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[情报组] 官网9级车介绍和0.11版说明
Turn! Turn! Turn! - T...
首先是9级车的介绍Introducing the Tier 9 Vehicles9级车介绍Update 0.11 will for the first time feature a number of Tier 9 vehicles that can be unlocked using the Token system. We have compiled a brief overview of the new vehicles that players will be able to obtain.在0.11版中,将第一次出现9级车,这些9级车可以用奖牌系统来解锁。本文会对这些玩家能在新版中获得的这些新车做个简短的介绍。B1 DRACOB1天龙座The DRACO was originally an anti-aircraft vehicle. Built on the light B1 Centauro chassis, the DRACO is a variant armed with a rapid-fire 76mm cannon, fed by a 12 round automatic loader mechanism. It can engage both ground and air targets with very high efficiency. In Armored Warfare, the DRACO will be a tier 9 AFV. While not as durable as other vehicles of its tier – save possibly for the Panhard CRAB, the DRACO is very fast and thanks to its original chassis also very maneuverable for a vehicle of its size.天龙座原本是一种自行高炮,使用的是B1人马座的底盘。天龙座装备的是76mm速射炮,供弹机制为12发自动装填,可高效地打击地面和空中目标。在《装甲战争》中,天龙座是9级装甲车。虽然可能是除了潘哈德CRAB以外,同级车中最脆弱的,但天龙座速度很快。而且得益于原版的底盘,就该车的尺寸而言,还是非常灵活的。BMPT-72The BMPT-72 heavy armored fighting vehicle is a variant of the dreaded Terminator infantry fire support vehicle. Unlike the original Terminator, the BMPT-72 (also known as Terminator 2) is built on the T-72 chassis and is available as a conversion program even for existing older T-72s. Its main armament consists of a pair of 30mm 2A42 automatic cannons and four 130mm ATAKA missile launchers. In Armored Warfare, the Terminator 2 features several improvements over the Ramka-99, including improved cage armor and ERA kit and advanced tandem guided missiles.BMPT-72是恐怖的终结者步兵火力支援车的一个型号。和原版的终结者不同,BMPT-72(也叫终结者2)使用的是T-72的底盘,是以一种改装套件的形式出现的,甚至可用于现有的、更老旧的T-72坦克。其主要武器包括一对30mm 2A42机关炮,4个130mm“攻击”导弹发射装置(译注:北约代号AT-9 螺旋2)。在《装甲战争》中,相比Ramka-99(译注:Ramka是俄语边框的意思),终结者2有一些改进,这包括改进过的格栅装甲和爆炸反应装甲,以及先进的串联装药反坦克导弹。Challenger 2挑战者2Previously, the Challenger 2 was a tier 8 Main Battle Tank. The current version was rebalanced to tier 9. The Challenger 2 is the pinnacle of British tank design and the last main battle tank to be produced in England. It is armed with a 120mm rifled cannon, capable of delivering depleted uranium rounds with deadly efficiency, but its most distinctive feature is its excellent armor. The Challenger 2 is nigh-impenetrable from the frontal angle and while the vehicle is not the fastest one on its tier, it can withstand tremendous punishment while dealing plenty in return.挑战者2先前是8级主战坦克。在目前的版本中,将其再平衡为9级。挑战者2是英国坦克设计的巅峰之作,也是英国制造的最新一型主战坦克。挑战者2装备一门120mm线膛炮,可发射致命的贫铀弹。但其最突出的一点是极佳的装甲防护,从正面几乎是无法击穿挑战者2的,不过其速度并不是同级车中最快的。它可以经受住海量的打击,同时还能给予充分的还击。Leopard 2A6豹2A6The Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank is possibly the best widely used version of the Leopard 2. Its most distinctive upgrade over its predecessors is the replacement of the L/44 Rheinmetall smoothbore gun with the longer and better-performing L/55 variant. In Armored Warfare, it will be possible to upgrade the Leopard 2A6 with all the high tier MBT protection features, including smoke grenade launchers and an APS system, and with its powerful armament it will certainly find its place on the battlefield.豹2A6主战坦克是豹2系列中使用最为广泛的一个型号。相比其前身,豹2A6上最引人注目的升级就是换掉了莱茵金属44倍径滑膛炮,换成了性能更好的55倍径的型号。在《装甲战争》中,豹2A6可以升级出所有高级主战坦克的防护措施,包括烟雾弹发射器和主动防御系统。再加上强大的火力,必然能在战场上占有一席之地。M1A2 AbramsM1A2艾布拉姆斯The M1A2 variant of the Abrams MBT is currently the most modern version in use. The Abrams has proven itself in numerous conflicts in American service and continues to be one of the best main battle tanks today. In Armored Warfare, the Abrams is a jack-of-all-trades tank and while it does not have any absolute advantage over its opponents, it does not have any significant drawbacks either. It’s a mobile vehicle thanks to its 1500 horsepower gas turbine and its L/44 M256 smoothbore gun – while not as powerful as the L/55 of the Leopard 2A6 – is more than adequate for its job. The TUSK v2 armor kit allows the vehicle to resist even very heavy enemy fire.M1A2是现役的艾布拉姆斯系列中最先进的型号。在美军中服役的艾布拉姆斯已经在几次地区冲突中证明了自己,时至今日,仍然是最好的主战坦克。在《装甲战争》中,艾布拉姆斯是一种万能坦克,面对对手时,没有任何一个方面会有绝对优势,当然也没有任何明显的缺陷。1500hp的燃气轮机使其成为一种高机动的坦克。L/44 M256滑膛炮虽然比不上豹2A6的55倍径主炮,但对于其所执行的任务来说,绰绰有余。TUSK v2装甲升级组件(译注:TUSK是坦克巷战生存组件的缩写)使其可以经受住非常重型的火力打击。M8 ThunderboltM8雷电The 120mm-armed M8 Thunderbolt Light Tank was developed as a variant of the earlier XM8 program and the U.S. Army is currently considering its purchase and use. The main purpose of this vehicle is to provide airmobile units with highly-mobile air-transportable firepower, capable of being deployed by means of an air drop. The automatically loaded 120mm experimental gun ammunition can penetrate even modern heavy armored vehicles and while this light tank does not sport the extremely thick armor of its MBT counterparts, its mobility allows it to stay ahead of the enemy and to deliver killing blows from flanking maneuvers.M8雷电轻型坦克装一门120mm炮,这是从早期的XM8项目发展而来的一个型号。美国陆军目前正在考虑采购使用。该坦克的主要设计目标是为空中机动部队提供高机动、可空运的火力,可以用空投的方式进行部署。自动装填的120mm炮采用了试验型的弹药,甚至可击穿现代化的重型装甲车辆。虽然这种轻型坦克没有主战坦克那样超厚的装甲,但可以依靠机动来摆脱敌人,并从侧翼包抄敌人,实施致命的打击。Panhard CRAB潘哈德CRABThe French Panhard Combat Reconnaissance Armored Buggy, also known as the CRAB, was developed as a replacement for the aging VBL. It is an extremely light but well-armed AFV. Although its armor cannot generally withstand the fire of anything more powerful than a heavy machinegun, the CRAB’s blazing speed prevents it from being hit in the first place. The CRAB can be equipped with either an automatic cannon or a turreted MPCV missile launcher. The most interesting feature of the CRAB, however, is its ability to steer both forward and rear wheels, allowing the vehicle to “side-strafe”, which will be available in Armored Warfare.法国的潘哈德战斗侦察装甲越野车,也叫作CRAB,是为了替换陈旧的VBL装甲车(译注:VBL是法语轻型装甲车的缩写)而研制的。虽然其装甲只能防御重机枪,但CRAB惊人的速度就能使其免遭打击。CRAB可以装备机关炮,也可以装备炮塔式的MPCV导弹发射装置。CRAB最有趣的特征是其前后轮都可转向,可以“侧平移”,在游戏中也会体现出这一点。T-90MSOne of the best variants of the T-90 is the T-90MS export variant. Featuring a modern Relikt ERA kit, a powerful 2A82 gun, capable of launching missiles and modern electronics and countermeasures, the T-90MS in Armored Warfare continues the Russian MBT tradition - a low silhouette, very powerful turret armor and good mobility are the hallmarks of this vehicle.出口型的T-90MS是T-90系列中最好的型号之一。该型坦克装备有现代化的Relikt爆炸反应装甲,一门强大的2A82火炮,可发射炮射导弹,还有现代化的电子设备和电子对抗设施。《装甲战争》中的T-90MS保持了俄罗斯主战坦克的传统,低矮的外形、强大的炮塔装甲、以及良好的机动性都是这辆坦克的标志。
然后是0.11版介绍Introducing Update 0.110.11版介绍Update 0.11 does bring several major features that include:0.11版有以下重要更新:
Tier 9 Vehicles
Token System
Custom matches
Large number of game corrections including but not limited to vehicle models, vehicle performance adjustments, map balance and critical issue fixes- 9级车- 奖牌系统- 定制对局- 大量的修正,包括但不限于车辆模型、车辆性能调整、地图平衡,并且修复了一些严重的问题。The corrections to the game are based on the player feedback, for which we would like to thank all the players who participate in the process of making the game better!这些修正是基于玩家的反馈意见做出的,在此感谢那些为改进游戏做出贡献的玩家们。New Features新内容Tier 9 Vehicles9级车The following Tier 9 vehicles will be available through the Token system: M1A2, CRAB, BMPT-72, Leopard 2A6, T-90MS, B1 Draco, Challenger II, M8 Thunderbolt可通过奖牌系统解锁以下9级车:M1A2、潘哈德CRAB、BMPT-72、、T-90MS、B1天龙座、、M8雷电。Learn more about the Tier 9 vehicles in our dedicated article.我们有专门的介绍文章来介绍新的9级车。Token system奖牌系统A new progression mechanism whereby any Tier 9 vehicle can be unlocked by completing the necessary progression in any Tier 8 vehicle in the same Dealer. After spending Reputation to research a &Tier 9 Unlock& upgrade in the Tier 8 vehicle's Upgrade Tree, players will be presented with an interface that allows them to select any available Tier 9 vehicle in the same Dealer. The Tier 9 Unlock upgrade can only be researched once per Tier 8 vehicle. After unlocking the Tier 9 vehicle, it must still be purchased with Credits as usual.这是一个新的升级机制,通过完成任何一辆8级车上必要的升级,就可解锁同商人的任意9级车。在8级车的升级中,用声望点亮“解锁9级车”的升级项目后,玩家就能看到一个界面,来选择解锁任意一辆同商人的9级车。9级车在解锁之后,和通常一样,仍需要用钱币购买。You can learn more about the Token system in our preview article.关于奖牌系统,在相关介绍文章中更详细的介绍。Custom matches定制战斗Players can now create custom matches from the garage. Upon entering the garage, players can select the 'Custom Match' option found under the PVP queue button. Selecting Custom Match will bring up a new interface which allows players to browse, sort and filter through existing custom matches or create their own.现在玩家可以在车库界面中创建定制战斗。进入车库界面后,玩家可以在PVP按钮下面找到定制战斗的选择按钮。按下此按钮会出现一个新界面供玩家浏览,排序和过滤现有的定制战斗,或者创建自己的定制战斗。Clicking 'Create' brings up another window which gives players the option of creating a PvP match with the following parameters:按下按钮后,会出现另一个窗口,提供以下这些创建PVP战斗所需的参数,供玩家选择:
Match Type (Standard or Encounter)
Match Duration
Private or Public
Match Description- 地图- 战斗类型(标准还是抢基地)- 时长- 是否公开- 房间说明Upon creating a match lobby, players may then choose a side, lock teams, invite their friends, chat with others in the lobby, edit the custom match or delete the lobby.一旦创建了房间,玩家可以选边、锁定队伍、邀请好友,和房间里其他的人聊天,编辑战斗设置,或删除整个房间。Once players have selected their tank and are ready to play, they must hit 'Ready' before the lobby creator may then hit 'Launch' to start the match. There must be a minimum of two players to start the match.一旦玩家选好了坦克并做好准备,他们就必须按下“准备”按钮,这样房主才能按下“启动”按钮来开始战斗。需要至少2名玩家才能开始一个战斗。
Preliminary List of 0.11 Changes0.11的更新的初步列表:Please note that the list changes is not yet finalized and might change in the release version of Update 0.11注意:这个更新列表并非最终版本,或许在正式发布0.11版时会有修改。Gameplay Mechanisms游戏机制Firing Mechanism Changes伤害机制的修改Reduced the vehicle damage explosion radius of direct-fire (non-artillery) HE shells to reduce the instances where the explosion would deal damage to a distant weak point on the armor. Also updated the HE damage scalars on a per-Tier basis to improve the ability of HE to deal damage to weaker armor. The result of these two changes is that accurate HE shots against on or close to weak armor will deal more damage, while less accurate shots against strong armor will deal less damage.降低了直射(非火炮)HE的爆炸伤害半径,减少对远离命中点的弱点造成伤害的现象。同时提高了各级HE的基础伤害,提高了HE对弱点造成伤害的能力。这两项修改的结果就是,精确射击的HE,在命中或打到弱点附近时会造成更多伤害;而不精确射击的HE,打到坚固的装甲时,伤害会更少。
Added a feature which scales the crew and component damage of all shell types so that the damage output is no longer tied to the vehicle's Tier. This resolve issues where lower-Tier vehicles had a very difficult time destroying the components of higher-Tier vehicles while the higher-Tier vehicles could often destroy the components of a lower-Tier vehicle with a single shot.增加一个新机制,会对所有弹药对乘员和部件的伤害进行调整,这样伤害就不再和车辆的等级挂钩。这解决了这样一个问题,就是低级车很难击毁高级的部件,而高级经常只需一发就能击毁敌机车的部件。
Fixed an issue where HE (high explosive) shells could sometimes deal unintentionally high damage against strong armor.修复了HE击中坚固的装甲时,有时候会造成很高伤害的问题。
Fixed an issue where AP (armor piercing) shells could normalize on each impact with successive layers of vehicle armor instead of only on the first impact. They now only normalize on the first impact, which will mean that side-scraping will be a more effective defensive tactic.修复如下一个问题,就是AP击中连续的多层装甲时,每一层都计算转正,而不是仅在击中第一层时计算转正。现在,仅在击中第一层时计算转正,这就意味着卖履带战术变得更加有效。Spotting Changes点亮机制的修改We have updated the spotting indicator with three states to better inform players of their current status:我们改进了点亮指示器,现在有三种形态,可以更好的提示玩家目前的状态:
When the player is initially spotted the full icon will be displayed
After the initial spot, the text and border will disappear from the icon
During the transition to the unspotted state the icon will go gray using the same duration as the spotting delay
Camouflage Indicator now changes color to show negative camouflage. Negative camouflage is possible when vehicles that already have low camouflage values fire their cannons
Updated the smoke grenade icon to improve the quality of the graphic- 玩家刚被点亮时,显示整个图标- 在被点亮之后,图标上的文字和边框消失- 在向非点亮状态过渡期间,图标变灰,持续时间和点亮延迟一样- 隐蔽指示器现在会变色,显示负隐蔽。隐蔽已经很低的车辆在开火时,负隐蔽是可能的。- 改进了烟雾弹的图标,以提升画质。Miscellaneous其他
The audio for the autocannon shots now varies when switching between 1st and 3rd person views while shooting
Remastered weapon, impact and emitter sounds
Added new audio for counterbattery and secondary ammo
Dealer Tech Trees will now play background music while you are browsing their wares
Decals applied to the sides of vehicles will now automatically apply to the other side- 现在在第一人称和第三人称视角下的机关炮音效有所不同。- 重新灌录了武器、爆炸和发射器的音效。- 为反炮雷达和副武器弹药增加新的音效。- 现在在浏览商人的科技树时,会有背景音乐。- 现在车辆侧面的车标会自动出现在另一面。
Tier 6-8 MBTs have received a pass to make HE less effective against them from the front. This might result in changes to armor feel, but for the better. Remaining MBT tiers will be adjusted in the next patch.现在6-8级主战坦克会有一个被动效果,HE对于它们正面装甲的打击效果更低。这或许会导致对装甲的感觉有所变化,不过这是好的变化。将在再下一个版本中,调整其他等级的主战坦克。
Any vehicle with both a gunner’s sight and laser rangefinder can now stack these upgrades together. They used to affect min and max accuracy separately, but now they both change overall accuracy, albeit at a slightly smaller value when they are both on the same vehicle. This update was applied to the following vehicles: , FV101 Scorpion, M60, , Wiesel 1对于有炮手瞄准镜和的车辆来说,现在可以同时使用这两项升级。他们原来分别是用来提升最低和最高精度的,但现在都是加强总体精度,虽然同时使用时增加的数值会略小一些。这个更新对于以下车辆有影响:、FV101蝎式、M60、、鼬鼠1。
Retrofits and Vehicle Technology Upgrades now add a flat vision bonus, rather than a percentage. A 10% bonus to spotting has been converted to a 40 meter bonus instead.改装件和车辆科技升级的加成描述直接写成数字,而不是百分比。比如增加10%视野会改成增加40m视野。
BMP-3MThe BMP-3M is an odd case. It has good spotting range and HP for an AFV, but its unusual handling and lack of camouflage make it tricky to utilize as a traditional AFV. In telemetry, it's performed relatively well, but it lacks a real niche. We've made some significant tuning improvements to retool the BMP-3M as a hybrid AFV/brawler by further increasing its hit points, improving its autocannon damage, and improving its accuracy. We'll continue to pay close attention to see if these changes have made it perform too well or if they prove insufficient to make the vehicle compelling to play.BMP-3M的情况很奇怪。对于装甲车来说,它有很好的视野和血量,但它有不寻常的操作,且缺少隐蔽,这导致了难以按照常规的装甲车来使用。根据数据,它的表现还是相当不错的,但缺少合适的定位。我们给了它一些大的提升,将BMP-3M重新设计为装甲车/打手的混合体,为此进一步提升了血量、机关炮的伤害,以及精度。我们会密切关注这辆车,看看是否会OP,或者还仍不足以激起玩家的兴趣。
Challenger 1挑战者1The Challenger 1 has been performing below expectations. While it does have strong armor, its weak points, low penetration, and lower HP than the Abrams, coupled with lower speed, have made it perform below par. To help bring it up to par, we've bumped its penetration up to levels more comparable to other MBTs of the same tier and increased its hit points, which we feel will give the Challenger 1 the necessary resilience needed to be an excellent brawler. Additionally, we've significantly buffed the frontal sides of the turret and hull enough to bounce some MBT shells, along with strengthening the driver's sight weak point and removing the gunner's sight weak point.挑战者1的表现低于预期。虽然有很强的装甲,但有弱点,穿深低、血量低于,再加上速度慢,使其表现低于标准。为了使其符合标准,我们大大加强了它的穿深,使其更加接近其他同级主战坦克。同时提升了它的血量,我们觉得这将给予其成为一个优秀打手所必须的容错性。此外,我们还显著加强了炮塔和车体的侧面前部,足以弹飞一些主战坦克的炮弹。同时加强了驾驶员观察镜的弱点,还移除了炮手镜的弱点。
Stock AP penetration increased from 342 to 377
First AP upgrade penetration increased from 360 to 396
Second gun stock AP penetration increased from 360 to 405
Second gun upgraded AP penetration increased from 368 to 423
Increased frontal hull sides from 80 to 275
Increased frontal turret sides from 176 to 330- 白板AP穿深从342加强到377- 第一种升级AP穿深从360加强到396- 第二门炮的白板AP穿深从360加强到405- 第二门炮的升级AP穿深从368加强到423- 车体侧面前部装甲从80加强到275- 炮塔侧面前部装甲从176加强到330C1 ArieteC1公羊When evaluating the Ariete we found its side armor to be performing below what players should expect from a tier 8 MBT. As a result, the appliqué armor package on the Ariete has had its effectiveness more than doubled and we've buffed the sides of the turret, allowing the vehicle to better resist shells against the tank's hull and turret sides with the armor package on. The front of the turret also received a small armor buff, which included removing the gunner's sight weak point, allowing the vehicle to be more effective in hull down positions against other Tier 8 vehicles. The goal is to allow it to be a mobile scrapper, but still allow players to find opportunities where it won’t be as easily penetrated.在对公羊做评估时,我们发现它的侧装甲表现没有达到玩家对一辆8级主战坦克的期望。因此,披挂式装甲升级包的效能被增加了一倍有余,同时还加强了炮塔侧装甲,这样在安装装甲升级后,车体和炮塔侧面能有更好的防御。炮塔前部也有一些小的加强,包括移除炮手镜弱点,使其对面其他8级车时,卖头战术能更加有效。这样修改的目的是使其成为一个高机动的打手的同时,还不是那么容易被击穿。
Increased both appliqué packages’ armor from 100/80 to 250/250 for the turret and hull
Upgraded vehicle side armor from 120 to 200
Upgraded frontal spaced armor from 300 to 400- 炮塔和车体的披挂式装甲均从100/80加强到250/250- 侧装甲从120加强到200- 前部间隙装甲从300加强到400Dragon 300-90龙骑兵300-90
Added smoke grenades as an upgrade option升级选项中增加烟雾弹发射器。FV101 ScorpionFV101蝎式Once the fiercest vehicle in Armored Warfare, the mighty Scorpion has fallen upon hard times. While its agility is still exceptional, the soft stat modifiers that were used to bring the Scorpion into line when it was over performing have no longer proven necessary in light of the changes to High Explosive rounds. With that in mind, we've made some improvements to the Scorpion to bring it back in line.强大的蝎式曾一度是最凶猛的车辆,如今没落了。虽然仍然异常灵活,但由于HE机制的修改,原来在它OP时对软参数做出的调整就没必要了。我们为此做了一些加强,让蝎式恢复到相应的水准。
Vision range increased from 333 to 370
Cooldown per shot decreased from 6.67 seconds to 5.93 seconds
Added smoke grenades as an upgrade option- 视野从333加强到370- 装填从6.67s加强到5.93s- 升级选项中增加烟雾弹发射器
Leopard 1A5豹1A5The Leopard 1A5 is performing below standards for the tier. We've given it significant buffs to targeting time and accuracy on the move to make it superior to the earlier vehicles in the same line in those regards, as well as a boost to damage.豹1A5的表现低于所在等级的标准。我们对瞄准时间和移动精度做了显著的加强,使其在这些方面优于同一条线上较低级的车。同时还加强了伤害。
Targeting Time decreased from 2.9 seconds to 2.5 seconds
Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate halved
Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.15 to 0.1
Stock AP damage increased from 294 to 317
First AP upgrade damage increased from 309 to 332
Second AP upgrade damage increase from 340 to 348
Stock HE damage increased from 177 to 190
Upgraded SC damage increased from 406 to 435- 瞄准时间从2.9s加强到2.5s- 车体转向的阔圈率减半- 炮塔转动的阔圈从0.15减到0.1- 白板AP的伤害从294加强到317- 第一种升级AP的伤害从309机枪到332- 第二种升级AP的伤害从340加强到348- 白板HE的伤害从177加强到190- 升级HEAT的伤害从406加强到435Leopard 2豹2The Leopard 2 had too many weak points from the front that could be capitalized on and so we've made adjustments to several key areas. The Leopard 2 still retains the critical weak point found on the driver's hatch, but the top portion of the upper glacis has had its armored bumped up enough to have a better chance at deflecting high penetration shots. Additionally, the turret ring's armor has been massively increased (before it was bugged to have little armor) in order for it to have a better chance at deflecting high penetration shots rather than being easily penetrated by auto-cannons. A large sliver of the lower glacis which was easily penetrable before has also been removed, as has the gunner's sight weak point. Combined, these changes will provide the Leopard 2 much greater frontal survivability.豹2正面有太多弱点,所以我们对一些关键区域做了调整。仍然保留了驾驶员舱盖的重大弱点,但大大加强了首上倾斜装甲的顶部部分,使其有更大可能弹飞高穿深的炮弹。另外,极大地加强了炮塔座圈的装甲(以前有bug,几乎没装甲),使其有更大可能弹飞高穿深的炮弹,而不是会被机关炮轻易击穿。首下有一大片原来可以轻易击穿的区域也被移除,同时还移除了炮手镜弱点。总之,这些修改能大大提高豹2正面的生存能力。
Increased the top portion of the upper glacis armor from 100 to 150- 首上倾斜装甲的顶部部位装甲从100加强到150。Leopard 2AV豹2AV
The Leopard 2AV's gunner's sight weak point has been adjusted in order to better resist shots against similar tiered vehicles, although it will still remain a weak point against higher tiers.调整了豹2AV的炮手镜弱点,使其面对等级相近的车时,有更好的抗弹性,不过对于更高级的车来说,仍然是弱点。
M60A2M60A2 星船Our previous M60A2 changes were a step in the right direction, but we still feel the M60A2 has a ways to go before it can excel as a high firepower brawler. To better improve the M60A2's intended play style, we've increased its standard round damage significantly, reduced its ATGM reload time and decreased the amount of time it takes to zero in on a target. The M60A2 remains inaccurate, which helps ensure that it retains its role as a close-range monster, rather than letting it be an overpowered sniper.我们先前对于M60A2修改的方向是正确的,但我们仍感觉M60A2要成为一个有强大火力的打手,还有路要走。为了更好的体现出这种玩法,我们显著加强了标准弹药的伤害,减少了导弹的装填,还减少了瞄准时间。M60A2仍然是不那么精准的,这有助于确保其符合近战怪兽的定位,而不是一个强火力的。
Damage for both HE rounds increased by 17.5%
Non-ATGM HEAT round damage increased by 12.5%
Targeting Time decreased from 3.3 seconds to 3.0 seconds
ATGM reload time decreased from 16.67 seconds to 14.29 seconds- 两种HE的伤害增加17.5%- 非导弹的HEAT的伤害增加12.5%- 瞄准从3.3s加强到 3.0s- 导弹的装填从16.67s加强到14.29sM1 and M1A1 AbramsM1和M1A1The M1 and M1A1 have both proven to be consistently dominant in their tiers due to a combination of their high health, excellent armor, superior vision versus other MBTs and good mobility. We feel that the strong frontal armor of the Abrams is an iconic feature, and thus we've chosen not to adjust that at this time. Instead, we've reduced its HP values to be somewhat closer to the other MBTs of the same tier. The M1 and M1A1 will still feature above average HP, but they will no longer be as dominant as before. With this change, we expect these vehicles will remain very strong and we will continue to evaluate them to see if these changes were sufficient enough to bring them in line with other equal-tier MBTs.由于M1和M1A1有高血量、极好的装甲、优于其他主战坦克的视野,以及良好的机动性,一直在各自的等级内占据统治地位。我们觉得强大的前部装甲是其特有的标志,因为我们决定这次不做调整。相反,我们削减了它的血量,使其多少接近于同级的其他主战坦克。M1和M1A1仍然有高于平均水平的血量,但不再像以前那样明显占优。我们预期即使这样修改,这两辆车仍然是非常强大的。我们会继续对此进行评估,来看看这样修改是否足够,足够让其回到和同级其他主战坦克一样的水准之上。
M1 HP decreased from 2475 to 2235
M1A1 HP decreased from 2845 to 2570- M1的血量从2475砍到2235。- M1A1的血量从2845砍到2570。OF-40The OF-40 is performing below average on the EU server and about average on the NA and RU servers. While normally this wouldn't be enough of a problem to warrant stat adjustments, we recognize that the OF-40 doesn't feel like a fun upgrade from the Leopard 1, and we've given it some quality of life improvements to make the experience of playing it feel more rewarding.在欧服,OF-40的表现低于平均水平;在美服和俄服,大约在平均水平。虽然通常来讲,这还算不上一个必须要做调整的问题,但我们意识到OF-40作为豹1的升级,似乎并不好玩。所以我们决定改善一下生活质量,使得玩家在使用这辆车时,能感觉到有更多的回报。
Targeting Time decreased from 2.9 seconds to 2.7 seconds
Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate halved
Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.15 to 0.1- 瞄准从2.9s加强到2.7s- 车体转向阔圈率减半- 炮塔转动阔圈从0.15减小到0.1RDF-LTWhile our last set of changes was a step in the right direction, the RDF-LT is still performing poorly compared to the Stingray and VFM. We've given it a minor increase to firepower as well as some more significant improvements to targeting time and accuracy on the move.虽然我们最近的修改走对了方向,但和魟式和VFM相比,RDF-LT仍然表现不佳。我们稍微加强了一下火力,同时在瞄准和移动精度方面有更大幅度的加强。
AP damage increased from 216 to 246
SC damage increased from 270 to 308
Targeting Time decreased from 2.7 seconds to 2.2 seconds
Movement bloom rate decreased from 0.25 to 0.2
Hull traverse bloom decreased from 0.75 to 0.5
Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.11 to 0.055- AP伤害从216加强到246- HEAT伤害从270加强到308- 瞄准从2.7s加强到2.2s- 移动阔圈率从0.25减小到0.2- 车体转向阔圈从0.75减小到0.5- 炮塔转动阔圈从0.11减小到0.055
T-72To bring the vehicle's weak points in line with the T-72A, the armor in the upper left portions of the cupola, the flat area of the sight and the roof of the vehicle have been increased to better resist high penetration shots. Given the easily penetrated lower glacis, the player should be rewarded more for protecting it with a strong turret, although the T-72 will still have several locations that can be breached with careful aim.为了让这辆车的弱点和T-72A一致,加强了车长指挥塔的左上部分、炮手镜的平直部分,以及车辆的顶部装甲,使其能更好的防御高穿深炮弹。由于首下可被轻易击穿,所以在防护方面要补偿玩家一个坚固的炮塔。不过T-72仍有一些地方,只要仔细瞄准就能击穿。
Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots炮盾区域重新建模,跳弹计算更准确。T-72AA full adjustment of the T-72A's turret armor was done due to the vehicle under-performing across the board, making it significantly better armored than before. Affected areas include the upper left section below the cupola, and the roof. The gun mantle and the lower areas to either side can still be penetrated by equal-tiered or higher tanks, but the vehicle should now be able to hull down more successfully even against higher tiered opponents.由于T-72A总体上表现不尽人意,所以全面调整了它的炮塔装甲,显著的加强了装甲。这包括了车长指挥塔下方的左上部位、以及顶部。炮盾以及两侧下部仍然可以被同级、或更高级的坦克击穿。但现在这车即使面对更高级的对手,也能更好的使用卖头战术了。
Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots炮盾区域重新建模,跳弹计算更准确。T-80Similar to the T-72, we felt the T-80 required additional armor around the upper left portions of the cupola, the flat area of the sight and the roof in order to increase the tank's resistance against high penetration shots and solidify the rest of the t-series as having high armored turrets with weaker bases.类似于T-72,为了能更好地抵御高穿深炮弹,我们觉得T-80车长指挥塔的左上部位附近、炮手镜的平直区,以及顶部需要更多的装甲。和其他的T系列一样,有一个很厚装甲的炮塔,但车体要弱一些。
Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots炮盾区域重新建模,跳弹计算更准确。SPG Support Shells火炮的辅助弹药We have updated the behavior for smoke shells so that the deploy effects occur sooner as well as reduce the time it takes for affected players to be obscured by the smoke. Also, we have updated the visual effect for the illumination rounds when they directly impact a surface before they are able to deploy in the air.我们改进了烟雾弹的工作方式,能更快起效,但对于被烟雾影响的到玩家来说,持续时间也缩短了。另外,我们还改进了照明弹在起效前就直接在地面上爆炸时的视觉效果。
Vehicles will now have auto-repair and auto-resupply of ammunition enabled by default, consumables will still require players to enable auto-resupply现在车辆的自动修理和自动补给弹药是缺省的设置,但消耗品的自动补给仍然要手动开启。
Tracked vehicles will now have new VFX playing to show when they begin slipping on various surfaces.现在履带式车辆在各种不同的地面上滑行时,会有新的视觉特效。
Updated and corrected the visuals of the following vehicles: M109A6 Paladin, Swingfire, BMD-1, B1 Centauro, Challenger 1, Leopard 1, Leopard 1A5, Taifun II, C1 Ariete, Palmaria改进、修复了以下车辆的外观模型:M109A6帕拉丁、旋火、BMD-1、B1人马座、挑战者1、豹1A5、台风II、C1公羊、帕尔玛利亚。
Fixed the UI information (incorrect module values shown to player etc.) for the following vehicles: Chieftain, M1A1 Abrams, XM800T, 2S3 Akatsiya,修正了在用户界面上显示的以下车辆的信息(不正确的模块数值等等):酋长、M1A1艾布拉姆斯、XM800T、2S3刺槐。
Reduced the camouflage penalty for firing for the FV438 Swingfire减小了FV438旋火的开火隐蔽惩罚。
Begleitpanzer 57 now can fire AP rounds with 2nd and 3rd gun upgradeBegleitpanzer 57的第二门和第三门炮现在有AP了。
Player versus EnvironmentPvE模式All PvE maps were checked in order to fix the visual and performance issues, a large number of corrections were made (on following maps: Anvil, Phalanx, Cavalry, Ghost Hunter, Harbinger, Kodiak, Phalanx, Red Opossum, Rolling Thunder, Sapphire, Scorpion, Spearhead, Starry Night, Stormy Winter, Tsunami, Umbrella)检查了所有PvE地图,以修复视觉上的和性能上问题。做了大量的修正(包括以下地图:Anvil、PhalanxCavalry、Ghost Hunter、Harbinger、Kodiak、Red Opossum、Rolling Thunder、Sapphire、Scorpio、Spearhead、Starry Night、Stormy Winter、Tsunami、Umbrella)。
Fixed an issue whereby players were not being sorted properly by vehicle tier on the map loading screen修复在地图载入画面上,玩家名单未能正确地按照车辆等级排序的问题
Fixed an issue where ammo info would be displayed during the match end screen修复在任务结束画面上会显示弹药信息的问题。
Fixed several bugs which caused AI not to fire on players in certain circumstances修复一些在特定环境下,AI不会向玩家开火的bug。
Fixed an issue where the artillery reticle would be displayed during the final cut-scene after the battle had finished修复了在任务结束前显示过场动画时,会显示火炮瞄准线的问题。
Removed visible health bars from secondary objective vehicles on PvE.移除了PvE支线任务车上可见的血量条。Player versus PlayerPvPAll PvP maps were checked in order to fix the visual and performance issues.检查了所有的PvP地图,以修复在视觉和性能方面的问题。Cold Strike
Fixed an issue with the map border disappearing on medium and high settings.修复了在中高画质设定下,地图边界线消失的问题。Ghost FieldWe've made several adjustments to this map to promote better engagements:我们对这地图做了一些调整,优化了战斗:
Adjusted the North of the map's engagement zone cover placements
Changed the spawn points so that players from the South take longer to get to the North engagement area
Changed the spawn points so that players from the North team take longer to get to the south end of the map
Adjusted the position of the North team's capture point to make it slightly harder to defend- 调整了地图北方交战区的掩体位置- 修改了出生点,这样南方出生的玩家去北方交战区需要更多时间。- 修改了出生点,这样北方出生的玩家去地图最南端需要更多时间。- 调整了北方队伍的基地,使其防守难度略高了一点。Roughneck
Fixed an issue whereby players could not shoot through the space under the railway wagon at C6修复了无法通过C6位火车车皮之间的空隙射击的问题。Reactor
Fixed an issue that resulted in the base capture time for Encounter mode being different from other PvP map Encounter modes修复一个导致在抢基地模式中,占领基地所需时间和其他PvP地图抢基地模式不同的问题。User Interface用户界面。
Players can now view a new stat in the Post-Match screen which will show the number of hits you received during the match现在玩家可以在战斗统计界面看到新的数据,会显示你在战斗中被击中的次数。
Updated the UI skins for various UI elements in the garage升级了车库中不同界面元素的皮肤。
Updated the UI skins and assets in match screens升级战斗画面上的界面皮肤和界面实体。
Added a kill distance range on the Kill Banner击杀栏增加了击杀距离。
Added player title before the player name on the Kill Banner在击杀栏的玩家ID前加上了称号。
New players will now be served up an invitation to take part in the tutorial mission现在会邀请新手玩家去完成教学任务。
Updated the F1 overlay to reflect the additional chat commands升级了F1帮助界面,有聊天命令的说明了。
Updated the F1 overlay to reflect the correct 'Your vehicle' icon升级了F1帮助界面,有正确的“你的车辆”的图标了。
Updated the terminology for 'Aim Time' and 'Accuracy Decay Rate' to 'Targeting Time' for consistency. Added new stats to the post-match details tab统一了瞄准时间这个术语的用词。在战斗统计界面增加了新的统计数据。
Players can now see the potential damage lost for the following reasons: Ricochets, Non-penetrating hits, APS, ERA玩家现在能看到因何种原因而丢掉的伤害:跳弹、未击穿、主动防御系统、爆炸反应装甲
To improve player's ability to customize their auditory experience in AW, we've added additional volume slider settings for controlling the following effects: Engine, Weapon, Impact, Explosion, Environment, UI提高了玩家定制自己听觉体验的能力。增加了额外的音量调整,可用于以下音效:发动机、武器、命中、爆炸、环境、界面。
Issues and Corrections问题和修正General一般问题
Fixed an issue that allowed players to start a match with only two users on the same team
Fixed an issue that caused the details panel to jump locations after having the cursor hover over it
Fixed an issue that caused auto-repair to fail and prompt an error message
Fixed an issue where some players are able to turn their turrets during the match countdown
Fixed an issue where vehicles would incur repair costs if the player drowned during the victory screen
Fixed an issue where players were able to use the Maintenance Kit in PvP
Fixed an issue in PvP where destroyed players were able to crush their teammates
Fixed a PvE issue where players were unable to highlight enemy tanks after reconnecting to a match
Fixed an issue where players were being charged twice the repair cost if their vehicle was destroyed after a fall into water
Fixed an issue where the &Best Ammunition& feature was causing issues with the selection of support shells for SPGs- 修复了一个队伍只有两名玩家就能开始战斗的问题。- 修复了一个鼠标在细节面板上悬停时,面板会跳动位置的问题。- 修复了一个导致自动修理失败,并弹出错误信息的问题。- 修复了一个在开局倒计数时,有些玩家能转动炮塔的问题。- 修复了一个出现胜利界面时淹死的话,会产生修理费的问题。- 修复了一个在PvP中能使用维修包的问题。- 修复了一个PvP中被击毁的车辆能撞坏同伴的问题。- 修复了一个在PvE模式中,断线重连后无法高亮敌人车辆的问题。- 修复了一个车辆落入水中后被击毁时,收取两次修理费的问题。- 修复了一个“最佳弹药组合”按钮会为火炮选择辅助弹药的问题。User Interface用户界面
Fixed an issue with the font in PvE match hit/helper tips being too small
Fixed an issue causing the functions strings on RDF/LT's HVAP and APFSDS rounds to be swapped
Fixed an issue with the PvE mission select screen where the information section was not updating based upon the difficulty level selected
Fixed an issue in PvE where some enemies were missing their HP bar above their tank
Fixed an issue with incorrect loading screen backgrounds appearing if a player reconnects to a match in progress
Removed the text exclusive to SPGs when viewing the maximized mini-map in non-SPG vehicles
Fixed an issue with the combat log whereby ramming damage and shot damage could be combined into one single source of damage
Fixed an issue with the combat log whereby dying from being set on fire was not reflected in the incoming damage log
Fixed an issue with the kill-cam whereby the camera will focus on the dead player instead of the attacker if they had already died
Fixed an issue which allowed players to type in the incoming damage window
Fixed an issue whereby the incoming damage window would not properly flip orientation in the center of the screen- 修复了一个PvE模式中小提示字体过小的问题。- 修复了一个导致RDF/LT的HVAP和APFSDS上功能字串互换的问题。- 修复了一个PvE任务选择界面上,任务情报没有根据选择的难度而更新的问题。- 修复了一个PvE模式中某些敌人没有血量条的问题。- 修复了一个玩家断线重连回已经开始的战斗中时,载入画面的背景不对的问题。- 在玩非火炮车辆时,查看最大化的小地图时,移除了专门显示给火炮的文字。- 修复了一个在战斗记录中,将撞击伤害和射击伤害合并为同一个种伤害的问题。- 修复了一个战斗记录不记录被火烧死的问题。- 修复了一个如果他们已经死了,死后视角会停留在死去的玩家身上,而不是在攻击者身上的问题。- 修复了一个玩家能在伤害来源窗口输入的问题。- 修复了一个伤害来源窗口不能正确弹向屏幕中央的问题。Garage车库
The words &No Active Boosts& are now centered in the garage's Active Boost Window
Fixed purchased decals for one vehicle being labeled as 'undefined' in the decal tooltip
Fixed an issue where the vehicle stats panel was not updating after learning the 'Vigilant' perk from Commander Phillip Holzklau
Fixed an issue where the title selection menu would not close automatically when a player selects a title that is already in use.
Fixed an issue which caused players to lose currency when attempting to purchase the same decal for both slots without receiving the decal in the second slot
Fixed an issue which caused decals purchased permanently after being rented first to not be credited to the account
Fixed an issue where base bonuses were not being applied to vehicle repair costs
Updated the description for the Command Center
Updated the notifications for raw materials
Fixed the ability for players to remove decals
Added in a missing tooltip for crew in the garage
Added missing tooltips for titles in the garage
Fixed an issue where daily rewards were not increasing as a result of active boosts
Updated the descriptions of various commander skills for clarity
Fixed an issue which prevented the 'Best Friend' achievement from being properly tracked
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused players to crash if they repeatedly selected the 'Best Available' ammo option
Restored missing tooltips for commanders and titles unlocked when &Proven& status is reached on a vehicle
Removed the ability for players to create Battalions with spaces at the beginning and end of the name
This will ensure players cannot create names which appear nearly identical to other Battalions simply by adding a space
Fixed an issue with daily rewards not refreshing while the player remains in the client during the server update
Fixed an issue with strings missing in the garage UI
Fixed several visual bugs with certain base buildings and animations
Fixed an issue where players were not able to receive the 'Target' award
Fixed an issue with tooltips remaining on screen after the mouse is no longer hovering over the item
Fixed an issue whereby players would not gain additional Commander XP through the Academy after losing a PvP match
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect lighting to appear in the garage
Fixed an issue that caused the camera to rotate continuously after panning the camera in the garage
Fixed an issue causing larger credit numbers to disappear on the Post-match screen
Fixed an issue with the F1 help overlay being scaled too high at certain resolutions
Reduced the brightness of the AW Battalion decal
Removed debug text which appeared when attempting to revert changes on the service menu
Made several garage optimizations to improve visuals and performance- 现在“No Active Boosts”文字会出现在车库里被激活加速器窗口的中央。- 修复购买的单车车标的车条提示显示为“未定义”的问题。- 修复了一个车长Phillip Holzklau学习了Vigilant技能后,车辆状态面板没有更新的问题。- 修复了一个玩家选了一个已经在使用的称号后,称号选择菜单不会自动关闭的问题。- 修复了一个玩家试图为两个车标槽都购买相同车标时,第二个槽扣了钱却没有收到车标的问题。- 修复了一个原来租用,后改为永久性购入的车标没有到账的问题。- 修复了一个车辆修理费没有计算基地加成的问题。- 更新了基地指挥中心的文字说明。- 更新了基地建材的通知。- 修复了一个车库中丢失乘员提示的问题。- 增加了车库中没有的称号提示。- 修复了一个每日奖励不受加速器影响的问题。- 更新了多个车长技能的说明,使其更加明确。- 修复了一个无法正确跟踪计算“Best Friend”成就的问题。- 修复了一个有时候玩家反复按“最佳弹药”按钮时,程序崩溃的问题。- 恢复了在达到“Proven”状态时,解锁车长和称号的提示。- 不允许玩家创建名字前后带有空格的军团。- 修复了一个在服务器更新每日奖励期间,玩家一直在线而到是每日奖励不刷新的问题。- 修复了一个车库界面丢失字串的问题。- 修复了一些特定的基地建筑和动画外观上bug。- 修复了一个玩家无法得到“Target”奖励的问题。- 修复了一个鼠标不再悬停在某个项目上时,提示不消失的问题。- 修复了一个输了一场PvP后,基地车长经验加成失效的问题。- 修复了一个导致车库出现不正确光照的问题。- 修复了一个车库里摇动镜头后镜头不停旋转的问题。- 修复了一个在特定分辨率下,F1帮助界面比例太大的问题。- 降低了军团标志的亮度。- 移除了在车辆维护菜单上取消修改时出现的除错信息。- 对车库做了一些优化,提高了视觉效果和性能。
Fixed an issue causing ammo swaps to take longer than the standard reload time
Fixed an issue where HE explosions could apply damage to both the hull and turret simultaneously
Fixed an issue that caused vehicles to have jittering effects when loading into a map
Fixed an issue that caused twice the hull damage to incur on a vehicle from turret/hull splash damage
Fixed an issue with decals disappearing on upgraded tanks
Fixed an issue where autocannons continue to produce audio after the gun has stopped firing
Fixed an issue where players would experience extremely high mouse sensitivity under some conditions
Fixed an issue with external gas tanks being too easy to destroy
Fixed an issue where crushing damage was not being dealt when it should be
Fixed an issue with reticles when a player's turret ring is destroyed- 修复了一个导致换弹时间比标准装填还要长的问题。- 修复了一个HE爆炸会同时对车体和炮塔造成伤害的问题。- 修复了一个在倒计数时,车辆抖动的问题。- 修复了一个炮塔/车体受到的溅射伤害导致车里伤害被计算两次的问题。- 修复了一个升级过的车辆上车标消失的问题。- 修复了一个机关炮停止射击后,音效不停的问题。- 修复了一个在某些情况下,鼠标灵敏度极高的问题。- 修复了一个外部油箱太容易被击毁的问题。- 修复了一个没有正确计算撞击伤害的问题。- 修复了一个炮塔座圈被击毁时,瞄准线的问题。Miscellaneous其他
Fixed an issue where players were disconnected and unable to rejoin the server if they attempted to join a PvE mission in a platoon as two SPGs
Fixed an issue with in-game transactions lagging
Fixed several audio bugs present while in artillery mode
Fixed various audio bugs with the loading screen music
Fixed several bugs related to projectile impacts against tanks
Fixed several bugs present when firing auto-cannons
Fixed various audio bugs present in PvE and PvP cutscenes
Fixed various audio bugs when destroying props- 修复了一个两个火炮组队时,试图加入PvE时,会断线,且无法再连上服务器的问题。- 修复了一个游戏内事务延迟的问题。- 修复了几个火炮模式下的音效bug。- 修复了多个载入画面感的音乐bug。- 修复了几个和弹头击中坦克相关的bug。- 修复了几个机关炮射击时出现的bug。- 修复了多个PvE和PvE过场动画上的音效bug。- 修复了多个摧毁道具物体时的音效bug。


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