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UID2779221主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 在线时间2280 小时评议0
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本帖最后由 岚烟。霡霂 于
06:46 编辑
Witches aren’t all wicked and green, you know.
By now you’ve gotten the scoop on werewolves from SimGuruJon, frolicked with fairies and SimGuruArgus, and explored lunacy with SimGuruMegan. Today I’m here to tell you about the ‘real’ power that’s in TheSims 3 Supernatural… witches! From the day we started brainstorming ideas for this expansion pack, I was completely in love with witches and all the possibilities they could introduce to The Sims. To me, playing as a witch offers the ultimate power of choice, “A am I good, evil, or just indifferent? Do I use my spells just to help my family and friends, or do I let my magic run crazy and turn everyone in town to toads?” Mwahahahaha, just talking about it makes me want to rub my hands together in evil glee…
Speaking of evil glee, I know you’re all wondering exactly what being a good witch vs. a bad witch really means. First and foremost are the traits. Witches with the good trait will get more wishes to cast spells that are considered ‘good’ and the same goes for witches with the evil trait, they will get more wishes to cast spells that are ‘evil’. However, being good or evil doesn’t mean you only have access to a certain type of spell. After all, even the friendliest of witches may need to throw a curse every now and then!
Just like the other supernaturals, you can create witches in CAS. Male, female, green skin or golden, you’ll be able to customize your witch to fit the story you want to tell. Witches come in all ages, and some innate witch abilities can even be present in childhood. Hint, keep an eye on your little witch’s toy box as they’re playing, or they just may magically multiply! However, the teenage years are when a witch’s powers really manifest. This is the time when they receive a wand to play with magic.
Wand, wand, it’s all about the wand! Witches need a magical wand in their inventory to channel their special powers. Every witch is given a basic wand, but if your Sim loses it or wants to upgrade it, there are several options available in Buy Mode to purchase. There are numerous wands to choose from and while each one has a distinctive cool look, they more importantly have unique affects to the way your witch will cast spells. If you’re looking for your witch to have a high success rate at casting spells, I’d recommend giving the ivory wand a try.
But if you’re asking, “SimGuruBritt, I don’t want my witch to rely on a wand! I want them to be able to cast spells without that pointy thing in the way!” Don’t worry, we have you covered. The Lifetime Happiness reward Magic Hands enables your witch to cast spells only using their hands, plus their spells will never fail!
Enough about wands, let’s get into the actual spell casting! Witches will become increasingly proficient and learn more magic spells and abilities as they play with magic and cast spells. For instance, witches can learn how to use their wands to upgrade objects around the house – no more wrenches required! Quick tip, my advice would be to magically upgrade your wardrobe for a special surprise. You will get a message when your witch has learned new spells and abilities with hints for how to use them. Magic spells generally fit into one of three categories (with a few exceptions): Charms, curses and rituals. Charms are considered beneficial or ‘good’ spells. They can be cast on oneself or on others and range from simple good luck charms to love charms. Curses are harmful or ‘evil’ spells such as the bladder curse (super funny at parties!) or toadification curse. Rituals are spells that can be cast on objects or lots. They have a wide array of effects from converting collectibles to cleaning the house.
I don’t want to give everything away. (Where’s the fun in that?!) But since so many people have asked about specific spells, I think a quick overview of a few of my personal favorites is in order.
One of the first spells a witch learns is the conversion ritual, which changes a collectible from one type to another.&&The conversion ritual is a pretty useful spell, especially if there is an alchemist in the family. If you have a surplus of gems laying around, simply flick your witches wand and transform them into something useful for your alchemist.
Ice Blast is one of those spells that doesn’t really fall under the category of charm or curse (since it is more of an elemental spell), but is super fun to use. Want to break your neighbor’s plumbing? Ice Blast! Want to give a Sim a severe case of chattering teeth and cold toes? Ice Blast! As a bonus, this spell has a chance of encasing a Sim in a solid block of ice, freezing them for a short time.
Sometimes spells can be fun, sometimes they can be useful, and sometimes they can be dark and dangerous. The haunting curse is definitely one of those dark and dangerous spells since your witch can summon a spirit from the netherworld to haunt a victim for days. Once cursed, the only way out for the victim is to wait for time to pass or to become friends with their ghostly tormentor. Be warned, cast this curse with caution! All spells can fail (sometimes with disastrous results for the caster), and the haunting curse does this in the most extreme way. If it fails, it could mean death for the witch that cast it!
I’ll leave you with just one more, the reanimation ritual. Cast this spell on any tombstone with a ghost and watch the dead rise as a gruesome zombie! Better have an exit strategy planned after casting this spell though as zombies make friends in interesting ways…
Like all great power, magic comes with a cost. Witches have to keep an eye on their magic meter as they use their spells and abilities. The lower the magic meter falls, the higher the possibility that a spell will fail. Once the magic meter is depleted, spells will fizzle and fail until the meter has been replenished. Magic power will slowly regenerate over time, or can be instantly replenished with an Essence of Magic elixir. Another, more leisurely way to regenerate magic power is to take a few loops around the magic broom arena on your broom.
Brooms! (You thought I forgot, didn’t you?) Here’s a secret, anyone can use a broom! Since the magic is in the broom, not in the user, even ordinary Sims can get a taste of magic by flying around town on one of these flying objects. Brooms come in several models. There’s even one with training wheels for the kiddies! For those daring Sims who think merely traveling around town by broom isn’t enough, the broom arena is a place to fly high and show-off your witches stunts. Can’t afford to buy one of these arenas for your house? No problem! The citizens of Moonlight Falls have recognized every Sim’s right to practice broom stunts, and built their very own broom arena park for any Sim to use. Any Sim can buy and use a broom, but witches will use brooms automatically when traveling solo, just like a taxi.
And only some vampires sparkle…
I have to admit, I’m a big vampire fan and I love a great vampire story. Sparkly or not, there is something&&about a good vampire/werewolf rivalry that is just awesome.&&As we talked about the Supernatural experience, we decided that you simply couldn’t have werewolves and witches without also having vampires to round out the group. We thought long and hard about the best way to bring vampires into The Sims 3 Supernatural, as The Sims 3 Late Night had already done such a great . After brainstorming and exploring several different ideas, we decided to hold onto the core of The Sims 3 existing vampire that we all know and love, but to add in a slightly different look and feel of a more intimidating, mesmerizing creature of the night.
Lots of people have asked on the forums and twitter what ‘more intriguing’ really means and how these vampires in The Sims 3 Supernatural will relate to the vamps in The Sims 3 Late Night, so I’m here to tell you, straight from the Guru’s mouth! If you do have vampires in your game from The Sims 3 Late Night, these vampires will be updated to have the new form and functionality of The Sims 3 Supernatural vampires when the game is installed. All the cool things your vampires could do The Sims 3 Late Night will remain, e.g. reduced aging, advanced speed and skill gain, offering to turn people, drinking from Sims and hunting. Plus they will get some cool extras. One point of clarification, if you do not have The Sims 3 Late Night installed, no need to worry, you will still get vampires in your game with the installation of The Sims 3 Supernatural.
In addition to the awesome The Sims 3 Late Night vampire functionality, The Sims 3 Supernatural adds some cool things for your vamps to do. Vampires can now be created and fully customized in CAS from the
of the game. Your Sims no longer have to wait to get bitten by another vampire in town. We’ve also added some new objects for vampires, such as an updated version of the altar bed and the vegetarian plasma orange juice (a yummy quick snack from the fridge).
Vampires also have some fun new social interactions to make them feel more mesmerizing and intense. I like Warn Away as it’s great for telling the story of forbidden vampire love. Intimidate is another one of my favorites. It’s a way to scare other Sims, but not all Sims are so easy to push around. Some people think it’s cool to be inti others are more willing to take intimidation as in invitation to fight.
Have you ever sent your vampire out for a quick bite, only to be rejected by your chosen victim? With Hypnotic Gaze your vampire can convince strangers that being bitten seems like a great idea.
Sims have some new interesting ways to interact with vampires as well. If you have found a vamp that you really don’t like then Imply their Mother was a Chupacabra or Threaten to Exploit their Weaknesses! Did you fall in love with a creature of the night, but really hate their schedule and constant need to nibble on your neck? Ask them to forsake their powers and see if your love really is true.
In addition, vampires can brew a special elixir to help get them outdoors and in the sunlight. Your vampire will no longer have to worry about passing out due to sun exposure. If you are a fan of sparkly vampires, then try out the Vampiric Sunscreen elixir that will provide your vampire with hours of sparkly outdoor fun!
One last thing to mention, vampires have a new immortal lifetime happiness
that has a number of effects. Having this reward will completely stop them from aging, allow them to be in the sun without any penalties, will never have them be rejected when taking a drink of blood from another Sim and will need less plasma in order to survive. However, side effects of this reward may include slight sparkles…!
Hopefully this gives you a little more insight into the world of witches and vampires. We had so much fun working on these player types. The animators ran around practicing and filming intimidation. The fx artists studied ice cubes in search of the perfect ice blast. The designers and I dueled furiously around the office to practice wand poses. We hope you have as much fun playing with them in The Sims 3 Supernatural as we did creating them! This is all for now but be sure to stayed tuned for more updates to come as we are just a few weeks away from the launch of the game. Don’t forget to tune in for our third Live Broadcast this Wednesday, August 15 at 8:00 AM PST.
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LZ 不厚道&&某个论坛已经翻译完了
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Kuree 发表于
LZ 不厚道&&某个论坛已经翻译完了
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UID2779221主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 在线时间2280 小时评议0
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ghgyyukg 发表于
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darkpoet 发表于
不.....我觉得扫把就是自行车的翻版......然后...表示可以直接拍暮光之城的剧场了....... ...
UID5702626主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分360金钱2004 荣誉0 人气9 在线时间3252 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分360金钱2004 荣誉0 人气9 评议0
楼主太好了 我只用看中文~~~
UID4722623主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分85金钱406 荣誉0 人气8 在线时间344 小时评议0
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then Imply their Mother was a Chupacabra or Threaten to Exploit their Weaknesses
UID6448018主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分134金钱952 荣誉0 人气3 在线时间1188 小时评议0
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UID5968162主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1585金钱7545 荣誉9 人气95 在线时间2239 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1585, 距离下一级还需 415 积分
帖子精华0积分1585金钱7545 荣誉9 人气95 评议0
UID2779221主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 在线时间2280 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 415, 距离下一级还需 85 积分
帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 评议0
WenjaySim 发表于
then Imply their Mother was a Chupacabra or Threaten to Exploit their Weaknesses
料想不是“威胁吸血 ...
UID5968162主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1585金钱7545 荣誉9 人气95 在线时间2239 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1585, 距离下一级还需 415 积分
帖子精华0积分1585金钱7545 荣誉9 人气95 评议0
darkpoet 发表于
不.....我觉得扫把就是自行车的翻版......然后...表示可以直接拍暮光之城的剧场了....... ...
UID2779221主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 在线时间2280 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 415, 距离下一级还需 85 积分
帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 评议0
<font color="#9112189 发表于
邪恶魔法失败巫师可能死亡。。。。。。。。。。。那就让家里最丑的去做邪恶巫师好了 ...
UID2779221主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 在线时间2280 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 415, 距离下一级还需 85 积分
帖子精华0积分415金钱3363 荣誉2 人气133 评议0
沧苍梦 发表于
= = 感觉这设定真心就是拍暮光之城用的
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