deadly grace teegrace是什么意思技能

&font color=&#FF0000&&《阿玛拉王国:惩罚》三大天赋树技能解析攻略&/font&
时间: 15:40:41&&来源:玩家投稿&&&编辑:&&大神牛评:次&&
  蛮力武器掌握I(Brutal Weaponry I)
  [Weapon Attacks] Unlocks Charge special attacks for the Longsword, Greatsword, and Hammer.
  Next level:
  Comet Strike - Hold and release the Longsword attack to dash into and slash your foes.
  Whirlwind - Hold and release the Greatsword attack to unleash a flurry of attacks.
  Minotaur Rush - Hold and release the Hammer attack to rush down enemies.
  [武器招式]解锁长剑,巨剑,锤子的特殊蓄力攻击招式.  下一级:
  蛮力武器掌握II(Brutal Weaponry II)
  [Weapon Attacks] Unlocks special attacks from Block for the Longsword, Greatsword, and Hammer.
  Next Level:
  Phantom Edge - Attack with the Longsword while blocking to duck under enemy attacks followed by a strong slash.
  Guillotine - Attack with the Greatsword while blocking to perform two heavy slams.
  Spine Bender - Attack with the Hammer while blocking to perform a devastating kick, hook, and smash.
  蛮力武器掌握III(Brutal Weaponry III)
  [Weapon Attacks] Unlocks special attacks from Dodge for the Longsword and Greatsword.
  Next level:
  Horizon Edge - attack with the Longsword while dodging to slice across multiple enemies.
  Gravedigger - Attack with the Greatsword while dodging to perform a leaping ground strike.
  蛮力武器掌握IV(Brutal Weaponry IV)
  [Weapon Attacks] Unlocks special attacks from Parry for the Longsword, Greatsword, and Hammer.
  Next level:
  Riposte - After a timed Parry, attack with the Longsword to perform a stylish combo.
  Gut Thrust - After a timed Parry, attack with the Greatsword to impale and launch your enemy.
  Crushing Blow - After a timed Parry, attack with the Hammer to life and smash your enemy.
  长剑精通(Longsword Mastery)
  [Passive] A combination of perfect form and raw strength lend additional damage to your Longsword attacks.
  Next Level: +4 Physical Damage with Longswords, +5% Damage with Longswords.
  《阿玛拉王国:惩罚》专题:/zhuanti/kingdomsofamalur/  巨剑精通(Greatsword Mastery)
  [Passive] Your brute strength enables you to wield the Greatsword with spectacular results.
  Next level: +8 Physical Damage with Greatswords, +5% Damage with Greatwords.
  震荡冲击(Concussive Force)
  [Passive] Master over the art of blunt trauma grants you increased damage versus Stunned enemies.
  Next level: +20% Damage vs. Stunned enemies.
  [Passive] Your impenetrable defenses often surprise your foes, stunning them as their blows bounce of you in a fierce melee.
  Next level: 1% chance of stunning your attacker every time you get hit with a melee attack.
  锤子精通(Hammer Mastery)
  [Passive] Raw muscle and a superb sense of balance makes you incredibly effective with the mighty Hammer.
  Next Level: +8 Physical damage with Hammers. +5% Damage with Hammers.
  战争狂暴(Battle Frenzy)
  [Sustained] Go into a berserker rage, dealing greater and greater amounts of damage with each enemy you defeat in a short time.
  Next Level: +20% Total Damage increase unlocked for your 2nd consecutive kill. Battle Frenzy lasts 10 seconds, each kill resets the duration. Cost: 40 Mana.
  [Upgrade] Your unquenchable rage grants you Physical and Piercing Damage Resistance while Battle Frenzy is active.
  Next Level: +4% Physical and Piercing Damage Resistance during Battle Frenzy.
  [Upgrade] Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in Battle Frenzy.
  Next Level: +5% Attack Speed while in Battle Frenzy.
  [增强]增加狂暴时的攻击速度  第四列:
  [Active] Smash the ground to cause a tremor, damaging enemies in an area. Cast the spell rapidly in succession to chain up to 3 attacks.
  Next Level: Each Quake hit does 24-42 Physical Damage. Cost: 14 Mana.
  [Upgrade] The final hit of your Quake causes lasting tramors which can Stun your foes, and all Quake damage is increased.
  Next Level: Quake does 10% more damage and adds a 20% chance for a 3 second Stun to the final hit. Increases Quake Cost: 10 mana.
  [Active] Jump skyward, hurling nearby enemies along with you into the air and slamming them back down. Button mash to increase damage.
  Next Level: Each impulse of Wrath does 50 Physical Damage, final hit does 150 Physical Damage. Cost: 100 mana, +10 per impulse.
  [Active] Snag an enemy and pull it back to you. May have the opposite effect with larger enemies.
  Next Level: Pull enemies from 14 meters away and deals 15 Physical Damage and 8 Piercing Damage. Cost: 20 Mana.
  无情连击(Relentless Assault)
  [Active] Grants a short-term resistance to interrupt at the expense of armor, allowing you to shrug off blows while taking slightly more damage.
  Next Level: Relentless Assault lasts 6 seconds, and reduces your armor by 50%. Costs 25 mana.
  [Upgrade] Your refined battle techniques allow you to reflect damage back at your opponents whenever Relentless Assault is in effect.
  Next Level: 10% chance for Reflection.
  [Upgrade] While Relentless Assault is in effect, each of your strikes may grant you a measure of renewed vigor.
  Next Level: While Relentless Assault is active: +20% Chance to steal 22 health.
  兴奋剂(Adrenaline Surge)
  [Passive] The threat of immediate death grants you a chance for a surge of health and a short span of greatly increased damage whenever you Health falls below 25%.
  Next Level: 30% chance to trigger when Health falls below 25%, Restores 20% of your health, +30% Damage for 10 seconds, Cooldown: 300 seconds.
  [被动]生命值低于25%时,有一定概率你能够恢复生命值 ,并且增加攻击伤害.  猛力攻击(Power Strike)
  [Upgrade] You achieve new heights of focus while an Adrenaline Surge is in effect, increasing your chance to deal Critical Hits.
  Next Level: +5% Chance to Critical Hit while Adrenaline Surge is in effect.
  绝对防御(Skillfull Defense)
  [Passive] Your masterful use of shields greatly increases your damage resistance while blocking. At the highest level, you unlock a special Shield Bash move.
  Next Level: +6% Damage Mitigation while blocking.
  强韧体质(Hardy Constitution)
  [Passive] Your durable nature enables you to survive nearly anything, from sword wounds to magic flames.
  Next Level: +5% Max health. +3% Elemental Resistance.
  战壕(War Cry)
  [Active] Let loose a terrifying cry that intimidates enemies, reducing their Damage output. Can be upgraded to knock down enemies.
  Next Level: Reduces enemies' Total Damage by 10% for 6 seconds. Cost: 15 Mana.
  [Upgrade] Your War Cry gains the ability to reduce enemy Armor, opening foes up for your attacks and sometimes causing them to panic.
  Next Level: Reduces enemy Armor by 10%.
  穿刺武器掌握I(Precise Weaponry I)
  [Passive] Unlocks special attacks for the Daggers Faeblades, and Longbow.
  穿刺武器掌握II(Precise Weaponry II)
  [Passive] Unlocks special attacks from Block for the Daggers Faeblades, and Longbow
  穿刺武器掌握III(Precise Weaponry III)
  穿刺武器掌握IV(Precise Weaponry IV)
  匕首专精(Dagger Mastery)
  [Passive] Your prowess with Daggers lets you get the most out of every cut and thrust.
  环刃专精(Faeblade Mastery)
  [Passive] Diligent practice has granted you mastery over the Faeblades, chief weapon of the Summer Court Fae.
  烟幕弹(Smoke Bomb)
  [Active] Throw down a smokescreen to stun enemies and blind them to your presence for a short duration.
  [主动] 至晕,盲敌人一小段时间  毒气弹(Poison Bomb)
  [upgredes] Further tinkering has enabled you to add a Poison cloud to your Smoke Bomb.
  长弓专精(Longbow Mastery)
  [Passive] Your skill at archery grants you a large bonus to damage while using a Longbow and increases the number of arrows that can be fired before reloading your quiver.
  [Passive] With your incredible drawpower, each arrow you fire can penetrate even the thickest armor or carapace. Also increases the size of your quiver.
  箭雨风暴(Arrow Storm)WIKI上面这个是被动技能
  [Passive] Your skill with the Longbow allows you to fire a volley of arrows into the sky, raining death down on your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.
  獠牙之箭(Barbed Arrows)
  [Passive] By affixing small barbs to your arrows, each Longbow shot has a chance to deal heavy Bleeding Damage to your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.
  [被动]因为箭头上面安装了更多的尖刺 ,你的每一次射击可能对敌人造成更深的伤口,令其承受持续的流血伤害。同时增加箭袋容量上限。
  [Passive] Your skill with Longbows enables you to fire multiple arrows simultaneously. Also increases the size of your quiver.
  暗影闪击(Shadow Flare)
  [Active] Weaving a burst of shadow magic to wound and stagger enemies in an arc before you. Quickly press the button again to throw a volley of shadowy blades, dealing Pierce and Bleeding Damage.
  持久灾难(Enduring Agony)
  [Passive] Secret techniques enable you to extend the duration of all your Poison and Bleeding attacks. Also extends Shadow Flare damage.
  [Active] With an acrobatic leap, you distribute explosives across the battlefield that damage an launch enemies.
  [主动]快速越过敌人,并且投掷炸药对其造成大量伤害。  第五列
  剧毒之刃(Envenomed Edge)
  [Sustained] The careful application of vile poisons to all your edged weapons and arrowheads allows you to weaken your opponents.
  [Passive] Your extensive experience with Poisons grants you a heightened resistance to their effects.
  神秘毒素(Mysterious Toxins)
  [Passive] The skilled mixing of obscure toxins allows your Poison attacks to propagate to other enemies.
  冰霜陷阱(Frost Trap)
  [Active] Plant a Frost Trap which causes Ice and Freezing damage to all nearby enemies when it explodes. A maximum of 4 traps can be placed at once time.
  [主动] 冰霜陷阱触发的时候能够对周围敌人造成冰系伤害。同一时间最多只能设置4个陷阱。
  寒冰爆弹(Icy Explosion)
  [Upgrade] Your rougish ingenuity allows you to build Frost Traps that deal additional damage and disorient your enemies.
  刀片(Blade Honing)
  [Sustained] The razor-sharp blades of your weapons cut into your enemies with ease. While this Ability is active, Critical Hit Damage for Longswords, Daggers, Faeblades and Greatswords is substantially increased.
  刺杀艺术(Assassin's Art)
  [Active] Your deadly grace allows you to deal tremendous amounts of damage from stealth. Unlocks new sneak attacks from Daggers and Faeblades that can instantly kill an unaware enemy if you deal enough damage.
  [Active] Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind. (+xx Physical Damage)
  [Passive] With anatomical precision, you deal higher damage to bleeding foes.
  Arcane Weaponry I神秘武器1
  [Passive] Unlocks Charge special attacks for the Staff and Chakrams.防守:为杖棒和铁环解锁控制特殊攻击
  [Charged Entropy and Maelstrom special attacks award bonus Fate.]控制下的火焰和漩涡特殊攻击能获得Fate奖励
  Arcane Weaponry II神秘武器2
  [Passive] Unlocks special attacks from Block for the Staff and Chakrams.防守:从障碍中为杖棒和铁环解锁特殊攻击技能
  [Mage's Vortex and Warding Blast special attacks award bonus Fate.]法师的漩涡和突起爆炸特殊攻击能获得Fate奖励。
  Arcane Weaponry III神秘武器3
  [Passive] Unlocks Delayed special attacks from Block for the Staff and Chakrams.
  Arcane Weaponry IV神秘武器4
  [Passive] Unlocks Dodge special attacks for the Staff and Chakrams.防守:为杖棒和铁环解锁逃遁特殊攻击  第二列
  Sceptre Mastery[权杖掌握
  Passive] Long hours of study and practice enable you to wield Sceptres very effectively. 防守:经过长时间的学习和锻炼你就可以有效控制权杖
  Chakram Mastery铁环掌握
  [Passive] Your unique mix of arcane and martial talent enable you to deal incredible damage with Chakrams.防守:你的神秘特质与战略天赋的独特集合能让你使用铁环对敌人造成不可思议的伤害。
  Summon Faer Gorta召唤饥饿幽魂
  [Active] Use magic to rapidly construct a Faer Gorta who will fight by your side. Summon lasts for 120 seconds.主攻:使用魔法迅速召唤饥饿幽魂为你作战,召唤能够持续两分钟。
  [Passive] Summoned Faer Gorta's attacks have a chance to siphon health and it to you.防守:召唤的饥饿幽魂攻击可以帮助你获得恢复生命值的机会
  Masterful Construction出色攻击
  [Passive] Your summoned Faer Gorta swings for more hits in its attack chain and has a chance to Critical Hit. 防守:你召唤的饥饿幽魂会发动一系列的袭击,这些袭击有可能会对对方造成致命一击。
  Staff Mastery杖棒的掌握
  [Passive] You've learned to channel incredible amounts of energy through your Staff, increasing its damage output considerably.防守:学会用杖棒疏导大批敌人,进而大大提升杖棒攻击威力。
  Healing Surge 复原力
  [Active] Your magic knits together flesh and bone, healing your wounds. Holding the button longer restores more health. 主攻:使用魔法让骨肉交织可以治愈伤口。按键时间越长恢复的程度也越好。
  Elemental Rage元素攻击
  [Active] Combine the mystic elements of Fire, Lightning and Ice into a devastating chain of attacks.主攻:结合火、电和冰元素可以创造非常致命的攻击链。  第四列
  Sphere of Protection防护球体
  [Active Sustained] While active, Sphere of Protection creates a magical barrier that blocks a percentage of damage from each incoming attack.持续主攻:在主动攻击时,防护球体可以创造一个魔法屏障阻挡敌人攻击的伤害值。
  Sphere of Reprisal 报复球体
  [Upgrade] While Sphere of Protection is active, ethereal orbs are created around you which deal damage to enemies they hit.升级:在防护球体激活的情况下,你周围会有一层空气球面,这层球面可以阻挡敌人发动的袭击。
  Sphere of Retribution惩罚球体
  [Upgrade] Sphere of Protection gains the power to fire off deadly ethereal splinters when enemies draw near. 升级:防护球体可以获得击退敌人不断前进时制造的致命空气碎片。
  Mark of Flame火焰之印
  [Active] Tap the button to tag your targets with a magical Mark. Press and hold the button to detonate all Marked enemies with a fiery explosion.主攻:敲击按键用火焰之印紧随目标,按下并持续按住按键引爆所有被锁定的敌人制造火焰爆炸。
  [Passive] Your mastery over the power of fire allows you to increase the effectiveness of all Burning effects as well as the damage done by Mark of Flame. 防守:对或元素的掌握将让你拥有提高燃烧效果和使用火焰之印的威力。
  [Active] Summons a meteor down from the skies, dealing massive damage to a target area.主攻:从天空召唤陨石降落,对目标造成大范围伤害。
  Storm Bolt 风暴射击
  [Active] Launch a burst of electrical energy which deals Lightning and Shocking Damage. At higher levels, it can Stun enemies.主攻:发射电能攻击能够抵抗闪电和雷击,在更高级别的话还可以击倒敌人。
  Chain Lightning 连锁闪电攻击
  [Passive] Increases Storm Bolt Damage, and causes Shocking Damage to bounce between your enemies more frequently.防守:增加风暴射击威力,使雷电攻击不断在你和敌人之间弹射。
  Tempest 大风暴
  [Passive] Hold the button for Storm Bolt to summon forth lightning from the heavens, smiting all nearby foes.防守:按住按键启动风暴射击,从天空召唤闪电消灭周边所有敌人。
  Conservative Casting 保守射击
  [Passive] Having unlocked countless arcane secrets, you are able to power your Abilities with far less Mana.防守:解锁了无数神秘武器之后,你就能够用魔法值提升自己的技能。
  Ice Barrage 冰攻击
  [Active] Sends a scattered blast of ice shards into the air to crash down upon your foes, dealing Ice and Freezing Damage. 主攻:发送分散的冰块碎片从空中降下攻击敌人,对抗冰冻伤害。
  [Passive] Your knowledge of eldritch frost allows you to extend the duration of all Freezing effects, slowing enemies down for a longer time. Also increases the damage done by Ice Barrage.防守:熟练的霜冻使用技能能让你增加霜冻效果的时间,减缓敌人进攻速度,同时能够增加冰攻击的威力。
  Winter's Embrace寒冬包围
  [Passive] Hold the button for Ice Barrage to launch a persistent cloud of ice shards which lasts for a duration. Enemies in the blizzard suffer periodic Ice, Piercing and Freezing Damage. 防守:按住冰攻击按键发射持续的冰片,让敌人遭受暴雪、穿刺和冰冻的伤害。
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