
假如你是李明,最近你的朋友张华因考试不利,情绪低落,学习消极应付。请你用英语给他写一封e-mail 劝慰他,鼓励他努力学习,_英语书面表达_萌芽学习网
更新时间: 10:31:45
假如你是李明,最近你的朋友张华因考试不利,情绪低落,学习消极应付。请你用英语给他写一封e-mail 劝慰他,鼓励他努力学习,并结合自身实际,提出应采取的积极态度和应对方法。字数:120左右Dear Zhang Hua,&&& I’m sorry to hear that_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&&& __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&nbs[1]&&
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Dear XXX, It's been awhile that we haven't talked during school days, because you were absent so much. I was wondering what is going with you these days? I wanted to tell you missed a lot of school work and tests. It really affected your grades and work habits. I hope came to knowing that you need to pull yourself out of the gaming zone, before it's too late. You are a great friend that I ever had, and I hope I can help you get out of troubles. I hope you're reading this letter and deeply conseider the things I said. I can see you are a good student in the beginning, but somehow you fell into the gaming world. It's like 27/4 thing for you now, but I know you wanted to get out of this situation as bad I wanted to come back to school. The further you're going into playing video games or online games will ruin your future, because you are a student that needs his education. I don't think this thing you're playing is going to get you anywhere far. Please look into this matter. I am looking forward to see your reply. Yours truly, xxx
学习啦【英文书信】 编辑:秀珍
  朋友之间需要经常联系,用将自己的现状以及生活状况 写信告诉朋友吧!下面学习啦小编整理了用英语写信给你的朋友,供你参考。
  Dear XXX
  It has been long since we last meet each other, how are you recently? Are you doing well there? Do you miss me?
  We haven't seen each other since did so one year ago, so I really miss you. I am doing quite well in the school recently. When will you have time to come to visit me? I have many wonderful things to eat and play here, and I always welcome you!
  Dear XXX
  My family There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I&m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn&t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don&t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it&s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.
  我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家.
  Dear Joe
  How are you recently?
  I am a primary school student now . I love life here . Everyday in weekday I get up early in the morning . After having breakfast with my parents I go to school by school bus. We have three classes in the morining. I usually have lunch at school . Then we have a short rest after lunch. We have four classes in the afternoon. I go back home after school by school bus. I have chinese class ,math class, music class ,PE class and some handmaking class at school .All of my teachers are nice .I love my school
  Wish to hear from you soon
  Yours sincerely
  Dear friend:
  I did not contact you for a long time,you all right now?Now I tell you my life.
  I have a very good day,my 6 o'clock in the morning I go running.In order to meet the robust physique of a new day.Then came the first reading in the classroom,because of the review,the class always so easy for the pleasure.We are physical in the afternoon,I had the chance to go to the basketball court to play games.Fun,and there are many community activities at night,I attended a speech in English,as spoken language training is a good opportunity!
  In short,here I am very well,but I do not know what you are in the other side?Oh,remember reply to me!
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