
正如英文片名“Finding Mr.
Ephron)的《西雅图未眠夜》(Sleepless in
Mali(马利): Former LGD-Gaming Social Media Manager(前LGD俱乐部公关媒体经理),虽然他来自法国,但是他一直心系LGD,为全世界玩家能了解中国的dota2战队而一直默默地作出不懈努力。翻译:Autumnwind代理发布:Spectre.(转帖请联系楼主)WHY THE FIASCO OF SEATTLE MAY ONLY BE THE BEGINNING OF THE CHINESE NIGHTMARE为什么西雅图的惨败会是中国噩梦的开始Only a few days have passed since the Swedes from Alliance lifted the Aegis of Champions at the Benaroya Hall in Seattle, United States during The International 2013 — Valve’s third annual event. Like each year, this event was full of surprises, some good and others bad, but at the end of the day, what we all remember from it is that — after several years at the top — the domination of the Chinese teams has (finally) come to an end. Does the “Fiasco of Seattle” mean that the Chinese teams will never conquer Valve’s ARTS title again? No! But reconquering the scene will take time and effort. It will be one of their toughest challenges. In this column, I focus on some of the reasons that led to this downfall and what should be done by the Chinese teams and organizations in order to avoid this situation at the next International.每年的TI国际邀请赛都会为粉丝玩家们带来一些新的惊奇。今年最令人意外的可能就是中国军团,继去年TI上的出色表现后,今年完全无缘前三的结局。虽然今年的结局令很多人难以接受,但是这并不意味着中国在Dota 2领域的地位就此一去不复返。机会还是有的,中国Dota 2现在所需要的是更加的努力、更多的支持,这也会是中国Dota发展途中最大的一次大考验。在下面,我们谈谈这次TI3失利的一些根源以及如何做出相应的调整吧。1. & & & &The Chinese are no longer advantaged 中国Dota已失去曾经的绝对领先优势For several years, the Chinese teams were arguably the best at Defense of the Ancients while Natus Vincere was the only western team capable of competing with them on Valve’s Dota 2. There are several reasons that can explain this phenomenon and “They are born in China” is not one of them. It does no matter if you are Korean or C they are not born with a gift for gaming. The only difference between Koreans, Chinese and the rest of the world is the environment in which they play video games. Nowadays, a lot of people say that the Chinese have always played in the best environment possible with a team house and a fairly good salary. While this is not true whatsoever, the fact is that they benefited from all this way earlier than the rest of the world. However, the Electronic Sports industry has grown considerably, and a few western teams now have the opportunity to play in the same conditions, or almost, than the Chinese teams. Who are in the top 3 at this year’s International? Correct! Alliance, Natus Vincere and Orange eSports. What’s their common point with the Chinese? Another good answer! They all play in a team house and have a decent or even good salary. Now, what’s the difference between the western teams and the Chinese teams? The Association of Chinese eSports.近些年来,在Dota 2世界里,中国是一直享有一个绝对的领先优势,不论是战术、还是执行、还是总体的电竟环境。最多也只有NaVi能够与中国队伍抗衡。想想为什么,最主要的就是中国电竟相比西方更早走入规模化,正式化,职业化。中国战队很早就有了俱乐部赞助支持,有了基地,有了薪资。中国战队更早有了这个基础,从而获得了那些领先优势。而这个优势正在最近一年内被追上了很多,随着当今大多数西方战队也都有了这些条件,这个优势不再是优势。看一下今年的前三,Orange、Navi、Alliance、都不缺少这些条件。2. & & & &Association of Chinese eSports ACE 联盟In an interview with the chairman of the Association of Chinese eSports, Pei “King” Le, he was quick to mention that this association was not aiming to control the teams. As a matter of fact, they do have some control over them. A team can’t participate in any tournament if the prize-money is lower than 250,000 RMB. At the exception of DreamHack and RaidCall EMS, the western scene does not have any tournaments with more than 250,000 RMB (i.e. $30,000) in prize-money. What does this mean? It means that if there was such an association for the western scene with the same regulations, teams would be playing only two tournaments (not counting the different seasons) throughout year. Isn’t it ridiculous considering that all the players who started playing this game did it because they enjoyed it and because they actually wanted to play the game?在之前ACE联盟领导King的采访中,他很急于解释,联盟的目的并不是控制俱乐部。虽然话是这样说的,但是ACE在2013年对俱乐部的控制作用还是显而易见的。奖金池不达标(最低限25万)的赛事一律不需找顶级战队参赛,就算这些战队自己想去也不行。在西方赛事中,除了最大牌的Dreamhack以及Raidcall EMS,没有任何赛事能够达到这个标准的。说到这里,咱们反过来看一下,如果西方俱乐部有了一个跟ACE相同的联盟,那就意味着2013年的Alliance、Navi之类的队伍只会被允许参加两项赛事。这是多么可笑的一个境界啊?但是,中国的ACE就做到了,愣是把为了游戏,为了竞技而奋斗的选手们限制得一年仅参加了5项赛事。The Chinese teams used to have a significant advantage over the western teams with the team house and salary, but now that several western teams have caught up, the Chinese teams are now disadvantaged. Indeed, while the Chinese teams may still be ahead than most western teams with their team house and salary, they are way behind when it comes to playing the game. This year, the Chinese teams participated in ONLY five tournaments while the western teams played in no less than nine tournaments i.e. four more tournaments. This is already a pretty big deal not to mention that the format used in most of these tournaments actually allow the teams to play more than three matches no matter what. Some of you may not understand what I am trying to say right now so I am going to use numbers. 所以,曾经有着俱乐部,训练基地,薪资这些正式框架的中国战队到了今天已经在这些方面上被追上了,没有了这些硬件优势,反而多了一个联盟。这个联盟使得他们的战术打法以及临场应变能力急剧下滑,原因就是缺乏比赛。One of the most powerful Chinese teams, Team DK, participated in five tournaments this year and played 30 official matches (11 Best-of-One’s, 4 Best-of-Two’s, 13 Best-of-Three’s and 2 Best-of-Five’s). The Swedes of Alliance played 83 official matches through eight different tournaments (45 Best-of-One’s, 4 Best-of-Two’s, 33 Best-of-Three’s and 1 Best-of-Five). What should you remember from this? Well, it does not matter how good you are, if you do not have any official matches where you can execute strategies or heroes that you have tried out in practice games, you will have poor results against the teams who can.举个例子:中国的一个强队,DK,在2013年参加了五项赛事,总共打了30场(11个BO1,4个BO2,13个BO3,2个BO5 )。瑞典的Alliance参加了8项大赛事,打了83场(45个BO1,4个BO2,33个BO3,1个BO5)。这些数据说明的就是,不管平时怎么训练,如果缺少正式比赛,就是打不过。Last year, before the second edition of The International, I hosted an event for the Asian participating teams, and despite having a low prize-pool, the teams still enjoyed playing this event. They did not care about the money, but it was still a good way for them to play some serious matches. After The International, some players even thanked me for hosting such an event. But now that ACE have entered into the Dota 2 world, hosting these online events are now impossible. Did ACE become too powerful to give a chance to their teams to practice?去年在TI2结束后,笔者办了一个小型赛事,邀请了些许亚洲队伍。虽然钱不多,但是选手们都反映不错,说这种赛事不看重钱,重要的就是能有机会在正式比赛中找感觉。但是现在有了ACE,也就不再有这种小型赛事存活的空间了。ACE是不是权力太大了?3. & & & &The Chinese teams lack creativity 中国战队缺创造性This is probably a point that we all agree on. The Chinese teams have never really excelled in the creativity department, and this is true that they often use the western strategies and master them. However, they do not play new strategies or heroes because they do not want to, but because they can’t. When you play a tournament like the G-1 Champions League where the ranking in the groupstage is so important, you do not want to use heroes or strategies that you have never used in an official match before and risk to lose a match that you should normally win. It is a lot easier to try out new heroes or strategies in western tournaments for two reasons:o The format is a lot better, more matcheso The prize-pool is “low” compared to the Chinese tournamentsWhen you are LGD-Gaming or Team DK, do you want to try out new heroes or strategies in the Dota 2 Super League, a tournament that offers no less than $160,000 in prizemoney? No! When you are Alliance or Natus Vincere, are you willing to play new heroes or strategies in a $10,000 tournament considering that you play like 3 of those every couple of months? Definitely!这个应该是大家都能看到的一点吧。中国战队一直都在创造性上有着一些缺陷。但是到了今天,中国队伍不仅是意识到了这一点,他们也急于改善,缺的就是机会。他们参加的赛事都是大赛,在大赛上是很难掏出新战术的。相比一下西方战队:西方Dota 2赛事多,大赛小赛都有,易于找机会试新战术。再回来看看DK或者LGD,如果你是他们的话,参加DSL之类的大赛,输赢关系到上万的奖金,你敢不敢拿新战术出来?不敢吧。但是Navi、Alliance就有很多奖金几千的小型赛事可以用来研发新打法。4. & & & &ACE is not the only organization to blame 不仅ACE需要反思While the Association of Chinese eSports are playing an important role in the downfall of their teams at The International, the teams are also at fault. When you look at the Korean League of Legends teams, most of them have minimum two coaches and a manager, and by manager, I do not mean scheduler. When did the players’ ego become more important than hiring a coach, a person who can make the difference between a win and a defeat?It is fair to say that TongFu’s performance over the last few months have been fantastic, and while people praise Yang “KingJ” Zhou for improving the team, people seem to forget the big contribution of former ViCi Gaming player and now TongFu’s coach, Junjie “sydm” Tong. During the Dota 2 Super League, he just show to the world how important and efficient a coach can be in a team, and at the end of the day, I was sad to see that people barely gave him any credit. You can be the most successful player in the history of the game or play in the most successful team in the world, you are not perfect and a coach can correct these imperfections. Sometimes, it is really too hard to admit that we do mistakes so we ignore them, but a coach is there to show you these mistakes and help you correct them.虽然ACE联盟应该承担今年全军覆没的大部分责任,中国的俱乐部也需要好好反省一下。看看其他电竟游戏的战队,很多都有了正式的教练。这里说到教练,而不是领队,也不是经理,是堂堂正正的竞技教练。如果想要为选手们提供最好的训练环境,每个队伍都该考虑找个高水平的教练以便来做总结以及更有针对性的训练,等等。You now know what to do. You want to be successful, and be at the top again? Get a coach! Of course a coach will not guarantee you a win, but I am 99% sure that he can improve the performances of the team. Furthermore, I remember teams saying that they do not want to play in small tournaments anymore. When did they become so good to play in smaller tournaments? I am sure that TongFu enjoyed playing in the AMD Premier League Season 1. I am sure that this tournament helped them find themselves. I am also sure that this tournament gave them the confidence to win the Dota 2 Super League. If you are too good to participate in small tournaments, then do not be surprised to lose against teams who play in these low tournaments.今年也曾经听说过俱乐部发言说,俱乐部也不希望队伍以后再参加小型赛事。为什么啊?什么时候变得如此高傲,有比赛放着不打?这是联盟叫你们说的吗?TongFu之所以能在DSL上取得冠军的好成绩与能够打之前的AMD联赛有着一定关系,他们收益肯定不小。所以,总的来说还是那一句,如果你打不了更多小赛事,那么你在大赛上输了也就不用太意外了。5. & & & &What should the Chinese teams and organizations do? 中国战队、俱乐部们现在怎么办?The Association of Chinese eSports is NEEDED, it’s a fact. I do not want to imagine what would have happened to some teams if this association was not here. However, these teams are here to play games, and I do believe that King and his staff should not have their word to say regarding the tournaments they want to play as long as there are no problems. If a team confirms their participation in five tournaments and forfeit some matches in four of them, this is obviously an issue, but what if there is no issue at all? Why would ACE forbid them from participating in tournaments if everything goes smooth?ACE联盟对选手以及俱乐部的职业化、规范化起到了不错的效果,这是可以肯定的。没有个联盟的话,说不定中国电竟还会是以前的混乱。但是,说到底,战队以及选手努力的目的是为了打比赛。我个人认为King以及ACE是不应该并且不可以限制队伍参加比赛的。如果一个队伍报了五个赛事,然后马上弃权其中的四项,那联盟应该管,如果战队报了名正常参赛也没有其他问题,那ACE有什么好管的啊?If ACE do not want the Chinese teams to be behind at the next International, let the teams participate in more tournaments. I truly feel that the Alienware Cup and the RedBull ECL was more beneficial than the Dota 2 Super League. Why? Because in these tournaments, with less money, the teams were not scared to try out new heroes and strategies. This was the first time I saw the teams try stuff and play with confidence, with no fear. 所以,如果ACE真的在是为中国电竟做事,如果ACE不希望看到中国战队在下一届国际邀请赛再一次全军覆没的景象,那么请允许中国队伍参加更多赛事。越多越好。论感觉,笔者个人觉得最近的外星人杯以及红牛ECL起到的作用都强于DSL。原因就是,在这些中小型赛事上,选手们更放得开,更敢打。这种赛事打了几次,大赛上也就自然敢打多了。让选手们比赛去吧。If ACE ever agree with this, the teams should then participate in more online tournaments, no matter how low the prize-money is as long as it is not ridiculously low. By participating in more tournaments, the teams receive more exposure, and probably more money. Isn’t it the purpose of ACE? Help the teams become more sustainable? How did the Alienware Cup effect ACE and its teams? Wasn’t it a good experience for every parties involved?如果ACE同意这点,它应该让战队们尽可能去参加更多的低奖金赛事,只要不是低的离谱就行.参加更多的比赛可以让战队有更多的两项机会,当然也会有更多的奖金.这难道不是ACE的主要目的吗?让战队有更好的发展空间?Alienware的比赛怎么会影响ACE和它的战队们?难道大家都参与不是一个更好的获得经验的机会吗?NOTE: I am sure that after reading this article, some of you will think that I am harsh towards ACE and the teams/players. As I mentioned earlier, ACE is needed, and there is definitely room for improvement. I am not going to kiss their ass just because they are powerful, and the same goes with the players. I am not going to support them if they do stupid things even if they are LGD.xiao8, DK.BurNIng, iG.Ferrari_430 or TongFu.Hao. These players are amazing, but if they do things wrong, then they need someone to tell them. Protecting them will actually make them weaker. 注意:我相信当大家读了这篇文章以后,会觉得我对ACE、战队以及对队员太过严厉了。但就像我说的,ACE是必不可少的,可仍然有改进的空间。我不会因为它权利大就去拍它的马屁,对那些队员也是一样。如果他们做出愚蠢的行为我是不会支持他们的,就算他们是LGD的小8,DK的BurNing,iG的430或者同福的Hao.这些选手非常棒,但是他们也会犯错。所以他们需要有人指出这些错误,相反过度保护他们会让他们无法变得更加强大。原LGD媒体经理Mali剖析:为什么西雅图的惨败会是中国噩梦的开始该投稿暂无简介原LGD媒体经理mali对中国战队Ti3失利分析原LGD媒体经理mali对中国战队Ti3失利分析[+展开简介]投1蕉安利给基友官方下载友情链接反馈本站不提供任何视听上传服务,所有内容均来自视频分享站点所提供的公开引用资源。Copyright (C)
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