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1.步兵兵符 2.弓兵兵符 3.枪兵兵符 4.弩兵兵符
5.骑兵兵符 6.蛮兵兵符 7.女兵兵符 8.兽兵兵符
9.车兵兵符 10.黄巾兵符 11.匈奴号角 12.将军印盒
13.密忍卷轴 14.尸兵符印 15.木铜铃 16.投石兵符
17-24 为阵法书 不再鳌述
25.布匹 26.绸缎 27.玉器 29.黄金
31.人参(体+2) 32.长白人参(体+5)
33.灵芝(技+2) 34.雪山灵芝(技+5)
37.直剑 (等级1,武+1,忠+1)
38.朴刀 (等级1,武+2,忠+2)
39.青铜剑 (等级3,武+3,忠+3)
40.吴钩 (等级5,武+4,忠+4)
41.宽刃剑 (等级7,武+5,忠+5) 武将技:突石剑
42.弧月刀 (等级9,武+6,忠+6) 武将技:半月斩,龙旋风
43.龙渊剑 (等级11,武+7,忠+7) 武将技:心剑,炎龙三上 必杀:拖刀
44.双股剑 (等级13,武+8,忠+8) 武将技:神剑,月刃烈斩 必杀:连刺
45.古锭刀 (等级15,武+9,忠+9) 武将技:半月斩,三日月斩 必杀:大喝
46.青虹剑 (等级17,武+10,忠+10)武将技:三圣华斩,神剑闪华 必杀:生擒
47.七星刀 (等级19,武+11,忠+10) 必杀:大喝
武将技:心剑齐发,活疗术,日月轮斩 军师技:天狗吞日
48.倚天剑 (等级21,武+12,体+5,技+5,忠+10) 必杀:豪烈
49.干将 (等级25,武+16,体+20,技+20,忠+10)
必杀:豪烈 军师技:军魂
50.莫邪 (等级25,武+16,体+20,技+20,忠+10)
必杀:豪烈 军师技:诅咒
51.倭刀 (等级10,武+7,忠+10),必杀:连刺
52.村正 (等级18,武+9,忠+10) 必杀:拖刀 军师技:诅咒
53.草剃 (等级20,武+10,体+10,技+10,忠+10,速度+1)
必杀:豪烈 军师技:军魂
54.白羽扇 (等级8,武+4,智+4,忠+4) 军师技:降敌士气 鼓舞士气
55.青羽扇 (等级12,武+6,智+6,忠+6) 军师技:增强行军 扰敌行军
56.鹤羽扇 (等级16,武+8,智+8,忠+8) 军师技:增强将攻 减敌将攻
武将技:太极华阵,伏兵连阵,旋灯怒张 必杀:迷魂
57.朱雀扇 (等级20,武+10,智+10,忠+10) 军师技:恢复体力,恢复技力
武将技:炎墙烈烧,强火柱,莲华轰天,炎龙四海 必杀:豪烈
58.铜长刀 (等级1,武+1,忠+1)
59.眉尖刀 (等级1,武+2,忠+2)
60.大斧 (等级3,武+3,忠+3)
61.凤嘴刀 (等级5,武+4,忠+4)
62.流星锤 (等级7,武+5,忠+5) 武将技:炬石轰
63.月牙铲 (等级9,武+6,忠+6) 武将技:半月斩,水月斩
64.狼牙棒 (等级11,武+7,忠+7) 武将技:滚石剧压,驱豹冲 必杀:大喝
65.三尖刀 (等级13,武+8,忠+8) 武将技:地茅乱刺,三圣华斩 必杀:挑斩
66.两刃斧 (等级15,武+9,忠+9)
武将技:三日月斩,日月轮斩 必杀:一击
67.铁蒺藜骨朵 (等级17,武+10,忠+10)
武将技:突剑四方,火牛烈崩 必杀:大喝
68.天罡斧 (等级19,武+11,忠+11) 必杀:一击 军师技:恢复体力
69.青龙偃月刀 (等级21,武+12,体+10,忠+12)
必杀:乱舞 军师技:增强将攻
70短椎枪 (等级1,武+1,忠+1)
71.刚矛 (等级1,武+2,忠+2)
72.红缨枪 (等级3,武+3,忠+3)
73.三叉戟 (等级5,武+4,忠+4)
74.月牙戟 (等级7,武+5,忠+5) 武将技:水月斩
75.钩镰枪 (等级9,武+6,忠+6) 武将技:后伏排阵,冲车
76.铁钺戟 (等级11,武+7,忠+7) 武将技:地雷火,飞鬼戟 必杀:挑斩
77.铁戟蛇矛 (等级13,武+8,忠+8) 武将技:长枪突击,分身斩 必杀:连刺
78.紫龙戟 (等级15,武+9,忠+9)
武将技:冲射龙炮,飞鬼戟 必杀:挑斩
79.龙胆枪 (等级17,武+10,忠+10)
武将技:三圣华斩,神剑闪华 必杀:生擒
80.丈八蛇矛 (等级19,武+11,忠+11) 必杀:大喝 军师技:加速集气
81.方天画戟 (等级21,武+12,技+10,忠+12)
必杀:乱舞 军师技:武技封印
82.奥汀广告牌 (等级1,武+50,智+50,体+200,技+200,忠+50)
必杀:乱舞 军师技:大魔界,大天圣
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单机攻略255 MB版本:iOS版
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.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #FF99FF; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  SAT数学真题pdf版  1. If 10+x is 5 more than 10, what is the value of 2x ?  (A)-5 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 25 (E) 50  2. If(x -2)2 =49, then x could be  (A) -9 (B) -7 (C) 2 (D) 5 (E) 9  3. If this page was folded along the dotted line in the figure above, the left half of the letter W would exactly coincide with the right half of W. Which of the following letters, as shown, CANNOT be folded along a vertical line so that its left half would coincide with its right half?  (A) A (B) I (C) O (D) U (E) E  4. In a certain store, the regular price of a refrigerator is $600. How much money is saved by buying this refrigerator at 20 percent off the regular price rather than buying it on sale at 10 percent off the regular price with an additional discount of 10 percent off the sale price?  (A) $6 (B) $12 (C) $24 (D) $54 (E) $60  5. Based on the portions of the graphs of the functions f and g shown above, what are all values of x between -6 and 6 for which g x f x ?  (A) -6   (D) 3   6. Point O is the center of both circles in the figure above. If the circumference of the large circle is 36 and the radius of the small circle is half of the radius of the large circle, what is the length of the darkened arc?  (A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 4 (E) 2  7. If x = 20 and y = 30 in the figure above, what is the value of z ?  (A) 60 (B) 70 (C) 80 (D) 90 (E) 100  8. If 6   9. What is the product of the smallest prime number that is greater than 50 and the greatest prime number that is less than 50 ?  答案  1.(C),7. (B),2. (E),3. (E),6. (D),5.( (B),4.(A),8.x...
编辑推荐:SAT语法解题技巧分享SAT语法改错练习题6例,SAT语法对于中国学生来说并不是很难,1. Defense attorneys have occasionally argued that their clients' misconduct stemmed from a reaction to something ingested, but in attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to some food allergy, the perpetrators are in effect told that they are not responsible for their actions.  (A) in attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to some food allergy  (B) if criminal or delinquent behavior is attributed to an allergy to some food  (C) in attributing behavior that is criminal or delinquent to an allergy to some food  (D) if some food allergy is attributed as the cause of criminal or delinquent behavior  (E) in attributing a food allergy as the cause of criminal or delinquent behavior  2. The voluminous personal papers of Thomas Alva Edison reveal that his inventions typically sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works.  (A) sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly  (B) sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but were slowly evolved  (C) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly  (D) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but had slowly evolved  (E) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but they were slowly evolved  3. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of thetotal growth in the civilian work force.  (A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase  (B) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five percent  (C) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirty-five percent  (D) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percent  (E) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirty-five percent increase  4. The first decision for most tenants living in a building undergoing being converted to cooperative ownershipis if to sign a no-buy pledge with the other tenants.  (A) being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign  (B) being converted to cooperative ownership is whether they should be signing  (C) being converted to cooperative ownership is whether or not they sign  (D) conversion to cooperative ownership is if to sign  (E) conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign  5. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show.  (A) excited  (B) it excited  (C) exciting  (D) would excite  (E) it had excited  6. Of all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, the possibility of an adverse change in climate is maybe the more difficult for analysis.  (A) is maybe the more difficult for analysis  (B) is probably the most difficult to analyze  (C) is maybe the most difficult for analysis  (D) is probably the more difficult to analyze  (E) is, it may be, the analysis that is most difficult  7. Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists. Chandler Owen j and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.  (A) Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists. Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.  (B) Published in Harlem, two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, were the owner and editor of the Messenger.  (C) Published in Harlem, the Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and Chandler Owen.  (D) The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists. Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and published in Harlem.  (E) The owner and editor being two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, the Messenger was published in Harlem.  8. The rise in the Commerce Department's index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months. but that the mixed performance of the index's individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year.  (A) suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that  (B) suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months, but  (C) suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming months, but that  (D) suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months, but that  (E) suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, but  9. In three centuries--from 1050 to 1350--several million tons of stone were quarried in France for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some tens of thousands of parish churches.  (A) for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some  (B) in order that they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some  (C) so as they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some  (D) so that there could be built eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and  (E) such that they could build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and  10. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.  (A) What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc  (B) The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact disc  (C) No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc  (D) Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than  (E) Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as  参考答案  Answer to Question 1  In choices A, C, and E, in attributing ... behavior modifies the perpetrators, producing the illogical statement that the perpetrators rather than the defense attorneys are attributing behavior to food allergies. Choice C is also wordy, and attributing ... as is unidiomatic in E. In the correct form of the expression, one attributes x, an effect, to y, or, if a passive construction is used, x is attributed to y. D avoids the initial modification error by using a passive construction (in which the attributors are not identified), but attributed x as the cause of y is unidiomatic. Choice B is best.  Answer to Question 2  C, the best choice, places not and but in such a way that the distinction between springing to life in a flash of inspiration and evolving slowly is logically and idiomatically expressed. A and B are faulty because, for grammatical parallelism, not in a flash... must be followed by but in..., not by a conjugated form of the verb. Moreover, were slowly evolved is incorrect in B because evolve, in this sense of the word, cannot be made passive. Choices C, D, and E all correctly place not before spring. D, however, contains inco E contains the faulty passive and an intrusive they.  Answer to Question 3  Because a count of women employed outside the home at any given time will be expressed by a single number, 160 the use of the plural noun numbers in choices A, B, and C is illogical. In A, the phrase grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase is redundant and wordy, since the sense of increase is implicit in the verb grew. In C and E, the passive verb forms were raised and was raised are inappropriate because there is no identifiable agent responsible for the raising of the number of women employed. In choice E, was raised by ... increase is redundant. Choice D, which presents the comparison logically and idiomatically, is the best answer.  Answer to Question 4  In A, B, and C, the phrase being converted is awkward and redundant, since the sense of process indicated by being has already been conveyed by undergoing. A and D can be faulted for saying if rather than whether, since the sentence poses alternative possibilities, to sign or not to sign. Only E, the best choice, idiomatically completes whether with an infinitive, to sign, that functions as a noun equivalent of decision. Choice E also uses the noun conversion, which grammatically completes the phrase begun by undergoing.  Answer to Question 5  Choice C is best. The third verb phrase in the series describing bulls and cows should have the same grammatical form as the first two. Only choice C has a present participle (or "-ing" form) that is parallel with the two preceding verbs, receiving and fetching. Instead of the present participle, choices A and B use the past tense (excited), choice D uses an auxiliary verb (would excite), and choice E uses the past perfect tense (had excited). Additionally, the incorrect verb tenses in B and E are introduced by a pronoun, it, that lacks a logical noun referent.  Answer to Question 6  Choice B is the best answer. The sentence compares one thing, an adverse change in climate, to all other things in its class-- that is, to all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, therefore, the sentence requires the superlative form of the adjective, most difficult, rather than the comparative form, more difficult, which appears in choices A and D. In A and C, the use of maybe is unidiomatic, and difficult should be completed by the infinitive to analyze. Choice E is awkwardly phrased and, when inserted into the sentence, produces an illogical structure: the possibility ... is... the analysis that.  Answer to Question 7  Choices A and B present dangling modifiers that illogically suggest that Owen and Randolph, rather than the Messenger, were published in Harlem. In D, the phrase and published in Harlem is too remote from the Messenger to modify it effectively. In E, being produces an awkward construction, and the placement of the main clause at the end of the sentence is confusing. Only in C, the best answer, is Published in Harlem followed immediately by the Messenger. Also, C makes it clear that the clause beginning who refers to Randolph.  Answer to Question 8  In choices A and B, the verb suggest does not agree with its singular subject, rise. In context, the phrase into the coming months in A and D in the coming months is preferable. In A, C, and D, the that appearing after but creates a subordinate clause where an independent clause is needed for the new subject, mixed performance. Choice E includes the correct verb form, suggests, eliminates that, and properly employs the future tense, will continue to expand. That this tense is called for is indicated both by the future time to which the coming months refers and by the parallel verb form will proceed in the nonunderlined part of the 161 sentence. Choice E is best.  Answer to Question 9  Choice A is best. The other choices are unidiomatic or unnecessarily wordy, and the pronoun they, which appears in B, C, and E, has no grammatical referent.  Answer to Question 10  Besides being wordy, the clauses beginning What was in A and The thing that was in B cause inconsistencies in verb tense: the use of the new technology cannot logically be described by both the present perfect has been and the past was. In B and D, developing the compact disc is not parallel to the use of new technology to revitalize ... in C, the best answer, the noun development is parallel to use. The phrases none the less ... than in D and no less... as in E the correct form of expression, no less ... than, appears in C, the best choice.  以上就是为大家准备的10道SAT语法练习题,只有在不断的练习中,才能提升同学们的做题能力,只要大家用心练习,还是比较容易取得高分的...
SAT I啊, 不是SAT II,SAT II 有点难度
09版OG最大的亮点就是增加了2套题,从原来的8套变成了现在的10套。06版OG中的Practice 2-8变成09版中的Practice 4-10;06版OG中的Practice 1 被取消,09版中的Practice 1-3分别是2006年10月、2007年1月和2007年5月的真题。
During the summer months, several thousand people a day visit the park, which is known for its waterfalls and rock formations.


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