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有没有专业的鉴定下 这款游戏Cinderella Escape,R12
Cinderella Escape
Cinderella Escape
灰姑娘逃出 Cinderella Escape
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Cinderella Escape! R12
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22 Sep, 2015 @ 2:00pm
26 Jan @ 7:48pm
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Thanks to everyone. I'm glad you guys love this game.
I planned to release this game on Nov. 16 2015.
And there is something IMPORTANT that I have to warn you before your purchasing.
This game on Steam is R12. and will not have any patches of R18 contents (Adult contents).
If you want to play the R18 version, please visit English DLsite for more details.
I want you guys pick the right version that you really want to buy.
So I released R18 before R12.
Thank you very much and please stay tuned.
Thank you for your comments ,suggestions and following my project.
I've removed some contents that made some people &uncomfortable&, sorry for that.
I also tried to make some stages a bit easier and re-uploaded a new Demo.
Furthermore, I read all the comments, including positive and negative ones.
Well, I won't delete any comments, because I think they are very important to me.
I'll think about them. Thanks for playing and thanks for all your help and suggestions.
I also made some modifications in the game descriptions.
Have fun!
Store Page
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Demo Game speaks louder than my words.
Let's download and play it.
Thank you very much!
Once upon a time, there was an unlucky girl named Cinderella. She's beautiful and kind.
However, her stepmother didn't like her one little bit and treated her as a slave.
One day a letter of invitation was arrived.
Telling that a ball was to be held at the palace and the Prince would choose a girl to become his wife.
She made every effort to get rid of all troubles to go to the ball.
Unfortunately, it happened that she saw the King was murdered by his son, the Prince.
Yes, How embarrassing! that's how they first meet each other. Moreover...
The Prince claimed that Cinderella killed the King and try to framed her up.
Finally, Cinderella was arrested and locked in the dungeon...
...what will happen to Cinderella?
...can she escape from the castle?
Cinderella needs your help Now!
CinderellaEscape! is a third-person Action Puzzle Game.
You have to use the magic powers given by Fairy Godmother to solve the puzzle and reach the exit to clear a stage.
There are two magic powers.
One is Blue-Slipper, consuming Blue-Slipper to make Cinderella jump higher.
Another one is Red-Slipper, consuming Red-Slipper to kick and destroy Obstacles in your way.
The amount of HP / Blue-Slipper / Red-Slipper will grow along with character's level in order to solve more difficult puzzle.
Anime-Style 3D Characters Rendering.
Level-up system that helps you acquire more Blue-Slipper and Red-Slipper in order to solve more difficult stages.
Life is not a fairy tale, and so is this Game. You'll see a different Cinderella Story here, but please don't get mad about the endings.
There are two Endings. Try to save Cinderella's family to get another different Ending.
There are 40 stages.
There are 3 traps in stages, Pendulum, Spike, and Flying Saw. These devices make the puzzle more insteresting. But watch out of them.
Amazing Theme song &Cinderella&.
realistic physics reactions.
Multi-language support: English, Japanese, Tranditional Chinese
Good day everyone, I'm Hajime. I'm not an English native speaker. Sorry for my poor English.
And there might be some errors here, please tell me if you find some :D
I'm a full-time indie game developer with very very limited budget.
I love to do indie game development but my budget can only last about 6 months.
Moreover, in order not to consume my budget too fast, I have to eat less than I used to be.
Anyway, I love to make games because I love to tell people some stories and share my crazy ideas.
Well, This is the second indie game in my life.
And I have to say that I really dedicate myself to complete this game.
If you love it, please vote it and tell your friends about this game.
Thank you very much!
16 Oct, 2015 @ 9:14pm
too bad this game atleast for english.
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View mobile website有没有专业的鉴定下 这款游戏Cinderella Escape,R12_百度知道
有没有专业的鉴定下 这款游戏Cinderella Escape,R12
Cinderella Escape
Cinderella Escape
灰姑娘逃出Cinderella Escape
被囚禁的灰姑娘如何逃出王宫?台湾独立制作《Cinderella Escape! R12》开放试玩
15:26 | 作者:エデンちゃん
& && & & &来自台湾一人团队所制作的独立游戏《Cinderella Escape! R12》是款全 3D 益智解谜游戏(3D Puzzle),游戏强调相当原创的玩法,考验玩家的脑力和反应能力。&& & & &官方表示,游戏支持了中英日三国语言,同时附赠 MMD 模型与动作素材,是台湾第一个同时配布 MMD 模型与动作素材的游戏(素材配布限 DLsite 版本)。&童话崩坏注意& & & 作为这个全3D益智解谜的后台故事,则是改编自世界知名童话故事「灰姑娘」。故事语句一位十分不幸的女孩仙度瑞拉,不但被家人当佣人使唤,而且好不容易才来到了王宫参加王子的舞会,却不巧亲眼目睹了王子谋杀国王的过程。因此被王子诬陷而成为阶下囚的仙度瑞拉,该如何逃出死牢呢?&注:Life is not a Fairytale, 这个故事将有着不同于玩家所读过的灰姑娘故事。请不要抱着太乐观的心情来看待这则故事,以避免遭受不必要的打击。&&王宫的舞会竟是一场谋权篡位的政变。命运的相遇,换来的竟是牢狱的屈辱。一个不为人知的真实,一个等待救赎的灵魂,将在这里谱出罪与罚的镇魂歌。&& & & 游戏主题曲方面邀请到了前阵子曾经为夏语遥制作官方 Demo 歌曲,以及擅长游戏作曲与音效配乐制作的 LeeTingChou 老师来担任制作人,为《Cinderella Escape! R12》制作主题曲「Cinderella」。主唱为 Meilun 老师以特别唱腔来诠释这首主题曲,此举主要是试图带给大家一种截然不同的歌曲意境,LeeTingChou 老师也采用了不同于以往的编曲方法与 vocal 处理,用来表达本作中灰姑娘最深沈的内心世界,可以说是一首专用于本作 Cinderella 的―罪与罪的镇魂歌。三个动作要素,为本作核心玩法&以下为游戏主要玩法介绍:Push:将场上的障碍物推到正确的位置Jump:需消耗一只蓝色玻璃鞋,进行跳线动作,数量随等级上升。Kick:需消耗一只红色玻璃鞋,进行前方范围踢技,可击破障碍物,数量随等级上升。&&&& & & &官方表示,本作有两种分支结局,是否能将家人全数救出将是影响结局的关键。&&&本作的换装系统& & & 此游戏支持换装系统让玩家可以帮女主角 Cinderella 换上不一样的衣装,且配件和衣装是分开的,可以混搭,例如可以打造兔女郎的兔耳配长裙装,但换装将会是在正式版才实装的功能,试玩版将不能使用。&&&& & & &官方表示,此游戏已制作完成,全部40关,预定10月会在 DLsite 发布另一种版本。开发时间仅六个月,没有做太多的衣装和配件,为了制作更多的衣装。决定以募资的型式来完成衣装和配件的扩充。&& & & &募资衣装包括水手服、OL 装、公主骑士装、哥德罗莉塔、旗袍、看护妇、女提督军装、女仆装、死库水、开胸竞泳水着、原创比基尼等,有兴趣的玩家可以参考相关连结。 更多精彩请关注
游戏烧麦 ( 沪ICP备号 )有没有专业的鉴定下 这款游戏Cinderella Escape! R12_steam吧_百度贴吧
有没有专业的鉴定下 这款游戏Cinderella Escape! R12
Warning again XDAs the game title says - R12. If you're looking for R18 version, please visit DLsite.
No matter what version is, there are always 3 languages supported including English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese. So, please don't worry about the languages. Thank you very much. 这个是关于这款游戏的 然后我翻墙去看了那个网页
我就想问下 STEAM的是18的版本吗
没充过一分钱 就有一次...
一楼吧务。       ...


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