
EU4 - Development Diary - June 4th 2015
Discussion in 'Europa Universalis IV' started by Wiz, Today at
Hello everyone and welcome to the last
development diary for 1.12/Common Sense. This of course does not
mean there won't be a new dev diary next week as we're committed to
posting dev diaries every week regardless of whether an expansion
is announced or not, it just means that next week we'll be talking
about something else. We may even be talking about
Probably not though.
Either way, today you get a wrap-up dev diary, where
we go over the map changes, new countries and some important
mechanics changes that will be coming in 1.12.
Technology levels have been tweaked somewhat in
1.12, mostly to match the new building system. Buildings now unlock
consistently on certain levels (4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19 and 22)
with the exception of the Castle (the lowest level fort) which
unlocks at tech 1. Since 4 is now a building level, and because we
wanted to slow down certain countries' starting exploration, the
first idea group unlock was moved to Administrative Tech level
Furthermore, there have been changes to
Administrative Efficiency. Administrative Efficiency now only goes
up to 50% (down from 75%) but also affects the cost of creating
cores. A new technological effect called Development Efficiency was
also introduced, which reduces Development Cost and unlocks at
roughly the same time as Administrative Efficiency. Finally, Force
March was changed. It now unlocks at Administrative Technology 15
instead of 9.
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Gold Mines
Now that you can improve your gold mines with
diplomatic power, we felt that we needed a way to prevent the
player from simply sinking all that power into building the world's
largest pile of gold. As such, each gold mine with a base
production higher than 10 has a monthly chance to deplete. This
chance starts extremely low, but exponentially increases the more
you improve the mine. A gold mine that depletes will have its base
production halved. We've also made it so that the Merchant Republic
bonus to locally produced goods does not apply to gold
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Independent Economics
If you've ever tried your hand at Raja of the Rajput
Reich, you may know that playing a one province minor with a single
crappy province isn't too much fun. Your economy can barely support
a regiment or two, and you're almost completely dependent on allies
to accomplish anything. During development we discovered that this
problem was further compounded by the new fort system as minor
countries simply didn't have enough troops to besiege an enemy's
fort, and decided to make a few tweaks.
All independent nations now have a base tax income
of 1 ducat/month regardless of the value of their territories.
Independent nations also get a hefty +6 bonus to their land and
naval forcelimits, allowing them to support enough of an army to at
least make a go at their neighbour's castles. This tax bonus
replaces the old tax income bonus on capital provinces. Subject
nations get a lesser version of this bonus more along the lines of
pre-1.12 minors, getting 0.25 ducats/month base income and +2 to
their forcelimits.
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Fort System Changes
I also wanted to go over how the fort system in 1.12
has changed during development. The fort system was the topic of
the April 9th dev diary, but since then we've been iterating on and
improving the design according to the feedback we got from QA, beta
testers and fans. One thing that was very quickly evident was that
the larger garrisons did not quite work out - forts able to sortie
20k armies could result in unwinnable wars and minors simply could
not muster the troops needed to beat such numbers. As such, the
garrison was reduced back to 1k per fort level, but we added an
additional requirement that you must have at least 3000 men per
fort level to effectively besiege a fort, so a level 2 fort needs
6k soldiers to besiege.
In the final 1.12 version, we have 4 fort buildings
starting at the level 2 fort 'Castle' and ending at the level 8
fort 'Fortress'. When you unlock a new type of fort, you will also
unlock new techniques for laying siege. What this means is that if
you are besieging a fort that is of an older model than the best
one you can construct, you get +1 to your siege and breach rolls
for each level of 'age' the fort is behind your technology. This
provides an additional incentive to upgrade old forts to the newer,
more expensive models and means that late-game armies will quickly
breach and capture medieval castles. As before, capital provinces
add an additional fort level that is not connected to buildings, so
a capital with a Castle with have 3 fort levels with a Zone of
Control and a capital without any fort will have 1 fort level and
no Zone of Control.
Furthermore, we've also improved the visualization
of the Zones of Control. When a unit is selected, the map will now
display the Zones of Control of your forts (displayed as walls with
blue circles) and the forts of those you are at war with (displayed
as walls with yellow circles). When hovering over a province in a
hostile Zone of Control, the ZoC icon will change to show you to
tell whether movement to the province is blocked or not (in
addition, a tooltip will always show up for provinces that are
blocked whether they are in a ZoC or not).
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Finally, I turn the word over to Trin Tragula, our
scripter, to talk about map changes in 1.12.
Map Changes
For the most part EU4 inherited its map of Europe
from its predecessor. Initially this meant that it was one of the
most detailed regions in the world though this was significantly
less true for specific parts of the continent. For instance Eastern
and northern Germany have didn't have the level of detail
comparable to the areas along the Rhine.
As patch 1.8 came to bring the rest of the world to
a much more detailed state the European inconsistencies became a
lot more apparent and with the 1.12 patch that accompanies Common
Sense we have therefore taken the opportunity to increase the level
of detail of the areas the new expansion touches. Germany and Italy
in particular has received attention but given the new fort and
development mechanics having provinces of comparable size has in
general been deemed more desirable and adjustments have been made
in a few more regions as well. The opportunity was also taken to
harmonize development levels with those of the rest of the world a
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
In Germany the map overhaul has meant re-balancing
the base development values (they are generally lower than they
where before) and adding a fair bit of provinces to split overly
large ones and make the region more consistent. This has resulted
in added strategic depth especially for the medium powers that
previously had larger provinces simply because they where less
The changes are a bit too spread out to comment in
full but here are a few highlights:
1. Memmingen (Free City)
2. Ravensburg (Free City)
4. Verden (replaces the old Archbishopric of Bremen
tag in the Stade province)
5. Bremen (republican revolter in the Hanseatic
Bremen province)
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Unlike Germany the development levels of Italy has
actually been increased a fair bit as has the number of provinces
throughout the Peninsula. Northern Italy in this era was famously
both rich and divided and we felt the EU4 setup in the area up to
this point hasn't managed to capture this as well as it could. A
number of new provinces has been added as well as two additional
tags. The cultural setup was also balkanized to further show the
diversity of the region and the difficulty for an outside power to
efficiently conquer the entire peninsula.
1. Montferrat, in 1444 a vassal of Savoy ruled by
Giovanni Giacomo of the Paleologi dynasty.
2. The City of Lucca. A new republic between
Tuscany/Florence and Genoa.
New Italian culture group:
1. Piedmontese
2. Ligurian
3. Lombard*
4. Venetian
6. Umbrian*
7. Neapolitan*
8. Sicilian*
9. Sardinian
(* = culture existed prior to 1.12)
Poland & Prussia:
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
The new patch aims to improve this area in more than
one way. Apart from adding provinces to this region care has been
taken to ensure that their location and shape better follow the
historical realities. While the main goal of the added provinces
and border changes in this area has been to strengthen the eastern
players and allow for better military maneuvers it should now also
be possible to represent the historical borders of later start
dates to a much higher degree.
The entire region of East Prussia has therefore been
moved to the south west and, should the game turn out that way,
Ducal and Royal Prussia can now have borders more similar to their
historical counterparts. Similar changes have been made in Poland
though these are perhaps less immediately evident, the aim here has
been to both reasonably portray Polish administrative divisions and
allow for the borders of the various Polish
Furthermore development levels in Poland, the
Ukraine and Prussia has been increased to better show the economic
strength of the region.
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
Much like many areas of western Europe outside of
Italy the Iberian peninsula has had its development levels
decreased to be more consistent across the map. The area has
however also has provinces added to eastern Iberia which previously
lacked the detail of the central parts. The Kingdom of Aragon now
has both more strategic depth and economic strength (especially
when you include their Italian possessions). The changes will also
allow for more interesting warfare between France and Spain when/if
the peninsula unifies.
Southeastern Europe and the Kingdom of
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
While not the main focus of the overhaul
South-Eastern Europe has had its development strengthened to better
conform with other regions and to better show the actual strength
of the states in the area.
Additionally provinces have been added to a few
areas where the level of detail was previously lacking such as
Wallachia, Serbia, Bosnia, modern Slovakia and Northern
Seazones & New Islands:
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
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TITLE="EU4&-&Development&Diary&-&June&4th&-06-04开发日志:" />
In order to make things a bit more interesting there
has been a number of adjustments to seazones to allow for more
competition over certain areas. More islands will now allow you to
fabricate claims on the mainland and vice versa. Most notably the
seazones around Crete and the Baleares have been removed to
encourage the mainland powers to compete over the
Four new island provinces have also been enlarged
and made proper provinces:
1: The (future) Pirate Haven of Djerba in northern
Africa. Controlled by Tunis at the start of the game but
historically the starting point of Ottoman Ambitions in the western
Mediterranean and the site of some iconic battles and sieges over
the course of the EU4 period.
2: The African island of Sao Tome has been split
from the Gabon province and is now another colonizable port for
those looking to explore down the coast of Western
3: The islands of Qeshm and Hormuz has been enlarged
and split from the old Hormuz province. The new province now houses
the Kingdom of Hormuz which had historically relocated it's capital
to the island of Hormuz to avoid the turmoil on the mainland before
the start of the game.
As Qeshm and Hormuz are so close to eachother and
Hormuz so much smaller the result has been one large island but
given that Qeshm was an integral part of the kingdom this
approximation was thought preferable to a very small island right
next to it.
4. Lastly the island of Euboea is now it's own
province under Venetian control in 1444.
That's all for today! We'll be posting the 1.12
patch notes and a detailed overview of new national idea groups
sometime before release


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