
他大概有75分所以其实画质是可以的 并不差这游戏是免费的
但里面有些东西是要用宝石买的便宜的连续登陆一两个星期就能买到 贵的要每天登陆一个月就能买到所以到底花不花钱是看你的(但有些特殊皮肤你可能要攒半年才能买得起)游戏内不能语音
用人工语音还有点麻烦 你只有一个键打开人工语音 然后还要选你要说的话的类型 再接着选择你要说的)
这游戏虽然有点抄了守望但你得想想 守望也抄了军团啊所以咱就不讨论这个问题了这游戏也有自己的一部分特色有一个卡牌系统 你可以在战前选择你自己的卡牌(这些卡牌能加成你的技能) 然后用技能点进行升级(这个技能点统一是12点 没有什么等级越高技能点越多)(还有技能和技能点是两个东西别被我搞混了)还有在游戏中对玩家进行升级 比如攻击 抗性 装弹速度这两个系统能改变你玩整个游戏的方式 所以是很不错的一个创意(如果这是他们自己想出来的点子)
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需要第三方帐户:&Hi-Rez, Google, or Facebook Account&
包括 33 项 Steam 成就
名称: Paladins(R)
发行日期: 日
&We strongly believe in working closely with our community to make great games. Being available on Steam in Early Access allows us to engage our community to help make Paladins great.&
&We patch the game very frequently, and you will see it improve as additional content is added consistently over time. We will officially launch the game once we feel it is ready. All of your progress and purchases will be carried over from the Beta (Early Access) into the full release.&
&We are adding tons of content with every patch. By the time the game goes live, players can expect a host of awesome new Champions and in-game content.&
&We are still very much in Beta and iterating on ideas and player feedback. We have frequent patches so players can expect the game to continue evolving throughout the Early Access period.&
&No, Paladins will always be Free-to-Play.&
&Hi-Rez Studios prides itself on working closely with our Community to make our games great! Give us feedback on our
or . Complete the surveys we frequently send to the Beta community. And follow the dev team's progress via , , and .&
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for more information.
购买 Paladins(R) - Epic Founder's Pack Bundle
包含 2 件物品:
购买 Paladins(R) - Legendary Founder's Pack Bundle
包含 3 件物品:
Merry Maker
Open Beta 39 Patch Notes | December 5th
Updated Founder's Packs to include:
10 more Radiant chests to each Founder's Pack.
All Standard Champion Voice Packs
Account Boosters now provide additional Crystals and Gold for each Daily Login Bonus you collect.
Bonus +5 Crystals
Bonus +200 Gold
Account Boosters still provide:
+50% Account XP
+50% Champion XP
+100% Gold Earned
Radiant Chests drop an additional item
Unlocked items now have “owned” tag in Store and Champion Customize screen.
Added Store filtering options for Items.
Locked champions now appear greyed out in match lobby.
Player's personal Health bars will now show shield health as a total health bar. The separation will show health, then shields, then missing health.
Improved hitmarker feedback by increasing the length of the X and changing color when killing an enemy.
Stat credit for personal shields now given to character that applied the shield
Damage calculation against personal shields modified:
Base damage applied first, before bonus damage to shields, resulting in less bleed over from personal shields to health
Damage to personal shields now dismounts players
Targetable health bar overlays improved so the shadow portion of the healthbar always represents only missing health, instead of missing health + missing shield
Minor knockbacks no longer reduce air control
Fixed an issue where player could be locked out from firing for an entire life under certain conditions on respawn
Increased the max number of health segments, so they will more closely represent 250 health each for characters with high health
Addressed an issue where sound loops would get stuck on if you interrupt them during KillCam (eg. Bomb King’s Ultimate rolling sound)
Addressed an issue where Bomb King Sticky Bomb sounds were getting stuck on when you threw more than 6 Sticky Bombs before detonating.
Fixed a bug where players could not view the scoreboard while on the items or loadouts screens.
Fixed bug where if you interrupted your Emote with certain abilities it would allow you to move when you are supposed to be locked in place
Improved the ability for “TakeHit” sounds to indicate the direction from which you were damaged.
Merry Maker Ribbons
Chillweave Beanie Kinessa
Dasher’s Antlers Androxus
Frosty Foliage Grover
Merry Maker Cane Evie
Festive Blunderbuss Barik
Snow Cannon Makoa
Festive Launcher Pip
Jolly Longbow Sha Lin
Twitch Illusory Mirror
Exclusive skin for Twitch account linking.
Merry Maker Evie
Voice Packs
Merry Maker Evie
Ice Mines has had a visual theming pass.
Addressed a bug where knockbacks would have different behavior based on the position of the source.
“Buck excels as a Flanker, but boasts a large amount of control for how mobile he is. We want to reward players who consistently land Net Shots, and Heroic Leap’s slow allowed Buck to extend the slow duration longer than it should last.”
Heroic Leap
No longer slows enemies upon landing.
Ice block is now able to be themed for skins.
“Wormhole provided Evie too much breathing room around using her Blink, and was too valuable at ranks 1 and 2. Reducing the scale down means players now need to place more points into Wormhole to get similar value out of it.”
Reduced duration allowing the return blink from 2/4/6/8 to 1/2/3/4s.
“Through card combinations and precise timing Drogoz players were able to exceed booster’s maximum speed for long durations of time allowing for an unintended amount of mobility. With the new booster behaviour he can still momentarily hit high speeds but will not be able to maintain them.”
Implemented a gradual speed reduction to booster when surpassing the maximum intended speed.
Booster is now disabled for 1 second after being knocked back
“Fernando is a formidable Front Line to deal with and can bring incredible point control to his team. However, we feel Fernando excels a bit too much at chasing enemies. We are reducing his base Movement Speed and Health to ensure risky positioning stays risky as it gave him a lot of forgiveness if he chased too far. The Cooldown recovery mechanic was short enough along with his ability to chase where it allowed Fernando to play more of a Flank role.”
Reduced Health from 5700 to 5500.
Reduced Movement Speed from 365 to 360.
Increased the minimum Cooldown when cancelling Shield early based on amount of Health remaining from 7 to 9s.
Reduced Cooldown from 12 to 10s.
“Makoa excels at isolating targets and provides a strong contrast to the other Front Line champions in that way. He falls a bit behind champions like Fernando or Barik in point control, but we want to highlight his uniqueness by increasing the amount of damage he can deal.”
Ancient Rage
Increased damage from 600 to 650.
Increased damage from 600 to 650.
“While Mal’Damba has a strong list of healing and control options for his team, his survivability is lower than other Support champions. We are increasing his base Health to allow him to take a few extra hits and stay in the fight.”
Increased Health from 2500 to 2650.
Fixed an issue where this card was healing for 13% less than intended at all ranks.
“Carry On held too much value at low ranks, giving a significant increase in healing output without encouraging the player to put a lot of points into it in their loadout.”
Reduced the amount of duration increase from 3/6/9/12 to 1/2/3/4s.
The Spectator UI has had a presentation update with new features.
Season's Greetings! Are you ready for the OB39 Patch Preview? Tune in today at 2PM EST on
在讨论版中为这款游戏汇报 BUG,并留下反馈
The Founder's Pack Just Got Even Better!
On December 7, all Founder's Packs will have 10 more Radiant Chests and all Standard Champion Voice Packs!
FREE Team Fortress 2 Barik Skin
Win 5 matches as Barik, while playing on Steam, to unlock the TF2 Barik skin FREE!
Enter a fantasy world of ancient technology in Paladins, a team-based shooter with strategy elements and deep character customization. Through a unique collectible card system, players can amplify and augment a character’s core set of abilities to play exactly how they want to play.
Fantastic Champions
Paladins is set in a vibrant fantasy world and features a diverse cast of Champions ranging from sharpshooting humans to mech-riding goblins, mystical elves, jetpack-clad dragons, and bomb golems. Each Champion brings a unique set of abilities to the battlefield and new Champions are regularly added to Paladins, keeping the game exciting.
Paladins is completely Free-to-Play. Anything that affects gameplay can be unlocked simply by playing, with cosmetic items available for purchase.
Card Mastery
Players collect unique cards for each Champion and build decks that empower their personal play styles. Gamers start with a basic deck of cards and unlock additional cards as they play, opening the door to creative new decks that radically change how Champions play. Players may further tweak their decks in-game with Burn Cards, making themselves stronger or counteracting opponents’ strategies.
Level Up
No matter how players choose to play Paladins, they will gain experience points as they play. As they level up their account, master each Champion, and complete daily quests/achievements players will receive Radiant Chests and Gold which can be used to unlock additional cards, costumes, and weapon skins. The more players play, the more unique their Champions will become.
Paladins is played from a first-person perspective. The controls are simple to grasp for newcomers and shooter veterans alike which makes for an easy pick-up-and-play experience, on either controller or keyboard and mouse.
操作系统: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7
处理器: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
图形: ATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support. (ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher)
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible sound card
操作系统: 64-bit: Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
处理器: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better with 768 MB+ of VRAM (DirectX 11 Compatible)
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible sound card
操作系统: OS X 10.10
处理器: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
图形: ATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support. (ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher)
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible sound card
操作系统: OS X 10.10
处理器: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better with 768 MB+ of VRAM (DirectX 11 Compatible)
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible sound card
(C) 2016 Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Paladins, Champions of the Realm, and Hi-Rez Studios are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. The trademarks of Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. and others may not be used without the prior written consent of the trademark owner.
For information about online services, fees, restrictions, or software license terms that may apply to this game, including the relevant Online Privacy Policy, Online Terms of Service and Use, and End User License Agreement (&EULA&), please visit .
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