
主宰是什么意思 主宰在线翻译 主宰什么意思 主宰的意思 主宰的翻译 主宰的解释 主宰的发音 主宰的同义词 主宰的反义词 主宰的例句
主宰 基本解释主宰[zhǔ zǎi]词典支配,影响;占有优势;在…中具有最重要的特色;在…中拥有最重要的位置词典口述;命令,指示;使听写;控制,支配词典决定;决心;解决;裁决词典force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development things主宰 汉英大词典主宰[zhǔ zǎi](支配;掌握;统治) decide:  例:主宰自己的命运    decide one'    主宰世界命运    manipulate the
dominate the world(掌握、支配人或事物的力量) force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development things主宰 网络解释1. dominate:包括Dr.Sean在內的大多數歐洲社會史研究者都認同下面這種觀點:五絕在他們的時代,大概上是五位實際的統治者(monarch),主宰(dominate)著遠東大陸大部分國家(西域 金國 宋朝 大理國,并不包括西藏 滿洲 朝鮮和蒙古)的江湖.2. 2. dominaterule:dominateexclusivelymonopolize 独霸 | dominaterule 主宰 | dominator 支配者主宰 双语例句1. 我们应作命运的主宰,不要作命运的奴隶。&&&&We must learn to be masters of our fate, not slaves toit.2. 我要做生存的主宰,而不是奴才。&&&&Oh, I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave.3. 这是有目共睹的规定所开的所有organizedout观察,如果你想学习什么主宰宇宙正在筹画新的世界秩序。&&&&It is laid out for all to see what they have organizedout in the open for all to observe, if one wants to learn what the Masters of the Universe are planning for the New World Order.4. 遂把他们交在异民的手内,让恼恨他们的人来主宰&&&&He handed them over to the nations, and their adversaries ruled them.5. 5. 但在这样一个男人主宰的世界里,相反地情形才是更常见的。&&&&But in a world dominated by men the opposite is the commoner case.6. 6. 因为在不久前,尔丽才因为成为全美第一位领到执照的女性赛马师而引起喧然大波,为了表示对女性涉足此一男性主宰天地的不满,男骑师们还在尔丽报名的三次赛马中集体罢赛抗议,所以直到她成为职业篮球员为止,她的职业骑师生涯都还没有开始。&&&&Although there are entries on chromasia that date as far back as July 2003 I always consider its `official` birthday to be February 5th, as it was on this day last year that I i decided to post an image a day, and ii registered chromasia at photoblogs. org.7. 主宰的近义词7. 我希望你喜欢这些信息,并且它可以帮助你主宰了搜索引擎您的适当位置。&&&&I hope you enjoyed this information, and that it helps you dominate your niche in the search engines.8. 我相信有一个至高的大能的超越生命极限的东西在主宰着我们的世界。&&&&I believe there is a large high able to transcend the limits of things in life to dominate our world.9. 丽姬娅主宰了她的爱情和生命。&&&&She possesses autonomy in both her love and life.10. 即动物在对付樊笼生活和地球上的主宰物种—人类时所表现出的高超的思维技能。&&&&Most do not study animal intelligence, but they encounter it, and the lack of it, every day.11. 当这一朵法兰西玫瑰挟裹着巴洛克式优雅、高贵的风格,在整整个半个世纪里准确演绎女性主宰、自信与美丽,从而穿越时空成为女人至宠时,它没有理由不璀璨。&&&&&&When this one flange Xi Mei rares nip is wrapping baaroque grace, high style, in full in half century accurate deduce female dictate, self-confident and beauty, pass through thereby spatio-temporal become a woman to come when bestowing favor on, it does not bright without reason.12. 12. 世人的主宰,(3)免遭潜伏的教唆者的毒害,4&&&&&&The God of mankind, (3) From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, 413. 13. 该名男子的愿望体现在许多方面,他们的野心进行,占据想要的女人,想等主宰的世界。&&&&&&The man's desire reflects in many aspects, their wild ambition to undertaking, occupy wanting to the woman, dominating wanting etc.14. 給我以月,在脚边置我的双足于新月之上,像一个主宰!&&&&&&Give the moon at my feet Put my feet upon the crescent, like a Lord!15. 我不想主宰你的生活。&&&&&&I don`t want to run your life for you.16. 运动员主宰整个校园,你的学费钱估计都花在他们这里了。&&&&&&Athletes dominate the campus, and it is evident where all your tuition money goes.17. 我们在每个片刻中品尝流逝的味道,没有预知,主动的让被动主宰,生命本身是一件作品,充满了扑簌迷离的创造性,我们每个人用一生去完成。&&&&&&Life is a piece of work with unknown creativity. We everyone complete it by the whole life.18. 主宰的意思18. 我们在每个片刻中品尝流逝的味道,没有预知,主动的让被动主宰,生命本身是一件作品,充满了扑簌迷离的创造性,我们每个人用一生去完成。&&&&&&We feel the taste of passing in every moment with no prevision and we are dominated by passivity actively. Life is a piece of work with unknown creativity. We everyone complete it by the whole life.19. 如今单论意志威能,林雷比一般法则主宰还高十倍!&&&&&&Granville will now be alone, than the general rule is the key to Lei higher ten times!20. 为了不让这些人变成世界的主宰,就必须靠侦探来解破那些案件,保证人类社会的健康和安全。&&&&&&In order to allow these people become the masters of the world, we must rely on detectives to solve those cases, broken, human society, to ensure the health and safety.主宰是什么意思,主宰在线翻译,主宰什么意思,主宰的意思,主宰的翻译,主宰的解释,主宰的发音,主宰的同义词,主宰的反义词,主宰的例句,主宰的相关词组,主宰意思是什么,主宰怎么翻译,单词主宰是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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