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  家长为子女做出牺牲(Parents Make Sacrifices for Their Children)           Parents often make selfless sacrifices in order to educate their children well. They are willing to do all the exhausting household chores so that children can bury
  英文写作——家长为子女做出牺牲(Parents Make Sacrifices for Their Children)        Parents often make selfless sacrifices in order to educate their children well. They are willing to do all the exhausting household chores so that children can bury themselves in piles of books .They turn off TV when children concentrate on their assignments . To parents their pleasures and pastimes are nothing vital compared with creating a learning atmosphere. Although they never expect children to appreciate their efforts or reward them, they DO wish that children could understand their intentions.    However, sometimes children can not understand parents' sacrifices. Some children take them for granted, because they have been used to these sacrifices from childhood. Sense of self centeredness gradually develops into selfishness. Some disagree with parents but are unable to persuade them. Chances given, these children prefer to do elementary household chores like tidying bedrooms, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.    In my personal judgement, parents should not completely sacrifice themselves to children's academic interest and welfare. It is unwise for them to pin all expectations and hopes on their children while neglecting themselves. Various sacrifices in monetary, material and spiritual terms may change into pressure on children rather than motivation for more satisfactory results.  
  A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dream. 】——❤ 只要人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,他才算老。 ❤   
  语专四词汇辨析:任何事物的“基本”不同    英语专四词汇辨析:任何事物的“基本”不同        basic, essential, fundamental, radical, vital           这些形容词均有“基本的,基础的”之意。          1.basic : 普通用词,指明确、具体的基础或起点。          例如:Drums are basic to African music.(鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。)          2.essential : 语气比basic和fundamental强,强调必不可少,暗含某物如缺少某部分,则失去本质特征的意味。          例如:Money is not essential to happiness.(金钱对于幸福来说并非必不可少。)          3.fundamental : 书面用词,不如basic使用广泛,侧重指作为基础、根本的抽象的事物。          例如:A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.(公共医疗在组织上需要一个本根性的改革。)          4.radical : 着重指事物的根本或其来源。          例如:radial differences between the sexes(两性间的根本差异)          5.vital : 正式用词,侧重指维持生命、活力必不可少的,或生死攸关的。          例如:Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.(妥善的财务账目对任何一个企业的成功来说都是至关重要的。)  
  语专四词汇辨析:任何事物的“基本”不同boboju   阅读1 评论2条 [网页划词已启用] 口语考试 短信订阅 本文属阅读资料 分享文章收藏打印单词测试______   Google提供的广告  外教4人小班 免费试听  美联英语培训机构,上课时间自由 置身海外的语言学习环境.免费试听中!  英语专四词汇辨析:任何事物的“基本”不同        basic, essential, fundamental, radical, vital           这些形容词均有“基本的,基础的”之意。          1.basic : 普通用词,指明确、具体的基础或起点。          例如:Drums are basic to African music.(鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。)          2.essential : 语气比basic和fundamental强,强调必不可少,暗含某物如缺少某部分,则失去本质特征的意味。          例如:Money is not essential to happiness.(金钱对于幸福来说并非必不可少。)          3.fundamental : 书面用词,不如basic使用广泛,侧重指作为基础、根本的抽象的事物。          例如:A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.(公共医疗在组织上需要一个本根性的改革。)          4.radical : 着重指事物的根本或其来源。          例如:radial differences between the sexes(两性间的根本差异)          5.vital : 正式用词,侧重指维持生命、活力必不可少的,或生死攸关的。          例如:Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.(妥善的财务账目对任何一个企业的成功来说都是至关重要的。)  
  what a beautiful girl
  英语词汇构词知识词根篇九十七:sec,sequ      97、sec,sequ=follow跟随    second
[sec跟随;’跟随第一个之后”] 第二;[一小时第一次分为六十分,’第二次”再各分为六十秒] 秒    secondary
[见上,-ary形容词后缀,…的] 第二的,第二位的,第二次的    persecute
[per-从头到尾,一直,sec跟随;’一直跟随”→追踪→追捕] 迫害    persecution
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 迫害    persecutor
[见上,-or者] 迫害者    consecution
[con-=together,sec跟随→相随,相连] 连贯,连续,一致    consecutive
[见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 连贯的,连续的    sequence
[sequ跟,随,随其后→接着,相连接,-ence名词后缀] 继续,连续,一连串    sequent
[见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 连续的,相继的    sequential
[见上,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 连续的,相继的    consequence
[con-=together,sequ跟随,随后,-ence名词后缀,表示事物;’随后发生的事”] 后果,结果    consequent
[见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的;随后发生的”] 随之发生的,必然的    subsequence
[sub-下面,后面,sequ跟随,-ence表示事物] 随后,后果,随后发生的事情    subsequent
[见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 随后的,继…之后的,后来的    sequacious
[sequ跟随,随从,-acious形容词后缀,…的] 盲从的    sequacity
[见上,-acity名词后缀,表示情况,性质] 盲从    
  英语新词:什么是“花葬”      清明前夕,武汉市石门峰都市陵园大力推行环保安葬方式,引导、鼓励市民选择花葬、树葬、草坪葬等节地葬、环保葬。        Residents of Wuhan, in Central China’s Hubei province, are asked to consider flower burials by pouring ashes into the cellar beneath flower beds,
reported Tuesday.        据新华网周二报道,湖北省省会武汉市号召市民采用花葬,将骨灰洒进花坛下方的地窖。        flower burial即“花葬”,环保花葬,即将骨灰倒进花坛下方地窖,让其自然溶解。这种安葬方式充分利用地下空间,除去基础建设用地,可达到“零占地”,实现真正的环保节地。武汉还推行tree burial(树葬)和lawn burial(草坪葬)。这些都是ecological burials / green burials(环保安葬方式)。        武汉去年年底还新建了一批social welfare cemeteries(公益性公墓),以解决commercial cemetery(经营性公墓)费用太高、百姓“葬不起”的难题。由于资源有限,人们也不得不寻求更环保的方式,去年清明节有人还提出online funeral(网上葬礼)的建议。  
  紧张兮兮”英语怎么说        上次我们讲了几个跟nerve有关的习惯用语:Get up the nerve,have got a lot of nerve和of all the nerve。我们今天再学习两个nerve短语。第一个是: a bundle of nerves。        Bundle意思是“一束”或者“一捆”。A bundle of nerves如果直译就是一束神经,这当然不是这个习惯用语的意思。这个习惯用语是用来说某一种人的。让我们看个例子来琢磨那是什么样的人。        例句-1:I’ve been a bundle of nerves since the company told us it’s losing money and will have to lay off 20 percent of our staff. I don’t know if I can hang on to my job or not.        自从公司告诉我们公司因亏损不得不裁员百分之二十之后,我就惶惶不可终日。我不知道自己还能不能保住工作。        例句-2:I’m worried about Sally - she’s a real bundle of nerves these days. I don’t know why: maybe it’s because she drinks a dozen cups of coffee a day. That would make me nervous too.                 我很担心莎莉,她近来总是很神经质。我不懂她怎么会这样,可能是因为她每天喝十几杯咖啡吧。我要是喝太多咖啡也会变得神经兮兮的。        刚才的例子里有nervous这个词。它是从名词nerve派生而来的形容词,意思当然是”神经的“,或者”神经质的“。我们接下来要学个由nervous组成的习惯用语:nervous Nellie。        Nellie是女人的名字,但是nervous Nellie却既可以用来指女人也可以说男人。这个习惯用语从本世纪二十年代开始流传,现在已经不清楚Nellie这个名字的出典。用这个名字也可能只是因为Nellie和nervous都以字母n起头,读起来很顺口。        美国政界人物有时会用nervous Nellie这个说法来贬低政敌。        例句-3:Yes, I know the nervous Nellies in the other party are saying in the papers and on TV that our bill will cost taxpayers more money than it will save, but they’re scared of any new ideas!        我知道反对党的那帮胆小鬼在报纸和电视上宣称我们的提案会使纳税人花费更多,但是这些人害怕任何新设想。        可见他在这儿把那些反对党人物称为nervous Nellies,其实在说他们是一些草木皆兵的胆小鬼。         例句-4:I don’t like to sound like a nervous Nellie, but I’ve got to tell you I’m a little scared about whether our company can stay in business the way things are going right now.        我可不愿意表现得杞人忧天,但是我得告诉你照目前的发展情况看来,我有点担心我们的公司能否站得住脚。  
  英语竟然不是美国的官方语言?          美国共和党众议员Steve King和参议员Jim Inhofe最近提案(the English Language Unity Act of 2011),要将英语定为美国政府的官方工作语言。          Two conservative Republican lawmakers, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) and Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), introduced the English Language Unity Act of 2011 on Friday, a bill that requires that all official United States government functions be conducted in English.           美国共和党众议员Steve King和参议员Jim Inhofe最近提案(the English Language Unity Act of 2011),要将英语定为美国政府的官方工作语言。         &A common language is the most powerful unifying force known throughout history,& King said in a release. &We need to encourage assimilation of all legal immigrants in each generation. A nation divided by language cannot pull together as effectively as a people.&         King说:“历史上拥有最强的凝聚力的无疑就是统一的语言,我们要促进合法移民尽快融入美国社会。一个语言众多纷乱的国家无法团结一致。”         Added Inhofe: &This legislation will provide much-needed commonality among United States citizens, regardless of heritage. As a nation built by immigrants, it is important that we share one vision and one official language.&         Inhofe补充道:“这项立案将在不同文化背景的美国公民间建立起共通性。美国这样拥有很多移民的国家,更加需要一种统一的官方语言和目标。”         In response to the measure, Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano of New York addressed reporters in Spanish Friday, asking them, &como esta?& (That’s Spanish for &how are you?&) He said the bill reflects a non-issue that nonetheless comes up every once in a while.         纽约的民主党众议员Jose Serrano唱起了反调,在周五的记者会上用西班牙语向大家问好。他说这项议案完全毫无意义,而这种东西每隔一段时间就会有人拿出来炒冷饭。         Serrano added that while it’s natural for grandparents speak Spanish, second generations are completely bilingual. With the third generation, he said, the grandmother is always complaining about the kids’ Spanish and why they don’t play soccer.         Serrano说上一辈的移民或许只会讲西班牙语,但年轻一代差不多都是讲双语的。上一辈的人会对年轻人糟糕的西班牙语表示不满,不明白他们为什么不玩足球,不沿袭自己的传统。         According to the advocacy group U.S. English, Inc., more than 700 members of Congress have co-sponsored or voted for measures on making English the official U.S. government language dating back to 1981. The English Language Unity Act attracted 140 co-sponsors when introduced in the last Congress.         倡导学英语的组织U.S. English, Inc.统计表明,自1981年起,有超过700名国会成员参与共同提案或同意将英语定为美国的官方语言。上一次同样的议案在国会赢得了140人的共同提案。   
  扎克伯格结束Facebook“单身”状态          作为Facebook的创始人,他应该知道如何更新自己的“感情状态”,至少人们会这么认为。在和普莉希拉陈谈了七年恋爱后,马克扎克伯格终于向大家宣告他们在一起。                  Mark Zuckerberg finally changes his status to ’in a relationship’          扎克伯格结束Facebook“单身”状态          As the founder of Facebook, you would have thought he would know how to update his relationship status.          作为Facebook的创始人,他应该知道如何更新自己的“感情状态”,至少人们会这么认为。          But seven years after starting his relationship with Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg has finally got around toannouncing they are going out.          在和普莉希拉陈谈了七年恋爱后,马克扎克伯格终于向大家宣告他们在一起。          The 26-year-old has updated his Facebook status to ‘in a relationship’ to reflect the fact he is taken.          现年26岁的扎克伯格把自己的Facebook状态更改为“恋爱中”,来表明他已经不再单身的事实。          He added that the change had been ‘long overdue’ but did not explain why he had waited so long.          他还说,“早就应该”更改情感状态了,不过他没有解释为什么等了这么久才改。          Observers however have noted that often when couples become ’in a relationship’ on the social network and ‘engaged’ status soon follows.          围观者注意到,当情侣们把社交网站上的状态更改为“恋爱中”后,通常他们很快就会把状态改为“订婚”。          Zuckerberg and Chan started seeing each other when they were both studying at Harvard University.          扎克伯格和普莉希拉在哈佛大学读书时就开始交往了。          Following the new update, Chan’s Facebook page reveals that the pair started their relationship on November 7 2003, just days after Zuckerberg’s infamousFacemash stuntat Harvard.          在扎克伯格更新状态后,普莉希拉的Facebook页面显示,两人是在日开始交往的,也就是扎克伯格在哈佛大学推出声名狼藉的Facemash网站数天之后。          He was nearly expelled from the university after hackinginto different colleges’ websites and taking pictures of all the female students, placing them next to each other and asking other students to ’rate’ their attractiveness.          由于非法侵入多个学院的网站,盗取所有女生的相片,并把这些相片对照着放在网上,让同学们给她们的魅力“打分”,扎克伯格差点被哈佛大学开除。          The success the site had during the few days it was on the internet was his initial inspiration for Facebook.          这一网站才推出几天,就引起了轰动,启发了扎克伯格创办Facebook的想法。          Few details have emerged about the couple’s private life together at their home in Palo Alto, California, as Zuckerberg is notoriously secretive.          这对情侣生活在加州帕洛阿尔托的家中,关于他们私生活的具体细节都甚少见光,因为扎克伯格在这方面是出了名的隐秘。          Despite his youth Zuckerberg is worth $13.5billion (£8.3billion), making him the 52nd richest person in the world, according to Forbes magazine - the second youngest billionaire in the world, behind Facebook co-founder and billionaire Dustin Moskovitz.          扎克伯格虽然年纪轻轻,但已经拥有135亿美元(83亿英镑)的身家,根据《福布斯》杂志报道,扎克伯格在全球富豪榜上排行第52位,是世界上最年轻的亿万富翁之一。唯一一个比他年轻的亿万富翁是Facebook的共同创始人达斯汀 莫斯克维奇。          Chan has been with him for a large part of the time Facebook has existed, but it is unclear what role if any she has played in its development.          在Facebook诞生后的大部分时间,普莉希拉 陈都和扎克伯格在一起,但是她是否参与了Facebook的建设,在Facebook的发展中又扮演什么样的角色,却无人知晓。  
  英语新词:你曾被“信息焦虑”困扰吗?        前天给心仪已久的女孩子寄了封情书,向她表白。结果今天就收到回信了,小飞拿着信又紧张又激动,可就是不敢打开看,因为他怕里面只有冷冰冰的一个“No”。这样的情形你经历过吗?                 Message anxiety refers to the act of pausing, freezing up, dreading, or avoiding the viewing of an E-mail, text message, or voice mail that you fear might be bad, negative, or of major importance for you.        Message anxiety(信息焦虑)指收到一封你认为可能有坏消息或者对你至关重要的邮件、短信或语音邮件时表现出的迟疑、僵持、惧怕或者逃避的反应。        For example:        Hey, Mike I just got a message from that girl I met last night, I have message anxiety about it, open it for me.        喂,迈克,昨晚我遇到的那个女孩给我发了条信息,我有点信息焦虑,不敢看,你帮我打开吧  
  英语新词:你曾被“信息焦虑”困扰吗?第八号当铺   阅读76 评论1条 [网页划词已启用] 口语考试 短信订阅 本文属阅读资料 分享文章收藏打印单词测试______   Google提供的广告  外教4人小班 免费试听  美联英语培训机构,上课时间自由 置身海外的语言学习环境.免费试听中!  前天给心仪已久的女孩子寄了封情书,向她表白。结果今天就收到回信了,小飞拿着信又紧张又激动,可就是不敢打开看,因为他怕里面只有冷冰冰的一个“No”。这样的情形你经历过吗?                 Message anxiety refers to the act of pausing, freezing up, dreading, or avoiding the viewing of an E-mail, text message, or voice mail that you fear might be bad, negative, or of major importance for you.        Message anxiety(信息焦虑)指收到一封你认为可能有坏消息或者对你至关重要的邮件、短信或语音邮件时表现出的迟疑、僵持、惧怕或者逃避的反应。        For example:        Hey, Mike I just got a message from that girl I met last night, I have message anxiety about it, open it for me.        喂,迈克,昨晚我遇到的那个女孩给我发了条信息,我有点信息焦虑,不敢看,你帮我打开吧  
  英语词汇构词知识词根篇九十八          98、sect=cut切割    insect
[in-入内,sect切,割;’切入”,’切裂”→昆虫躯体分节,节与节之间宛如’切裂”,’割断”之状,故名] 昆虫    insectology
[见上,-o-,logy…学] 昆虫学    section
[sect切,-ion名词后缀,表示行为及行为的结果] 切开,切断,切下的部分,一部分;[由大机关中’分割”出来的小机关] 科,处,组,股    sectional
[见上,-al形容词后缀,…的] 部分的    sectile
[sect切,-ile易…的,可…的] 可切开的    bisect
[bi-两,二,sect切;’切成两份”] 二等分,平分    bisection
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 二等分,平分    trisect
[tri-三,sect切] 把…分成三份,三等分    trisection
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 三等分,分成三份    dissect
[dis-分开,sect切] 切开,解剖,仔细分析    dissection
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 解剖,分析    transect
[tran-横越,sect切] 横切,切断,横断    transaction
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 横切面,横切    vivisect
[viv(i)活→活体,sect切→解剖] 解剖动物活体    vivisection
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 活体解剖    resect
[re-再,sect切] 切除    resectable
[见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可切除的    resection
[见上,-ion名词后缀] 切除,切除术    intersect
[inter中间,sect切;’从中间切”] 横切,横断,和…交叉    intersection
[见上,ion名词后缀] 横断,交叉,交叉点,交叉路口    secant
[sec=sect割,-ant名词后缀] (数学)割线,正割    cosecant
[co-余,见上] (数学)余割  
He is a mute,Although can understand others speech,Cannot say own actually feeling,She is his neighbor,The girl who is bound by a common destiny with the grandmother.   
He really looks like an elder brother,Leads her to go to school,Accompanies her to play,Listens to her chirp with a smile grasps the speech.   
He only uses the hand signal and she converses,Possible she to be able to read his each look. Gazes at in her vision from elder brother,She knew he has likes oneself.   
Afterwards,She finally tests went to college,Extremely happy,He then starts to go all out to make money,Then sends continuously for her. She has not rejected.   
Finally,She has graduated,Started the work. Then,she said firmly to him that,“Elder brother,I must marry to you!” He looked like only the frightened rabbit to escape, again is not willing to see her,how regardless of she does entreat.   
Do you think i pity you? Do you think i appreciate you? no, i’ve fallen in love with you since i was 12 。But,She can not obtain his reply.   
One day,She has been admitted to the hospital suddenly. He has scared,Runs looks at him. Doctor said,In her throat steadily a lump,Although has excised,Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech. On hospital bed,Her tearful eyes dance gaze he,Therefore they married.     
Very many years,Nobody listens to them to deliver a speech. They use the hand,With pen,Converses with the look, Shares is joyful and is sad. They became have loved the object which the men and women envied. The people said,That pair of how happy mute husbands and wives!   
Love could not prevent god of death arrival,He abandoned her to walk first.   
The people feared she cannot undergo loses lover’s attack to comfort her。By now, She takes back gazes at his portrait after-image the dull crazy vision,Opens the mouth to say suddenly that,“He walked.”   
The rumor has revealed ............  
  新闻词汇:清明节“绿色祭扫”        随着清明节临近,按照传统风俗习惯,一些市民已经陆续开始祭扫先人。今年,“绿色祭扫”成为人们扫墓的一种新趋势,有些管理处还专门开设了“绿色祭扫区”。        请看《中国日报》的报道:        Residents are also being urged to consider setting up freeInternet memorials for loved ones, with many websites offering such services. &The greenest way is online tomb-sweeping,& said Xia.        政府还鼓励居民为去世的亲人设立免费的“网络纪念馆”,很多网站都开通了这项服务。(北京市消防局防火部宣传中心处长)夏春雷说:“最绿色环保的方式就是网上祭扫。”        文中的online tomb-sweeping(网上祭扫)和Internet memorial(网络纪念馆)都是近些年出现的“绿色祭扫”方式。我们还可以为去世的亲友举办online funeral(网上葬礼)、online tribute(网上悼念)等方式寄托哀思。        那么,还有什么其他的“绿色祭扫”方式呢?请看下面这段话:        Other eco-friendly ways being tested at memorial parks include tying yellow ribbons to trees, placing folded paper cranes in bottles and replacing zhiqian with white chrysanthemum, according to media reports.        据媒体报道,公墓祭扫中新出现的“绿色祭扫”方式还有,在树上系黄丝带、折纸鹤放在瓶中、以及用白菊花代替纸钱。        报道中提到的都是最新出现的一些“绿色祭扫”方式,不仅经济环保,还避免了烧纸钱等传统方式带来的火灾隐患。近些年,除了传统的殡葬形式外,还出现了tree burial(树葬)、flower burial(花葬)等环保的殡葬方式。  
  新闻词汇:享乐主义广告            北京市出台规定,禁止户外广告宣传享乐主义、崇洋媚外等。 北京市工商局网站上发布的公告要求各户外广告经营单位必须在4月15之前进行自行检查并及时纠正各类相关问题,否则将依据相关法律法规处理。        请看相关报道:        Beijing bans ’hedonistic’ advertising--Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.        北京禁止“享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外广告。        在上面的报道中,’hedonistic’ advertising就是“享乐主义广告”。Hedonism指的是“享乐主义”,认为享乐是人类最重要的追求,在这里指的是追求物质享受的奢靡之风。Advertising hoardings指的是“广告板”,多用于outdoor advertising(户外广告)。        那些宣扬lifestyles of &emperors and the nobility&( “帝王贵族”生活方式)、带有crude language(粗俗语言)的广告将被清理。此外,公告还要求户外广告不得使用complex, traditional form of Chinese characters(中文繁体字),而应该用simplified script(简体字)。  
  闻词汇:商品房“明码标价”        国家发改委近日发布新规,明令商品房销售要明码标价,实行一套一标价。商品房销售价格明码标价对外后,可以自行降价,打折销售,但涨价必须重新申报备案。此前商品房“一天一价”甚至“一天几价”的局面,有望被遏制。        请看相关报道:        The Department of Price Supervision of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on Tuesday that prices of all properties, agency costs and property management fees must be marked clearly and be consistent with the declared prices.        国家发改委价格监督检查司上周二发布规定,明令所有的商品房售价、代收代办费用、物业管理费用都需明码标价,且与申报价格一致。        文中的prices be marked clearly就是指“明码标价”,比如:比如说:Prices for goods must be clearly marked and advertising must be honest.(商品一律明码标价,广告必须实事求是。)Declared price就是“申报价格”,原先在房地产市场常听到的starting price(起价),average price(均价)等说法都要被declared price所代替。新规旨在防止开发商用各种明目的标价mislead and deceive consumers(误导和欺骗消费者)。        下面我们再来总结一下常见的几种住房类型的说法:        商品房:commercial residential building        廉租房:low-rent housing        经适房:affordable housing        限价房:price-fixed housing        人才保障房:social security housing for talents        保障性住房:indemnificatory housing        公共租赁住房/公租房:public rental housing  
  英语新词:“违章建筑”英文怎么说        4月1日起,《北京市禁止违法建设的若干规定》将执行。新规规定,在建成的居住建筑区域内,不得擅自新建、改建、扩建、翻建。存在私搭乱建现象的别墅、小区顶层、一层房屋等,将被禁止上市再交易。        请看《中国日报》的报道:        From April 1, authorities can even cut off power and water supplies to rule breakers’ homes under new regulations aimed at clamping down on unapproved construction projects. Official data suggests up to 90 percent of villa owners in Beijing have illegally expanded their properties.        从4月1日起,政府将按照新规定对违章建筑予以打击,违章建设住房将甚至会被断水断电。官方数据显示,北京90%的别墅业主都有非法扩建行为。        在上面的报道中,unapproved construction project就是“违章建筑”,指在城市规划区内,未取得建设工程规划许可证或违反建筑工程规划许可证的规定建设的建筑。此次出台的规定涵盖了对reconstruction(改建)、expansion of properties(扩建)、renovation(翻建)等违章行为的处罚条例。        如果涉及违建,房产将被列入blacklist(黑名单),查封construction site(施工现场),cut off power and water supplies(停水断电),不得办理property ownership certificate(房产证)。  
  新闻词汇:数码专辑        日本大地震和海啸发生后,全球明星纷纷暂缓娱乐活动,转战“募捐阵地”,举办公演、义卖、发行数码专辑,向灾区人民施以援手。        请看相关报道:        Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber and Irish rockers U2 are among the artists being featured on a digital-only album being rushed out by Universal Music to raise funds for Japan’s earthquake and tsunami victims.        环球音乐集团近日赶制出数码专辑,为日本地震和海啸募捐。专辑中收录有加拿大流行巨星贾斯汀•比伯和爱尔兰摇滚乐队U2等众多明星的歌曲。        文中的digital-only album就是指“数码专辑”,这里指专辑只发行了数码版,因此数码专辑还可以用digital album或者digital disc来表示。数码专辑体积只有半张名片的大小,不需任何播放器,只要放一节电池插上耳机,便可听到高质清晰的音乐。其实就是一个只有专辑曲目,不能放其他歌曲的小mp3。        歌手发行的首张专辑一般称为the debut album。如果创作者用一张专辑里的所有歌曲来表达一个主题,就称为concept album(概念专辑)。歌手为了推销已发行或将要发行的音乐专辑,有时还会发行single(单曲,一面只录一首歌曲的单曲磁带或激光唱片)或者EP(Extended Play,慢速唱片。EP是CD的一种,每所含曲目量较CD少,一般有1-3首歌左右,最多也不会超过5首歌,价位比一般CD低。)  
  新闻词汇:大S“秘恋”终成正果          台湾女星徐熙媛(大S)与内地富二代汪小菲昨天在海南岛举行千万婚宴,婚礼期间不邀请传媒到场,又禁止宾客拍照,加上现场守卫森严,令婚礼添上神秘面纱,但现场仍不断有照片传出。        请看相关报道:        Earlier when their relationship was still a hush-hush affair, there were leaked reports that the couple planned to throw at least three weddings in different cities.        早在两人关系还处于保密状态之前,就有报道透露两人计划在不同的城市举办至少三场婚礼。        文中的hush-hush affair就是指“机密事件”。Hush的本意是指“安静,不出声”,形容的是嘴唇合扰,将食指贴着嘴唇,同时发出“hush”嘘声。两个词连在一起,就形象描绘出了“秘密、不公开”之意。用于防止某人透露令人尴尬或有损害的消息就称为hush money(封口费)。        大S和汪小菲相识不久就喜结连理,可谓是flash marriage(闪婚)的典范,成为娱乐圈的一段佳话。娱乐圈的女明星不少选择marry into the purple(嫁入豪门)。年轻的大学毕业生流行marriage upon graduation(毕婚)。此外,the rush-to-get-pregnant tribe(闪孕族)、cyber love(网恋)、speed dating(速配)也逐渐为人们接受。  
  新闻词汇:电影网络院线        由七家视频网站联合组建的“电影网络院线发行联盟”近日在京成立。发起方指出,“在线播放”将成为缓解院线拥堵的一大渠道,成为“第二院线”。联盟成员拥有的独家正版电影,将在各自网站的收费平台发布,以此来对视频网站的电影发行进行规范,保障网友利益。        请看新华社的报道:        Jia Yuemin, vice president
which initiated the alliance, said that the Internet-based cinema would ensure netizens authorized copies of films and provide high definition viewing at a reasonable price.        联盟发起方、乐视网副总裁贾跃民表示,电影网络院线将确保网友观看到正版电影,提供高清播放,而且价格合理。        文中的Internet-based cinema就是指“电影网络院线”,也就是把电影院搬到网络上,画质跟传统影院相差无几,而且观影价格低廉。在线观看电影已经非常普遍,但之前不少人观看到的其实是盗版电影。此次发起的联盟就是为了对市场进行规范,确保网友可以以合理价格观看正版电影。        报道中还提到了我们在线观看影片时常用的两个词:High definition viewing就是我们在观看时可以选择的“高清观看、高清播放”。“高清电视”就可以称为high definition TV。Authorized films就是指“正版电影”,与之相对的则是pirated movies(盗版电影)。        发起此次联盟的是七家video-streaming websites(视频网站),今后几家网站将在各自平台推出fee-based online movies(收费的在线电影)。  
  英文写作——努力工作有利健康(Hard Work Is Good for Health)          Scientists find that the hard-working prestigious people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health.    Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from lonehness and solitude. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and solitary when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel they are most happy when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other. By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and hence makes him liable to disease.    Besides, work gives one the sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor snccessfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.    From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier you will be and the more healthy as well.            努力工作有利健康    科学家们发现努力工作的名人比一般人寿命长,职业妇女比家庭妇女健康。有证据表明,失业者比在业人员健康状况差。调查表明失业率每增长l%,死亡率相应增长2%。所有这些都表明:工作有利于健康。    为什么工作对健康有好处?因为工作使人忙碌,不会寂寞、孤独。研究表明,人们无事可做时会感到不愉快、忧虑、孤独。忙碌反而使人愉快。许多热爱事业、卓有成就的人在努力工作时感到最幸福。工作可作为人与现实之间的桥梁:通过工作,人们彼此接触;通过集体活动,人们得到友谊和温暖。这有利于健康。失去工作就是失去一切,它影响人的精神,使人容易得病。    此外,工作给人以充实感和成就感。工作使人感到自身的价值和社会地位。作家写完书,医生成功地给病人做完手术,教师看到学生的成长,他们有说不出的幸福。
  Job Hunting找工作      
  Making sentences by patterns    句型造句easy go     Work    工作    Job Hunting    找工作    I was reading the head hunting ads.     我看了求才广告    I emailed my resume to some companies.    我把履历表寄给一些公司    I talked with my friends about the suitable jobs.    我和我朋友讨论适合我的工作    I received a telephone call from my dream company about having an interview with me.    我接到我梦寐以求的公司的电话要和我面试
  白领想要好睡眠?提早关灯关电脑              If you want a good night’s sleep, switch off the TV, computer and mobile phone an hour before going to bed, experts say. Nine in ten people admit using electronics in the hour before turning out the lights – and it’s wrecking their sleep patterns, it is claimed. Artificial light emitted by TV and computer screens and over-stimulation of the brain have been blamed.       当今大城市中快节奏的生活方式催生了很多新鲜词汇,比如:卡奴、房奴、蜗居或者蚁族等等。超负荷的生活压得人喘不过气,许多白领身体的“亚健康”状态也呈现愈发严重的态势,“睡觉”是摆在白领们面前的又一个“考验”,忙碌了一天的人们到了该睡觉的时候竟然睡不着。这可怎么办呢?专家建议,想要拥有一个高质量的睡眠质量,睡前1小时把电视、电脑以及手机等等电子设备关闭。因为电子设备,比如电视和电脑屏幕所“释放”出的人造光会“过度刺激”大脑,影响睡眠质量。         Sleeplessness: One of the worst activities for causing sleep problems is video games, according to the major survey by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation The worst activities are video games, using mobiles and surfing the internet, according to a major survey by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation. Dr Charles Czeisler, of Harvard Medical School, said: ‘Artificial light exposure between dusk and the time we go to bed suppresses release of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, enhances alertness and shifts normal sleep patterns to a later hour.’         根据“美国国家睡眠基金会”的研究报告称,当今制造睡眠问题的最大隐患就是电子设备的干扰,而在诸多电子设备中,“电子游戏”“手机”“网游”是最让人不省心的,他们可以被当作是“当今睡眠杀手”对待,来自“ 哈佛医学院”的专家Dr Charles Czeisler说:“电子设备的人造光所给睡眠带来的负面影响不容忽视,即使关掉了,它所释放出的人造光还是能影响体内荷尔蒙退黑激素(hormone melatonin),这种退黑激素能引发引发嗜睡与疲倦等SAD的典型症状,而人造光的后续负面影响会加强大脑负荷与警觉,这种影响至少能持续1个小时。”         One in ten people in their 20s said they were routinely woken during the night by a phone call, text message or email. Professor Jim Horne, director of the sleep research centre at Loughborough University, said: ‘Even children aged five, six and seven have got video games in their bedroom. ’They need to settle down and relax before going to bed.’         有10%的20多岁的年轻人在调查中承认,他们在睡觉过程中,经常被手机铃声或者短信和电子邮件吵醒,睡也睡得不心安。来自英国拉夫堡大学的教授Jim Horne说:“现在就连5、6岁的小孩对电子游戏都相当精通,他们太需要睡前放松了。要不这样下去,对他们的成长十分不利。”   
  史上最不浪漫的情诗      据说,2010年华盛顿邮报曾搞了一个比赛,要求写两行押韵的诗,第一行能多浪漫就多浪漫,第二行能多不浪漫就多不浪漫,以下是一些入选作品,娱大家一乐。        1. My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:   Marrying you has screwed up my life        我的心肝,我的挚爱,我美丽的贤妻,   我这辈子就毁在你手里。        2. I see your face when I am dreaming.   That’s why I always wake up screaming.        你的容颜依稀入梦境,   于是我在尖叫中惊醒。        3. Kind, intelligent,   This describes everything you are not.        善良、聪慧、多情而性感,   可惜这些你一条都不占。        4. Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,   But I only slept with you ’cause I was pissed.        爱是上天赐福,爱情多么美好,   可我与你同眠只是因为喝高。        5. I thought that I could love no other   -- that is until I met your brother.        曾以为一生只爱你一个   直到遇见你的二表哥。        6. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.   But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead,the sugar bowl’s empty and so is your head.        娇艳的紫罗兰,鲜红的玫瑰,甜蜜的糖,就像你一样美。   但紫罗兰会凋谢,玫瑰会枯黄,糖碗空空如也,和你的脑袋一样。                  7. I want to fee   But don’t take that paper bag off your face.        我渴望你温柔的拥抱,   但别把你脸上的面具摘掉。        8. I love your smile, your face, and your eyes   Damn, I’m good at telling lies!        我爱你的明眸,你的脸庞,你的微笑,   妈的,我真是说谎不打草稿!        9. My love, you take my breath away.   What have you stepped in to smell this way?        爱人啊,你简直让我窒息,   你在哪沾上的一身臭气?        10. My feelings for you no words can tell,   Except for maybe &Go to hell.&        我对你的深情无法付诸言语,   除了一句“滚一边去”!        11. What inspired this amorous rhyme?   Two parts vodka, one part lime.        是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?   伏特加两杯,酸柠檬一片。  
  100、sid=sit坐    preside
[pre-前,sid坐;开会时’坐在前面主要位置上”→主持会议] 作会议的主席,主持,指挥,统辖    president
[见上,-ent表示;’指挥者”,”统辖者”→首脑] 总统,大学校长,会长,总裁    presidential
[见上,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 总统(或校长)的,总统(或校长)职务的    presidium
[见上,-ium名词后缀] 主席团    reside
[re-后,sid坐,’to sit back”→to stay behind,留下来,安顿下来→住下] 居住    resident
[见上,-ent表示人] 居民;[-ent形容词后缀,…的] 居住的,居留的    residence
[见上,-ence名词后缀] 居住,住宅,住处,住处,公馆    residential
[见上,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 居住的,住宅的    subside
[sub-下,sid坐;’坐下”→沉下] 沉降,沉淀;[‘坐下”→落下→沉静下来,平静下来] 平息    subsidence
[见上,-ence名词后缀] 沉降,沉淀,平息    dissidence
[dis-分开,sid坐,-ence名词后缀;’与别人分开坐”→与别人不致→持相反意见] 意见不同,不一致,不同意,异议    dissident
[见上,-ent表示人] 不同意的人,持异议的    assiduous
[as-=ad-,表示at,sit坐,-uous的;’能坐下来坚持工作的”] 刻苦的,勤奋的  
  英语新词:“拽人名”        我们身边有些人从来都不把明星当外人,一说起来就感觉这些明星都是他家邻居,要不就是他的“发小”。在熟人中间,这样的做法一般都不会得到什么好脸色,可要是在一堆陌生人中间,左一个“我发哥”,又一个“我本山大叔”这么name dropping,没准真有人被唬了呢。        Name dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions within a conversation, story, song, online identity, or other communication.        Name dropping指在谈话、故事、歌曲、网络身份或者其它交流中提及重要人物或机构的行为,暂译为“拽人名”。        Name dropping is used to position oneself within a social hierarchy. It is often used to create a sense of superiority by raising one’s status. By implying (or directly asserting) a connection to people of high status, the name-dropper hopes to raise his or her own social status to a level closer to that of those whose names he or she has dropped, and thus elevate himself or herself above, or into, present company.        “拽人名”通常是为了在某个社会层级中确立自己的地位,通过提高自己的地位来建立一种优越感。这些人在暗示(或者直接表明)自己与高层人士的关系时希望能够将自己的社会地位提升到与那些高层接近的状态,从而凌驾于身边同伴之上,或者成为与其平等的一员。        Name dropping can also be used to identify people with a common bond. By indicating the names of people one knows, one makes known his or her social circle, providing an opportunity for others with similar connections to relate.        “拽人名”还能用来搜寻与自己有共同交际圈的人。一个人在提到自己认识的一些人时,别人也能从中得知他的社交圈,由此便为其他有相似社交圈的人提供了一个可以相互联系的机会。    
  雷人发现:学历越高 寿命越长?    Higher education could help you live longer, according to a study.       据一项研究报告称,学历越高,人们的寿命将越长。         It found people who went to college or university had lower blood pressure as they aged than those whose education finished when they left school in their teens.         研究发现,大学生的血压平均值要明显低于那些在同等年龄段获得青少年时期已经完成了学业的人群。           With high blood pressure doubling the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, according to the Blood Pressure Association, the finding suggests a good education could save your life.         而血压过高将增加死于心脏病或中风的危险,据国际血压组织称,良好的教育有助于延年益寿。         The biggest health benefits were found among those with master’s degrees or doctorates, and were stronger for women, the journal BMC Public Health reports.         获得学士或博士学位对于健康得最大益处在女性的身上表现更为明显。         Researchers at Brown University, Rhode Island, who tracked the health of nearly 4,000 American men and women for 30 years, also found highly educated men tended to be thinner and smoked and drank less than those without further education.         布朗大学的研究者们通过对于过去30年间所收集到的近4000名美国男性女性的健康数据研究后发现,高学历者的体型较瘦,更少出现吸烟与饮酒的情况。         Well-educated women also smoked less and were thinner – but drank more than those who did not go to college or university.         受到良好教育教育的女性身形更为苗条,同时更少的出现有吸烟者,但在饮酒方面,则要比那些没上过大学的女性出现的几率要高。         The jobs taken by school-leavers may also impact on health.         那些离开学校的人的就业情况同样对于健康有影响。         Study leader Eric Loucks said: ‘Low educational attainment has been demonstrated to predispose individuals to high strain jobs, characterised by high levels of demand and low levels of control, which have been associated with elevated blood pressure.’         研究者称,受教育程度底的人群更倾向于从事高压力的工作,同时控制力也更低,这些方面都与人体的血压情况不无相关。         He isn’t sure why women’s blood pressure is particularly affected by education – or the lack of it. But it may that lack of education affects a woman’s lifestyle, and so her physical health, more than a man’s.         尽管对于受教育程度与女性健康之间的直接影响还存在这不确定的因素,但缺少教育将会影响女性的生活方式,所以在身体健康方面对于女性的影响要比男性大得多。     
  英语词汇构词知识词根篇101:sist        101、sist=stand站立    resist
[re-相反,反对,sist立;’to stand against”] 反抗,抵抗,对抗    resistance
[见上,-ance名词后缀] 抵抗,反抗    resistant
[见上,-ant形容词后缀,…的] 抵抗的’[-ant表示人] 抵抗者    resistible
[见上,-ible形容词后缀,可…的] 可抵抗的,抵抗得住的    consist
[con-共同,一起,sist立;’立在一起”] 组合在一起→共同组成] 由…组成    assist
[as-表示at,sist立,’立于一旁”] 帮助,援助,辅助    assistance
[见上,-ance名词后缀] 帮助,援助,辅助    exist
[ex-外,出(在x后省略s)ist=sist立;’to stand forth”→to emerge,to appear] 存在    existence
[见上,-ence名词后缀] 存在,存在物    existent
[见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 存在的    insist
[in-加强意义,sist立;’坚定不移”] 坚决主张,坚持    insistence
[见上,-ence名词后缀] 坚决主张,坚持    persist
[per-贯穿,从头到尾,自始至终,sist立] 坚持,持续    persistence
[见上, -ence名词后缀] 坚持,持续    
  英语词汇构词知识词根篇102:son          102、son=sound声音    sonic
[son声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 声音的,音速的    supersonic
[super-超,son声音,ic形容词后缀,…的] 超音速的    subsonic
[sub-亚,次,son声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 亚音速的    stereosonic
[stereo-立体,son声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 立体声的    unison
[uni单一,son声音;’同一声音”] 同音,齐唱,一致,调和    unisonant
[见上,-ant形容词后缀,…的] 同意的,一致的    dissonant
[dis-分开→不同,son声音,-ant形容词后缀,…的;’不同声音的”] 不和谐的,不一致的    dissonance
[见上,-ance名词后缀] 不和谐,不一致    resonant
[re-回,son声音,-ant形容词后缀,…的] 回声的,反响的    resonate
[见上,-ate动词后缀] 回声,反响,共鸣,共振    resonator
[见上,-or表示物] 共鸣器,谐振器    ultrasonic
[ultra-超,son声音,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 超声的,超音速的;[转作名词] 超声波    sonics
[son声音,-ics…学] 声能学  
  英语新词:应急避难所        日本强震及海啸引发了人们对于应急避难的关注。日前,上海决定在五年内修建若干座应急避难所,在灾难来临时及时保护人们的生命安全。        More than two weeks after an earthquake and a tsunami struck Japan, the Shanghai government said it plans to better deal with disasters by building emergency shelters in 30 parks within five years.        日本大地震及海啸发生已有两周多了。上海政府日前表示,计划于五年内在30个公园修建若干座应急避难所。        文中的emergency shelter就是指“应急避难所”,主要是在灾情来临时,供人们逃生和暂时避难的场所,提供temporary lodging spaces(临时居住地),也称为disaster shelter。Shelter就是指“庇护处,避难处”,比如bus shelter(公共汽车候车亭);bomb shelter(防空壕、避难室),也可以有抽象的含义,比如tax shelter(避税)。        此次上海的emergency shelter里面,还将安装video-surveillance devices(视频监控设备)和digital screen displays(数字播放系统),用来播放最新避难信息。此外,避难所还将设立垃圾循环利用体系,并使用solar energy(太阳能)来供电。目前,上海首个experimental emergency shelter(实验性应急避难所)正在修建当中。  
  文写作——清明节起源ORIGIN(起源)    Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord’s life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit’s life with his mother in the mountains.     Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie’s death. Thus began the &cold food feast&, a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.     The &cold food& festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the &cold food& festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one’s elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation.     谈到清明节,有点历史知识的人,都会联想到历史人物介子椎。据历史记载,在两千多年以前的春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子椎不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,作了国君(即晋文公,春秋五霸之一),大事封赏所有跟随他流亡在外的随从,惟独介子椎拒绝接受封赏,他带了母亲隐居绵山。     晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带着老母出来。谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了。为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。     寒食节是在清明节的前一天,古人常把寒食节的活动延续到清明,久而久之,清明取代了寒食节。拜介子椎的习俗也变成了清明扫墓的习俗了。无论以何种形式纪念,为了使纪念祖先的仪式更有意义,我们应该让年轻一代的家庭成员了解先人过去的奋斗历史,当然,还要学习介子椎宁死不屈的气节。  
  孩子都拥有最好的语言天赋,及时的开发,天赋将变成能力,每一个孩子都能说一口流利的英语。      然而,如果没有及时的外语开发,片面的开发,比如中国传统英语教育长期以来的应试教育把家长与孩子的重心错误引导到读、写、译的能力方面,听力差,说的能力一片空白,造就整整几代受过高等教育的大学生连小学生的开口说英语的能力都没有,哑吧英语成为中国英语教育史上一个永远的痛。而我们的英语教育在相当长一段时间内,甚至从中学才开设英语课程,这完全违背了语言学习越早越好的基本规律。.cn      我们在很早就通过《希望英语》电视节目等传达英语是用来说的、用的这一基本观点。如今,中国的教育界与每一个家庭都深刻意识到中国英语教育必须彻底变革,这种变革也正在进行过程之中。然而,中国之大,这种过程必将是漫长的。      但是,我们不能坐等,孩子是国家真正的未来与希望,每一天都在长大,我们必须行动起来。我们要让每一个有机会学习“希望英语”McGraw-Hill北美少儿英语课程的孩子都能说一口流利的英语,只有这样,孩子的未来才有希望,中国才能实现真正的国际化。      为了更多的中国孩子说一口流利的英语,成为真正的现代国际公民,以希望英语在中国十年来的巨大影响力,联盟国际著名的教育机构“麦格劳-希尔”,针对中国学生,引进并开发适合中国学生的英语课程,打造独家教材,培训现代新型青少年、幼儿英语教育教师,营造英语语境的学习环境,让孩子如生活在英语国家的校园课堂中,让英语学习成为青少年、童年一段与朋友快乐成长的美好时光。    
      近日新闻:3月22日下午,闪电恋爱的大S和汪小菲终于“修成正果”,在海南三亚高调举行了婚礼。在围观二人秀幸福的同时,我们也一起看看与结婚相关的英语表达。    bride 新娘
Bridegroom 新郎      bestman 伴郎
bridesmaid 伴娘      wedding day 举行婚礼的日子     honeymoon 蜜月     wedding march 婚礼进行曲    这些词可以这样用:    1.The bridegroom is ready for the wedding but the bride is still undecided about the dress she should wear.    新郎已经准备好了,但是新娘还没确定下来该穿哪套婚纱。    2.Anything going wrong on your wedding day can often makes things even more memorable.    婚礼上的一些不符合常规的趣事往往能够使这场婚礼更令人印象深刻。    
  有“地域偏见”的placist--时代新词盘点        我们在英文中见过不少以ist结尾的单词,比如racist(种族主义者)、materialist(唯物主义者)等。这些单词指代的人群通常都对某一事物或理念,如race(种族)或material(物质)怀有坚定的或固执的认识和想法。今天,我们就为这个ist词汇家族新添一位成员吧。        
    下载 (17.36 KB)    昨天 21:29      Placist is a person who discriminates against other people based on where the other people live, or who holds strong negative or positive feelings toward a certain place based on loose stereotypes.        Placist(地域主义者)指因他人的居住地而对其抱有歧视态度的人,或者指因为某些毫无根据的固有印象而对某个地方抱有强烈的否定或肯定态度的人。        For example:        Ashlyn is such a placist. She thinks that everybody who lives in Florida is old, senile, plays golf all day and is a terrible driver.        阿什琳真是有地域偏见。她觉得佛罗里达州的每个人都老态龙钟,整天打高尔夫,而且开车技术很差劲。     
  看看英语怎么“骗”人        今天是愚人节,人们都热衷于在这一天骗人取乐,被愚的人也不会追究,往往一笑了之。不过如果在别的场合下还是要提高警惕,提防骗子哦。今天我们来看看和“骗”有关的口语表达吧。        1. Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it.        那些撒谎和欺骗别人的人决不会逃得过惩罚。        2. He was skinned of all his money by confidence tricksters.        他所有的钱都被骗子骗走了.                 3. It’s wrong to gull a child.        欺骗孩子是不对的。        4. She deceived me into giving her my car keys.        她骗我把车钥匙给了她。        5. He often hustles on the streets to pay for drugs.        为弄到钱买毒品,他常在街上骗人.        6. This salesman ripped us off!        我们被那个卖东西的骗了!        7. Their scam is selling fake Chinese medicine to old people.        他们的骗局是卖假中药给老人。        8. The crooks swindled $3,000 out of the old woman.        那个骗子骗了那位大娘3000美元。        9. We fooled the boss into giving us all the day off.        我们骗老板给我们放了一天假。        10. Tell him that there will be lots of food and he will rise to the bait.        你告诉他到时候会有很多吃的,他会上钩的。        11. You can’t trick me out of my money. I’m not that dumb!        你骗不走我的钱,我没那么蠢。    
  强自信小秘诀:着装和微笑最关键            Take all those clothes that are too small for you to the charity shop. Gazing at wannabe smaller sizes every time you open your wardrobe door is like punching yourself in the eye on a daily basis。          太小的衣服都捐掉!每天看着衣橱里那些小得你根本穿不进的衣服,等于是自己给自己找气受。                  Stop keeping clothes for ‘best’ — wear them regularly。          别把好衣服留着在重要场合穿,时不时就拿出来穿嘛。          Smile. Whether you feel like smiling or not, it makes you feel and look better, and other people respond better to you as well。          一定要微笑,不管你心情如何,这样不仅自己看上去形象更好,别人也会对你更温和。          Stop comparing your life with other people, especially celebrities. Most of them are worried sick about slipping down the charts or not getting offered the best roles. Their self-obsession means that they are rarely capable of holding down a happy and loving relationship。          别拿你的人生和别人比,尤其不要和明星比。他们天天担心自己人气下滑,担心自己得不到演主角的机会,这意味着他们根本没办法经营一段幸福温馨的感情。          Write a proper diary, on paper with a pen. Imagine it’s being written for the future you and make it a good account of your life, filled with humour and positive insights. Make your tone brave and optimistic. Adopting this writing style will enable you to change your perspective of what’s happening to you。          写日记,就当是写给未来的自己看的,所以语言要幽默,语调要积极,这样也会让你从一个不同的角度来审视当下。          Compliment yourself. Out loud. In the mirror。          对着镜子大声赞美自己。  
    重温毛泽东思想          国民经济的两个拳头,一个屁股。基础工业是一个拳头,国防工业是一个拳头,农业是屁股――送给现在的中国领导人。  鸡蛋因适当的温度而变化为鸡,但温度不能使石头变为鸡――他说起来简单,你理解起来挺难。  打得赢就打,打不赢就走――最真实最实用的军事游击名言。  党外无党,帝王思想,党内无派,千奇百怪――出口成章,才华横溢。  敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追――最真实最实用的军事游击名言,许多组织靠它可以打下天下。  敌人一天天烂下去,我们一天天好起来――如果是别人说的就是梦呓,因为是老人家说的,就是哲言。  多少事,从来急,天地转,光阴迫,一万年太久,只争朝夕――真理与文学的完美组合句。  帝国主义是纸老虎――是说给胡温和所有中国的后代领导人听的。  一切反动派都是纸老虎――同上。  凡是敌人反对的,我们就要拥护;凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对――最准确的民族主义加上最实用的斗争哲学。  搞一点原子弹、氢弹、洲际导弹,我看十年完全可能――除他之外,没人敢这么说。  革命不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,“文质彬彬”,那样“温良恭俭让”。革命就是暴动,是一个阶级推翻一个阶级的暴烈的行动――巨手如轮,真理如火,就这样把世界给改变了。  高贵者最愚蠢,卑贱者最聪明――最平易的哲理。  核战争打不起来――老人家早看透了这世上一切。  好好学习,天天向上――没有比这句更慈祥更实用的校训了。  基本粒子也是可分的――他不是科学家,但他是哲学家,比科学家高明许多。  历史是人民创造的――敢于解析一个谁也讲不清的道理。  独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头――网上评论,最酷的一句词。  不是东风压倒西风,就是西风压倒东风――适用于中国处理国际关系,适用于奥运会前,也适用于奥运会后。  不到长城非好汉――最有影响力的当代励志名言。  彻底的唯物主义是无所畏惧的――大多知识层的自我标榜,自我激励。  农村是一个广阔的天地,在那里是可以大有作为的――同样适用于今天。  农村包围城市,武装夺取政权――世界上许多人在执行,许多人为这句话而生,为这句话而死,比如普拉昌达和格瓦拉。  马克思主义的道理千条万续,归根结底就是一句话,造反有理――振聋发聩。  没有调查就没有发言权――最实用的生活哲理。  美帝国主义想打多久,我们就打多久!――靠,牛逼的极致。  美国可能对中国实行和平演变――果然如此。  哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗——毛泽东  群众是真正的英雄――送给今天的中国精英们。  枪杆子里面出政权――一条千古不变的真理。  前途是光明的,道路是曲折的――最适合自我激励。  人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人――他老人家咋想出来的的?  扫帚不到,灰尘照例不会自己跑掉――大家都明白,但只有毛泽东把它说成了哲理。  石达开没有走通的路,我们一定能走通――这辈子不信邪,而成败全由之。  世上无难事只要肯登攀――我最相信的一句话。  世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们的。你们青年人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时期,好像早晨八九点钟的太阳,希望寄托在你们身上――这样一个普通的道理,被他说来就让人激动万分。  三十年前您是我的老师,三十年后的今天,您仍然是我的老师――师生关系的最好写照。  世界上怕就怕“认真”二字,共产党就最讲认真――但愿现在的共产党能常回想这句话  世界上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨――真理,从男女恋爱到国家交往全然适用。  首先,苏联、美国是第一世界;其次,中间派,日本、欧洲、加拿大,是第二世界;最后,亚洲(除了日本)、非洲和拉丁美洲是第三世界――中国应永远保持第三世界的骨血和气质。  生的伟大,死的光荣――对一个人的至高表扬莫过于此。  天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧――老人家在无奈的时候,也不忘甩一甩才华,这是让我们为他折服的理由。  我们不但善于破坏一个旧世界,我们还将善于建设一个新世界――无所不为,无所不敢为,典型的个人风格。  无限风光在险峰――最准确的晚年心境。  为人民服务――已经成为世界上“毛主义”信条的5个字。  为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天――才情、深情与激情的完美组合句。  向雷锋同志学习――不敢相信,这么简单的一句话,怎样改造了几代人的灵魂,不是雷锋让人疯狂,而是这句话让人疯狂。  星星之火,可以燎原――星星之火的吹牛,不想最后真的做到了燎原。  中国永远不称霸――但也不能被欺负,他是这么说的,也是这么做的。  中国的抗战要打七八年――这是句让他成为伟人的论断。  自己动手,丰衣足食――最有志气的一句话。  自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里――少年即负壮志,送给现在的80后90后。  战略上要蔑视敌人,战术上要重视敌人――太有用的,被无数人引用。  只有大量地消灭敌人,才能更好地保存自己――毛泽东最事夺取政权的法宝,孙子兵法之外的最有价值军事格言。  真理有时在少数人手里――就是这句话掀动了对他的全国性个人崇拜。  不要考试,考试干什么?一样不考才好呢!对于考试一概废除,搞个绝对化――为什么让我现在看到它,而不是中学时代?  从前我在学校里是不守规矩的,只是以不开除为原则的――说到学生心里去了。  再斗十年,地球照样转动,天也不会掉下来――呵呵,果然如此。  谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后――简单的语气,深刻的哲理。  消灭了敌人的同时,也就等于消灭了自己――一辈子斗争的总结,可以指导许多人搞各种各样的斗争。  用革命的两手,对待反革命的两手――我把它改成“对待流氓要比他还流氓”。  友谊第一,比赛第二――残奥会最该挂的标语,比什么“同一个世界,同一个梦想”有意义多了。  宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可故名学霸王――他说过的最深奥的话之一。  与天斗其乐无穷,与地斗其乐无穷,与人斗其乐无穷――关键是后面的“其乐无穷”。  中国取得独立之后,可能大规模引进外资――邓小平帮他办到了。  中国人民从此站起来了――这句话可以让中国再自豪100年。  勇敢分子也要利用一下嘛!我们开始打仗,靠那些流氓分子,他们不怕死。有一个时期军队要清洗流氓分子,我就不赞成――我党成功的一个灰色经验,只有毛爷爷敢于承认。  雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越――适用于所有失败和成功。  这个军队具有一往无前的精神,它要压倒一切敌人,而决不被敌人所屈服――他仍然掌握着中国军队的根系。  下定决心、不怕牺牲、排除万难、去争取胜利――战无不胜的意志,排山倒海的修辞。       
  英语新词:回归乡间的都市人      ______ 这两年,不少城里人都开始在乡间购买农家小院,周末或假日的时候举家去那里呼吸新鲜空气。在国外,这样的人也不少呢。有些纯粹是为了投资,有些也是为了逃离大城市的喧嚣而去的。        Ruralpolitans refer to urbanites who relocate to the countryside.        Ruralpolitans(暂译为“乡间都市人”)指移居乡间的城市居民。                 While urban and suburban real estate is still generally under pressure, the rural market is holding up better in many areas. Sometimes dubbed “ruralpolitans,” those city and town dwellers are looking at land as their new safe investment, one they hope could prove more stable than their jobs and 401(k)s – and provide a better lifestyle.        在城中和城郊房地产市场持续低迷的时候,很多地区的乡村地产市场却日益火热。那些被称为“乡间都市人”的城里人都把乡间的土地看作一项新的安全的投资领域,他们希望乡间土地投资带给他们的生活会比城里的工作和养老金计划所保障的生活更稳定、更美好。        Motivations can vary, but typically there are three groups: young people buying land as an asset or investment, with vague hopes t exurban commuters who have jobs in big towns or cities but want
and back-to-the-land types who want to dabble in hobby farming.        城里人回归乡间的原因各有不同,基本上说有三类:年轻人买地作为固定资产或者投资,回来居住的可能性很小;工作在在城里的人想要逃离城市的喧嚣;以及回归乡间想要以农耕为乐的人们。        Although “ruralpolitans” has been around since at the least the 1990s, the term is increasingly newsworthy – both because of the recession and a growing interest in living greener and more sustainable lives.        虽说ruralpolitans (乡间都市人)这个词大约在20世纪90年代就出现了,不过近几年却开始引人关注,一个是因为经济衰退,还有一个是因为越来越多的人们开始注重绿色和更加可持续的生活方式。        注:401k退休福利计划是美国于1981年创立一种延后课税的退休金帐户计划,美国政府将相关规定明订在国税法第401K条中,故简称为401K计划。该计划是自愿性质,劳工可依其个人需求自由选择政府核准过的的个人退休金计划。内容为要求雇员定期拨金钱至个人的退休计划,同时公司将拨部分资金至每位雇员的401K,直到雇员离职。而雇员可自行决定拨钱的数目多寡。  
  beautiful girl
  Hi,everyone,welcome to join this topic,I hope you can say something about it.thanks
  I’m kind person who live woman beautiful
  I’m kind person who live woman beautiful
  I’m kind person who live woman beautiful  
  I’m kind person who love woman beautiful
  【劲词天天学】        最近,有关“穿越”等时间旅行题材的电影、电视剧、小说层出不穷,无限吸引大家的眼球,“活在当下”已经不再是主流,“穿越回过去”、“跨越到未来”才是虏获人心的趋势。今天Hi-English就带领大家一起学习“穿越英语”!    Time travel  时间旅行    这个词我们可以这样用:    1. Since Einstein revealed his special theory of relativity, we’ve known that time travel—at least moving forward through time—is possible.      自从爱因斯坦发表了狭义相对论之后,我们才认识到,“回到未来”并非完全不可能。    2. Black holes distort this fabric of space-time maximally, and you can show that black holes can be time machines.      黑洞极大程度地扭曲了空间。你可以发现,原来黑洞有可能就是所谓的“时光机。”    3. To travel in time, we’ll have to go more than 2,000 times faster than the Apollo 10 spacecraft, which reached 25,000 mph.      要想真的进行时间旅行,我们的速度必须达到阿波罗十号太空飞船速度的2000倍。时速需要达到25000英里。    
  英语新词:网游监护 online guardianshipwebidora 网游监护         3月1日起,全国网络游戏行业全面实施“家长网游监护工程”。网游监护工程实施后,家长们可以通过网络游戏企业,控制孩子玩网络游戏的时间和频率,甚至享有“封号权”。    请看《中国日报》的报道:    Some parents think the application process for the online guardianshipis too complicated.    有部分家长认为,申请网游监护的过程过于繁琐。    文中的online guardianship就是指“网游监护”,全称为Parents’ Guardian Project for Minors Playing Online Games(家长网游监护工程),这里的online其实是指online/cyber games(网游,网络游戏)。家长在申请监护时,要提供证件证明自己是guardian(监护人)。必要时还可以封闭孩子的gaming account(游戏账号),采取一些coercive measures(强制措施)。    Guardianship意思是“监护、监护权”,比如legal guardianship(合法监护权)。目前,不少under-age children(未成年人)染上Internet addicts(网瘾),甚至参与online gambling(网络赌博),的确需要家长进行适当监护和引导。  
  话说单词 actual        1.实际的,事实上的  What}


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