
为大家分享守望先锋中人气颇高的英雄狂鼠的互动对白大全,希望可以帮助到喜爱这个英雄的小伙伴们。击杀击杀“死神”:“狂鼠”:那么严肃干嘛?(Why so serious?)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:对话对“路霸”:“狂鼠”: 我就知道把你留在身边准有用处,这可不是客套话。(I knew there was a reason I kept you around. And it wasn't the sparkling conversation.)对“路霸”:“狂鼠”: 你不会相信那个猪脑袋前几天跟我说了什么。路霸你说什么了?(You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over there told me the other day. Roadhog?)对“路霸”:“狂鼠”: 你钩住他们,我炸烂他们。(You hook 'em, I'll cook 'em.)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:对“士兵:76”/“死神”:“狂鼠”:你看上去需要被炸一下。(You look like the kind of guy who could use something blown up.)对温斯顿:“狂鼠”:我还以为我才是最搞笑的。(And I thought I was supposed to be the comic relief.)对机器人/智械:“狂鼠”:呃,机器人。你说我不能把这些金属脑袋给炸了?(Ech, robots. You're telling me I can't blow up these scrap heaps?)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:对“路霸”:“狂鼠”: 还记得我们偷走王冠珠宝那次吗?国王詹米森·法尔克斯一世万岁……还有……路霸公爵?你到底叫什么名字?(Remember that time we stole the crown jewels? All hail King Jamison Fawkes the First... and... Duke Roadhog? What is your name anyways?)“路霸”:马可。(Mako.)对“路霸”:“路霸”:别老是自找麻烦。(Try and stay out of trouble for once.)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:“狂鼠”:我会乖乖的。(I'll be on my best behavior.)对美:“狂鼠”:Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。(Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.)美:那你就别看着我。(Then you should look somewhere else.)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:对“猎空”:“狂鼠”:我可以看看那些炸弹吗?(Think I could have a look at one of those bombs of yours?)“猎空”:你休想!(Over my dead body!)对“猎空”:“狂鼠”:不用担心!交给我吧!(Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:“猎空”:那是我的台词!(That's my line!)对美:美:你太吓人了!(You are terrible!)“狂鼠”:你好无情!(That's cold!)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:对美:美:你只是一个没用的坏蛋!而且你出门都不照镜子吗?(You're just a no good bully! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror?)“狂鼠”:你怎么能这么说!我认为自己是一名自由战士……只不过被误解了。(I beg your pardon! I consider myself a freedom fighter, a... misunderstood one.)地图在努巴尼、尼泊尔:“狂鼠”:这地方快让我吐了。(This place makes me sick.)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:在国王大道进攻方:“狂鼠”:所以我们的任务是把炸弹送过去炸烂几个机器人……而且还有钱拿。再好不过啦!(So we're delivering a bomb to scrap some bots... and I'm getting paid for it. My kinda job!)在好莱坞:“狂鼠”:我觉得这部片子会...爆炸!(Something tells me this movie's gonna... bomb.)在阿努比斯神殿:“狂鼠”:你觉得那座神庙里有什么值得偷的东西吗?(You think there's something worth stealing in that temple?)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:在努巴尼:“狂鼠”:这里糟透了。真想把这里全炸烂。(This place is the worst. Let's turn it into one big scrap heap.)在尼泊尔:“狂鼠”:如果那些机器人想升天,我很乐意帮忙。(If these bots want to go into the light, I'd be more than happy to help.)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:守望先锋热点资讯:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:扫描下方二维码收藏,随时随地都能看到守望先锋精彩视频:
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守望先锋安娜大招英语台词翻译 安娜大招英语台词什么意思
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  安娜:别让我说得奖感言。(I don&#39;t do speeches.)
  安娜:经典的表现。(A vintage performance.)
  安娜:我年轻的时候,这只能算正常表现。(When I was younger, we&#39;d call this routine.)
  开大对敌方语音:安娜:释放你的怒火吧!(&#1608;&#1585;&#1610;&#1607;&#1605; &#1602;&#1608;&#1578;&#1603;!)
  开大对友方语音: 安娜:纳米激素已注入!(Nano boost administered!)
  对开大目标语音: 安娜:你已被纳米激素强化!(Hitting you with a nano boost!)
  安娜:纳米激素已注射。把敌人全干掉吧!(You&#39;re nano boosted. Get in there and do some damage!)
  安娜:你被强化了!快上!(You&#39;re powered up! Get in there!)
  击杀&黑百合&:安娜:一枪,一个。(One shot, one kill.)
  击杀年轻角色,如&猎空&、D.Va、卢西奥,安娜:年轻人总是虚度光阴。(Youth is wasted on the young.)
  击杀&死神&: 安娜:你怎么变成这样了?(I don&#39;t even know you anymore.)
  击杀&法老之鹰&: 安娜:妈妈永远是对的。(Mother knows best.)
  击杀敌人: 安娜:论经验和美貌,你是赢不了我的。(Age and beauty, I have you on both.)
  击杀莱因哈特、托比昂、&士兵:76&: 安娜:乖乖躺下吧,老头。(Settle down, old man.)
  击杀&黑百合&: 安娜:看看你,还真是人靠衣装。(Dress a stick and it&#39;ll make a beautiful bride.)
  击杀&士兵:76&: 安娜:老狗学不会新把戏。(You can&#39;t teach an old dog new tricks.)
  击杀莱因哈特: 安娜:总有一天你可以打败我,莱因哈特,但不是今天。(Someday, Reinhardt. But not today.)
  击杀温斯顿: 安娜:抱歉,温斯顿,但你的目标实在太大了。(Sorry, Winston, you&#39;re a big target.)
  击杀&猎空&、源氏: 安娜:速度快有什么用?(Speed isn&#39;t everything.)
  看见&法老之鹰&击杀敌人: 安娜:那才是我的女儿。(That&#39;s my daughter.)
  看见&法老之鹰&击杀敌人: 安娜:就跟妈妈当年一样。(Like mother, like daughter.)
  看见&士兵:76&击杀敌人: 安娜:射得很准,杰克。(Nice shooting, Jack.)
  看见&黑百合&击杀敌人: 安娜:哼,还算不错。(Hmph. Not bad.)
  看见莱因哈特击杀敌人: 安娜:莱因哈特你还是和以前一样勇猛!(Reinhardt, you haven&#39;t lost a step!)
  看见托比昂击杀敌人: 安娜:你总是会保护我,托比昂。(You always did watch my back, Torbjorn.)
  看见年轻特工击杀敌人: 安娜:照这样下去,我可真的得退休了。(Keep that up and maybe I will retire.)
  对莱因哈特: &安娜&:莱因哈特,不得不说你看上去精神很好。上天对你肯定不薄。(Reinhardt, I must say you&#39;re looking quite well. This life must agree with you.)
  &莱因哈特&:而你还是和以前一样可爱。(And you are looking as lovely as ever.)
  对莱因哈特:&安娜&:就和以前一样,莱因哈特。(Just like old times, eh, Reinhardt?)
  对&黑百合&: &安娜&:杰哈会爱上你真是蠢到家了。(Gerard was a fool to love someone like you.)
  &黑百合&:你根本不了解这一切。(You don&#39;t know anything about him.)
  对&士兵:76&: &安娜&:看样子你和我都不喜欢变成死人。(Seems like neither of us liked being dead very much.)
  &士兵:76&:想杀我们这群老兵,可没那么容易。(Old soldiers are hard to kill.)
  对&士兵:76&: &安娜&:等这一切结束,你有什么打算,杰克?(What are you going to do when the fighting&#39;s over, Jack?)
  &士兵:76&:我是个士兵,安娜。退休生活不适合我。(I&#39;m a soldier, Ana. Retirement doesn&#39;t suit me.)
  对&士兵:76&:& 安娜&:以你这把年纪,你看上去相当精神,杰克。(For a man of your years, you&#39;re looking pretty good, Jack.)
  &士兵:76&:他们在我身上做的实验不会毫无意义。(All that stuff they pumped into me has to be good for something.)
  对&死神&: &死神&:应该把你重新写到我的名单上了,安娜。( Guess you&#39;re going back on my list, Ana.)
  & 安娜&:你这是怎么了,加布里尔。(What happened to you, Gabriel?)
  对&死神&: &死神&:你站在他那边,我一点儿也不惊讶。( I shouldn&#39;t be surprised you took his side.)
  & 安娜&:你让我不得不这么做。(You never gave me much choice.)
  对&死神&: &死神&:就像以前一样。(Just like old times.)
  &安娜&:没错,除了你现在已经变成了一个杀人狂。(Right. Except for the part where you became a homicidal murderer.)
  对莱因哈特: &莱因哈特&:安娜!这怎么可能?我还以为你死了。(Ana! How can this be? I thought you were dead.)
  &安娜&:抱歉,莱因哈特。在经历了那么多事情之后,我需要时间。(I&#39;m sorry, Reinhardt. After everything that happened, I needed time.)
  对莱因哈特:&莱因哈特&:和以前一样,是吧安娜?(Just like old times, eh Ana?)
  &安娜&:莱因哈特,即使时光飞逝,你却从未改变。(Reinhardt, things may change, but you never do.)
  对&黑百合&: &黑百合&:你曾经是个传奇&&但看看你现在的样子。只不过是个老太婆而已。( You were once a legend... but what are you now? Just a shell of a woman.)
  &安娜&:那么我猜你是不想要我的签名了。(I take it you don&#39;t want my autograph then.)
  对&天使&: &天使&:安娜,我并不赞同你对我的生物技术进行的调整。( Ana, I don&#39;t approve of what you&#39;ve done with my biotic technology.)
  &安娜&:抱歉,但我现在的任务正需要这些技术。(I&#39;m sorry you feel that way, but it suits my purposes now.)
  对&天使&: &天使&:你知道吗,安娜,有些医疗手段可以治愈你的眼睛。( You know, Ana, there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.)
  &安娜&:你的好意我心领了,但我很喜欢自己现在的样子。那只眼睛对我来说是个提醒。(You are very kind, but I am comfortable with who I am now. It is a good reminder.)
  对&法老之鹰&: &法老之鹰&:妈妈,我知道你不希望我加入守望先锋的原因,但这依然是我的梦想。( Mom, I know why you didn&#39;t want me to join Overwatch, but it&#39;s still what I want.)
  &安娜&:我并不希望你那么做。但我知道你已经下定决心,所以我还是会支持你的。(I didn&#39;t want that life for you. But I know that it is your decision, and I will support it.)
  对&法老之鹰&: &法老之鹰&:我一直都梦想有朝一日我们能并肩战斗。(I always dreamed of the day we&#39;d fight together.)
  &安娜&:但我一直都希望你能过上更好的生活。(Wanting a better life for you was all I ever dreamed of.)
  对麦克雷: &麦克雷&:和你并肩战斗是我的荣幸,夫人。(It&#39;s an honor fightin&#39; by your side, ma&#39;am.)
  &安娜&:你还是这么惹人喜欢。(You always were a charmer.)
  对托比昂: &托比昂&:安娜!我们都以为你死了!( Ana, we all thought you were dead!)
  &安娜&:是啊,但我不得不回来看看你们,不然没人让你管闲事儿,你不得无聊死了。(Well I had to come back, I was worried you&#39;d get bored not being able to stick your nose in my business.)
  对&士兵:76&: &士兵:76&:你知道的,我还欠你一条命。(You know, I still owe you for saving my life that one time.)
  &安娜&:哪一次?埃及那一次?还是俄罗斯?还是巴西?(That one time? You mean in Egypt? Or the time in Russia. Or Brazil?)
  对&士兵:76&: &士兵:76&:有你掩护,我觉得安全多了。( I feel a lot better having you watch my back.)
  &安娜&:每个人都需要一个值得信赖的朋友,杰克。(We all need someone we can trust, Jack.)
  对&士兵:76&: &士兵:76&:安娜,我们都以为你死了。你为什么不联系我们?(Ana, we all thought you were dead. Why didn&#39;t you tell us?)
  &安娜&:难道你们所有人都要问一遍同样的问题吗?(You of all people are going to ask me that?)
  对&士兵:76&: &士兵:76&:承认吧,安娜。这可比退休有意思多了。(Admit it, Ana. This is better than retirement.)
  &安娜&:你一定没去过考艾岛,对吧?(You haven&#39;t been to Kauai, have you?)
  在直布罗陀: 安娜:我做梦也没想到会再来到这里。(I never thought I&#39;d see this place again.)
  在阿努比斯神殿: 安娜:回到家的感觉真好。(It feels good to be home.)
  在沃斯卡娅工业区: 安娜:我不能逗留太久,我可能还在监视名单上。(I shouldn&#39;t overstay my welcome. I&#39;m probably still on the watchlists here.)
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守望先锋源氏大招台词翻译 全英雄台词介绍
& & & &在游戏中,英雄们都有自己的台词,但是有些台词是英文或者日文,大家都听不懂,尤其是源氏在放大招的时候,说的是什么意思呢?今天7k7k小编就给大家带来全英雄的台词翻译,其中包括,想了解的朋友们一起来看看吧!& & & &闪光:& & & &Cheers love! The cavalry here! 别担心宝贝!皇家骑兵在此!& & & &闪现:Weeeee!!!!!!& & & &Wicked!! 真好玩& & & &Get back (往回闪的时候)& & & &回溯:Just in time 刚好赶上& & & &Now ,where were we? 我们刚刚进行到哪了?& & & &Everyday is that feeling deja vu 感觉似曾相识?(dejavu是法语的既视感)& & & &大招:Bombs away! 投弹!(王炸!)& & & &Wait for it.....等着吧(走着瞧.....)& & & &you need a time out! 你的时间结束了!(你需要一个暂停)感谢10楼提醒& & & &连杀 :Hard life这里原作者没翻译(不容易啊)& & & &Anyone else ? 还有谁?& & & &And .....stay down! 乖乖躺好!& & & &回溯的时候还有一句台词:let&#39;s do that again! 让我们再来一次!& & & &黑百合(黑寡妇):& & & &One shot ,one kill 一枪一人头& & & &击杀:Go to sleep 长眠吧& & & &Next 下一个& & & &I could do this all day 我能狙一天!!(鬼畜版:我能打一天手枪!!)& & & &Music to my ear 天籁之音(被杀的人呻吟还是枪声?抖S....)& & & &大招:No one can hide from my sight 没人能躲藏!& & & &复活:Lock and Loaded 子弹上膛& & & &法拉:& & & &I will protect the innocent 我将守护无辜者& & & &震爆弹: Get back! 退后!& & & &Clearing the area 清场& & & &A field eliminated 区域已排除 ?????& & & &击杀: Target neutralised 目标已清除& & & &大招:Justice rain from above !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 正义从天而降!!!!!!!!& & & &Justice rain!!......awwww 正义从!!。。。。。啊。。。。(英雄阵亡)& & & &Justice !.......awwwww 正义!!。。。。。啊。。。(英雄阵亡)& & & &半藏:& & & &With every death comes honor ,with honor ,redemption 每一次死亡都伴随着荣誉和救赎& & & &龙之眼(简称龙眼):See through the dragon eyes 透过龙之眼& & & &Marked by the dragon 龙之标记& & & &击杀:Too easy 易如反掌& & & &The dragon hunger 龙之渴望& & & &散射: Strike !!! 中!!!& & & &复活: Never ! Surrender! 永不投降!& & & &大招:龙が我が敌を食らう!(Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!) 龙啊吞噬我的敌人!& & & &天使:& & & &Did someone called a doctor? 有人要找医生吗?(PS谁打的120?)& & & &加攻击:You&#39;re ready to do some damage 你要逆天啦& & & &Power up 能量增强中& & & &Damage Boost engage 伤害加成开启& & & &You&#39;re unstopable! 你已经无人可挡!& & & &加血:Healing stream engage 治疗光束开启& & & &I am taking care of you 莫慌,抱紧我……(冲啊,有罩子)& & & &Where does ot hurt ? 哪边疼?& & & &击杀:You may not want to tell your friend about this 这个你可能不想告诉你的朋友(DPS被辅助单杀还能不能玩了)& & & &援护:Right beside you 我掩护你& & & &大招: Heros never die 英雄永不凋谢& & & &莱因哈特:& & & &Justice will be done! 正义将会被伸张!& & & &盾:Don&#39;t worry my friend , I am your shield 不要慌我罩着你& & & &Shield is leaking out!! /Shield won&#39;t last forever !盾要撑不住了!!& & & &Shield destroyed!! 盾被摧毁了!!& & & &受伤: I am not as young as I used to be !!老了浪不动了& & & &击杀:I&#39;m just getting warmed up 我才刚热身& & & &大招:Hammer down !!! 共产主义火箭重锤!!& & & &温斯顿:& & & &Imagination is the essent of discovery 想象是探索的源动力& & & &护盾:This will protect us! 这个能保护我们(“安全”套……)& & & &Shield activated 护盾激活& & & &大招: arrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!.......(猿族崛起!)& & & &杀人: Pardon me /Excuse me 不好意思(我很抱歉)& & & &Once more into the breach 再次进攻& & & &扎莉雅(毛妹)& & & &Together we re strong 聚沙成塔& & & &护盾:Getting there ,you &#39;re covered (不用说了,大姐你也罩着我是不?)& & & &Barrier is on you ,go!! Don&#39;t fall back 护盾开启了,快上!不要逃避& & & &Just a scratch 只是点小伤& & & &复活:I&#39;m still in the fight 我还没有退出战斗& & & &Give me your best shot 你就这点能耐?& & & &连杀:Onward through victory 向胜利进发& & & &大招:Gravity kills 致命的引力& & & &还有一句大招经常讲的是俄语,吧友补充& & & &76号:& & & &We&#39;re all soliders now 我们在同一个战线& & & &治疗:Heal up here 到这里来治疗& & & &击杀:You won&#39;t see me angry 你不会看到我的愤怒& & & &The mission all that matters 完成任务才是首要的& & & &I,m just getting started 我才刚开始& & & &I can do this with all my eyes closed (装B 于无形)& & & &大招: I got you in my sight 我瞄的很稳 (挂B!)& & & &复活: Not dead yet 还能战斗& & & &Knock me down and i will keep backing up 一个我倒下了,还有千万个我站起来& & & &托比昂(打铁的俗称铁匠)& & & &Build them up ,break them down 建造然后毁灭& & & &炮塔: Let&#39;s get started 搞起来!& & & &Let&#39;s hear those guns 让我们听听这些枪声& & & &There she is 她真完美(是的,娘化炮台,简称娘炮)& & & &Do what you&#39;re built to do 做你该干的事& & & &修理炮塔:Hold it together 重新拼起来& & & &My turrent is under fire!!! 着火啦!!& & & &My turrent is being destroyed 炮塔爆了o(╯□╰)o& & & &击杀: I&#39;m losing count/How many was that again? 忘了数了/这是第几个?& & & &护甲:Come get your armor!! /Armor up来领护甲!!& & & &大招:Molten !!!Core!!! 熔化核心!!& & & &禅亚塔& & & &Trueself is without form 本我不拘于形& & & &混乱之珠:Darkness fall 黑暗降临& & & &There is disquiet in your soul 不谐存于汝心& & & &There is chaos within you 混乱存于汝身& & & &You are your own worst enemy 面对自我& & & &治疗之珠:The universe shall embrace you / Be one with the university 拥抱宇宙& & & &Open your mind 打开你的心智& & & &击杀: Death in the shadow of doom 感受毁灭的阴影???(并不确定这句话)& & & &复活: Pain is a paient teacher 痛苦是个耐心的老师& & & &大招:pass into the areas(进入绝对领域) 待定!!!!& & & &辛梅塔(印度女人)& & & &From order brings Harmony 秩序带来和谐& & & &From light into beings 光带来生命的希望& & & &防御哨塔:Torrent deployed /Torrent Online 防御塔就位& & & &Defence Matrix established 防御矩阵已建立& & & &There is a gap at my defence matrix!!我的防御网被突破了!!& & & &复活: My job is not complete 我的工作还没完成& & & &I will correct my mistake 我会弥补我的错误& & & &大招:Teleporter online , I&#39;ve open the path 传送门开启 PS:这台词怎么这么熟悉& & & &死神(带带带)& & & &Death walks among you 死亡如影随行& & & &Time to reap 杀戮时间& & & &传送:Death comes 死亡降临& & & &击杀:No one can stop death 逆天者亡& & & &I am the angel of Death!!! 我即是死亡天使!!(超帅气超中二)& & & &大招:Die! Die! Die! (带!带!带!)& & & &复活: Their grave cannot hold me 他们的坟墓无法容纳我& & & &麦克雷(牛仔)& & & &Justice ain&#39;t gonna despend itself 正义不会自己伸张& & & &震爆弹:Wow ,hold up now/Hold there 乖乖站好!& & & &That will get it down 这很有效& & & &击杀: No stopping me 谁能挡我?& & & &Bingo 中奖了& & & &Someone call the undertaker 谁来叫下掘墓人?& & & &Guess it&#39;s all me now 猜只剩我一个了?& & & &You&#39;re like a man possessed 你就像着了魔& & & &Line them up ,Knock them down 排队吃枪子吧& & & &复活: I knew i wasn&#39;t a gunner 我可能还不是一个完美的枪手& & & &Another worthy gunner 一个可敬的对手& & & &I got an unfinished business 我还有事没干完& & & &大招:It&#39;s High noon (德州谚语:我要来真的了)& & & &大招击杀:Like shooting fish in a barrel 就像射水桶里的鱼一样简单& & & &PS:我记得好像有个 the time 什么的& & & &卢西奥(滑板鞋/DJ男)& & & &huuu!! Come on! Let&#39;s bring it together! 气氛搞起来!& & & &迅捷光环: Oh! Its my jam! 我喜欢这曲子!& & & &Yeah ,that&#39;s fast 耶,速度加快& & & &Here ,let&#39;s pick it up 准备好加快节奏!& & & &恢复光环: Yeah ,time to heal up 是时候恢复了& & & &Let&#39;s get patched up 让我们包扎(恢复)一下& & & &Don&#39;t stop ,let&#39;s get it rolling 别停,就是个干!!& & & &Oh, feel that healing beat 噢,感受这治愈的节奏& & & &光环加强:Let&#39;s up the tempo 让我们加快节奏& & & &Woo you feel that ?你感受到了吗?& & & &Ayyy , take it to the top 嗨到爆表& & & &Oh, turn it on !! 是时候兴奋起来了& & & &HaHa !! Amp it up !! 加大功率!!(Amp=Amplify,增强)& & & &Up the volumn 提高音量& & & &墙面滑行: Ayyy check this out !!! 快看我装B看我飞!!& & & &大招: Let&#39;s drop the beat !!! 嗨起来!!& & & &源氏& & & &开场: 身を捨てても、名利を捨てずに(即便舍弃身体,也不放弃荣誉)& & & &杀人: 1. simple& & & &2.アホか?(二货么?)& & & &3.良し (哟西)& & & &复活:1.もう一戦願おう (但求再战) 复活时有时也会说 くそ=shit& & & &2. 戦いは終わらん(战斗未完) 有时也会说battle continues& & & &大招: 龍撃剣! (ryugekiken)& & & &大招砍死人收招:千里の道も一足ずつ歩んだんだ (千里之行 积于跬步)& & & &被治疗: i am healed much better& & & &被队友治疗会说 ありがとう 阿里嘎多& & & &弹反开了会说 come on 别人打就说 行くぞ!(上吧!)& & & &装完逼还会说 その程度か。(就这点能耐么)& & & &小美 (周美灵,丽丽)& & & &登场 lets fight for a better world 为了更美好的世界让我们一起战斗吧& & & &our world is worth fighting for我们的世界值得我们守护& & & &dont move 别动& & & &大招 freeze,dont move 冻住,不许走& & & &冰箱 yes就是这样& & & &冰墙this was stop一堵墙& & & &ha,going up哈,起来吧!& & & &击杀oh,Im sorry about that噢,对不起啰& & & &you are asking for it这是你自作自受& & & &好了,以上就是7k7k小编给大家带来的守望先锋全英雄台词翻译的全部内容了,看完了这些,是不是知道源氏放大招的时候说了什么了呢?另外,小伙伴们如果想了解更多的内容,请继续关注!
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