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Includes 63 Steam Achievements
Title: Duet
Release Date: 3 Aug, 2015
“I’ve been more frustrated by Duet than by any
on the flip side, few other games are as fun when you succeed. The game has a clever premise: instead of controlling one character, you control two—little dots that are linked together, occupying opposite spots on a single circle. Move a character right, and the other moves left.”“Duet is a game of few parts, but each one of those parts fits perfectly with the rest. It feels as designed as a raindrop, and just as perfect.”“Duet does what the best video games do. It introduces an abstract idea, a fabricated set of simple systems, then it gives you a set of meaningless obstacles to overcome using those systems. But somewhere — in-between those two ideas — a weird magic trick. I am finding it very difficult to stop playing Duet because playing Duet feels really, really good.”
About This Game
Your survival is dependent on protecting two vessels - they are devices in sync, a dance and song between two entities tethered together in symbiosis. Feel edge of your seat terror where the world around you becomes quiet and numb as all that matters is the game -- that is Duet.With air tight controls and gameplay tuned to perfection, Duet provides the perfect balance between challenge and pure gaming satisfaction. Turn left and right to twist your vessels and avoid everything in your path. Remember: even that which begins simple can end complex.Experience nine chapters of deceptive narrative and nerve-twisting gameplay. Replay any stage to perfect your movements and unlock over 50 achievements. This is a game that will test you.Explore a whole new narrative with all-new game mechanics in the Epilogue. Including over 40 stages, narrative and remix tracks, You will need a new state of mind to complete this experience.Still can’t get enough Duet?Discover even more mind-bending challenges with the Encore Chapters.Compete on the leaderboards in the Endless Mode, Epliogue Endless Mode and Encore Endless Mode.Hone your reflexes with the Speed Run Mode.An outstanding handcrafted soundtrack by Melbourne composer and Gotye multi-instrumentalist Tim Shiel. Eighteen unique and mesmerizingly beautiful compositions ensure an immersive experience for you at every step of your journey, complemented by full in-game vocal narration by Jojo Petrina.Selected for the Indie Showcase at PAX Aus and a finalist in both Game Design and Audio for the Freeplay Festival. This is another award-winning title from the team behind Time Surfer & Bean’s Quest. We call Duet a “Hex-like” in honour of Terry Cavanagh’s contribution to the medium of games and exploration of genres.Tim Shiel is a composer/producer based in Melbourne. Tim is known to some as Faux Pas, the moniker under which he released a steady stream of constantly shifting electronic music for many years. He is also known for his work as a broadcaster at Melbourne independent radio station 3RRR FM, and for his recent role as multi-instrumentalist in Gotye's live band.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Minimum:OS: Windows Vista or NewerProcessor: Core 2 DuoMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: IntegratedStorage: 150 MB available space
Minimum:OS: MacOS X 10.11 &El Capitan&Memory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: IntegratedStorage: 150 MB available space
Minimum:OS: 64-bit Linux RequiredMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: IntegratedStorage: 150 MB available space
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View mobile website是一款玩法简单而同时又考验反应力的游戏,通过摇晃设备来控制小球,让白条在两个小球之间通过而且不碰到小球。游戏有简单的音效,如果你按照着音效的节拍去玩的话能有更好的效果。
尽管之前 Duet Game 二重奏限免过,不过已经是年头的事情了,好游戏总是让我们值得付费去支持一下的嘛,更何况只需要 ¥1 呢。
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Duet Game 3.10
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 89.3 MB
软件语言: 简体中文
软件授权: ¥18.00
支持类型: Touch、iPhone、iPad
Duet Game3.10应用截图
DUET 是一种极简的抽象风格的体验,它能帮助您突破观察力的束缚,并且拓展您的发散性思维。你的生存时间取决于你如何去保护两个容器 – 这两个装置具有同步性,它们在节奏和动作上保持着高度的相互依赖性。你将沉浸在一个安静的世界中,紧张的节奏会让你坐立不安,拇指就是你的武器,让你在这款掌上游戏中屹立不倒 – 这就是 Duet。// 9 个章节体验九种剧情和游戏方式。解锁可无限得分的“生存”章节,追逐极致乐趣。这是一款考验你毅力的游戏。// 新增八个尾声章节在 Duet 的“尾声”章节中,浏览全新的对白,体验新设计的游戏机制。 包括超过 40 个新关卡、新对白和新混音的游戏音乐。 你需要一种新的精神状态才能收获这种体验。// 游戏控制和游戏方式已调整至趋于完美。点触屏幕两侧,使容器旋转或扭曲,避开前进道路上的障碍物。即使开头很简单,最后可能很复杂。// 音乐由 Tim Shiel 操刀编曲的优美音乐将陪伴着你一起游戏。9 支耐人寻味的心灵神曲将响应你的每一步操作,让你有身临其境之感。// KUMOBIUS获选参加 PAX Aus 的 Indie Showcase 展览。这是 Time Surfer 和 Bean’s Quest 幕后团队斩获的又一殊荣。为了纪念 Terry Cavanagh 在游戏媒介和种类开拓上的贡献,我们将 Duet 定义为一款“十六进制游戏”。版本 3.10 中的新功能进行升级以支持 iOS 11。
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