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为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或Mens Mag Daily MMD INTERVIEWS THE ICONIC TERA PATRICK - Mens Mag Daily
Tera Patrick has reached a level that few, if any, adult actresses have reached. She’s the opposite of the pornstar cliché, the young girl fresh off the bus who enters the industry, only to get chewed up and spit out a few months later with nothing to show for it. Tera built an empire. Her tall, thin frame and exotic beauty made her such a huge draw in porn that she was able to accomplish things that many couldn’t. Her popularity also blurred the lines between the adult and mainstream entertainment industries which led her to the cover of FHM as well as mainstream movies. She has ownership in everything she’s done and is much a businesswoman as she is a performer. Mens Mag Daily was able to catch up with the now retired Tera Patrick to discuss her beginnings as a model, the transition to adult movies, and how she spends her days now that she isn’t actively performing.
Mens Mag Daily: Tera, my first question is this. You’re one of the, if not the, most legendary adult actress of all time. There are obvious reasons as to why you were so successful such as you being so beautiful, tall, etc. but how is it possible for one woman to have such a legendary, successful career while other girls might only last six months?
Tera Patrick: Thank you! I came in at a different time, around 1999 or 2000 when porn was still “taboo” then. (Laughs) I also had the opportunity to brand myself and the mediums for distribution were limited but profitable. I also traveled worldwide to do appearances to meet my fans. When you show up to meet your fans, look amazing and consistently deliver a good product, you gain loyalty. My website
is responsible too for keeping my new and longtime loyal fans happy.
Mens Mag Daily: You were actually a model at a young age and stopped at about sixteen. What was that experience like and what was the time between when you stopped modeling but before you entered the adult industry like?
Tera Patrick: Yes, I was a fashion model discovered in my hometown in San Francisco. I enjoyed fashion modeling and it’s still my first love. After modeling, I went to college and moved around a bit, kind of just exploring. I’m a traveler and I just love being in new places.
Mens Mag Daily: When you first posed for Playboy, what was that experience like and were you ready for the exposure that brought you?
Tera Patrick: Working with Playboy and Playboy TV was a great experience when I first started. I had two successful TV shows: Nightcalls 411 and School Of Sex, and I’m the only woman who has ever graced the cover of Playboy USA and Penthouse as Pet of the Year runner up in February of 2002.
Mens Mag Daily: I was always curious about this. You’re of Thai descent but you’re one of those women where their beauty kind of overshadows your ethnicity. Do you think being “Asian” gave you a leg up in the adult industry?
Tera Patrick: I would say exotic. I wasn’t heavily marketed as Asian. A lot of people don’t see me as Asian, just exotic. I’m 5’10, thin with big breasts and depending on my hair color which is bright red now, it’s usually black and I can morph in different forms of exotica. (Laughs) I’m very grateful for the great genes of both my parents. I like the way I look now. I feel amazing and I love hearing when I’m a beauty inspiration to other women and men. I’m very grateful.
Mens Mag Daily: You’ve done so much mainstream stuff from voice over work, to being on the cover of FHM, to movies. Do you enjoy doing the more mainstream things and has your past in the adult industry ever stood in your way?
Tera Patrick: Not at all, nothing stands in my way. I still do many fun events in all facets of entertainment. I will be appearing at the first ever Hello Kitty Con on Halloween 2014. I perform my burlesque shows monthly in Los Angeles and at many corporate events like Ducati, MonsterPalooza, and other international brands. I’m an active exhibitor and cosplayer at Comic Con shows around the world. I just premiered and starred in the feature Live Nude Girls exclusively released through XBOX. I do so much and keep so busy with both adult and mainstream. I can easily parlay the success of my adult products and status into mainstream.
Mens Mag Daily: Ultimately, what would you say were your reasons for retiring from the adult industry as a performer?
Tera Patrick: What more can I do? (Laughs) I got bored and honestly the industry was changing. I got in and off on my terms. (Laughs) I also left behind a body of work I own and am proud of. I left with grace and class. I am only retired from performing though. I still get naked and shoot only for . I still have products and ties to the industry. I have always been the only and sole owner of my adult production company TeraVision INC. I’d really like to reiterate that to my fans and the public.
Mens Mag Daily: How involved are you today in the adult industry?
Tera Patrick: I parted ways with my ex-husband in 2009 and still solely own my production company TeraVision INC. even though I’m not actively performing. My website is my home base for all things Tera Patrick but I do have a novelty line through Fleshlight. I spokesmodel for
and I’m about to launch a hot new product at AVN this year but I’m not going to say too much about that right now. (Laughs)
Mens Mag Daily: Just reading your bio and looking at the number of businesses you’re involved in it’s easy to see you’re a very savvy businesswoman. Where do you think you got your business acumen from and which business would you say you enjoy most?
Tera Patrick: I’m super Type A and I love to work. I love to think and evolve. You have to grow and experiment. I enjoy a challenge and change as well. I’m aggressive but humble. I’m not afraid to fail because it’s not about failing. It’s about not fearing fear. Go for it! Go for life! Dream big! Do big, but stay grounded. I really enjoy every part of my life. I get to travel and that’s a huge perk for me. I’ve seen and I am still seeing the world. Teravision, I built all on my own. I it was just myself and my own money from performing. I produced all my own content and an entire library of productions, many winning AVN, XRCO, XBIZ and international awards.
Mens Mag Daily: You recently joined Vivid Radio and have your own show. Do you enjoy doing the show? Also, was this kind of a reunion with Vivid since you were once a contract performer with them?
Tera Patrick: Yes I love doing my show. It’s on Wednesdays at 4 P.M. PST and it’s called “Tera Takes Over”. It’s on Sirius/XM and Vivid (). Vivid had me grand open all their new nightclubs with CEO Steve Hirsh. We went all across the country.
Mens Mag Daily: Being in the industry or involved in the industry as long as you have, have you seen a lot of changes in the business from when you first started?
Tera Patrick: Of course, naturally, and sadly a lot of those changes have not been for the better.
Mens Mag Daily: You still attended conventions and you’ve hosted adult award shows. You obviously have a huge and loyal fan base. How do they react when they see you or actually get to meet you?
Tera Patrick: I love and appreciate my fans. I am still thriving and I live a great life because of my fans. I have great fans. Many have followed and supported me for so long, they’re my friends now. I’m guarded but open. My fans respect me and I respect them. I’m always approached with kindness and gratitude. It’s humbling to come up to someone you’ve wanked to, stand in line to get a picture, and buy my products. I want to make it a great, fun experience for them and like I said they support me so I’m appreciative. I love my women too. It’s a killer feeling to be an inspiration to many women and industry girls. I never get tired of hearing from women when they say, “you made porn classy, pretty and ok for me, you’re my idol. I got into the industry because of you. I love you.” It’s all positive stuff they have to stay and I love them for it.
Mens Mag Daily: Is there anything that could make you return to performing and has the idea ever crossed your mind?
Tera Patrick: (Laughs) No! Never, ever, ever, ever! I have absolutely no desire at all to return to performing.
Mens Mag Daily: With the amount of exposure you’ve had from both the adult and mainstream entertainment businesses, would you say it’s hard for you to lead a normal life?
Tera Patrick: I mean, what is really “normal?” I’m a Mompreneur, meaning I’m a mother. My daughter is 2 1/2 and I run businesses. I cook, clean, sew, garden and drive myself everywhere. I have no assistants. I just have one bodyguard when I travel and a driver when I need him. They have both been with me for 15 years. My business partner in my other ventures is my sister Debra. I’m also great with tools. I really mean that. I’m pretty self-sufficient and I do it all in YSL heels. (Laughs)
Mens Mag Daily: You released your memoir in 2010. What is it like writing a book on so many experiences in your life and having to recount things that may have been very unpleasant?
Tera Patrick: I’m actually finishing up my second book right now. It should be published/released in the spring of 2015. Everyone is so anxious and I’m excited for everyone to read it. Writing is and has always been cathartic for me.
Mens Mag Daily: Okay Tera, please take this opportunity to tell us about any current and upcoming projects, where your fans can reach you, anything you’d like.
Tera Patrick: Okay well, I’m on Twitter and Facebook as Tera1Patrick. I’m also on Instagram as YodaSoda. My official website is
and you guys can purchase my Fleshlight at .
Article By: Jon DaBove
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