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基本解释◎ 狙击 jūjī[snipe] 埋伏在隐蔽处伺机袭击狙击手近义词偷袭、掩袭英文翻译1.snipe详细解释暗中埋伏,伺机袭击。《史记·留侯世家》:“ 秦皇帝 东游, 良 与客狙击 秦皇帝
博浪沙 中,误中副车。”《新唐书·李观传》:“是年, 观 入朝,前一日就道,虏至期出精骑狙击,不及,去。”《清史稿·太祖纪》:“﹝ 龙敦 ﹞遣人中夜狙击,侍卫 帕海 死焉。” 邹韬奋 《敬悼不受伪命的刘湛恩先生》:“﹝ 刘湛恩 ﹞突被暴徒三人开枪狙击。”【ねらう】【nerau】◎.
狙击是什么意思 狙击在线翻译 狙击什么意思 狙击的意思 狙击的翻译 狙击的解释 狙击的发音 狙击的同义词 狙击的反义词 狙击的例句
狙击 基本解释狙击[jū jī]词典狙击;[鸟]鹬,沙锥鸟;烟屁股,香烟头;可鄙的人狙击 汉英大词典狙击[jū jī]snipe狙击 网络解释1. beautiful nikita:!acme discs 地雷 | !beautiful nikita 狙击 | !god of gamblers 狙击枪2. Melee:(自动炮) Sniper | (狙击) Melee | (格斗) rocket3. 3. Snipe:Smoothbore 滑膛 | Snipe 狙击 | Sounding rocket 探空火箭4. 狙击的解释4. sniper attack:ceasefire 停火 | sniper attack 狙击 | homemade rockets 自制火箭狙击 双语例句1. 我记得着陆时有狙击手在开火,没有欢迎仪式,我们被告知要跑到汽车那里。&&&&I remember landing under sniper fire, there was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars.2. 他们会害怕消委会在垃圾桶,他们会更多的在老板狙击。&&&&They'll be afraid to CC during trash, and they'll snipe more during bosses.3. 然而,当你所有成群行动,狙击发生。&&&&However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.4. 狙击的意思4. 甚至有传言说有些在后方的法国女通敌者现在也成了狙击手。&&&&There were even rumours circulating that French women collaborators had been left behind and were now acting as snipers.5. 本特别节目生动地详述了狙击手掌握的导弹学、战术、武器和潜伏等关键技术,结合了访问、动画和当今射击演练,以电影的方式重现场景,使观众如身临四角瞄准镜中。ge&&&&For the first time on American television Canadian sniper Robert Furlong, tells the story of his history-making shot in Afghanistan--striking a Taliban fighter from 1.5 miles away.6. danci.911cha.com6. 当然还有些配件槽可以让你火力十足,比如说穿甲狙击弹、破片手雷、热熔炸弹、血包和引导轨道轰炸的信号灯。&&&&There'll also be an accessory slot which can accommodate even more power-ups such as armor piercing sniper rounds, frag grenades, melta bombs, health packs, and beacons to trigger orbital laser blasts.7. 狙击手将去到带很多的窗口的城市每个建筑物提供,而带散弹猎枪的战士能够使用纠缠的建筑物来脸到脸跟他的刺客一起。&&&&A sniper will go to town with the dozens of windows each building offers, while a soldier with a shotgun can usethe intertwined buildings to come face-to-face with his assassin.8. 后非老婆杀嫩婆,先是老婆宰嫩私,易怪我野说,婚姻非恋情的宅兆!&&&&At first, 狙击手, wife wanted to kill husband, then, husband wanted to kill wife, no wonder people say that marriage is the grave of love!9. 蜂群的速度非常快,而且它拥有狙击手般的伤害,这使它可以非常有效的对抗所有的步兵单位。&&&&It is very fast and deals sniper damage rather than machine gun damage making it extremely potent vs all infantry.10. 狙击10. 上周五在阿尔及利亚城市蒂齐乌祖的主要街道旁,一个很大的鸟巢建在了电线杆顶端。不远处一名狙击手在房顶为阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡提供安全保障。&&&&SHARPSHOOTER SECURITY 狙击手 A large stork nested over the main street of Tizi Ouzou, Algeria, Friday, as a sharpshooter provided security for Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, not pictured.11. 所以,我喜欢光明,不温不火;不急不躁,你就像一个优秀的狙击手,喜欢你的冷漠与深沉,爱着你的勇敢与执着,思考也是一种美。&&&&&&So, I like bright, was not rash, do you like a good sniper, like your cold and deep, love your courage and persistence, thinking is a kind of beauty.12. 穆罕默德,他是两区内的狙击手之一,被判今晚被注射执行死刑。&&&&&&Muhammad, one of the two DC area snipers is set to die by injection tonight.13. 911查询·英语单词13. 有些征兆显示FARC游击队又重新壮大,利用地雷和狙击暗杀要让政府军士气瓦解。&&&&&&There are some signs that the FARC has reorganised, relying on landmines and snipers to demoralise the army.14. 此时探索者和狗应该已经探出不小的区域了,小地图上打着一把*的地方,就是有财宝的地方,这些地方通常有野兽或是中立兵守护着,用探索者的狙击技能可以直接秒杀一个守护者,所以只有一个守护者的财宝可以立即去捡。&&&&&&Explorers and dogs at this time should have been out of the region is not small, and the name of a small map where * is the treasure of the place, these places usually have a beast or a neutral guardian of the soldiers with the sniper Explorer skills can be a guardian of the direct spike, so there is only one guardian can pick up the treasure.15. 武器攻击9种超级水炸弹,并有特殊物品,如珍宝,狙击,TNT炸药,集群和气球定时器等 3。&&&&&&Arsenal of up to 9 super soaking water balloon types and special items- Jumbo, Sniper, TNT, Cluster and Timer balloons, and more!16. 比如说,普雷斯顿想要消灭对面建筑中隐藏的一个狙击手,他的决定是扔一枚RPG到那个建筑中,希望可以炸死那个狙击手,但是结果却比他想的糟的多。旁边的一颗树受到了波及,整个砸在了那个建筑上。&&&&&&At one point, Preston decided the best way to deal with a sniper was to fire an RPG at the building in which he was hiding, which not only hollowed out the building, but caused a nearby tree to topple due to plaster shrapnel.17. 我们知道不管什么样水平的狙击手,大多都是冻结时间一结束就先快速的跑到每个地图固定的狙击位置站好,把狙击枪架好等着猎物上门。&&&&&&We know that no matter what thelevel of the snipers, most of the time a freeze on the end of the first to go faster each map fixed the location of theattacks stop, to attack aircraft guns waiting for a good home game.18. 18. 如果你不已经有战斗力的狙击枪,您将获得一个自动的。&&&&&&If you don't already have a combat sniper rifle, you'll get one automatically.19. 从某种程度上说,狙击是不能避免的。&&&&&&To some extent, sniping is something that can't be avoided.20. 这是你的工作,供应抑制火灾从您的狙击位置。&&&&&&It`s your job to supply suppression fire from your sniper position.狙击是什么意思,狙击在线翻译,狙击什么意思,狙击的意思,狙击的翻译,狙击的解释,狙击的发音,狙击的同义词,狙击的反义词,狙击的例句,狙击的相关词组,狙击意思是什么,狙击怎么翻译,单词狙击是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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