英文“ 我的世界用英文怎么说格局 ”怎么说

你现在的位置 : &
  One should always be reasonable. It is indeed unreasonable to bar China from joining the WTO.
  For China, the WTO accession is also a political question, and a matter of self-respect and dignity.
  We can neither give up our national dignity nor betray our people.
  They haven't given you the whole story about the negotiations, but only a few scanty lines about them. What they told you about the negotiations is a simple briefing instead of a detailed account.
  The Americans are being carried away with their temporary success. What airs they have given themselves.
  Western countries have become obviously more hegemonistic.
  Western countries have assumed a greater hegemonistic air.
  Western countries have puffed up.
  To do a good job at home
  To run the domestic affairs well
  Proper management of home affairs
  To strike a balance among the intensity of reform, the pace of development and people's ustainability
  To give all-round consideration to&
  To balance well the intensity of reform, pace of development and public adaptability
  Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has played a very positive role as a window, bridge and economic powerhouse.
  Shenzhen SEZ has served the nation well as a showcase of opening-up, a gateway of international exchange and a powerhouse of economic and technological development.
  This figure has already been trimmed down to reflect the reality, but it is still an inflated figure.
  To run government strictly
  To subject government behavior to tight discipline
  To pursue good governance
  Senior officials (leaders) have to ensure that their spouses, children and office staff behave (conduct) properly.
  Tremendous changes have taken place in the world pattern (structure, configuration).
  Your remarks are more inspiring (enlightening) than what I have read in ten years.
  You are a great conversationalist (philosopher)!
  This is a very interesting conversation. I enjoy it very much.
  To have a way of turning ill luck into good and crisis into success
  In time of crisis, luck is always on his (her, our) side.
  (To be pre-destined)
  Nice to see you again. This is a small world.
  Isn't it God's will that we married each other?
  有修养 (To be well cultivated/educated/self-possessed)
  He is a gentleman. She is a lady.
With the development of multi-polarization in world pattern as well as the economic globalization...
With the pattern of the world's multi-polarization and economic globalization
扫描下载二维码英文“ 世界格局 ”怎么说?
世界格局:world structure
—— amypan07
world pattern (structure,configuration
—— meipollyanna
World Pattern
—— 上官欧阳
世界格局 world situation
1. shape of the world
2. world pattern
1. new world structure
1. World economic pattern
2. every part of the global economy
1. basic word pattern
—— Christina越
a pattern of the world globalization
—— yy0422
你可能喜欢用英语简述一下神七升空对世界局势的影响.大致应该是China Daily 上的那些社评吧~大一水平~讲个梗概吧...
At 21 o'clock on on the 25th of this month or so, Long II F rocket will launch Shenzhou VII spacecraft. Shenzhou VII would carry 3 astronauts, a small satellite, and 8 kinds of species. After the spacecraft entered orbit, in a boa 1 in support of its people to return to the cabin, who served as a stand-by work. In the extra-vehicular activity, the universe swimming, operations operations (choose to fly with the release of a small satellite) operations, and so on. The successful launching of Shenzhou VII will be of great significance because it is China's first manned space flight spacewalk, marking China's space industry to a new level. EVA is the spacewalk. Space walk is a popular, it is called, the scientific term is "extravehicular activities", defined as: wearing astronaut extravehicular activity spacesuit, leaving the spacecraft, space shuttle or space station into space (including on the surface Or on Mars), to complete the various tasks assigned. Astronauts to conduct spacewalks, five general purposes: maintenance of the space, such as Russian astronauts repair the Mir space station, The second is to complete assembly of the space mission, such as the International Space S Third, the completion of the space service, such as Astronauts inside the space shuttle cargo bay to launch satellites or satellite recovery, The fourth is to conduct scientific experiments or research, such as the United States at the Apollo astronauts on the surface to carry out sc Fifth, to complete the task of building space, the astronauts will arrive at the moon or Mars will be above the building of temporary or permanent bases in the base. As the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft is China's first spacewalk, it belongs to the first spacewalk of their experimental, the astronauts will release a small companion star of the experimental activities. According to Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao" reported that this "companion" of the mission is to use three-dimensional CCD camera for close-in-orbit flight of the "seven gods" to take photographs. We will be China's first spacecraft in orbit location of the three-dimensional pictures, photos of the space in the background, to show "God seven" high-speed operation of the unique landscape of the Chinese nation will become a permanent flying to witness history. Before this, China has successfully launched several small satellites, small satellite technology are reaching maturity, "the seven gods" to bring "companion" meaning more space is no trivial matter. First of all, is the means to launch small satellites. In the past, Chinese comes from a small satellite launch vehicle' and this is a small satellite will be placed in the "seven gods" to remain the front-end of the tank track, when the spacecraft entered orbit according to the command post will automatically pop spacecraft, Astronauts also can be manually "choose" to release, put in a more flexible manner, "choose" is to be released as needed when the release would like to when to release. Second, the "companion" as the use of reconnaissance satellites. Hong Kong media revealed that the "seven gods" to carry the image as the "companion", equipped with the "Chang-e One," a similar three-dimensional CCD camera, you can take out high-resolution images of the surface. "Companion" from "Seven God" choose to release on the orbit of interest to surface into the camera surveillance. Third, the "companion" to be a very terrible weapons in space. It can choose to release by the spacecraft, to carry out attacks on enemy targ I spacecraft is the most capable, most loyal, "bodyguard" - when the enemy spacecraft to attack me, I spacecraft in a timely manner to the release of "companion" , Was carrying a weapon to destroy enemy weapons attack or to die together. Fourth, hunting space means the new Star break. Europe's military aerospace sector, said the technology means that the Chinese spacecraft will be "hunting space satellite," the ability, because since the Chinese astronauts have the ability to release satellite, of course, also have the ability to "abducted" his country's satellite. God in the past seven and would like to launch the Shenzhou spacecraft series, has the following six major breakthrough: First, the 3 astronauts flying composition of the group took off. Prior to that, "Shenzhou" manned spaceship flight twice and the two are one, and this is the 3 astronauts in space at the meeting. This figure change that, "the seven gods" in the internal space and comfort, have a great upgrade. This means that in addition to increased space, the spacecraft also showed that China's environmental technology inside has been a qualitative leap. Second, the new spacesuit is a big bright spot. Spacesuit production of new materials and fire resistant to radiation. Created by the new spacesuit not only for space walks, but also very comfortable. This is China's space is also a major breakthrough, since previous spacesuit of China's imports from Russia of "Sea Hawk", but the relatively bulky spacesuit, whether or extravehicular activity in the cabin is very inconvenient. China is now the spontaneous development of the "Flying" spacesuit technology, "comparable to the United States." Of course, such a valuable space suit, as much as 3,000 yuan per set. Thirdly, the release of small companion star. "Seven of God," the astronauts will release a small satellite surveillance, or "companion." "Companion" on the three-dimensional camera can provide the spacecraft and astronauts walk in space real-time images. Fourth, no small challenge to walk exits. "Shenzhou" spacecraft is a test, the "Shenzhou VI", two astronauts are mainly involved in the in-orbit spacecraft flight, "the seven gods," the astronauts will take before the Chinese no one tried to walk the exits. This is laying the foundation for China's space technology an important step. Fifth, the experimental spacecraft in the water so curious about the outside world. Chinese media has been filled with water in the spacecraft's photographs of the training pool, outsiders have speculated it in the end the use of such technology. Sixth, the amazing performance of the new launch vehicle. Long March II F rocket will be used to launch Shenzhou VII spacecraft, the astronaut 3 into orbit and carry out extravehicular activities in space. With the launch of Shenzhou VI spacecraft's rockets, 36 rocket technical improvements to further enhance the reliability and security. Particularly in vibration up rockets in the past for the larger, improved design, improved the astronaut's rocket also a key part of the installation of remote sensing image measuring device, real-time monitoring and recording of the main rocket flying. China's Shenzhou VII manned space mission is to project the "three-step" development strategy for the first time an important second step of the flight, "Shenzhou VII" for the flight of China's breakthrough and master the key technology extravehicular activities to further promote the manned space flight Cause to a higher level of development is of great significance.


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