
游戏简介& &
《:全DLC整合版》是由Kalypso Media Digital公司发行的一款经营游戏,本作已经整合了海岛5已经发售的所有的DLCs,包括“冲浪季节”、“大奶酪”以及“水上”等在内的6部资料片,游戏拥有全新的游戏方式以及艺术风格,跨越多个时代,自由度相当高的游戏,作为一个海岛的统治者,玩家必须时刻保持着清新的大脑,满足岛上居民的不同的需求,另外还有外部势力的挑衅,最终将海岛成属于自己的岛国。模拟特色& &
-整合海岛大亨5已经发售的六部DLCs。& &
-跨越多个时代,从最初的殖民时代到发达的未来时代。& &
-家族系统出现,将自己亲近的人带入领导阶层。& &
-科技研究系统,利用先进的科技为整个岛屿带来。& &
-组建贸易舰队,和其他国家以及岛屿建立起贸易航线。& &
-全新的建筑地图,为整个岛屿带来不一样的新风貌。模式介绍& &
本作包括三个游戏模式,分别为沙盒模式、剧情模式以及多人联机模式。沙盒模式:超高的自由度,玩家作为一个岛屿的统治者,发展自己的岛屿成为一个强大的岛国。剧情模式:此模式下,游戏系统将自动为玩家提供一个初始的固定设定,需要玩家完成一个目标。多人联机模式:最多支持3人联机游戏,可以相互扶持,也可以相互拆台,提升游戏的可玩度。常见游戏问题1、《海岛大亨5》的存档位置在哪里?答:存档位置在C:\Users\(用户名)AppData\Roaming\Tropico 5\users\user12、《5》出现闪退停止工作问题?答:部分玩家会出现此问题,右键打开游戏启动器,选择管理员的程序运行游戏,即可解决问题。3、运行游戏后出现缺少steam.api.dll文件?答:此文件是一个破解文件,缺少是因为报错被杀毒软件杀掉,去杀毒软件的文件恢复区恢复并且添加信任即可。各时代的发展总结& &
本作拥有多个时代,从最初的殖民时代、时期、冷战时期到发达的现代。殖民时代政治:由于殖民时代是被宗主国统治,因此和宗主国保持良好的关系非常重要,可以获得很多补助,不要妄想,否则会死的很难看,另外由于宗主国有两个派系,为了以后的独立,将自己转换成独立派支持宗主国内的党派。经济:大幅度削减预算,所有的建筑都用最低的预算来,作为资本主义的原始积累,这些都是必须的,必须的农作物是烟草以及糖,当然涉及旅游区域最好按游客的种类划分,贴近有钱游客。二战时期政治:在殖民时代独立后会进入二战时期,二战时期拥有很多的派系,并且有很多的政体选择,不过二战时期的选举很容易失败,要伺候好一群民主兄弟,获得高支持率,另外还有多个法律需要选择,宗教也会需要制定规则。经济:二战最重要的一个发展就是教育问题,要建造学校,另外将酒和雪茄产业继续深化可以获得不错的经济来源,发现铁矿以及煤矿则可以发展钢厂,三个产业的支持足以活到下一个时代。冷战时期政治:冷战时期又多了几个派系,不过相对于二战时期的选举,这一时期最重要的是反叛军,每隔一段时间就会有冲突出现,并且叛军攻击成功,下一次攻击加强,建议做掉叛军的首领,防止动乱出现。这个时候可以控制媒体舆论了。经济:大力发展旅游业,加强教育,为后面的现代化做准备,另外有叛军的出现,要维持军队进行镇压,因此军费会显得尤为重要,这一时期的资源变多,可以适当利用。现代时期政治:终于到了现代,派系又增加,此时的叛军数量大幅度减少,与之相对应的则是工人的罢工问题,如果玩家后期不缺钱的话可以用钱来解决所有的问题,另外千万不要谈判,谈判的任务都是坑爹。经济:现代化最重要的就是人才素质,因此前期的教育显得很重要了,如果教育不很容易造成大量失业的问题,这一时期赚钱很容易,尤其是办公楼的建设可以转很多钱。攻略心得& &
作为一个模拟度相当高的游戏,本作从最初的破落小岛发展成一个繁荣富强的国家,需要玩家花费大量的时间进行研究,因此攻略显得尤为重要,下面小编就将几个重要的心得列出,需要的玩家可以查看。& &
1、通关使用玩法心得总结:& &
2、玩家赚钱心得总结:& &
3、产业布局心得分享:& &
4、沙盒模式攻略:& &
5、最赚钱产业排名分析:& &
操作系统 运行环境 CPU内存 显卡 硬盘
最低配置 Windows Vista\Windows 7\Windows 8DirectX 9.0c Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz或Althon X2 2.7 GHz 4 GB RAMNVIDIA GeForce 400/AMD Radeon HD4000/Intel HD 4000 4 GB RAM available space
推荐配置 Windows Vista\Windows 7\Windows 8DirectX 9.0c 4核Intel或AMD的CPU8 GB RAM NVIDIA Geforce 500/AMD Radeon HD50004 GB RAM available space
8.2分 8.0分 5.5分 9.9分 0.0分 8.3分 8.2分 9.1分 0.0分 8.0分
Www.Wanyx.Com. Some rights reserved
湘公网安备20当前位置:&&&&&&&&&&&&罗马2全面战争女兵DLC里的女兵名称是什么 哪个派系有女兵罗马2全面战争女兵DLC里的女兵名称是什么 哪个派系有女兵
问:《》游戏里,话说女兵DLC里的女兵名称都是什么?答:罗马:女角斗士  维苏汇:女弓箭手 施咒女兵 持矛女兵  卢西塔尼: 卢西塔尼女剑士  斯巴达:女投石兵  可能还有其他的还没发现那么,哪个派系有女兵呢?  1.女兵dlc里面,就是西徐亚的亚马逊弓骑和贵族女骑最好用,直接150射程。苏威汇的女弓手也十分给力,  2.150射程,完爆长弓猎手,女矛兵各项数值比武丹矛兵稍低,不过也尚可一用。  3.其他女兵因为史实原因都是渣,斯巴达的女投石兵优势太小,毕竟不能靠投石收人头啊。
相关问答 16:34 17:26 17:23 11:58 11:51 17:09
本类最新更新 12345678910
热门益智游戏推荐星级:推荐星级:推荐星级:推荐星级:推荐星级:日 17:20 来源:
2.安裝本升級檔包含以下DLC:Stellaris:Anniversary Portraits
Stellaris:Leviathans Story Pack
Stellaris:Plantoids Species Pack
Stellaris:Original Game Soundtrack
Stellaris:Infinite Frontiers (eBook)
Stellaris:Nova Edition Upgrade Pack
Stellaris:Galaxy Edition Upgrade Pack週年肖像DLC介紹:為了慶祝&群星&的週年紀念,Paradox正在給所有的群星玩家提供&空虛的生物&(肖像包)和一個新的&週年紀念物種肖像包&,感謝你在過去的一年裡的支持。
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###################### VERSION 1.6.0 ####################### #
################################################## ###############################
*(UTOPIA)添加吞噬群眾公民遊戲為Hive Minds
* Ironman autosaving現在是季度而不是每月###################
* Prethoryn Scourge危機現在會更頻繁地出現,而Unbidden更不頻繁
* Prethoryn Scourge入侵艦隊的基地兵力翻了一番以上
*魅力與厭惡現在只影響其他帝國的意見(分別為+ 25/-25),而不是影響幸福
*美味泰坦現在提供+ 50%的食物(低於+ 100%)
* Master Builders ascension perk現在增加了+ 100%的巨型結構建造速度,但不再降低成本
*調整Xeno Outreach議程權重
*自動測量協議現在提供+ 50%的船舶測量速度(從+ 15%)
*將科技Nexus的輸出提升至+ 30/+ 60/+ 90
*現在可以將Fanatic Xenophobe Spiritualists做為風扇式淨化器
* Homeworld的適應性現在是+ 30%的獎金,而不是總是100%
*正確完成了Enigmatic Fortress事件鏈,現在產生了一個隨機的神秘技術,而不是所有這些技術
* Hive Minds現在獲得+ 25%的流行成長速度
* Hive Minds現在獲得+ 10%的可居住性
* Fanatic Purifiers公民現在增加了Xenophobe的吸引力
*人民群眾對幸福的特質影響從+ 10%降至+ 5%
*和平節日對快樂的法令效應取代了+ 30%的食物
*天堂穹頂建築對幸福的影響從+ 10%降至+ 5%
*文化中心的棲息地建築對幸福的影響從+ 10%降至+ 5%
*循環學院對幸福的影響從+ 10%降至+ 5%
* AI現在更好地瞭解如何開發只有奴隸和非有意的機器人的行星
* AI不再在船上安裝相同類型的兩個必需組件
*部門AI不應再使用不能使用它們的建築物建造外星人寵物和Betharian Stone
* Terra Incognita現在一直應用於所有的地圖模式
* change_species效果現在適用於殖民地船隻
* is_same_species觸發器現在在殖民地船上工作
*特殊項目領導技能要求是所要求的最低水準(技能=3而不是技能> 2)
* set_graphical_culture在大型建築上工作
* megastructure的on_build_start:添加megastructure實例從fromfrom
* on_modification_complete在更改所有受影響的彈出物種後,在更新帝國的創始人物種(如適用)後執行。修复該事件的FROM(種類)範圍不起作用
* Ringworld行星現在擁有獨特的天空背景
# Bug修复
*修复了Enigmatic Fortress事件鏈,有時無法重新啟動,故障一次
* Xenophobe派別(隔離主義和至尊主義者)現在已經被壓制和推動在一起了
* Synthetic Evolution現在也將任何擁有的機器人,機器人或合成器轉換為新物種
*當一個timed pop修飾符到期時,Planet tile現在重新計算它的修飾符
*遊牧人和工匠團將不再要求在Hive Mind行星上安置流行音樂
*團結從吹掃流氓獲得,因為Fanatic Purifier不再是6
*&Tile Blocker Cleared&聲音現在只有在清除的阻止程式是構建隊列中的最後一個項目時才播放
*嗜睡者不再因為清除Hive Mind無人機而感到不安
*修正了一個沒有Utopia DLC的夯玩家無法選擇使用烏托邦功能的國家的錯誤
* Ironman現在在退出主功能表時保存
*固定的Philsopher King公民不適用於你的起始統治者
* Limbo事件鏈中的Awoken不再被其他物種清除
*修正了Extradimensionals Defed事件無法正常觸發的問題
*修正了船舶設計師的錯誤,導致Psionic Shields不能被普通的盾牌所挑選出來
*點擊&Sector Missing Resourecs&警告,現在打開&行星和扇區&視圖
* Enclaves的相對強度現在隱藏在聯系人視圖中
*當選擇Hive Mind倫理時,Hive Mind權威現在也將被自動選擇
*修正了與Fallen Empire或Enclave進行通信的任何錯誤,可立即為您提供所有戰略資源的研究選項
*修正了最便宜的Artisan Patron選項,總是適用於每個人
*修复了在Irassian homeworld事件中丟失的行星或月亮參考
*修正了一些風扇淨化器獲得Slaving Despots AI個性代替
* Derelict Cruiser現在有適當的組件,不再是一個空的罷工工具部分
* Cyborg海軍上將特徵和合成海軍上將已經交換了統計數據,正確地使合成上乘比Cyborg更強大
*修复機器人公民沒有應用機器人維護效果,並且在工具提示中顯示不正確的效果原文:Update v1.6.0:
####################### VERSION 1.6.0 ########################
# Expansion Features
* (UTOPIA) Added Devouring Swarm civic to the game for Hive Minds
* (UTOPIA) It is now possible to find and repair ruined Megastructures in the galaxy###################
# Features
* Possible to repair ruined Ringworlds with the Mega-Engineering technology
* Reworked the empire diplomacy rooms into a set of 16 different rooms themed around AI personalities that can be freely chosen between when designing an empire
* Replaced Growth Time modifier effect with Growth Speed and rebalanced related values
* Added the ability to drain sector resource stockpiles, giving you 75% of their stockpiled resources at the cost of 100 influence.The cost is reduced to 25 influence during defensive wars
* It is now possible to terraform inhabited planets if you have researched the new Ecological Adaptation tech
* You can now set taxes for Energy Credits and Minerals on sectors separately
* Ironman autosaving is now quarterly instead of monthly###################
* Humans are now Adaptive, Nomadic and Wasteful instead of Quick Learners and Nomadic
* The cost of species modification projects is now based on the difference between the traits at the start and end of modification, rather than on the sum of the trait cost
* The Prethoryn Scourge crisis will now show up more often and the Unbidden less often
* More than doubled the base strength of the Prethoryn Scourge invasion fleets
* Doubled the base strength of the Extradimensional fleets, and their initial fleet has been more than quadrupled
* The power of crisis fleets now scales to the size of the galaxy
* The power of Fallen/Awakened empire fleets now scales somewhat to the size of the galaxy
* Certain common anomalies will no longer spawn repeatedly
* It is no longer possible to technologically enlighten Fanatic Xenophobe primitives
* Choosing the religious awakening end of the Old Gods event chain now just shifts your empire's ethics towards spiritualist rather than completely replacing them
* Increased warp wind-down time
* Charismatic and Repugnant now only impact opinion of other empires (+25/-25 respectively) rather than affecting happiness
* Pops that are freed from slavery in a Caste System will now have some lingering unhappiness about being made slaves in the first place
* Delicious Titans now gives +50% food (down from +100%)
* Hive Minds can now choose to eat titanic life
* World Shaper ascension perk now also unlocks the Atmospheric Manipulation technology
* Master Builders ascension perk now increases megastructure build speed by +100%, but no longer provides a cost reduction
* Terraforming-related technologies are now less rare, and even more likely to appear if you have the World Shaper ascension perk
* Planetary Survey Corps now gives 1/10th of monthly research (min of 3) instead of 1/3rd
* Reduced likelihood of enclaves and space monsters spawning within player borders at game start
* Tuned Xeno Outreach agenda weights
* All consumer goods are now paid for on the empire level, to make it more clear to the player what costs are incurred by living standards
* 'Megastructure Demands Rejected' modifier set to 7200 days
* Withdrawal effects of Chemical Bliss are now less severe and do not last as long
* Extradimensionals now turn planets barren after destroying colonies
* Sensor techs now increase planet sensor range instead of survey speed
* Automated Survey Protocols now provides +50% ship survey speed (up from +15%)
* Reduced distance at which Xenophobe Fallen Empires are angered by Frontier Outposts
* Corporate Dominion civic no longer requires you to be Egalitarian
* Leviathans will no longer occasionally spawn right next to empire starting systems
* Spiritualist Fallen Empires are no longer upset by colonizing tomb worlds, as this caused issues with various event chains and was inconsistent when they would not be upset over terraforming them
* Upgrading transport ships is now instant and has no cost
* Ships caught in FTL magnets no longer warp in right on top of a station, but rather near it
* Boosted the damage output, shield hit points and hull points of military stations and frontier outposts substantially
* Increased the distance at which military stations have to be built from each other
* Boosted the output of Science Nexus to +30/+60/+90
* Habitat Solar Processors can no longer be built in a system with a at least half-completed Dyson Sphere
* It is now possible for Fanatic Xenophobe Spiritualists to be Fanatic Purifiers
* Strength of Legions Civic now also adds-20% army upkeep
* Faction Issues have been remixed, with multiple new and re-tuned demands
* Increased the effect of promoting an ethic to +100% attraction
* Fallen Empires now spawn slightly further apart from other empires
* Removed influence cost from Fleet Academy spaceport module
* Guardians of Zanaam are now a bit more difficult to defeat
* There is now a 30-day cooldown on insults, to prevent spamming of them in multiplayer
* Homeworld habitability is now a +30% bonus instead of always being 100%
* Colonial Centralization is now a tier 2 tech
* No longer possible to trade away systems while at war
* Galactic Administration and a number of technologies depending on it are now tier 3 techs
* Pre-FTL civilizations can no longer achieve FTL in the first 25 years of the game
* Share the Burden edict is no longer possible for synthetic empires
* Removed weapons from Mining and Research stations
* Adopting domination now gives +20 to acceptance on diplomatic subjugation actions
* Properly completing the Enigmatic Fortress event chain now yields a random Enigmatic technology rather than all of them
* Hive Minds now get a +25% Pop Growth Speed
* Hive Minds now get +10% habitability
* Each tradition group adopted now adds +10% to tradition adoption cost
* Terraforming technology is now more common
* Pops will now only voluntarily migrate away from planets that are heavily crowded
* Fanatic Purifiers civic now increases Xenophobe attraction
* Mechanist civic now increases materialist attraction
* Inward Perfection civic effect on citizen happiness removed# Buildings
* Symbol of Unity building and related technology have been removed from the game
* Artist Monument no longer affects happiness or unity as a modifier, but instead has its unity ouput increased from 3 to 10
* Champion of the People trait effect on happiness reduced from +10% to +5%
* Peace Festivals edict effect on happiness replaced with +30% food
* Paradise Dome building effect on happiness reduced from +10% to +5%
* Dragon Monument building effect on happiness replaced with 15 unity output
* Dragon Shrine building effect on happiness replaced with 15 unity output
* Stellarite Trophy building effect on happiness replaced with 15 unity output
* Cultural Center habitat building effect on happiness reduced from +10% to +5%
* Cultural Center habitat building unity output increased from 3 to 4
* Loop Institute building effect on happiness reduced from +10% to +5%
* Loop Institute building society output increased from 4 to 8
* Omega Alignment building physics output increased from 8 to 10
* Clinics now produce society research instead of food
* Habitats are now a little better at mineral production, and a little worse at energy and science production (though still much better at the latter than the former)###################
* AI now better understands how to develop planets with only slaves and non-sentient robots
* Improved AI logic for calculating when it can win a ground invasion
* AI now devotes more resources to building up a force of assault armies before declaring war
* Fixed AI calculating adjacency bonuses wrong
* Auto explore no longer explores war territory
* Created define for army military power mult when calculating if AI should land armies
* Fixed bug causing fleet order within borders to be canceled when target fleet was moving between systems
* AI no longer installs two required components of the same type on a ship
* Tweaked calculation of AI fleet size to avoid fleets being split up right after the country fleet size is above the define value
* Civilians and transports emergency-FTL as soon as they are in combat and their health is below 100%
* Fixed bug where AI was trying to move a leader that was already on its way to a location
* Fixed bug where AI cancelled fleet order to attack hostiles within borders
* Fixed a bug where the sector AI was checking against the owner country's minerals instead of its own when deciding whether to build a spaceport# Sectors
* Sectors will now properly stop colonizing when you turn off the colonize setting
* Sectors will no longer settle planets that would anger a Fallen Empire that is superior to their own empire
* Sector AI should no longer build over Alien Pets and Betharian Stone with buildings that can't make use of them
* Fixed an issue where sector AI would construct buildings on tiles worked by Livestock
* Sector AI now prioritizes building robot Pops on planets with unworked buildings
* Sector AI now prioritizes building robot Pops on planets that have biological pops that cannot reproduce
* Sector no longer gets stuck trying to colonize planet in hostile system###################
# Interface
* Clarified restrictions in a megastructure tooltip
* Outliner now sorts civilian ships according to ship class
* Empire creation screen is now closed when pressing back on the server lost dialog
* Added missing explanations why certain special projects could not be researched in the fleet order tooltips
* The confirmation dialog for removing hotkeys now correctly says "Remove" instead of "No"
* Food tooltip now shows the effects of food surplus on Pop growth
* Fixed an improper "We cannot afford this" tooltip in Artisan Troupe interaction
* Fixed alignment in terraforming window
* Subjects of members of the same Federation as the player now display as allied in the galaxy map
* Frontier stations now display influence maintenance cost in their upkeep tooltip
* Added an explanation for why you can't build orbital stations around planets and stars with anomalies
* Should now be more clear which is the player's empire in contact view
* Can now see who is rivaling an empire in diplomacy view
* Primitives now have different flag tiers depending on which age they are in
* Anomaly interface now displays the name of the system along with the name of the planet
* Planet view now shows number and max number of garrisoned armies
* Planets that are terraforming candidates now show their name plate in system view to differentiate them from uninteresting planets
* Faction type tooltips now show the faction's corresponding ethos
* Peace notifications for wars you're not involved in will now show what war demands were enforced
* Expansion Planner colonization view will now only list planets with Pops that are able to colonize the target planet
* Added a 'track all' button for special projects with multiple sub-goals
* Terra Incognita is now consistently applied in all mapmodes
* Added a mapmode toggle to show and hide hyperlanes
* Tooltip for private colony ship was showing minerals instead of energy
* Added an alert for having inactive civics
* Added an alert for having unspent Civic points
* Fixed 4-digit fleet capacity causing line break in top bar
* Fleet disband confirmation dialog now uses correct text for stations
* White Peace offers are now clearly labeled as such
* Added the option to send 1000 resources at a time during a trade deal by CTRL-SHIFT clicking
* Added the option to send 1000 resources to a sector by CTRL-clicking
* The Displacement icon will now always show up when a Pop is being forced away from a planet for any reason
* The tooltip for Protectorates in diplomatic view now tells you what their relative tech level to their Overlord is
* Fixed an animation bug Fleet view causing it to slide in and out from the screen
* Added information about how long truces between other empires will last in diplomacy view
* Added a map mode that displays which empires are considered neighbors
* Ships and stations that cannot do damage will no longer have displayed military power in system view
* Aligned requesting hotjoin text
* The slavery/purge sounds now play when appropriate species rights are set###################
# User modding
* Added has_valid_civic trigger
* Added country_robot_build_speed_mult modifier
* Added on_army_recruited on action
* The change_species effect now works on colony ships
* The is_same_species triggers now work on colony ships
* The "species" scope switch not works on colony ships
* Added game rule should_kill_growing_pop
* special project leader skill requirement is the minimum level required (skill=3 instead of skill> 2)
* add init_effect to spawn_megastructure effect
* set_graphical_culture works on megastructures
* megastructure's on_build_start:add megastructure instance as fromfrom
* Removed unused effects load_parameters and remove_sector
* on_modification_complete is executed after changing the species of all affected pops and after updating the empire's founder species (if applicable).Fix FROM (species) scope of that event not working
* Which resources the AI prioritizes when placing capitals is now moddable###################
# Performance
* Cleaned up frame meshes so they do not get pushed to the gfx card at all
* Multithreaded ship component targeting###################
# Graphics
* Ringworld planets now have unique sky backgrounds
* Fixed missing effect when missiles missed their target
* Added a missing modifier and a missing tech icon
* Added two new planet modifiers
* Added new event images for utopia
* Adjusted som ship sizes icons
* Added several new modifier icons###################
# Bugfixes
* Precursor homeworld events are now triggered for the chain-owner immediately upon planet survey, should fix not being able to complete precursor chains in some cases
* Fixed the Enigmatic Fortress event chain sometimes not restarting properly after failing it once
* The opinion modifiers of Charismatic and Repugnant species traits are now displayed in the empire editor
* You are no longer blocked from disbanding fleets controlled by sectors
* Conquered pops now get their species rights created and setup correctly if they where not existing before
* Fixed a bug where psionic awakening of non-primary species in an empire would cause the empire's primary species to change
* Only remove fleets and armies of a country when losing it's last planet if country type needs colonies, Swarm remains even though planets are lost
* Fixed out-of-sync where spaceport modifiers were not properly recalculated after hotjoin
* Fixed out-of-sync where fleets could end up with different fleet stances after hotjoin
* Fixed out-of-sync where empires could end up with different war allies
* Fixed out-of-sync where cached ship design values were not recalculated after hotjoin
* Fixed trading Star Charts sometimes not giving Communications with uncovered Primitives
* Xenophobe factions (Isolationist and Supremacist) are now Suppressed and Promoted together
* Synthetic Evolution will now also convert any owned robots, droids or synths to your new species
* Terraforming is now interrupted when a planet has its planet class changed
* Fixed a bug where sometimes the Scourge would not properly purge pops while infesting worlds
* Fixed a bug where the buildings of Awakened Empires would be destroyed at the end of the War in Heaven
* Fixed Fanatic Purifier empires occasionally not displaying the correct contact dialogue
* Primitives on Ring Worlds will no longer nuke themselves planet-shaped
* The technology Enigmatic Disruption Field is no longer available to players
* A tooltip warning is now shown when trying to build colony ships for unreachable planets in the expansion planner
* Fixed indoctrinate natives not working properly for xenophiles and pacifists
* Fanatic Authoritarian ethic now properly disables oligarchic authority type
* Planet tile now recalculates its modifiers when a timed pop modifier expires
* Species view does not automagically create new species rights for synthetics upon opening anymore (overriding AI policy)
* Fixed modifiers such as +1 monthly influence not being applied correctly
* Fixed a bug where you could have an invalid civic and still get benefits from it in some cases (such as Agrarian Idyll)
* Fixed food deficit from sectors sometimes being ignored, causing big fluctuations in food income
* Tweaked the trade values for the "Nomad Trade Proposal" event chain
* Nomads and Artisan Troupe will no longer ask to settle pops on Hive Mind planets
* The selected flag pattern is now properly highlighted in the empire creator
* Ships no longer "skips ahead" to other queued systems when they encounter hostiles
* Xenos that are being purged no longer increase Xenophile ethics attraction on their planet
* Fixed CTD when a war is started
* Fixed a bug that was giving ethics to entities that shouldn't have them (such as the Unbidden)
* Now possible to form the League of Non-Aligned Powers even if you do not have diplomacy traditions
* Support for democratic leaders is now reset when an election ends
* Hive Minds no longer change government and ethics when becoming the dominion of a Spiritualist Awakened Empire
* Fixed bug where the Synthetic Evolution ascension perk would not change the species of colony ships
* Fixed bug where The Flesh Is Weak ascension perk would not change the species of colony ships
* Fix growing pops not being killed when population control is enabled
* Unity gained from purging pops as Fanatic Purifier is no longer capped at 6
* Fixed Armageddon bombing stance to properly affect planet
* Capital is now properly moved when it is lost in a war
* 'Tile Blocker Cleared' sound now only plays if the cleared blocker is the last item in the build queue
* Fixed bug where the species rights change date was always updated
* Fixed bug where your country could be destroyed if a planet you attacked got rebel revolts
* Reworked the 'a Change of Heart' event chain to better fit the new ethics system
* It is now possible to build both defense and assault versions of robotic and android armies
* Fixed crash bug if you were kicked while selecting empire in the multiplayer lobby
* Fixed a Horizon Signal-related technology not appearing
* Fixed bug where the combat stats notification could not be opened
* War allies are now properly removed
* Fixed the tech weights for Selected Lineages and Capacity Boosters to be more likely for Authoritarians instead of penalizing them on it
* Enslaved robots no longer cause Authoritarian and Xenophobe ethics attraction
* Threat generated by vassals that are not free to declare their own wars is now given to their overlord instead
* Fixed bug where robotic species could not be picked to play after hotjoin
* Fixed a bug where timed modifiers on factions would never update
* Fixed rare CTD when starting a new game
* Contact is now properly established if another empire happens to spawn within your sensor range in a new game
* Fixed a case where ruler skill level wasn't correctly set on start of game
* Fixed sector tooltip displaying "Planning to construct none" for spaceport constructions
* Probing primitives no longer protects them from asteroids
* Quit to desktop will now trigger an ironman save
* Fixed Chemical Bliss living standard accidentally requiring the Utopia expansion
* Xenophiles are no longer upset by the purging of Hive Mind drones
* Stations no longer have warnings for FTL drive in ship designer
* Fixed a bug where a hotjoining player without the Utopia DLC could not pick countries that used Utopia features
* Ironman games now show a gauntlet
* Ironman now saves when exiting to main menu
* Fixed pre-scripted empire government types not matching their actual government types
* Fixed minor typo rendering the game "literally unplayable"
* Fixed a bug that was causing nerve stapled pops to never be enslaved
* Fixed Philsopher King civic not applying to your starting ruler
* Fixed a bug where reforming your government authority in the middle of an election after the death of your ruler could cause your empire to be stuck without a ruler permanently
* Fixed colony events inappropriately firing on occupied planets
* Fixed a bug where changing your government type would not properly update in contacts view
* Invalid research options are now instantly removed from list
* Fixed an interface issue where the 'Research Project' button would not work on planets with multiple special projects if one of those projects had been completed
* Split Fleet now properly tries to balance ship composition between the two new fleets
* Fixed "Birth of Space Piracy" event potentially spawning two stations in certain circumstances
* Fixed research project order button not showing up at all in right-click context menu when you had a scientist with too low skill
* Can no longer merge or split fleets that are in the middle of FTL wind-down, to prevent various exploits
* No longer possible to support leaders for an election when there is no election going on
* Fixed a bug where changing the size of the galaxy in game setup would sometimes also change its shape
* Background texture in ship designer is now always the same
* Fixed "return home" fleet orders considering overlord's space ports even if they are hostile
* Fixed colonizer GUI elements showing up in 'alien menace' fleet interface
* No longer possible to see which unsurveyed planets have deposits and primitives by right-clicking them while having a construction ship selected
* Ships with attack orders will now abort those attack orders if the target moves outside sensor range
* Removed open borders wargoal, since enforced open borders on war end made it redundant
* Anomaly interface now displays the name of the system along with the name of the planet
* It is no longer possible to split or merge fleets that have been given orders to upgrade, to prevent various exploits
* Fixed 'enemy troops landing' notification playing when landing on your own (occupied) planet
* Spaced out the planets of the Sol system a little bit
* Possibly fixed issue causing diplomatic invation spams from AI:AI not checking proposed actions and Diplo propose command making IsValid check instead of IsProposable
* Diplo actions which require votes and are invalid are now disabled and the reason stated in tooltip
* Fixed strange Curator system with three planets sharing the same orbit
* It is no longer possible to enter arbitrarily long names when creating new empires
* Fixed some text overflows in various interfaces
* Fixed fleets going to hostile space ports when upgrading or returning "home" when part of an independence war
* Fixed a bug where the war menu showed that the AI would accept a peace offer even if it wouldn't
* It is no longer possible to get sector excluded costs deducted as a player when building items
* Unrest alert is no longer shown for planets that are occupied by another empire
* Pop faction promotion/suppression modifiers are now removed when the faction is destroyed
* Fixed an issue causing the list of recruitable armies to show invalid entries
* The Awoken in the Limbo event chain are no longer purged by another species
* Synthetic rebel leaders now get "AI" names
* Can no longer reform governments to have invalid civics
* The species gene modify button and trait points counter are now hidden if the selected species is robotic and not modifiable
* Player no longer blocked from completing special project on species modification due to homeworld being in other's borders
* All habitability calculations are now clamped at [0, 100]
* Empires with fanatic purifier civic can't select peaceful first contact policy anymore
* Potential warscore cost description now shows the country with the lowest cost
* Fixed "first colony" event sometimes not showing up
* Fixed missing species class-related descriptors for Robots
* Ground combat is now canceled if the attackers and defenders are no longer at war
* Expansion planner now properly updates the colonize button when conditions change (such as getting enough minerals to be able to build a colony ship)
* Fixed some issues with the Fleet Maneuvers event
* When cancelling construction of robots, resources are refunded
* You can now build stations in systems where you share borders with another empire
* Conquering a planet before communications are established now applies the recently conquered penalty
* Fixed being able to click through background of technology view
* Fixed issue where Extradimensionals Defeated event failed to trigger properly
* Strike craft now correctly shows up as weapon components when inspecting ships
* Country types without policies will be able to do full bombardment
* Scrollbar now properly resets when flipping between researched categories in technology view
* Fix that you could upgrade a megastructure even if you lacked the necessary ascension perk
* Changing policies so that an ongoing observation station mission is no longer valid will now remove that mission from the station
* Fix Resetting species rights to default could circumvent cooldowns
* Fixed newly created Pops not getting ethics under some circumstances
* Infested planets no longer destroyed
* Species Modifications:Free traits can be selected even if no trait picks are left
* Fixed a bug that was causing the Zanaam system not to spawn
* Fixed a bug in ship designer that was causing Psionic Shields not to be picked over regular shields
* Fixed army morale modifiers not working properly
* Ships in evasive stance will now always flee from and avoid systems that have any hostiles that could potentially attack them (including different types of stations)
* A species will no longer get an increase in habitability on their homeworld if the homeworld's planet class changed
* Colony ships that have active colonization orders are no longer displayed as idle and available in expansion planner
* Only the Federation President can now rename a Federation
* Robots that are under construction no longer cost maintenance
* Landing armies on a vassal or ally's planet no longer gives a confirmation dialog stating it will turn them hostile
* Unarmed ships and stations will no longer engage each other in combat under any circumstances
* Fixed out-of-sync where killed ships had their movement updated
* It is once again possible to uplift pre-sentients inside your borders even if you do not own their planet as long as nobody else does either
* Fixed tooltip for Charismatic/Repugnant ethics attraction showing misleading information
* Fixed not being able to trade star charts with allies and subjects
* Fixed tooltip for build mining station order incorrectly showing a maintenance cost when building an energy mining station
* Gaia planets will no longer get the 'Hostile Wildlife' planet modifier under normal circumstances
* Fixed war overview always showing player and allies as 'Attackers' even in defensive wars
* Clicking a faction in the outliner now opens the Faction View with that faction selected
* Clicking the 'Sector Missing Resourecs' alert now opens Planets & Sectors view
* Enclaves are now properly placed when sorting by opinion in contacts view
* Relative Power of Enclaves is now hidden in contacts view
* No longer possible to cede and cleanse the same planet
* Fixed randomized species sometimes being generated with the Uplifted trait
* When choosing Hive Mind ethic, Hive Mind authority will now also be autoselected
* Rulers now gain experience and level up from ruling.Heirs gain experience at a reduced rate under Imperial authority
* Oligarchies and Democracies no longer start with skill level 4 rulers
* Fixed certain policies dealing with multiple species not showing up immediately for empires with Syncretic Evolution
* Spiritualist Fallen Empires will no longer demand that empires that have completed the Worm-in-Waiting event chain abandon their home worlds
* Fixed a bug where getting communications with a Fallen Empire or Enclave would immediately give you access to research options for all strategic resources
* Fixed the cheapest Artisan Patron option always being available to everyone
* Fixed overflow bug causing ethic attraction to show wrong values
* It is no longer possible to find out the hit points of 'boss' creatures through the battle screen
* Fixed missing planet or moon reference in the Irassian homeworld event
* Fixed an issue with movement arrows acting strange when lots of orders had been queued
* Species view now only shows pre-sentients within your borders when in Empire species mode
* Culture shocked Pops can no longer join factions
* Megastructures can no longer be built around planets/stars with Anomalies
* Fixed some Fanatic Purifiers getting Slaving Despots AI personality instead
* Fixed AI colonizing next to Xenophobic Fallen Empires when they did not have the power to stand up to them
* Disable slavery/purge species rights groups if they are not applicable
* Derelict Cruiser now has proper components, no longer an empty strike craft section
* Pre-sentients progress bar is now grey again
* Armies from species that are not valid for recruitment (due to changing species rights, etc) will now be disbanded
* Fixed issue where Ring Worlds colonized by the Scourge turned into planets
* Fixed issues related to Extradimensionals bombarding Ring Worlds and Habitats
* Fixed a bug where following your own & allied fleets would result in an aborted order due to that fleet entering FTL
* Fixed a bug where clouds on ringworld would not move
* Fixed a bug where Enigmatic Decoder was not applying its bonuses correctly
* Cyborg admiral trait and Synthetic admiral trait have now swapped stats, correctly making Synthetic admirals stronger than Cyborg ones
* Fixes Mechanist civic not having its robot maintenance effect applied and an incorrect effect being displayed in the tooltipby thegfw最新最實用的遊戲攻略盡在
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