
If middle school students can take their mobile phones to their schools,what will students and teachers hear in class?The beautiful ringtones over and over again?You have to know that we are not the students of a conservatory of music!Ok,if I have a mobile phone around me,just on the table in front of me,and it rangs,what is your feeling?Want to let me out?!
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初中英语辩论:中学生该不该使用手机 正方辩论稿
It’s an honor to show our opinion with all of you here. It is widely known that the science and technology are developing rapidly,many modern inventions have come into our daily lives.The cell phones are one of them.They can bring us many useful functions.Before using the cell phones,people surfed the Internet by computers,listened to music by MP3 players,took photos by cameras and called someone up by the telephones in houses.But in today’s world,just a cell phone,we can do all these things by it.Just a little time,we can read news,take notes,send messages and so on. So,the cell phones help us to make lives more efficient and more interesting. They make us keep in touch with others in daiy lives.And they can help us even save our lives when we are in danger.What’s more,the cell phone is a symbol of the social progress.As the future of our country,we teenagers need to keep up with the development of science.Just as Deng Xiaoping said,”Learning computer teachnology should starts with children.”So, we think it is necessary and good for us middle school sudents to use cell phones.That’s all,thanks.
【辐射】辐射无处不在 减少使用时间 耳机通话
①驳 It’s true that cell phones can make a little radiation.but,in fact,the radiation is everywhere.Not only cell phones,but also many other thing can make radiation.Such as the TV sets/the bulbs and the power lines.So,even if there is no cell phone,there will still be radiation.Your opinion can’t be scientific.
②驳 But we can make the time we use cell phones as short as possible.Also,we can use an earphone when making telephone calls,so that we can keep away from the radiation and protect our brains.Don’t forget,the cell phones can help us a lot and even save our lives when we are in danger,just think about,the life or keeping away from the radiation,which is more important?
【沉迷游戏】取决于自我 正确使用 手机并非祸根
①驳 Well,just as you said,there are some students fall behind because of the video games.But,after all, not all students have poor abilities in controlling themselves.Most of us can keep distance from video games. On the other hand,if we can use the cell phones in correct ways,they would be very helpful.
②驳 Playing video games can be done by many ways,using cell phones is only one of them.Just have a suppose,if a student really want to play video games,he can find many ways.Even he has no cell phone,he can still use other things such as computers.So,cell phones are not the root cause of students playing video games.
①驳 Not exactly.It is reported that there are only a few of Chinese teenagers have read the unhealthy information.Most of us don’t know about those informations.
②驳 Well,the unhealthy information is from the Internet,not from the cell phone itself.Even if there is no cell phone,the unhealthy information can still affect some students.In short,whether some students read unhealthy information,it is not depend on the cell phones.
【费钱】手机很常见 并非昂贵
In today’s world,the science are developing rapidly,the cell phones are very common in our lives,they have become the necessary tools,just enter a cell phone shop,you can find they are not expensive at all,most families can afford them.
Do you really think so?Well,it only depend on ourselves,too.Only a few students do that. Please don’t regard the cell phones as the main cause of cheating.In fact,the main casue of cheating is a kind of unhealthy psychology.If a student decide to cheat in the exam,he can do by many ways,whether there
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英语辩论稿资料-中学生是否应该用手机_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。英语辩论稿...支持正方的论据: TOP YES I went back and forth on this issue for a ...正方 : 4 网购方便比对价格、顾客选择余地大、交易...到手机时,市场上已经又新推出好几款了,这时 候该... 英语辩论稿资料-中学生是... 5页 2下载券 网络...英语辩论稿资料-中学生是否... 5页 5财富值 ...正方: Good morning, everyone! We are the ... 使用一键分享,轻松赚取财富值, 了解详情
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这个辩题曾在99年马来亚大学 和澳门大学 辩论过,现在把这个过程复述如下: 正方:马来亚大学 网络使人更亲近 反方:澳门大学 网络使人更疏远 主席:网络到底使人更亲近呢,还是更疏远呢?这也是我们今天的辩题.根据赛前抽签的结果,正方:马来
一、双方陈述理由 陈述理由(正方一辩)进入21世纪,互联网的快速发展给我们的生活提供了更多的方便:它使我们即使远隔千里,也可以频繁联系,这种高效率的联系方式,提高了我们的生活节奏和生活质量。今天,我们主要论证两个观点:第一,网络的
中学生带手机的好处和坏处的什么‘? ‘‘大家进来谈谈把 ①、影响休息。短信闲聊,贻误学业;不良信息,污染心灵; ②、攀比成风。因为手机型号在不断翻新,外形、功能、价钱都能成为比较对象,攀比心理自然会影响到学习和学生的心态。在这种情况下
网络使人更亲近/更疏远 主席:张泽群 正方:马来亚大学 网络使人更亲近 反方:澳门大学 网络使人更疏远 主席:网络到底使人更亲近呢,还是更疏远呢?这也是我们今天的辩题。根据赛前抽签的结果,正方:马来亚大学他们所持的观点是“网络使人更亲
一、总结陈词的意义。 一场辩论赛,特别是在双方实力相当时,一份出色的总结陈词往往能奠定最后的胜利。如果总结陈词只是在机械复述己方观点,则会给评委很不好的印象。一般情况下,四辩本身的自由辩论发言机会就不太多,只有把总结陈词做得灵活
对方辩友虽然滔滔不绝但存在很多问题 请让我一一指出 第一拔苗助长,大学就算是再怎么贴近社会终究还是个学校,既然是学校我们就是来学习知识的。在这一阶段我们还没有相关的知识去做科研,也没有相应的环境去实践。我们还处于一个积累知识的阶
这很简单埃 你搞清了勤劳和不道德手段的定义就OK了。 勤劳是什么意思,只要你勤勤恳恳的做一件事就叫勤劳。既然如此,你勤勤恳恳的做好事和勤勤恳恳的做坏事,其实结果都是一样,都是勤劳。只不过一个是勤劳的做好事,一个是勤劳的做坏事罢了。
正方(亲近) 网络为人们的交流提供了多种渠道 注意:网络本身是一个东西,但它能提供的是多种渠道 而且这些渠道针对不同人群 —— 比如:QQ 方便了同学、家人、朋友的联络, 贴吧为兴趣爱好相近的人的沟通搭建了平台, 论坛则为观点的交换提供了
给你个参考 辩题:手机拉近人的距离/手机疏远人的距离 正方:江苏大学 反方:河海大学 猜测立论 正方四辩:谢谢 我方对 对方立论做出如下猜测 第一 对方会将辩题当中的拉近 理解为亲近 基于此会将辩题当中的距离 理解为情感距离 而不是更为中性}


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