input multiplee 汉化包应该放在哪儿

详细介绍Cornerstone...颠覆,来到了Mac。采取客户端应用程序是专门为Mac用户设计的Subversion的控制。基石集成的功能,你需要与您互动的仓库和所有这样做,是优雅的,易于使用的方式。无论您是新的版本,或者一个Subversion的专家中,Cornerstone将有助于简化工作流程,使版本控制更加透明。& & *结合了颠覆力量的Mac优雅。& & *完美伴侣到Xcode,BBEdit,TextMate,Coda等& & *使用Subversion,无需安装在10.4 Tiger了。& & *所有功能于一身的UI模式优化,在笔记本电脑和其他小型显示器使用。& & *多窗口界面模式在桌面系统使用大(甚至多重优化)显示器。& & *还有更多更多。Mac上最佳的SVN管理工具:Cornerstone&这个虽然不是免费的,但是用过的都说好!但388块钱。。这东西也真是挺贵的 。小编这里推荐一个免费一直用的方法:下载试用版使用,每次到期了之后去删除掉/Users/你的用户名/Library/Preferences/ByHost这个文件 就可以了&
来自Mac App Store官方介绍
Cornerstone allows you to take control of Subversion with a client application that was specifically designed for Mac users. Cornerstone integrates all of the features you need to interact with your repository and does so in an elegant and easy-to-use fashion. Whether you're new to versioning or a Subversion expert, Cornerstone will help streamline your workflow and make version control more transparent.
Combines the elegance of the Mac with the power of Subversion. Perfect companion to Xcode, BBEdit, TextMate, Coda, etc. Use Subversion without having to install it on 10.4 Tiger. All-in-one UI mode optimized for use on laptops and other small displays. Multiple-window UI mode optimized for use on desktop systems with large (or even multiple) displays. And much much more.
The trial version will expire after 14 days. A single-user license costs $59.99 and may be used by a single individual on up to 2 computers.…更多… v2.7.18版本新功能
Version 2.7.18:Note: Cornerstone 2.7.18 no longer supports Subversion versions 1.4 and 1.5. If you require support for these legacy versions of Subversion then we recommend you continue to use Cornerstone 2.7.14. 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.22. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version1.8-level Subversion updated to 1.8.14. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this versionSelecting "Add Certificate from Keychain…" in the "Certificates" preference pane displays an error if the keychain contains no certificates with private keysUnreadable character is displayed to right of file name in popup button in change view’s navigation bar (OS X 10.11 only)"Copy as Numbered List" and "Copy as Bulleted List" commands in transcript view do not copy text to the clipboardDeleting a file reported as missing after case-only rename causes unversioned file with new name to be deleted from the file systemBug in Subversion’s HTTP layer (lib_ra_serf) can cause Cornerstone to crash during authentication after an SSL server presented an invalid certificate…更多…
相关截图 图片数: 5 张(点击图片查看大图)
下载列表 文件数: 6 文件大小:
& Mac上最佳的SVN管理工具:Cornerstone(图形化) for Mac
TT<img TYPE="face" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6706EN00SIGG.gif"
TITLE="linux&buzilla4.2.3汉化" /><img TYPE="face" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6706EN00SIGG.gif"
TITLE="linux&buzilla4.2.3汉化" /><img TYPE="face" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6706EN00SIGG.gif"
TITLE="linux&buzilla4.2.3汉化" />)
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"&#65533;&#692;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;等級" } ,
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=& "平台" } ,
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maxlength =& 15 , ellipsis =& "..." } ,
"assigned_to_realname" =& { maxlength =& 10 , ellipsis =&
"..." } , "reporter" =& { maxlength =& 15 , ellipsis =&
"..." } , "reporter_realname" =& { maxlength =& 10 , ellipsis
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=& "..." , title =& "QA &#65533;&#867;絡&#65533;&#65533;? } ,
"qa_contact_realname" =& { maxlength =& 10 , ellipsis =&
"..." , title =& "QA &#65533;&#867;絡&#65533;&#65533;? } , "resolution"
=& { maxlength =& 9 } , "short_desc" =& { wrap =& 1 } ,
"short_short_desc" =& { maxlength =& 60 , ellipsis =&
"..." , wrap =& 1 } , "status_whiteboard" =& { title =&
"&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;態&#64893;&#65533;&#65533;? , wrap =& 1 } , "keywords" =& { wrap =& 1 }
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=& "目標里程&#65533;&#65533;? } ,
"longdescs.count" =& { title =& "# &#65533;&#1487;見" },
"percentage_complete" =& { format_value =& "%d %%" } , }
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#grep -r "智语"&
[% DEFAULT quip = "$terms.Bugzilla 可以在这里随机显示智语,但目前仍未输入任何智语。"
title = "${terms.Bugzilla} 智语系统"
已新增智语 '[% added_quip FILTER html %]'。
已删除智语 '[% deleted_quip FILTER html %]'。
[% approved.size %] 条智语已通过审核, [% unapproved.size %] 条智语尚未审核。
./list/quips.html.tmpl:& [% terms.Bugzilla %]
会随机选择一条智语做为每个 [% terms.bug %] 列表的大标题。
如果参数 'quip_list_entry_control' 设为开,将会把输入的智语自动审核通过。
href="quips.cgi?action=show"&浏览[% IF
user.in_group('bz_quip_moderators') %]并编辑[% END %]整个智语的列表。
=& "在每个 $terms.bug 列表上方显示智语",
quip_list_entry_control =& "控制用户加入智语的容易度。
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关闭 (closed) :不允许输入新的智语。
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[% title = "需要智语" %]
[% docslinks = {'quips.html' =& '关于智语'} %]
[% title = "没有新的智语" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'quips.html' =& '控管智语的使用'} %]
# grep -rl "智语"&
#sed -i 's/智语/标语/g' `grep -rl 智语
输入一些幽默笑话或者警句。 (但不要输入淫秽或攻击性的语句) /g' `grep -rl 你可以加长
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> Mindjet MindManager .159
Mindjet MindManager 2016 16.x | 249.8 MB
Languages: English, German, French
MindManager is a powerful mind mapping tool that boosts your individual productivity. Whether you're creating a business plan or developing a new website, its robust mind maps have the features you need to plan and complete any project.
With MindManager you can:
Boost your individual productivity. Organize all your ideas in a single view so you can see connections and draw conclusions quickly.
Ensure project success. Get visibility into every aspect of your project plans. Show the big picture and keep the details in context.
Drive business decisions. Visual analytics let you immediately see the impact of changes to budgets, forecasts, and business plans.
What’s New
MindManager for Windows has long been your go-to solution for brainstorming, organizing information, and planning projects. Now it’s even easier to add content, work with large maps, give presentations, and create detailed strategic plans with MindManager 14 for Windows. We’ve also dramatically expanded our capabilities for analyzing quantitative information, so you can plan and calculate detailed budgets, make forecasts, analyze portfolios, and more.
Smarter Budgeting and Forecasting
MindManager for Windows now lets you define and apply formulas to topics throughout your map, so you can instantly see the impact of changes in numerical data. Unlike conventional spreadsheets, you can easily drag and drop content or apply filters to quickly perform visual “what-if” analyses. The new Smart Fill feature allows you to set the color of a topic property based on a numerical value. This makes it easy to see opportunities and issues, like if you have gone over budget, or have more to spend.
The new formulas feature takes calculated topic properties to the next level, with support for complex formulas using multiple functions and operators. Data is easy to edit and present and you can define multiple calculated topic properties on any map topic.
Efficient Project Planning
Build out project plans quickly with simplified task creation. Add task details, edit due dates, and update progress status directly in the map.
Use map and Gantt views to validate priorities, schedules and resources, then manage execution using Microsoft Project, in Microsoft SharePoint (using MindManager Server) or in ProjectDirector.
Easier Map Creation
Drag and drop critical content to your maps from your desktop or any file system (including Mindjet files). Now you can also drag and drop emails, tasks, and contacts directly from Microsoft Outlook to populate project plans and org charts.
Faster Navigation of Content-Rich Maps
The map index feature now lets you find what you need by marker, hyperlink, attachments, notes, and more. Want to quickly see a list of all attachments or review all the formulas that summarize your project’s key indicators? The index provides an easy way to navigate and review all of your important content.
Enhanced Decision Making
Use 2x2 analysis views and Guided Brainstorming to drive business decisions. Brainstorm a series of creative solutions to a complex problem and evaluate the proposed solutions in a “Risk vs. Rewards” matrix to select the key candidates.
New presentation tools, including the ability to pan and zoom content during slide shows, make it easier to tailor information to your audience for strategic reviews.
Works with Your Current Tools
Import from Microsoft Word and Project. Export to Word, Project, PowerPoint, SWF, PDF, image or web pages. MindManager for Windows also integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft SharePoint (when used with MindManager Server).
OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit)
Language : English, German, French
Home Page -
与本文相关的文章最近在研究PowerDesigner,把经验写下来,以备查验,会不定期更新这个博文的破解文件在我百度云盘上: 附件: 亲,您没有权限下载或查看附件喔:-)
马上 或 吧!特此说明,此文件只是用于交流学习用,禁止商用,如果侵害到您的利益,请留言,我会删除掉的如果你问我powerdesigner是干嘛用的,那我觉得你最好百度去因为这个帖子可能不适合你 /冷汗powerdesigner 16.5目前是最新的版本,没有找到汉化版,以及深刻点的学习资料,不过很多可以开着有道或者金山通过F1的帮助文档,连蒙带猜的知道个大体,或者可以去 百度文库或者csdn,博客园,ITeye看看相关的技术交流贴(如果你有powerdesigner的好的资料,或者电子书,视频,或者汉化包,请给小弟留言或者发一份,万分感谢)powerdesigner 的目的是让码农从琐碎的代码上脱离出来,以一种设计师的层次,画出模型,然后正向生成脚本,或者代码,或者是逆向生成uml图这里就牵扯到powerdesigner的自动生成代码的功能,也就是今天写这个帖子的原因,虽然powerdesigner本身的模板功能已经够强大,但是,并不能完全满足个人的需要,这就要客户根据自己情况自定义了首先在打开或者新建一个OOM模型,找到Language(语言)-&Edit current Object Language...(编辑生成对象语言...)-&Java-&profile首先要说的是Classifier,这个是所有的基类,其他都是集成它的,类似java里的Object,打开TemplatesDefaultHeader 是默认的头部文件Class...DefaultImports 是默认要导入的包(Importantjava.lang.Util.*;)你可以根据需要 自己手写返回上一层,找到Class,注意红色的都是同一级Class -&Templates-&defaultHeald这个是Class重写了Classifier的类的头部说明,貌似是,我也懒得试了,反正我把Classifier的DefaultHeader 清空了,只在Class里的defaultHeald定义了头部信息,内容如下生成的代码效果如下注意标红的都是我为了说明后来加上的,实际生产的代码没有这些选中Class节点,右键,New一个Template,改名为attr(随便啦,你自己看着弄就行了,限英文),内容如下.foreach_item(Attributes)//遍历属性(Attributes是元数据写好的,貌似是,不确定) .foreach_line(%Name%,&\n\n&)//这个是F1研究了很久研究出的一个,在字段上根据创建属性的Name值生成注释,比如我Name是用户名,Code是userName那生成的就是 *\n&) private [%flags% ] %dataType% %fieldCode%[ = %initialValue%];//[]表示可选的这个,这个简单例子就是private String userN如果你创建属性的时候,指定了初始值,比如 userName:安家,那么就是 privateString userName=&安家&;.next(&\n&)生成的结果是:& & &再改一下Class下的definition(声明)[%defaultHeald%\n]\//这里引用刚刚修改的defaultHeald[%visibility% ][%flags% ] class //第一个参数是访问修饰符,第二个,不清楚,还有,.convert_name,貌似必须是单独一行.convert_name(%Code%,,&_&,FirstUpperChar) //这个是一个转换的函数?姑且叫做函数吧,反正系统定义的,你可以F1出来,比如原来类名叫做users,那么生成的就是Users,貌似users_u生成Users_U?还是UsersU,我懒得试了,感兴趣你可以试试[ %extends%] implements Serializable{&
%innerInterfaces%\n\n]\}生成的结果是:package com.anjia.qzone.//包,貌似是%Package%或者是%Package.package%记不清了import java.lang.annotation.*;//导入import java.util.D public& class Blog implements Serializable{& &
....}返回上一层的Attribute-&definition(声明),将右面改成如下.if (%Multiple%)%visibility% %flags% %dataType%/[/] get.foreach_part (%Code%){&
return this.%fieldCode%;}%visibility% %flags% %dataType%/[/] set.foreach_part (%Code%) (%dataType% %fieldCode%){&
this.%fieldCode% = %fieldCode%;}.else%visibility% %dataType% get //get方法.foreach_part (%Code%) //这个是另外一种转换成大写的方法从{&
return this.%fieldCode%;//返回值}%visibility% void set //set.foreach_part (%Code%) (%dataType% %fieldCode%){//传入的参数&
this.%fieldCode% = %fieldCode%;//赋值}.endif生成代码如下:&
private int getId(){& & & return this.&
private void setId (int id){& & & =&
}好了,到此为止吧 ,困了,其实你还可以进一步修改,比如属性字段的命名,首字母小写,用.convet_name转换一下完整的一个类如下package com.anjia.qzone.import java.lang.annotation.*;import java.util.D /** * &dl& * &dt&描述:&/dt&
日志类 * &/dd& * &dt&包名:&/dt&&dd&com.anjia.qzone.entity&/dd& * &dt&作者:&/dt&&dd&安家&/dd& * &dt&创建日期:&/dt&&dd&日 21:58:22&/dd& * &/dl& * @author &a href=&.cn/u/&&安家&/a& */public& class Blog implements Serializable{&
/**& & * 日志ID& & */& &&
/**& & * 日志标题& & */& & private S&
/**& & * 分类& & */& & private C&
/**& & * 内容& & */& & private S&
/**& & * 评论& & */& & private ReviewL&
/**& & * 发表日期& & */& & private Date pubD&
/**& & * 转发此日志用户& & */& & private Users refU&
/**& & * 发表此日志用户& & */& & private Users pubU&
/**& & * 类型& & */& & private Types typeId;&
private int getId(){& & & return this.&
private void setId (int id){& & & =&
private String getTitle(){& & & return this.&
private void setTitle (String title){& & & this.title =&
private Classify getClassify(){& & & return this.&
private void setClassify (Classify classify){& & & this.classify =&
private String getContent(){& & & return this.&
private void setContent (String content){& & & this.content =&
private ReviewList getReview(){& & & return this.&
private void setReview (ReviewList review){& & & =&
private Date getPubDate(){& & & return this.pubD&
private void setPubDate (Date pubDate){& & & this.pubDate = pubD&
private Users getRefUser(){& & & return this.refU&
private void setRefUser (Users refUser){& & & this.refUser = refU&
private Users getPubUser(){& & & return this.pubU&
private void setPubUser (Users pubUser){& & & this.pubUser = pubU&
private Types getTypeId(){& & & return this.typeId;&
private void setTypeId (Types typeId){& & & this.typeId = typeId;&
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