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英文翻译demiurgic:&&&& produce:&&&& earth:&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
例句与用法It ' s clear to everybody that the creation of the world by god is absurd人人都清楚,上帝创造世界的说法是荒谬的。 Man is a noble creature who can order his own world . who needs god人是可以自己创造世界的高等生物谁还需要上帝? So should echoes from the big bang with which the universe is believed to have begun同样,被认为创造世界的大爆炸所产生的回声,一样应该可以测得到。 Aim is to connect human beings with that eternal creative intelligence who created the world . his aim?的目标是以那永恒的创造智慧,那创造世界的智慧接触人As the lord god was creating the world he called upon his archangels . the lord asked his archangels to help him decide where to put the secret of life上帝创造世界的时候召来了他的天使长们,请他们帮助决定应该把生命的秘密放在哪里。 In a similar vein , some people may feel that the claim that god created the world ex nihilo ( from nothing ) is irrational since we have no conception of nihilo类似地,由于我们没有关于“无”的概念,所以有人可能觉得上帝从“无”中创造世界的主张是非理性的。 As the lord god was creating the world he called upon his archangels . the lord asked his archangels to help him decide where to put the secret of life上帝创造世界的时候召来了他的天使长们,请他们帮助决定应该把生命的秘密放在哪里。 “把它埋在地下。 ”一个天使答道。 It is the harmonic resonance of these archangelic letters with both the higher vibratory frequency patterns of god ' s name , and the elements of the lesser creation worlds , which allows this synchronization to occur这就是这些大天使字母谐波共振效应,既具有上帝名称更高级振动频率模式,又具有较少的创造世界的大自然力量,大自然力量保证了同步性发生。 The first kind of legend describes the creation process during which the creation deity makes the world with the aid of natural beings , and the second kind recounts how natural beings assist the indian ancestor who either descends from the sky or emerges from the underground to open up a living space , while in the third kind , creation is accomplished by a culture hero that assumes an animal image第一类传说描绘创世神灵在自然界生灵协助下创造世界的过程,第二类讲述自然界生灵如何帮助来自天空或地底的印第安始祖开拓生存空间,而在第三类中,则是以动物形象出现的文化英雄创造了世界。 According to american indians , the creation deity dwells both above all natural beings and as for all natural beings , because of their active participation in the creation process , they are alive with the spiritual power breathed into them by the creation de on the other hand , they share reciprocating relations with the creation deity and coalesce with the latter in the sacred hoop印第安人认为,创造世界的神灵既超越世间万事万物,又融入万事万物之中;而因其对创世进程的积极参与,万事万物一方面被创世神灵赋予精神力量,另一方面又与神灵构成交互关系,共存于一个神圣环形之中。 &&
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