圆梦巨人 动画片吃什么

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圆梦巨人英文介绍Movies capturing the magic of childhood have always been one of iconic Hollywood director Steven Spielberg’s *inescapable *obsessions.童心十足的奇幻电影,一直是好莱坞大导演史蒂芬&#8226;斯皮尔伯格钟情的主题。
From E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) to The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (2011), Spielberg has created awe-inspiring worlds for children through his films. “It’s all about making kids feel like they can do anything. That nothing’s impossible,” the director told The Guardian.从《外星人E.T.》(1982)到《丁丁历险记:独角兽的秘密》(2011),在这些电影中,斯皮尔伯格为孩子们创造了令人惊叹的世界。“这一切都是为了让孩子们觉得他们可以做任何事情。没有什么是不可能的,“他在接受《卫报》采访时表示。
His latest work, The BFG, which was released in Chinese cinemas on Oct 14, was adapted from the 1982 novel of the same name. Written by beloved British children’s author Roald Dahl, Spielberg says he read the story to his seven children when they were young.他的最新作品《圆梦巨人》于10月14日登陆中国院线。该影片改编自英国大受欢迎的儿童文学作家罗尔德&#8226;达尔于1982年所著的同名小说。斯皮尔伯格回忆道,当他的七个孩子还在孩提时代时,他就给他们读过这个故事。
An orphan named Sophie (Ruby Barnhill) happens to witness the big friendly giant (Mark Rylance), or BFG for short, running through the streets of London “blowing dreams” to children late at night. Scared the girl will leak his secret, the BFG takes Sophie back to his native Giant Country. However, while the *abductor is actually a tender-hearted *vegetarian, his fellow giants like nothing more than snacking on humans.一位叫苏菲的孤儿(鲁比&#8226;巴恩希尔饰)偶然间遇到了一个好心的巨人(马克&#8226;里朗斯饰)。每到深夜,这位好心眼巨人便会穿梭于伦敦的大街小巷,将美梦“吹”给孩子们。由于担心苏菲会泄露他的秘密,他便将苏菲带回到了他土生土长的巨人国。然而,虽然这个好心眼巨人是个温和的素食主义者,但他的同胞巨人们却最喜欢吃人。
Besides being largely faithful to the novel, Spielberg *injects cinematic visualization into the already well-known classic tale. For the originally plain portrayal of “chasing dreams” in the Dream Country, the director designed an upside down lake with two sides representing the real world and the dream world. The joy-filled scene, which features flashy visual effects, also happens to be his favorite part of the movie.除了大部分内容忠实于原著之外,斯皮尔伯格还在这个经典的童话故事中注入了不少电影的视觉元素。为了还原在梦想国度中“追逐梦想”的场景,导演设计了一个倒置的湖泊,湖泊两面分别代表着真实世界和梦想世界。这一强调华丽视觉效果的欢乐场景,也恰好是电影中他最喜欢的一部分。
Spielberg’s The BFG perfectly tells the tale of an unlikely friendship brought to life in a fantasy world. However, many say the story is a bit too kid-friendly. We know optimism is Spielberg’s signature tone, but the final battle with the *villains sees victory come a little bit too easily. And when the BFG *revolts for the first time against the giants who have been bullying him his whole life, it seems confusing how he successfully drives away bad guys who are almost twice his size. Although perhaps this is meant as a subtlety, leaving viewers with the opinion that courage conquers all.斯皮尔伯格的《圆梦巨人》为我们完美地展现了奇幻世界里一段不可思议的友谊。然而,许多人都认为这个故事有点太幼稚了。众所周知,乐观主义一向是斯皮尔伯格的电影基调,但在与坏人的最终决战中,胜利来的似乎有些太轻而易举了。而当好心眼巨人第一次反抗那些欺负了他一辈子的巨人们时,他如何成功地赶走那些几乎大他一倍的坏人也令人困惑不已。虽然这也可能是影片中另藏的一个玄机,告诉观众勇气能够战胜一切。
This said, Spielberg does leave some *morsels for adult viewers to digest. The BFG is scared of being seen as a monster by humans, but in the end his own kind ends up captured and locked in *isolation. Will he be *destined to spend the rest of his days in solitude too?而这也说明,斯皮尔伯格的确留下了一些成人看点。 好心眼巨人害怕被人们视为一个怪物,而他最终却被人们抓住并隔离起来。他注定会在孤独中度过余生吗?
Despite being geared toward a younger audience, the film is still worth a watch by the bigger ones among us, pun intended. While it may not feature the guns, death and explosions many of us chose to entertain ourselves with nowadays, the story harkens back to a more innocent time of youth where our imaginations were all the amusement we needed. And with The BFG’s heart-warming happy ending, the tale will leave you walking out of the movie theater standing tall.尽管这部电影定位的观众年龄层较低,但仍然值得成年人一看。虽然影片中没有现今许多人喜欢的枪战、死亡和爆炸的场面,但故事却聆听了我们更为单纯的童年时光,那时,我们的想象力就是我们欢乐的源泉。而电影暖心的圆满结局,也会让你昂首挺胸、元气满满地走出电影院。
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