模拟器中的hax hardware accelerator是hax什么意思思

Mac os(2)
再android studio上启动模拟器报错:
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!
原因:没有安装intel HAX
1)打开sdk manager-》Extras,勾选Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator(HAXM installer),并点击
install packages。
,以root权限对silent_install.sh加可执行权限,chmod +x silent_install.sh
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(9)(1)(1)(2)(4)(20)(1)(1)(2)(6)(2)(2)(8)(5)(7)(4)(9)(5)(9)(9)(3)(6)(4)(6)(22)(1)(1)我是一个靠谱的程序员, 目前关注 MonoTouch、 Mono for Android、 Silverlight、 ASP.NET MVC 以及 NHibernate。已经转到 github , 有问题请到 http://beginor.github.io/about.html 留言, 我会尽量解决!
使用 Intel HAXM 为 Android 模拟器加速,媲美真机
Android 模拟器一直以运行速度慢著称, 本文介绍使用 Intel HAXM 技术为 Android 模拟器加速, 使模拟器运行度媲美真机, 彻底解决模拟器运行慢的问题。
Intel HAXM (Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager) 使用基于 Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (VT) 的硬件加速, 因此需要 CPU 支持 VT , 而且仅限于 Intel CPU, 与 AMD CPU 无缘, Intel HAXM 的描述如下:
使用 Intel VT 技术;
为 Android x86 虚拟设备的模拟运行提供硬件加速;
与 Android SDK 集成;
支持 VT-x, EM64T 以及 Execute Disable Bit 的 Intel 处理器;
至少 1GB 可用内存
Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Windows Vista (32/64-bit)
Windows XP (32-bit only)
OS X 10.6 or 10.7 (32/64-bit)
下载并安装 Intel HAXM 扩展
启动 Android SDK Manager, 在 Package 列表的最下面就是要用到的 Intel HAXM 扩展, 打勾, 下载, 不用去 Intel 的网站, 如下图:
下载 HAXM 之后, 需要运行安装程序来进行安装, HAXM 下载的目录是 android-sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager , 运行 IntelHaxm.exe 进行安装, 根据屏幕提示,一步一步安装即可。
下载 Android x86 镜像
Android SDK Manager 中已经有了 4.1.2 的 x86 镜像, 因此选择 4.1.2 x86 镜像, 如下图所示:
使用 Android x86 镜像
新建或者编辑 Android 模拟器, 将模拟器 CPU/ABI 设置为 Intel Atom X86 , 如下图所示:
如果上面的步骤都没有出错, 现在, Android 模拟器运行的速度几乎可以媲美真机了, 再也不用羡慕 MAC 平台上的 iOS 模拟器。
阅读(...) 评论()在android开发的过程如何解决安卓模拟器慢的问题
字体:[ ] 来源:互联网 时间:10-17 11:32:41
如何解决android模拟器慢的问题 在android开发的过程,发现android模拟器的速度不是一般的慢,那主要是因为android模拟器默认采用的是arm处理器造成的,这里主要提供两种方法:①利用intel虚拟硬件加速的方式,实现android模拟器的加速,从而解决android模拟器速度慢的问题;② 使用genymotion模拟器, 主要采用的是利用Virtual Box虚拟机的原理;采用Haxm技术一、1、重新启动电脑,按 &F2& 键进入&BIOS&; 注:不同的电脑进入&BIOS&的方式不同,常用的进入BIOS的快捷键有:&ESC&,&F2&,&F10&,&F12&, &Enter&,&Delete&等;2、切换到 Configuration 分页下面;3、将最后一项 &Intel Virtual Technology& 设置成 &[Enabled]&;注:①有的CPU不支持虚拟硬件加速,目前知道的是i3及及其以上的i系类都支持虚拟硬件加速;② 不同的电脑选项也可能不同,如下图是两个不同的电脑选项不同;4、按 &F10&(&Save and Exit&);5、重新启动电脑;效果如下;二、打开&android sdk manager&,更新完&Extras-&Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator(HAXM installer)&;注:关于如何更新andorid sdk可以看:/article/636f38bbb84610f0.html三、安装intel的虚拟硬件加速软件&intelhaxm&,如&&D:\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\intelhaxm.exe&&四、1、使用快捷键&Win + R&打开运行窗口;2、输入 &cmd&后,点击确定;五、输入&sc query intelhaxm&查询当前的intelhaxm状态;注:如果弹出错误信息:&sc 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。&时(谢谢网友&枫叶晓林&提供测试用例):1、如果缺少&C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe&,考虑使用管理员权限重新安装intelhaxm;2、可以考虑在环境变量PATH中追加: &;%SystemRoot%/system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%/System32/Wbem&;六、如果&intelhaxm&服务是关闭的,可以输入:&sc start intelhaxm&来开启七、1、新建模拟器时设置 CPU/ABI:Intel Atom (x86)注:这种处理器可以采用Intelhaxm实现虚拟硬件加速2、启动模拟器便会发现在启动的过程中提示:&HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode&说明已经开启虚拟硬件加速,来加速模拟器了八、模拟器效果启动后的效果如下:使用genymotion模拟器1、到 genymotion 官网下载最新的 genymotion 模拟器:/或者到上面的百度云的链接中下载注:genymotion模拟器的速度要比普通的android模拟器的快很多哦2.安装过程如下,中间会顺带安装一个virtual box虚拟机哦:3.打开桌面上的软件 Genymotion4.点击Yes5.点击右下角的 Connect,进行登录6.输入用户名和密码后进行连接7.选择 android version;选择 device model;选择 一个 Avaliable virtual devices ;点击 next8.点击next9.选中一个 virtual devices 后,点击 play10.其他的跟普通的android模拟器一样哦,运行后的效果图11.以后使用模拟器的时候重复第3步和第9步就可以啦,谢谢12.注:如果 Genymotion 启动的过程中出现了如下的错误:打开&任务管理器&将 &adb.exe&进程杀掉后,重新打开就可以了;启动软件的顺序:先启动 Genymotion 后,启动 eclipse;
最近更新的内容HAX | Accelerator
In the heart of the “Silicon Valley for hardware”
You bring your ideas, a strong team, a prototype and passion. Successful applicants are doing something difficult for a well-defined market. We add seed funding, mentorship, a shared office and lab space, specialized staff to help with design, sourcing, DFM, and more. Immerse yourself into an intense startup community of like-minded hardware hackers and entrepreneurs.
Wave 2 Applications are Due November 21st
How it Works
Each week, you’ll meet with advisors who will offer feedback on your team’s evolving strategy and prototypes, as well as provide valuable insight about how to scale a company in terms of manufacturing, supply chain management and distribution.
What You Get
We are a fast-growing family of over <span id="u0 experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts and hackers. We have an extensive support team at your disposal, eager to help you overcome your manufacturing woes, improve your user experience, or figure out retail distribution. We&#8217;ve been there.
We also provide you with seed capital ($25,000 per company for 6%, $100,000 for 9%, up to $200,000 extra in matching funds) and numerous perks from our program program partners, and we help ensure that you find a home wherever you go.
You&#8217;ll have access to our fully-equipped workspace for you and the other teams (we have donuts, too). And when the program is over, HAX doesn&#8217;t stop. HAX never stops. You&#8217;ll always have a home in Shenzhen, conveniently located within stumbling distance of the Hua Qiang Bei electronics markets.
You will be close to production. This will allow you to really understand how the cookies are made from the beginning of the product development process, which for a physical product, is critical.
You will be working with different types of engineers. In China, engineers are designing with cost constraints as a primary guide: awesome and lean. This is a very different design process than working with a product development firm elsewhere, where function is first and done regardless of price
The art of the Shanzhai. There is some serious brilliance hidden in the cheap solar lamp or fake iPhone! Tap some of that genius and apply it towards other objectives. It&#8217;s an experience unlike any other. Sure, you&#8217;ll get factory proximity, a group of people here to help, peer mentoring and all&#8230; but you&#8217;ll also have a cultural experience you won&#8217;t soon forget!
It&#8217;s cheaper, and every penny counts for a startup.
Who is behind that madness?
Blame Cyril Ebersweiler and Sean O’Sullivan for this.
How does the HAX program work?
The HAX program takes teams with hardware prototypes and turns them into functional, sustainable companies. We recruit 15 teams of 2-5 entrepreneurs who have a concept or an early prototype for a high-growth startup.
The teams go through a competitive application process and agree to locate themselves in Shenzhen for the duration of the program. Over fifteen weeks, they will build and refine their prototype product, launch to an initial group of customers (generally via crowdfunding), and test their delivery and/or business models. During the last two weeks, each startup creates a polished company pitch and demo to present to press, investors and potential partners at HAX Demo Day in the Bay Area.
Where is the office??
We are located in the heart of worldwide electronics and manufacturing: Hua Qiang Bei.
What can the HAX program offer me?
We&#8217;ll help you launch your company and increase its chances of success. Specifically:
Providing initial funding for you to develop your business plan and build enough of a demo, prototype or beta product, in order to launch your product on a crowdfunding campaign or generate revenue. That&#8217;s up to $100,000 per company.
Providing in-house manufacturing and engineering expertise to assist you on the hardware side of your project.
Helping you create your company, its business model, positioning, branding and product design all the way through launch and manufacturing.
Connecting you with potential investors and strategic partners, as well as advisors and press.
Introducing you to world-class mentors and alumni who have expertise in starting companies, developing innovative consumer products, and creatively marketing those products to millions of conumers. These will be some of the most valuable connections you&#8217;ll make as an entrepreneur.
We expect some (well, most) HAX companies to get to revenue at the close of the initial program. We&#8217;ll organize that process and guide you through it. Some companies may seek substantial funding while others may require a smaller amount to be successful. We like the self-funding route. We’ll help you identify your problems, understand your options, and think through any difficult decisions you may face.
What does the team look like?
The team is composed of 12 full time experts: Cyril Ebersweiler is a venture partner with SOS and Managing Director of HAX, Duncan Turner will be your day-to-day ass kicker, and Ben Joffe will challenge your positioning. You&#8217;ll interact with Qiyu (office manager), Sally (sourcing), Rong (design), Atommann (engineer in residence), Peter (Chief Manufacturing) and Steve (marketing) as needed. Our advisors will be available any time when it comes to tech (Zach Smith, Bunnie Huang) or business (Stephen Forte, Shawn Broderick).
How much equity does HAX take?
Teams that accept an invitation to participate in HAX Accelerator give up 9% equity for $100k, comprising of 6% common stock and a CLN which converts to 3% equity at the next financing round in exchange for participating.
How do I apply for the HAX program?
The application for the HAX program is available .
When is the application deadline?
We are currently selecting the Spring 2017 batch and the deadline to apply is October 31st! It is advantageous to apply early in order to provide the HAX Accelerator team sufficient time to review your application. However, early applications do not receive higher priority or guarantee acceptance.
I already have funding, can I still apply?
Absolutely, it&#8217;s not at all uncommon. In your application, please specify the nature of your previous funding.
How do you choose which companies are accepted into the HAX program?
We will choose great founders who are working on ideas that solve real problems or create a meaningful change to our current technological state. It’s all about the team and the market opportunity.
The best ways to strengthen your application are: round out your team with business, technical, and other necessary skills, make progress on your prototype or product and reference it in the application, and show us that you are passionate and that you’ve really thought about your business. Getting into the HAX program is hard. We will only accept the best startups.
What kind of teams are you looking for?
Mainly teams that have a working prototype in the consumer hardware space, but also B2B or robotics. Things we like in no particular order:
Consumer devices in all fields (health, fitness, travel&#8230;)
Gadgets / Toys of a disruptive nature
Consumer electronics with a software ecosystem
B2B devices
Media and Entertainment
Robotics, Bionics
Environmental impact
Crazy stuff
Do I need to have prior start-up experience?
No experience required. We just ask that you&#8217;re passionate about your idea and willing to work hard at making it a reality.
Do I need to be in the Shenzhen and then the Valley during the program?
Yes. Your team needs to be based in those cities throughout the duration of the program. It&#8217;s the best way for us to help you during this critical period of growth!
Does the HAX program provide housing?
No. However, we will be able to offer advice on finding living arrangements and put you in touch with the other teams so that you might make arrangements together. Where you live is up to you. China is fun.
How can we deal with visas?
While you will have to apply personally to get the requested temporary visas (eventually both US and China), we will provide invitation letters where necessary in order to make the process less painful.
I have been running my company for a year, can I still apply?
Yes. It’s very likely that you will already have an early prototype of your product ready to demonstrate, and many applicants have already launched early versions of their products.
What happens at the end of the HAX program, am I on my own?
No. The HAX experience doesn’t stop at the end of the initial program. We will continue to help as you move forward with your startup. There’s a lot that has to come together to turn a great idea into a great company — resources, talent, marketing, sales, partnerships, etc. We’ll be there to help as you take those important next steps. Remember, we succeed only if you succeed.
How much access will we get to the mentors?
Different mentors will be coming in and out of the HAX space at different times. Some won&#8217;t be physically present but will be available via email, phone, video chat, and forums. Some will interact once in a while, some every day. We&#8217;ll be working on setting up office hours so everyone can get some one-on-one time, and we hope to have workshops with mentors as they are available.
What&#8217;s in your workshop?
Laser Cutter
CNC Machine
Pick and Place Machine
3D printer
Basic Machine Toolbench
Spectrum Analyser
Am I expected to keep my company in Shenzhen after the program ends?
No. However, you will have a strong operation basis for your business to scale, and lifetime relationships in that part of the world. You should be near your customers, ideally. But alums are always around and we have extra desks for you to use during your subsequent stays in China.
What&#8217;s expected of me during the HAX program?
We can&#8217;t tell you what to do. This is your company, after all. The only obligation is to be physically present and participate in all the sessions offered by the program.
You&#8217;re expected to work hard, and come out on the other side with something better than what you started with.
What does this mean? At the end of the program, you&#8217;ll present your ideas to investors, partners and possibly prospective customers. You should have a compelling product and presentation to deliver in hopes of acquiring additional funding.
HAX Accelerator
Build, launch, and ship your product at super speed with help from the world's first and most prolific hardware accelerator.
Already have a product on the market? We can help you blow it up. We've brought over 65 products to market in the last 3 years.
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HAX is an SOSV Accelerator}


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