after a player has a great moment. This card will highlight their specific game performance of that night.[align=left]我们已经揭晓的另一个主题是运势卡。当一名球员打出一场好的比赛,我们很快就会加入一张这样的运势卡。此卡将标志着他们在那一晚的特有比赛表现。
There are so many additional themes that will arrive throughout the season including the return of Throwback Thursday.[align=left]整个赛季,还会有其他一些主题的加入,比如说周四的经典重现主题。
More on Cards
Shoes have arrived in MyTEAM! Replacing the old attribute cards, shoes will be making their appearance in a slightly different way. Each shoe can carry up to 3 different attribute boosts and when applied will appear on that player in game. Shoes also have an advantage because they last for multiple games before having to reapply. Like all great shoes they do wear out eventually.
In addition to shoes we have added basketball cards including team balls, animal prints, and even a beach ball. You will also see historic courts, free agents, Euroleague jerseys and logos. The customization options are all up to you.[align=left]除了鞋子外,我们还加入了篮球卡,包括球队篮球、动物图片的篮球,甚至还有沙滩篮球。你们还将看到经典球场、欧洲队服和标志。自由定制,随你心意。
What’s Left[align=left]查漏补缺
Throughout development we always try to accept ideas from the community and ways to make your gaming experience better. Here are some of our favorites.[align=left]整个开发过程中,我们一直试着吸收广大玩家的意见,以期让你们有更好的游戏体验。以下是我们一些引以为豪的呈现:The player card has been redesigned and allows for comparisons when creating lineups and searching for cards in the auction house.对球员卡片进行了重新设计,当玩组建队伍时,或者在收藏大厅里寻找球员卡时,可以对不同的卡片进行对比。Search directly from your collection in the auction house to fill in those missing players.可以在收藏中直接到拍卖大厅搜索卡片,以补足球员。Increased amount of Collector Levels with more MyTEAM points and players.收藏家的级别提高,更多的MT点数和更多的球员。Card rewards for playing the game are even better and represent the best cards in game. You have to earn them to show them off.通过比赛获得的卡片奖励更加丰厚,有机会获得比赛中最好的球员卡。但你得首先打败他们。Freestyle is now available so you can practice with your team before heading into a real game.自由模式被引入,你可以进行赛前训练。We added more lineup slots and generate an overall rating for your entire team.
可以组建更多的阵容,每个阵容都有总评值。Can’t get enough of packs? Check out our new boxes with 10 packs per box.球员包不够用?来试一下我们新的卡包礼盒,每盒十包。All new Challenges and weekly Challenges coming your way.全新的挑战赛和周末挑战赛等着你。Autofill options for building lineups and contract applying for your entire team.队伍组建和应用合同会实现自动填充。
What We Do[align=left]The entire team is excited to share all of the things we battled and argued about this year to make the best game possible. MyTEAM has been growing year over year and it’s because we have the best fans in the business.[align=left]为了让游戏尽可能的好玩,这一年我们为之奋斗、为之争论。就要把这一切呈现在你们面前,我们整个团队都非常兴奋。MT模式一年一年发展壮大起来,就是因为有你们这些专业的最好的玩家。
Please continue to send us your feedback because in the end we want to make a great game experience for you.[align=left]请持续不断不厌其烦地将你们的意见想法反馈给我们,因为我们的终极目标就是给你们带来最伟大的游戏体验。
Be different MyTEAMers.[align=left]做与众不同的MT人。
游戏达人, 积分 2378, 距离下一级还需 1122 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2378, 距离下一级还需 1122 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1272, 距离下一级还需 728 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1272, 距离下一级还需 728 积分
Powered by2K12防守策略(转自游侠会员翻译)
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刚看了篇关于2K12防守的文章,已经有游侠的会员翻译。讲的都是些简单的动作,但正是细节才能决定成败。望HOOP的朋友们在会那些华丽的动作前,能练好这些防守基本功。掌握到极致,即便是简单的动作也可以有想不到的效果&& 原文如下&&& 附上链接
游侠会员 翻译,2k12的防守(转转扣不再无解了)
Hello fans! Jerson Sapida here back for another insight.&&If you missed my last Insight about Training Camp earlier this week, you can read it here. This time I’ll be going over NBA 2K12’s gameplay features and improvements on Defense.&&Just to note, as announced in yesterday’s Post Game Insight, there will be a video that chronicles all controls I reference below early next week.Jerson Sapida又回到这里给你们展示新东东了。如果你还没有看过这周早些时间我发布的关于训练营的前瞻,点这里。这次我要展示一下2K12防守方面的特色和改进。提个醒,我在昨天的背身单打介绍时也说过,下周初就会有操作视频展示我在下文中提到的所有操作。With that being said, let’s go over what we’ve added:好了,来看看我们加入了些什么:Movement and Controls 动作及操控With NBA 2K11, we made marked improvements on defense with regards to control, responsiveness, and game AI.&&The entire movement system was also re-written last year, giving us a solid base to build on for 2K12.&&Getting defensive movement as responsive and tight as possible is always a top priority, and the same philosophy holds true for this year’s title.&&On top of that, we wanted to give the user more control over the defensive player’s movement and actions.&&With NBA 2K12, we give you more commands on the defensive end.&&Here’s the breakdown of what they are.在2K11中,我们改进防守系统时考虑了操作、反应以及游戏的AI。去年整个动作系统全部重做了一遍,这为2K12的继续改进打下了坚实的基础。防守的最高要义就是动作及时和紧凑,这同样是今年的原则。在此基础之上,我们希望在防守球员的移动和动作方面给予玩家更多的控制权。2K12中,在防守时你有了更多的操作。如下所述:Shuffle Speed(滑步)防守速度Let’s start off with controlling your defender’s speed.&&When guarding the ball handler in NBA 2K12, you have complete control over how fast your defender moves in order to keep up with your matchup.&&Speed throttling, as we call this internally, gives you three levels of control as a defender.我们从控制防守球员的移动速度开始。2K12中,当你防守持球队员时,你可以完全控制防守球员的速度以便他跟防对手。我们称之为“速度阀”的东东,可以给你控制的防守球员3种速度等级LSTICK = regular movement 左摇杆 = 常速移动LT + LSTICK (L2 + Left Analog Stick on PS3)= Intense Defense and tighter movement LT + 左摇杆 (PS3是L2 + 左摇杆)=紧逼防守和更硬派的动作 LT + RT + LSTICK&&(L2 + R2 + Left Analog Stick on PS3) = Fast Shuffle movement LT + RT +左摇杆(PS3是L2 + R2 + 左摇杆) = 快速滑步防守When guarding the ball, you now have three options over how fast or how slow you want to go.&&Without any modifiers, LSTICK&&(Left Analog Stick) will give you the default movement speed.&&This is what you’ll be using the most, such as when the dribbler is roaming the court or setting up a play.&&You can still tap the stick to take a step, or feather it lightly to walk.现在,在防守的时候你有3个等级去决定防守队员的移动快慢了,在没有配合其他辅助按键时,左摇杆是常规的移动速度。这是最常用的一种,带球球员在场上漫步或是开始打战术的时候都能用上。轻推摇杆一下可以让防守球员前跨一步,轻轻的推着摇杆则是走。Moving on to the next level, when you hold down LT (or L2 on PS3), you enter Intense Defense which will give you a tighter set of controls.&&You won’t be moving as fast as the default movement speed when holding down LT (L2).&&Your defender will make small adjustments while in this mode.&&Even with the stick fully pressed, Intense Defense limits you to a slower shuffle speed for that tighter control.&&Use Intense Defense when you are playing the dribbler really close and only need to take a step or two to get in better position.在来看下个等级,当你按住LT键(PS3上的L2键)时,你进入到紧逼防守模式,你防守动作变紧凑,防守更紧。当你按住LT键(L2键)时,你不能再以常规速度移动。在这个模式下,你的防守球员将会有一些小的调整,即使把摇杆扳到底,球员的滑步防守速度也会变得慢一些。在距离进攻球员确实很近,跨上一两步就能卡好位的时候,这个模式比较适用。Lastly, and this is my favorite, when LT + RT (L2 + R2) are held, the defender will be in Fast Shuffle mode.&&Think of this as moving laterally but with Turbo applied.&&This is especially helpful when you feel that you are getting beat by a step or two but do not want to sprint to catch up.&&It is essentially the fastest speed your player can go without turning to run.&&You can also use this to defend a fastbreak.&&By getting into the Fast Shuffle, you can now face up the dribbler and backpedal towards the basket (be it as early as the half court line) as he is attacking for a score.&&You can even hold down LT (L2) and periodically tap/hold RT (R2)&&to get that extra level of control over your speed.&&A word of caution: this will drain your energy much faster than normal movement, so use it only when necessary.最后,也是我最喜欢的,当LT + RT(L2 + R2)一起被按住的时候,防守球员进入快速滑步防守模式。可以把它看成是马力全开的侧身跑动。当你发现你被对手超了一两步,但是又不愿意(放弃防守姿势)加速回追时,这个模式会非常有用。除了加速跑,这基本能算是球员能达到的最快速度了。你也可以用这个模式化解快攻。一旦进入此模式(最好是刚过半场就用),在对方球员整个进攻过程中,你的球员都会面朝持球者,背对篮框。你也可以按住LT (L2),然后再偶尔(根据具体情况)按下RT(<FONT color=#)进行加速。提醒一句:和普通状态相比,这个模式消耗能量条快得多,所以请在必要的时候使用.昨天 08:43 上传 RSTICK Defense右摇杆防御The RSTICK (Right Analog Stick on PS3) now has two functions on defense this year: Hands Up and Deny Ball.防守时,右摇杆有两种功能了:举手和阻挠对手接球In 2K11, you could perform the Hands Up move but doing so restricted your movement.&&You couldn’t shuffle or adjust your position once you put your hands up.&&The move basically locked you in a standstill, putting you at an even more disadvantageous position.&&In NBA 2K12, you can now get your hands up and move at the same time.&&By simply holding the RSTICK in any direction, your defender will raise both hands when close to the ball handler.&&As long as the RSTICK is held, you will keep your hands up.&&Mix in LSTICK for movement to keep up with your opponent.&&You want to use this move to (a) defend a shot or (b) force a more difficult pass.&&Playing hands up defense on a shooter will have an effect on the overall shot percentage.&&The closer you are to the shooter, the higher the impact you have on the shot.&&Another added benefit is that you have less chance of fouling when simply raising your hands.&&The AI also makes full use of the Hands Up move, especially when the ball gets close to the basket.&&With this move as part of their defensive arsenal, the inside game feels more balanced now as well.<FONT color=#K11中,你也可以举手,但是这样做限制了你的其他动作。一旦你举了手,你就不能再滑步防守和调整位置。这个动作会让你木在原地,很可能你站在了一个非常不利的位置上。2K12中,你可以同时举手和移动了。靠近持球队员时,将右摇杆推向任意方向,你的防守球员都高举双手。右摇杆不回位,球员会一直保持举手姿势。结合左摇杆移动你的球员使他防住对手。你可能想用这招防投篮或是使对手的传球更难。对手投篮时举手防御会影响投篮命中率。离投篮球员越近,影响效果越明显。另一个额外的好处是只举手的情况下犯规几率较小。AI将会充分利用这一动作(尤其是当球接近篮框时)。随着这个动作成为防守***之一,内线的争夺现在也平衡多了。One thing I would like to mention is how shot contests work with hands up now.&&In 2K11, shot contests triggered automatically for both users and CPU.&&This is no longer the case for the user.&&We want to give you complete control over your actions on the court.&&Getting some random animation that you specifically did not call for, without any input, is something we wanted to move away from.&&This same viewpoint was shared and passionately voiced by one of our community members, Da Czar, during development.&&Conversely, there were those who liked the auto-contest in 2K11.&&Among them was one of our gameplay interns who has been a longtime fan of the series.&&After days of debating, we came up with the solution that should satisfy both camps: Auto Contests will play as long as you are performing hands up defense or holding LT (or L2 on PS3) in Intense Defense mode.&&This means you need to perform one of the two, meaning intentionally feeding an input, to get the contest.&&As a side note: auto contest animations will not make your player jump.&&If you want to leave the ground to contest a shot, you must press the Block button (Y on Xbox, Triangle on PS3).我想提到的一点是:目前投篮干扰是如何与举手防御协同运作的。<FONT color=#K11中,无论是对玩家还是CPU,投篮干扰都是自动触发的。现在(对玩家而言)不再是这样了。我们想让你完全控制场上球员的行为。我们希望去掉那些你确实不想要的,没有按键输入就产生的随机动作。改进过程中,这个理论被分享,得到了社区成员DaCzar的热情赞扬。但同时,也有很多玩家喜欢<FONT color=#K11中自动投篮干扰,其中之一是制作此游戏的实习生,一个<FONT color=#K系列的老粉丝。经过几天的讨论,我们的解决方案让两大阵营都感到满意:自动的投篮干扰只有在你举手防御或是按住LT(<FONT color=#)键处于紧逼防守时才会出现。这意味着玩家也可以自己输入指令进行投篮干扰。顺便指出:自动投篮干扰动作现在不会再让你的防守球员起跳了。如果你想让你的球员起跳进行投篮干扰,你必须按盖帽键(XBOX上的Y键,PS3上的三角键)。昨天 08:43 上传 Now when you are guarding an opponent without the ball (offball), the RSTICK will put your defender in a Deny Ball stance.&&While in Deny Ball, the defender will face his matchup and one arm is extended to defend the pass.&&Similar to hands up, you can move around while denying the ball.&&If your matchup moves, you can stay in Deny Ball and keep up with your man using the LSTICK.&&You do move slower while in this stance, so be aware of that and know when to get out of it, especially if your man gets too far away from you.&&When denying the ball on your matchup, you affect their openness for a pass.&&Another benefit in using deny, you can easily steal passes when they are forced to the man you are closely guarding.&&Deny Ball gives you access to the auto-steals to knock down incoming passes.现在,当你防守无球队员时,右摇杆能让你进入“干扰(对手)接球”状态,在此状态下,你的防守球员面向对手,同时伸出一只手防对手接球。和举手相似,“干扰(对手)接球”状态下你仍然能够移动。如果你的对手移动了,你可以保持“干扰(对手)接球”状态并用左摇杆控制方向重新防住他。在这个模式下,你的移动肯定会变慢,注意这一点,(根据具体情况)及时退出此状态,尤其是协防队员离你过远的时候。当你(利用此模式)干扰你的对手接球时,你缩小了他们的接球的空间。这个模式的另一个好处是,当对方被迫传球给你严密防守着的球员时,你可以轻松的把球截掉。也就是说,这个模式下,(防守球员)可以自动进行断球。昨天 08:43 上传 Steals偷球In 2K12, we have incorporated part of the steal moves into the actual motion model itself.&&As I’ve said previously in this Insight, giving total control to the user is part of our goal.&&We want you to be in full control of your movement.&&In 2K11, when you pressed the steal button your player occasionally ends up shooting off in a random direction that takes you out of position.&&This is no longer the case in 2K12.&&We keep your movement independent from the steal gesture.&&This means that if you hit steal while you are backpedaling, you will keep backpedaling as you swipe at the ball.&&The system is also aware of ball location with relation to your player.&&For instance, when you press steal when the ball is to your right side, the player will reach in that direction.在2K12中,真实的动作模型里面融合了部分断球动作。正如我在这篇前瞻中先前提到的,我们的目标之一是给玩家绝对的控制权。我们希望你能完全控制球员所有的动作。2K11中,当你按下偷球键时,有时候你的球员会冲到一旁,造成失位。这不会在2K12中出现了。我们把球员的移动和偷球动作分开了。这意味着如果你在后退的时候按偷球键,你会一边后退一边掏球。系统会判定球(相对于偷球球员)的位置。例如,当球在你右手边时,你按偷球键,球员会向右边去掏球.Boxing Out向外挤推When boxing out (by holding down LT on 360, L2 on PS3), you will now get into an actual box out stance.&&Going back to movement controls once again, you can shuffle around and make adjustments to your position while in this stance.&&Simply move with your LSTICK while keeping the triggers held down.&&Getting into the box out puts your player into a wider stance, making it easier to seal out an opposing player trying to get the rock.当球员向外挤推时(按住XBOX上的LT,PS3上的L2),你会进入一个“向外挤推”状态。在此状态下,你仍然能控制球员的移动,让他四处移动,调整站位。按住LT键再用左摇杆移动就可以了。这种状态下,你的球员防守面积增大,能轻易封住那些想飞身暴扣的对手。Defensive Setting and Strategy防守设置和策略With NBA 2K12, we have also added a new feature that allows you to set strategies on how to defend the pick and roll.&&Fans of the series have been asking for this and I am happy to share that it is now in the game.&&When you pause the game and access the Defensive Settings screen (Pause -> Coaching), you will notice two new columns: Screen Defense and Hedge Defense.我们在2K12里面加入了新的策略,让你用来防守挡切。系列玩家有问到这个问题,我很高兴的解释一下现在游戏里的设置。当你暂停游戏进行防守设置菜单时(暂停->战术指导),你会注意到新增的两列:挡拆防守和障碍缓冲防守.昨天 08:43 上传 For each opposing player, you can select how your teammates on defense will react when that player gets a screen set for him.&&This can be set individually.&&For instance, how you defend the screen when Derrick Rose has the ball might be different compared to Luol Deng.&&You can be very specific in your defensive strategy.&&Let me go over in detail what each setting does:无论是对方的哪个球员,你都可以选择当他呼叫挡拆时,你的防守球员的防守策略。这可以分开设置。比如说,罗斯持球呼叫挡拆时的防御策略应该和防鲁尔邓的不一样。你可以让你的防守策略独树一帜,现在我们来看看每项设置的具体内容:Screen Defense挡拆防守This setting controls how the onball defender will react to the screen.&&You can set it to any of the following:这项设置决定了(防守持球队员的)防守球员对挡拆的反应。你可以将其设置成下面任一一项:Auto C Let the game logic decide. 自动---电脑决定如何防Go Over C Onball defender will always attempt to go over the screener.&&This is a good strategy to use against good outside shooters. 绕前---防守球员试图绕过挡拆。这个策略对付外线好手不错Go Under C Onball defender will go under and around the screener.&&Use this strategy for opponents that can drive to the basket but is not a very good outside shooter. 绕后---防守球员堵在挡拆球员身后附近。这个策略可用来对付那些突破好手,但是对付外线投手就比较蛋疼了 Switch C Onball defender will always switch so that he is now guarding the screener (offball defender picks up the ball handler). 换位---(防守持球队员的)防守球员现在换位去防挡拆,原本防挡拆的对位防守球员现在防对方的持球队员(译者注:轮转换位,我泪流不止啊)Hedge Defense 障碍缓冲防守This setting controls how the offball defender (defender matched up to the screener) will react to the screen.&&Hedging is a way to slow down the dribbler during the screen by stepping out to defend him briefly and then getting back to the original matchup.&&Below are the settings available:这项设置决定了(防守无球队员的)防守球员(即挡拆对位防守球员)如何反应。所谓的Hedging障碍缓冲,是指对方挡拆形成时(防持球队员的防守球员被挡瞬间,此时防守可能已失位),我方的挡拆对位防守球员前跨挡住对方持球队员,不让他突破成功,然后迅速回位(继续防守挡拆球员),(原来防守持球者的球员,藉此障碍的缓冲时间,得以追赶而上继续对持球者施压防守)。你可以将其设置成下面任一一项:Auto C Let the game logic decide. 自动---电脑决定如何防No Hedge C The offball defender stays close to the screener. 不设置障碍---挡拆对位防守球员靠近挡拆。 Soft Hedge C The offball defender steps out to briefly impede/disrupt the dribbler’s path 软障碍---挡拆对位防守球员闪出来,短时间挡住持球队员 Hard Hedge C The offball defender steps further out to force the dribbler to take a longer route around the screen 硬障碍---挡拆对位防守球员顶出来,不让持球队员从挡拆身边突破 Double C The offball defender stays on the dribbler for the double team 包夹---挡拆对位防守球员靠近持球队员,并进行包夹。障碍缓冲防守昨天 08:43 上传 Both Screen and Hedge strategies also tie into the quick Defense Strategy in our playcall system.&&You can quickly change these settings on-the-fly (DPAD Left) while on defense.&&If you have not yet read the Playcall System insight by Rob Jones, I recommend doing so to get more information on Defensive Strategies.挡拆防守和障碍缓冲防守都与我们的战术系统进行了绑定。防守时,你可以通过on-the-fly键(十字键的左)迅速改变设置。如果你还没有读过Rob Jones的战术系统前瞻,我建议你读一下,以便获得更多关于防守策略的信息。User-Controlled DefenderIn competitive play, be it online or offline, there is always that never ending dispute over opponents never wanting to guard the ball.&&Many users just don’t want (or are afraid) to be tasked with keeping in front of the ball handler and preventing penetration.&&They end up controlling and offball defender and simply camp out down low to defend the inside shot.&&Even during our friendly office tournaments, the majority of the participants played this way.&&We wanted to address this for 2K12.&&Playing onball should not be something that’s feared.Now, we give you an added incentive to play the ball on defense.&&For one, user-controlled defenders will impact the shot percentages more than an AI-controlled one.&&When you control the defender and perform hands up defense or jump up to contest, your shot release defense will be higher than just leaving it to your AI teammates.玩家控制的防守球员不管是网上对战还是线下对战,那些从来不去考虑如何防守的玩家之间的争论都永无止境。大多数玩家甚至不愿意(或者说是害怕)手动操控球员站在对方持球队员前面,阻止他的突破。他们随便控制一下,防防无球队员,然后让球员窝在一起防内线。即使是办公室里的友谊赛,大多数的参与者也这么打。我们希望在<FONT color=#K12中改变这一点。对方的持球队员没那么可怕。现在,我们给你一些手动防守持球队员的优惠。玩家控制的防守者对投篮命中率的影响要大于电*河蟹*制的防守者,当你控制防守球员举手或是跳起来进行干扰时,你的防守要优于AI同伴的防守。Shooter Vulnerability and Strips进攻时的死穴Further balancing the game, we also ensured that all shots could be countered on the defensive end.&&As an example, the spin dunk and hop steps from 2K11 was nearly unstoppable once the animation has started.&&This ended up being a cheeser’s favorite go-to move.&&To those not familiar with gaming memes, a cheeser is a user who performs the same move over and over because of a game balance issue.&&In NBA 2K12, we have addressed this by creating vulnerability windows during all shots.为了进一步平衡游戏性,我们保证所有的进攻都能被防住。例如,<FONT color=#K11里面转身扣篮(译者注:终于翻到转转扣了)和(华丽风骚的)小跳步一旦启动,就很难被防住。这几招沦落为那些烂人最喜欢的无耻招数。对那些不熟悉游戏的玩家来说,因为游戏本身的平衡性,有些烂人翻来覆去的用那几个无解的招数。在<FONT color=#K12中,为了解决这个问题,我们在所有的攻击动作中都留了死穴。启动过程,即投手开始做攻击动作到他离地前那段时间,投手最容易受到干扰。如果在这段时间按偷球键,防守者可以成功偷到球。这适用于对付小跳步上篮、欧式上篮、转身上篮、转身扣篮等等。当你掌握了破解时机,这些攻击方式就不再那么无解了。球员技能水平也是重要因素。在MP模式前瞻中,Erick Boenisch介绍了2K12新增的动作熟练度机制,这对球员进攻方式影响极大。例如,如果玩家想让一个并不擅长转身上篮的球员玩这招,结果不是球被断就是自己把球玩脱手。During the gather, from the moment the shooter starts the shot and before he leaves the ground, he is vulnerable.&&During that window, a defender can strip the ball away by timing the steal command properly.&&This applies to hop step layups, euro layups, spin layups, spin dunks, etc.&&These moves are no longer overpowering once you learn and detect their vulnerable windows.&&Player skill also factors in as well.&&Erick Boenisch touched upon the moves proficiency new to 2K12 in the My Player Insight, which plays a big role in the type of shots taken by the player.&&For example, a user trying to perform a spin layup with a player that’s not good at it will end up either getting stripped or just lose the ball outright and have it slip out of his hands.Another counter to these shots would simply be getting a body in front of the shooter before he takes off.&&This year, shots can be disrupted mid-gather and branch out to a contested one if a defender impedes his path.&&Whereas last year the shooter was always guaranteed to complete his shot animation (until a midair collision prevents it from finishing), this time around shooters can be forced to a much tougher shots during the gather.&&This added branch point makes you work harder to get quality shots on inside penetration and taking advantage of open lanes.另一种(针对这些进攻的)防守方式是在进攻球员起跳前往他面前一杵。今年,如果防守队员封死了球路,(原本的)进攻动作会在过程中途被中断,演变成一个干扰下的出手。而去年(2K11中),进攻球员总是能完成整个投篮(上篮/灌篮)操作(除非空中碰撞使他完全无法出手),现在,在进攻球员启动过程中,他的投篮(上篮/灌篮)操作很可能会被迫变成一次勉强出手。由于加入了投篮(上篮/灌篮)操作分支点,你必须更加努力,才能在内线突破时进行高质量的投篮(上篮/灌篮)和有效的利用空位。Speaking of mid-air collision shots, we have also made some additions and changes to this system.&&The way it worked last year, players needed to match up body positions in order to trigger them.&&Since we have limited collision animations, sometimes we will fail to find a match and the shooter gets a free pass by letting their shots finish.&&In 2K12 this is solved by blending the shooter into another shot mid-air if a defender gets in the way while he is airborne.&&You should no longer see mid-air shoving as if the defender wasn’t even there.&&Shooters will now be forced into a tougher shot if contact is detected.再来谈谈空中碰撞,我们对这个系统也做了一些添加和修改。去年,要触发空中碰撞,防守球员必须调整好他的身位(译注:确保能和进攻球员空中对对碰)。由于空中碰撞的动作很少,有时候会出现(防守球员)无法调好身位,让进攻球员直入空地完成进攻的情况。2K12中,这个问题解决了,如果进攻球员在半空中被防守球员挡住,他的进攻动作会发生变化,变成另外一个。你不会看见那种防守球员不在也出现的空中碰撞(空气墙)了。一旦系统判定出现了空中碰撞,进攻球员原本的进攻动作就会变成一次勉强出手。昨天 08:43 上传 以下部分由douglas2009翻译!BlocksThe game’s blocking system has been vastly improved for 2K12.&&One of the major complaints from last year was that hands would sometimes go through the ball when it clearly should have been a block.&&We now have a better physics detection for body-ball collisions.&&Balls that hit body parts (as part of the live ball physics) should now be knocked loose out of the shooter’s hands.封盖系统有了很大进步,2K11中各种穿越已让人渐失耐心,2K12人球系统的侦测性更高了。球碰到防守方肢体部分会碰掉投手手中的球。Further improvements to blocking include implementation of an IK system and better predictive logic for determining the shooter’s shot release point.&&To put it simply, IK allows us to adjust the aim points and direction of a player’s arm.&&Before IK, we were limited to the animation data and players would be stuck with whatever block animation they got. But now we&&can tweak that same animation so that the hand actually aims at hitting the ball.封盖进一步的改进当属IK系统,还有对射手出手点的判断。简单来说就是,我们可以调整防守球员伸胳膊的方向及盖点。在这之前,因为缺乏球员动画设定数据,球员有什么动作就用什么动作。2K12可以对同一动画进行调整,所以封盖就不会无头无脑了。With the shot prediction logic, our block selection is now much better with regards to playing an animation that fits the context.&&What does this mean for you as a user?&&When you send a block command, the defender should now play a block animation that puts him in an advantageous position to contest the shot.&&As an example, we don’t want to swat straight up when we see the shooter performing a scoop layup on the right side.&&He should jump to contest with his arms actually aiming at the ball.有了投球预判逻辑,封盖的选择也就更切合实际了。打个比方,当我们看到有人从右侧意欲勾手上篮,那我们不想横扫千军,防守球员会伸手往球上封盖。All of these improvements mean that when you get your block timing right, we can ensure that you are rewarded by stopping that shot.总而言之又言而总之,你只要掌握了封盖的时机,我敢担保你绝对会阻断进篮的。On the flip side, we also addressed game balance issue.&&That is, being able to recover too quickly from a block attempt.&&There’s nothing more frustrating on the offensive side when you get the defender to bite on a pump fake only to see him right in front of you again a split second later.&&Now, when a defender goes up for an aggressive block, there will be a recovery period where he can’t immediately launch and run to get back.&&This change really balances out the game now.另外,2K11中,当你好不容易晃开了一个封盖,还没来得及高兴,防守球员又贴上来了。2K12中,当防守球员一个不管不顾的封盖被你逃开了,他需要一段时间来反应,然后才能跟回防守。这很好的平衡了游戏。Hard / Wrap FoulA new defensive move added this year now allows you to wrap up your man to prevent an easy bucket.&&By clicking the RSTICK, your defender will go into a wrap foul animation.&&If the shooter is in vicinity for the foul, he will get wrapped up and be sent to the line.&&You can use this new mechanic in times where you find yourself mismatched in the post and got beat to the basket.&&As an example, you can send Dwight Howard to the line instead of giving up an easy dunk by wrapping him up during the shot.对方球员想要轻松上篮?没问题,2K12加入了一个新的防守动作对付他。按下右摇杆,你的防守球员就会抱他造犯规。如果犯规成功,进攻球员就会被抱下来,然后走上罚球线。当你发觉无力回天时不妨试上一试。你说,你是放霍华德轻松扣篮呢,还是把他送上罚球线呢?Defender ReactionsAnother improvement on our defender is on overall reactions to game situations.&&With the inclusion of fake passes in 2K11, we allowed our defender to react to them.&&For 2K12, we didn’t want to stop there.&&Why not react on jab steps and shot fakes as well?&&A simple twitch or hand reaction is enough to sell that realism that players are actually aware of what’s going on around them.&&It’s a minor and cosmetic change, but it drastically gives the game that organic and realistic feel.2K11的假传会让防守球员有所反应,2K12将更进一步,刺步及虚晃投篮享受同样的待遇。一个小小的抻动或者手部的反应就足够体现球员对周遭的变化所产生的真实反应。ConclusionWell, that’s it for now 2K fans.&&We’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished this year with giving you, the user, more controls and arsenals to use on the defensive end.&&The game balance is something we’re really happy with.&&I’d like to wrap up this Insight by saying thank you once again.&&A reminder about the controls video early next week along with the fact that the demo should be dropping soon, as you read this, so definitely check that out once it releases.&&And remember, defense wins championships!我们对交给玩家的功课很满意,你们有了更多的控制权及防守利&&器。游戏的平衡性也相当出色。很快,下周初就会有视频出来,千万别错过。别忘了,防守为王!**VIDEO COMING SOON**- Jerson Sapidaa.k.a. Da Curse
战士, 积分 832, 距离下一级还需 668 积分
原帖如下:Hello fans! Jerson Sapida here back for another insight.&&If you missed my last Insight about Training Camp earlier this week, you can read it here. This time I’ll be going over NBA 2K12’s gameplay features and improvements on Defense.&&Just to note, as announced in yesterday’s Post Game Insight, there will be a video that chronicles all controls I reference below early next week.With that being said, let’s go over what we’ve added:Movement and ControlsWith NBA 2K11, we made marked improvements on defense with regards to control, responsiveness, and game AI.&&The entire movement system was also re-written last year, giving us a solid base to build on for 2K12.&&Getting defensive movement as responsive and tight as possible is always a top priority, and the same philosophy holds true for this year’s title.&&On top of that, we wanted to give the user more control over the defensive player’s movement and actions.&&With NBA 2K12, we give you more commands on the defensive end.&&Here’s the breakdown of what they are.Shuffle SpeedLet’s start off with controlling your defender’s speed.&&When guarding the ball handler in NBA 2K12, you have complete control over how fast your defender moves in order to keep up with your matchup.&&Speed throttling, as we call this internally, gives you three levels of control as a defender.LSTICK = regular movement LT + LSTICK (L2 + Left Analog Stick on PS3)= Intense Defense and tighter movement LT + RT + LSTICK&&(L2 + R2 + Left Analog Stick on PS3) = Fast Shuffle movementWhen guarding the ball, you now have three options over how fast or how slow you want to go.&&Without any modifiers, LSTICK&&(Left Analog Stick) will give you the default movement speed.&&This is what you’ll be using the most, such as when the dribbler is roaming the court or setting up a play.&&You can still tap the stick to take a step, or feather it lightly to walk.Moving on to the next level, when you hold down LT (or L2 on PS3), you enter Intense Defense which will give you a tighter set of controls.&&You won’t be moving as fast as the default movement speed when holding down LT (L2).&&Your defender will make small adjustments while in this mode.&&Even with the stick fully pressed, Intense Defense limits you to a slower shuffle speed for that tighter control.&&Use Intense Defense when you are playing the dribbler really close and only need to take a step or two to get in better position.Lastly, and this is my favorite, when LT + RT (L2 + R2) are held, the defender will be in Fast Shuffle mode.&&Think of this as moving laterally but with Turbo applied.&&This is especially helpful when you feel that you are getting beat by a step or two but do not want to sprint to catch up.&&It is essentially the fastest speed your player can go without turning to run.&&You can also use this to defend a fastbreak.&&By getting into the Fast Shuffle, you can now face up the dribbler and backpedal towards the basket (be it as early as the half court line) as he is attacking for a score.&&You can even hold down LT (L2) and periodically tap/hold RT (R2)&&to get that extra level of control over your speed.&&A word of caution: this will drain your energy much faster than normal movement, so use it only when necessary.2 小时前 上传 RSTICK DefenseThe RSTICK (Right Analog Stick on PS3) now has two functions on defense this year: Hands Up and Deny Ball.In 2K11, you could perform the Hands Up move but doing so restricted your movement.&&You couldn’t shuffle or adjust your position once you put your hands up.&&The move basically locked you in a standstill, putting you at an even more disadvantageous position.&&In NBA 2K12, you can now get your hands up and move at the same time.&&By simply holding the RSTICK in any direction, your defender will raise both hands when close to the ball handler.&&As long as the RSTICK is held, you will keep your hands up.&&Mix in LSTICK for movement to keep up with your opponent.&&You want to use this move to (a) defend a shot or (b) force a more difficult pass.&&Playing hands up defense on a shooter will have an effect on the overall shot percentage.&&The closer you are to the shooter, the higher the impact you have on the shot.&&Another added benefit is that you have less chance of fouling when simply raising your hands.&&The AI also makes full use of the Hands Up move, especially when the ball gets close to the basket.&&With this move as part of their defensive arsenal, the inside game feels more balanced now as well.One thing I would like to mention is how shot contests work with hands up now.&&In 2K11, shot contests triggered automatically for both users and CPU.&&This is no longer the case for the user.&&We want to give you complete control over your actions on the court.&&Getting some random animation that you specifically did not call for, without any input, is something we wanted to move away from.&&This same viewpoint was shared and passionately voiced by one of our community members, Da Czar, during development.&&Conversely, there were those who liked the auto-contest in 2K11.&&Among them was one of our gameplay interns who has been a longtime fan of the series.&&After days of debating, we came up with the solution that should satisfy both camps: Auto Contests will play as long as you are performing hands up defense or holding LT (or L2 on PS3) in Intense Defense mode.&&This means you need to perform one of the two, meaning intentionally feeding an input, to get the contest.&&As a side note: auto contest animations will not make your player jump.&&If you want to leave the ground to contest a shot, you must press the Block button (Y on Xbox, Triangle on PS3).2 小时前 上传 Now when you are guarding an opponent without the ball (offball), the RSTICK will put your defender in a Deny Ball stance.&&While in Deny Ball, the defender will face his matchup and one arm is extended to defend the pass.&&Similar to hands up, you can move around while denying the ball.&&If your matchup moves, you can stay in Deny Ball and keep up with your man using the LSTICK.&&You do move slower while in this stance, so be aware of that and know when to get out of it, especially if your man gets too far away from you.&&When denying the ball on your matchup, you affect their openness for a pass.&&Another benefit in using deny, you can easily steal passes when they are forced to the man you are closely guarding.&&Deny Ball gives you access to the auto-steals to knock down incoming passes.2 小时前 上传 StealsIn 2K12, we have incorporated part of the steal moves into the actual motion model itself.&&As I’ve said previously in this Insight, giving total control to the user is part of our goal.&&We want you to be in full control of your movement.&&In 2K11, when you pressed the steal button your player occasionally ends up shooting off in a random direction that takes you out of position.&&This is no longer the case in 2K12.&&We keep your movement independent from the steal gesture.&&This means that if you hit steal while you are backpedaling, you will keep backpedaling as you swipe at the ball.&&The system is also aware of ball location with relation to your player.&&For instance, when you press steal when the ball is to your right side, the player will reach in that direction.Boxing OutWhen boxing out (by holding down LT on 360, L2 on PS3), you will now get into an actual box out stance.&&Going back to movement controls once again, you can shuffle around and make adjustments to your position while in this stance.&&Simply move with your LSTICK while keeping the triggers held down.&&Getting into the box out puts your player into a wider stance, making it easier to seal out an opposing player trying to get the rock.Defensive Setting and StrategyWith NBA 2K12, we have also added a new feature that allows you to set strategies on how to defend the pick and roll.&&Fans of the series have been asking for this and I am happy to share that it is now in the game.&&When you pause the game and access the Defensive Settings screen (Pause -> Coaching), you will notice two new columns: Screen Defense and Hedge Defense.2 小时前 上传 For each opposing player, you can select how your teammates on defense will react when that player gets a screen set for him.&&This can be set individually.&&For instance, how you defend the screen when Derrick Rose has the ball might be different compared to Luol Deng.&&You can be very specific in your defensive strategy.&&Let me go over in detail what each setting does:Screen DefenseThis setting controls how the onball defender will react to the screen.&&You can set it to any of the following:Auto C Let the game logic decide. Go Over C Onball defender will always attempt to go over the screener.&&This is a good strategy to use against good outside shooters. Go Under C Onball defender will go under and around the screener.&&Use this strategy for opponents that can drive to the basket but is not a very good outside shooter. Switch C Onball defender will always switch so that he is now guarding the screener (offball defender picks up the ball handler).Hedge DefenseThis setting controls how the offball defender (defender matched up to the screener) will react to the screen.&&Hedging is a way to slow down the dribbler during the screen by stepping out to defend him briefly and then getting back to the original matchup.&&Below are the settings available:Auto C Let the game logic decide. No Hedge C The offball defender stays close to the screener. Soft Hedge C The offball defender steps out to briefly impede/disrupt the dribbler’s path Hard Hedge C The offball defender steps further out to force the dribbler to take a longer route around the screen Double C The offball defender stays on the dribbler for the double team2 小时前 上传 Both Screen and Hedge strategies also tie into the quick Defense Strategy in our playcall system.&&You can quickly change these settings on-the-fly (DPAD Left) while on defense.&&If you have not yet read , I recommend doing so to get more information on Defensive Strategies.User-Controlled DefenderIn competitive play, be it online or offline, there is always that never ending dispute over opponents never wanting to guard the ball.&&Many users just don’t want (or are afraid) to be tasked with keeping in front of the ball handler and preventing penetration.&&They end up controlling and offball defender and simply camp out down low to defend the inside shot.&&Even during our friendly office tournaments, the majority of the participants played this way.&&We wanted to address this for 2K12.&&Playing onball should not be something that’s feared.Now, we give you an added incentive to play the ball on defense.&&For one, user-controlled defenders will impact the shot percentages more than an AI-controlled one.&&When you control the defender and perform hands up defense or jump up to contest, your shot release defense will be higher than just leaving it to your AI teammates.Shooter Vulnerability and StripsFurther balancing the game, we also ensured that all shots could be countered on the defensive end.&&As an example, the spin dunk and hop steps from 2K11 was nearly unstoppable once the animation has started.&&This ended up being a cheeser’s favorite go-to move.&&To those not familiar with gaming memes, a cheeser is a user who performs the same move over and over because of a game balance issue.&&In NBA 2K12, we have addressed this by creating vulnerability windows during all shots.During the gather, from the moment the shooter starts the shot and before he leaves the ground, he is vulnerable.&&During that window, a defender can strip the ball away by timing the steal command properly.&&This applies to hop step layups, euro layups, spin layups, spin dunks, etc.&&These moves are no longer overpowering once you learn and detect their vulnerable windows.&&Player skill also factors in as well.&&Erick Boenisch touched upon the moves proficiency new to 2K12 in the My Player Insight, which plays a big role in the type of shots taken by the player.&&For example, a user trying to perform a spin layup with a player that’s not good at it will end up either getting stripped or just lose the ball outright and have it slip out of his hands.Another counter to these shots would simply be getting a body in front of the shooter before he takes off.&&This year, shots can be disrupted mid-gather and branch out to a contested one if a defender impedes his path.&&Whereas last year the shooter was always guaranteed to complete his shot animation (until a midair collision prevents it from finishing), this time around shooters can be forced to a much tougher shots during the gather.&&This added branch point makes you work harder to get quality shots on inside penetration and taking advantage of open lanes.Speaking of mid-air collision shots, we have also made some additions and changes to this system.&&The way it worked last year, players needed to match up body positions in order to trigger them.&&Since we have limited collision animations, sometimes we will fail to find a match and the shooter gets a free pass by letting their shots finish.&&In 2K12 this is solved by blending the shooter into another shot mid-air if a defender gets in the way while he is airborne.&&You should no longer see mid-air shoving as if the defender wasn’t even there.&&Shooters will now be forced into a tougher shot if contact is detected.2 小时前 上传 BlocksThe game’s blocking system has been vastly improved for 2K12.&&One of the major complaints from last year was that hands would sometimes go through the ball when it clearly should have been a block.&&We now have a better physics detection for body-ball collisions.&&Balls that hit body parts (as part of the live ball physics) should now be knocked loose out of the shooter’s hands. Further improvements to blocking include implementation of an IK system and better predictive logic for determining the shooter’s shot release point.&&To put it simply, IK allows us to adjust the aim points and direction of a player’s arm.&&Before IK, we were limited to the animation data and players would be stuck with whatever block animation they got. But now we&&can tweak that same animation so that the hand actually aims at hitting the ball.With the shot prediction logic, our block selection is now much better with regards to playing an animation that fits the context.&&What does this mean for you as a user?&&When you send a block command, the defender should now play a block animation that puts him in an advantageous position to contest the shot.&&As an example, we don’t want to swat straight up when we see the shooter performing a scoop layup on the right side.&&He should jump to contest with his arms actually aiming at the ball.All of these improvements mean that when you get your block timing right, we can ensure that you are rewarded by stopping that shot.On the flip side, we also addressed game balance issue.&&That is, being able to recover too quickly from a block attempt.&&There’s nothing more frustrating on the offensive side when you get the defender to bite on a pump fake only to see him right in front of you again a split second later.&&Now, when a defender goes up for an aggressive block, there will be a recovery period where he can’t immediately launch and run to get back.&&This change really balances out the game now.Hard / Wrap FoulA new defensive move added this year now allows you to wrap up your man to prevent an easy bucket.&&By clicking the RSTICK, your defender will go into a wrap foul animation.&&If the shooter is in vicinity for the foul, he will get wrapped up and be sent to the line.&&You can use this new mechanic in times where you find yourself mismatched in the post and got beat to the basket.&&As an example, you can send Dwight Howard to the line instead of giving up an easy dunk by wrapping him up during the shot. Defender ReactionsAnother improvement on our defender is on overall reactions to game situations.&&With the inclusion of fake passes in 2K11, we allowed our defender to react to them.&&For 2K12, we didn’t want to stop there.&&Why not react on jab steps and shot fakes as well?&&A simple twitch or hand reaction is enough to sell that realism that players are actually aware of what’s going on around them.&&It’s a minor and cosmetic change, but it drastically gives the game that organic and realistic feel.ConclusionWell, that’s it for now 2K fans.&&We’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished this year with giving you, the user, more controls and arsenals to use on the defensive end.&&The game balance is something we’re really happy with.&&I’d like to wrap up this Insight by saying thank you once again.&&A reminder about the controls video early next week along with the fact that the demo should be dropping soon, as you read this, so definitely check that out once it releases.&&And remember, defense wins championships!**VIDEO COMING SOON**- Jerson Sapida
顶 右摇杆和划步防守用好了你就不会再抱怨电脑抽3P了
O(∩_∩)O 请和我一起大声地喊:“我牛还要夺冠!”
Let’s go, Mavs!


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