罪恶感 alin是啥意思

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罪恶感 双语例句1. 我闭上双眼,让罪恶感活生生的把我侵蚀。&&&&I close my eyes and let the sin eat me alive.2. 所以,你会让自己相信自己所说并非虚言,没有人愿意抱有罪恶感。&&&&Therefore, you convince yourself that your lies are real. No one wants to be guilty of anything.3. 3. 我的罪恶感很深,罗莎莉和埃米特延长本地居住的时日都是因为我的缘故。&&&&I felt horribly guilty about the present situation, guessing that Rosalie and Emmett's prolonged absence was my fault, even as I furtively enjoyed not having to see her.4. 911查询·英语单词4. 当晚,米兰达第一次感到雅痞的罪恶感&&&&That evening Miranda experienced her first pangs of yuppie guilt.5. 我们对於自己的各种反应能越加认识和熟悉,那麼当我们生起情绪感受时就能越轻松自如。比方说,我们可以只是单纯的悲伤或喜悦,而不加上罪恶感、瞋怒、懊悔、尴尬、评断或其它的各种反应。&&&&The more cognizant and familiar we are with our reactivity the more easily we can feel, for example, uncomplicated grief or straightforward joy, not mixed up with guilt, anger, remorse, embarrassment, judgment or other reactions.6. 因此当察觉到可能很快会分手时,与其去忍受悲伤,寂寞或是罪恶感,不如去感受由一个新人带来的兴奋感。&&&&So, when suspecting there might be a breakup soon, it feels much better to be swept up in the excitement of a new person rather than tolerating feelings of sadness, loneliness or guilt.7. 7. 她给这些犯人提供某种精神上的教育,教育他们冥想,灌输心境的安宁,让他们远离罪恶感。&&&&She provides them wiht a certain spiritual education, tearches them meditation and instils them with a peace of mind which frees them from feelings of guilt.8. 蛋白质及奥米加3脂肪酸,我们的熏鲑鱼是罪恶感和无卫生明智的。&&&&Protein and omega 3 fatty acids, our smoked salmon is guilt-free and health-wise.9. 我认为青少年的生活中充满了对做错事的罪恶感,但是成年人却认为那只是意外。当我洗碗时打破了一只碟子,我会偷偷地溜到楼下把碎片扔到下水道里,但晚上我会听到我父母的朋友大笑着讲述他们开车时怎样开车撞到树上。&&&&As l saw it, the life of a child was made up of guilt-bearing malfeasances, whereas a dult offenses were regarded as simple accidents, lf l happened to break a plate while doing the dishes, l would steal down hte stairs and furtively throw the that very evening l would hear some friends of my parents laughingly tell of how they had smashed their car against a tree.10. 最终,我将自己的打算告诉了两名学生,当然,我也因为此而产生了职业罪恶感。&&&&Twangs about doing so. But I desperately hoped that I would finish, and that my book11. 911查询·英语单词大全11. 万一你有个什么三长两短的,他这下半辈子就会生活在罪恶感中了。&&&&&&If anything happens to you he spends the rest of his life feeling guilty for that. Tell me something.12. 我的建议是,如果你想宣泄罪恶感,情去电影院,去看文学作品,别去集中营。&&&&&&MMy advice, go to the theater if you want catharsls, please go to literature.13. 别让人把你就行了罪恶感。&&&&&&Don't let people put you on a guilt trip.14. 理解,如果她已取消,而不是轰炸,她与罪恶感。&&&&&&Be understanding if she has to cancel, rather than bombarding her with guilt.15. 就好像一种忽如其来的罪恶感,没错,就是这种感觉。&&&&&&Like a sudden wicked feeling, yes.16. 阿瑞加的《燃烧的平原》,也使我们比较开心。这是一个关于不同时代不同生活的两个女人的精巧叙事故事。查理兹?塞隆生活在今天的俄勒冈,被影片中慢慢揭示出来的罪恶感和痛苦所深深折磨,而金?贝辛格则在阳光更明媚的早年墨西哥陷入了一场悲剧性的爱情痴迷。&&&&&&Hollywood made us medium-happy, too, with Guillermo Arriaga's The Burning Plain, a subtly epic tale of two women living different lives in different times, with Charlize Theron gnawed by slowly revealed guilts and griefs in present-day Oregon while Kim Basinger finds a tragic love-rapture in sunnier, earlier Mexico.17. 我私底下会听,忽视着过去对爱情批判行为带来的一阵阵罪恶感,像白痴一样柔情低语。&&&&&&I listened to them in private, ignoring the pangs of guilt from my love-bashing past and cooing like an idiot.18. 18. 是他真的感到严重,还是因为我把巨大的罪恶感投到了他身上?&&&&&&Was he really being critical, or was I projecting my own tremendous feelings of guilt onto him?19. 911查询·英语单词19. 如果这个奢侈品某种功能价值的时候,你就不会有那种罪恶感了。&&&&&&If the luxury item has some kind of functional value, you're not going to feel that guilt.20. 只要人能够预测他们最后的感受(充满他们不能随意清除掉的罪恶感),可能就会避免一些外遇。&&&&&&If only people could predict how they'd eventually feel (laden with guilt that they can't simply airbrush away) it may just prevent some affairs.罪恶感是什么意思,罪恶感在线翻译,罪恶感什么意思,罪恶感的意思,罪恶感的翻译,罪恶感的解释,罪恶感的发音,罪恶感的同义词,罪恶感的反义词,罪恶感的例句,罪恶感的相关词组,罪恶感意思是什么,罪恶感怎么翻译,单词罪恶感是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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