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git - GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly - Stack Overflow
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I have followed these instructions below to upload a project.
Global setup:
Download and install Git
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email
Add your public key
Next steps:
mkdir tirengarfio
cd tirengarfio
touch README
git add README
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin :tirengarfio/tirengarfio.git
git push origin master
But I get this error:
Permission denied (publickey). fatal:
The remote end hung up unexpectedly
For me the problem was the execution of clone via sudo.
If you clone to a directory where you have user permission ( /home/user/git) it will work fine.
(Explanation: Running a command a superuser will not work with the same public key as running a command as user. Therefore github refused the connection.)
This solutionr requires a SSH key already to be set up:
I had to add my public key to github.
Yes, It's a public key Problem.
I'm a windows user,and the page below help me resolve this problem.
more precisely this link should be helpful
Type the following command using your username and repository name:
git clone /{user name}/{repo name}
in Ubuntu this works perfectly.
I got a solution after a long time in tutorials.
I followed the github tutorial on this link ->
and I was able to connect in every step.
But when I was trying to git push -u origin master I got this error:
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
Thats how I`ve fixed it!!
Go to the project directory using the Terminal and check it out
$git remote -v
You will get something like this:
ssh:///yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git (fetch)
ssh:///yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git (push)
If you are using anything different then , open the config file on git directory by typing the command:
vi .git/config
And configure the line
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh:///yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/
after you created the RSA key pair, you must to add it to SSH using:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
or wherever you created your rsa key pair.
In my case, I had to setup the public key for another user, as I already had one for my main user. once I switched users and performed the commands in the link above I was able to perform the setup for my test server without a problem.
I had this problem, but none of the solutions above worked. I could clone and fetch but couldn't push. Eventually, I figured out the problem was in the url in my .git/config, it should be:
(not ssh:///&username&/&project&.git or /&username&/&project&.git).
Given that none of the answers here worked for me, I finally tracked down my issue connecting to Bitbucket (or Github, doesn't matter in this case) with ssh -vT git@bitbucket.org.
In my case, the failure was due to using a DSA key instead of RSA, and apparently my SSH client no longer allows that.
debug1: Skipping ssh-dss key /c/Users/USER/.ssh/id_dsa for not in PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes
The solution was to add this to .ssh/config:
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss
This elegantly appends the ssh-dss key type to all existing accepted public key types and after this was done, git can now ssh into Bitbucket no problem.
A good one if you have installed git on your computer:
Adding public key is the solution.For generating ssh keys:
has step by step instructions.
However, the problem can persist if key is not generated in the correct way.
I found this to be a useful link too:
In my case the problem was that I was generating the ssh-key without using sudo but when using git commands I needed to use sudo.
This comment in the above link "If you generate SSH keys without sudo, then when you try to use a command like sudo git push, you won't be using the SSH key you generated." helped me.
So, the solution was that I had to use sudo with both key generating commands and git commands.
Or for others, when they don't need sudo anywhere, do not use it in any of the two steps. (key generating and git commands).
I faced a similar issue when running SSH or Git Clone in Windows. Following findings helps to solve my problem:
When you run “rhc setup” or other ssh methods to generate ssh key, it will create the private key file id_rsa in .ssh folder in your home folder, default is C:\User\UserID
Git for windows has its own .ssh folder in its installation directory. When you run git/ssh, it will look for private key file id_rsa in this folder
Solved the problem by copying id_rsa from the home folder .ssh folder to the .ssh folder in the git installation directory
Also, I think there
a way to “tell” git to use the default .ssh folder in home folder but still need to figure out how.
My issue was that I was trying to give my ssh key a SPECIFIC NAME every time I entered ssh-keygen on my mac terminal. I solved the issue by just leaving the name that "ssh-keygen" generates=id_rsa. You'll end up with 2 keys in your .ssh folder on a mac, id_rsa, which is your private key, and the id_rsa.pub, which is your public key. Then I copied and saved the code from id_rsa.pub into my GitHub account settings, and that was it. Problem solved.
I also have this problem today.
The solution is setting your "ssh key".
Click the url below, follow the steps, then you will sovle it.
You need to set up SSH keys.
explains how to generate keys.
If you have an existing key, you copy $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and paste it into .
A quick way to fix this if you're using a Mac is to sign out of the OSX app and log back in.
I had the same issue on windows. I switched from SSH to HTTPS and ran a Git PUSH.
git push -u origin master
Username for '': &Github login email&
Password for &Github login&: xxx
Successful! hope this helps.
I tried the solutions mentioned but still failed.
I found the solution that finally worked for me
- removing then re-adding the remote link
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The Big List of 3rd Party DRM on Steam
From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games
Project aim
Offer a complete list of games available for purchase on Steam which have external DRM associated with them in addition to or in lieu of the various forms of Steam's native DRM.
Refer to the
section for information on adding games to this article.
Included with the games are the DRM schemes involved, the issues and hindrances you might encounter due to this DRM, and what you can do to prevent DRM from interfering with your gaming experience.
Discuss the project on the .
Other information
- Original thread on this topic, all discussion has henceforth been moved to this wiki article.
- A comparable list of Steam games which do not feature any sort of DRM.
DISCLAIMER: There are many games that have their own in-game store. There are also many games with DLC managed not by Steam but by the publishers themselves. These are NOT included in this list because, as previously stated, the products on these lists are available for purchase on Steam. Using non-Steam products on Steam products must be done at your own risk.
Main contacts
This list covers many games already but it is still missing some games and may have outdated information.
Please reference your additions so others can easily verify their accuracy.
Games that never had third-party DRM are om this includes sequels to the games listed here.
Check forums for DRM details
Check the game's
for details of its DRM.
Add the game below with the relevant news post or forum topics as references.
If you're unsure about the specific DRM used, ask on the
so others can help.
Game prompts for making/logging into an account (Account-based DRM)
Take note of the account type it asks to make.
Add it to the appropriate
section. Common types have their own sections.
If it isn't any of those add it to .
Game prompts for CD/product key but not an account (Hardware-based DRM)
Take note of the DRM name on the prompt(s) and add it to the appropriate
If the prompt doesn't say what DRM is used you can scan the game with
to find out.
Post the details on the .
Use a link to that post as a reference for its entry below.
Protection ID might not recognise the DRM used.
DRM associated with accounts is weaker than most but still present, requiring online activation via CD key to access online services such as multiplayer and profile stats. These games require you to activate the game through their servers and use their accounts to activate the game, and many require these accounts to access the game. For single-player games, account-based DRM often does not affect the game to any real degree, as you can play them with an offline profile without activation. Because of this, many consider single-player account-based DRM to not be DRM at all because it does not require any contact beyond having th no Internet connection is required. Games falling into this “single-player only” category will be marked as such.
Used for multiplayer and community features in newer Codemasters racing games after Codemasters switched from Games for Windows Live to Steamworks for DRM.
C if you don't play online you can simply ignore it. More about it .
Currently available for .
EA Accounts exist for two purposes:
To activate and run the game. This requires a constant Internet connection, even in single-player modes. The benefit to this, however, is that DLC, if it exists, is more easily managed than below.
To access online features, including DLC. In this case, the EA account is not required to access single-player (in some cases, it may be required to activate the game). For DLC, however, the game will require an account either way.
This list will be categorized as such, as well as games that use EA Classic accounts. Single-player games in the latter category will be specially marked, either as an option or exclusively single-player.
Structured like an MMO despite having single-player. No longer sold or supported as of August 23, 2013.
No longer playable as of October 31, 2013 due to servers being shut down.
expansion. Single-player only.
Single-player only.
Optional (both base game and DLC). Close login prompt(s) to skip EA Account. Logging in unlocks promotional items.
Single-player only.
Single-player only.
Includes all expansions (Most recent: Showtime).
expansions. Single-player only.
GameSpy online services were shut down on May 31, 2014 (June 30, 2014 for
Most GameSpy games can be played online throu see the game pages for details.
GameSpy is not DRM; however, since some multiplayer features are dependent on GameSpy for these games, they are listed here.
to replace the deprecated
master server.
You can choose Steam or GameSpy for multiplayer before launching game (Steam is the default option).
Supported by .
Supported by .
Supported by .
Supported by .
Supported by .
Supported by .
The game is included with, and deprecated, in favor of .
Supported by .
to replace the
server browser. Also supported by .
Supported by
for both game and
to replace the deprecated
master servers.
Excluded from
(all GFWL types)
There are two kinds of GFWL activation,
and . See the sections below for further details.
Not outside the
you can only use a , meaning no multiplayer or achievements.
Server-Side Activation (SSA) binds the product key permanently to your Microsoft account, similar to Steam. These games have no activation limits.
If you bind an SSA product key to an account that is not in a supported region you will lose the key (and, consequently, access to the game).
Some SSA games have Zero Day Piracy Protection (ZDPP), an extra DRM check to prevent playing pre-release games.
No longer playable due to the servers being shut down on July 1, 2014.
ZDPP Title. Non-GOTY owners get GOTY version for free which has Steamworks DRM instead of SecuROM and GFWL.
ZDPP T does not support
but can be played offline.
Owners have received
for free which has no GFWL. The original DiRT 3 remains in players' accounts and still uses GFWL.
(non-Free To Play)
ZDPP Title.
Steam version works, but is no longer supported. You can use
version with same Microsoft account in-game.
Can choose between GFWL and Steamworks. GFWL version is still included but can be completely ignored.
Simp requires internet access for online profile but does not attach the key to your Microsoft account.
Activation limit between 10-20 (usually 15) Microsoft support can help reset the limit but will not after that you will need to buy the game again.
Single- owners get free upgrade to the
which has Steamworks DRM instead of GFWL and SecuROM.
Single-player only, can be completely ignored (no profile/activation needed). Can be disabled with the
mod or by running the game with the modding tool
(you do not need to install a mod that actually uses it).
Single-player only, can be completely ignored (no profile/activation needed). Can be disabled with the
mod or by running the game with the modding tool
(you do not need to install a mod that actually uses it).
Can be disabled with the
Can be disabled with the
is available (de facto Steamworks because of VAC protection) but note that it lacks the extra content of the Colonies Edition.
An updated, Steamworks version,
is available.
You can install and play these games without any kind of internet connection (see ).
Linux version does not require launcher and does not even require Steam to play.
Login prompts can be cancelled to play the game without an account.
game requires . More about account can be read .
Excluded from .
Does not use the Social Club client. Online features require an account.
Log-in is required only for multiplayer. Log-in not required for singleplayer.
Log-in is required only for multiplayer. Log-in not required for singleplayer.
Social Club client and account required for "activation, online play, and periodic entitlement verification".
Social Club client required for activation. Online features require an account.
Requires both Social Club client and an account for activation and online features.
Stardock distributed their games via Impulse. After they sold it to GameStop in March 2011, Stardock introduced
for their games to distribute patches and for the official support on forums. Their older games are de facto DRM free after registration, and those games are noted. You can download them any time from your Stardock account. In 2012, Stardock switched to Steamworks because of multiplayer. Those games can't be downloaded from Stardock, only from Steam.
After registration, game is de facto DRM free.
After registration, game is de facto DRM free.
Only needed for Twilight of the Arnor [GC2TwilightOfTheArnor.exe] expansion pack. After registration, expansion is de facto DRM free. Base game (GalCiv2.exe) and Dark Avatar expansion (GC2DarkAvatar.exe) are DRM free (registration is not needed at all). If you register game, it can be only launched via GC2TwilightOfTheArnor.exe.
After registration, base game and both expansions (Entrenchment and Diplomacy) are de facto DRM free.
is a digital distribution, DRM, multiplayer and communications service created by .
Unless otherwise noted, you should be able to access an offline mode after registering and updating the game. Without updating, the game may require a constant connection at all times.
Some of these games may have trouble with the Uplay launcher. Check
to make sure your game is updating properly.
Offline mode available without registering/updating the game. Use -playoffline parameter.
It's both Steamworks and Uplay title. Uplay requirement is not put in Store page, but you need it for launch and its achievements.
Requires a constant internet connection to play.
Once the game is installed from Steam, you can play in offline mode without ever having to log into Uplay: Before launching the game for the first time, run the UbisoftGameLauncherInstaller from \Support\Ubisoft, then create a new firewall rule to block the installed Ubisoft Launcher. If you run the game without doing this first, the launcher will update Uplay, and you will have to register the game and log in at least once before you can play offline.
Required for activation and online features.
When the game is first time launched, it is needed to be registered (Ubisoft account). Uplay is optional for Uplay achievements and gifts even store's page said "requires a Uplay account".
Can now be played in offline mode.
Requires a constant internet connection for all game modes.
Can now be played in offline mode.
Requires Uplay in online mode for save and load features to function.
This list does not include Free to Play (F2P) games, which almost always require a separate account, and every one of them has in game store. F2P games are found .
LAN and online modes require a .
You need AirBuccaneers account to play game. More info .
Account and log-in required to play (single-player included).
Base game and DLC require entering the included CD keys to leave trial mode.
Proprietary server connection. There is no authentication, but a constant Internet connection is required for anything other than campaign, skirmish and tutorial.
Account required for leaderboard feature.
Online play requires a King Art account.
Requires an account to play (registered in-game with the CD key).
Online features require registering an account in-game.
Must be connected to Steam to generate new levels.
Requires a constant internet connection for all game modes.
Online play requires a MyCrysis account.
- Maximum Edition
Online play requires a MyCrysis account.
This game is MMO but AV account is optional and is for the support, official forums and for character deletion. If you do, then you should only register through the patcher which will link your Steam account with AV account.
Must activate key with a 9heads Account and log in every time to play.
This game is MMORTS so you need to open a separate account.
Must create an account and "activate"; through the game to play.
Requires an .
Requires an account and server communication (cannot be played offline).
Uses Square Enix online store for activation. You must create a Square Enix account and log in before you can play.
Uses Square Enix online store for activation. You must create a Square Enix account and log in before you can play.
Must create an account and "activate" through the game for online features.
Must be online via Steam when starting game. More .
R to register right-click on the game in the Steam client and choose Manage Game Account.
Requires registering an account and logging in in order to play (all game modes).
Requires a constant internet connection for all game modes.
Multiplayer requires an account.
Requires login and activation with an .
Tries to connect to a server ev can be overridden by setting "force offline mode" in options.
You can optionally open an account at
for connecting your Steam account and your Interstellar Marines website account.
Multiplayer requires the creation of an account which is handled by Paradox servers.
Must create an account to play. Ther you must log in to your account every time you start the game.
Prompts for
to unlock bonus content.
Requires a
account but does not use the Uplay client.
Activation through Beatnik servers, requires log-in to play.
Online play requires a Planet Explorers account (optional for single player).
is needed for online play. There are multiple reports like
that you need to be online when starting game. It's not clear if you have to be online all the time.
is needed for online play.
Requires an internet connection to launch (Steam offline mode does not work).
Requires an internet connection to launch (Steam offline mode does not work).
You can optionally open an account at
for additional features.
You can optionally open an account at
for additional features.
Must activate game by making a
account (internet connection required); see .
THQ account required for community features.
Must be online via Steam when starting game. Developers claim it's bug, but it's not fixed. Discussion .
Requires a constant internet connection for all game modes.
Requires a Free Reign Entertainment account.
Requires a .
Must be online via Steam when starting the game. Developers say this will be removed in a future update.
You need an account to play game.
Requires a .
Runic account is needed for online play. More info .
Trackmania account required for online features.
Trackmania account required for online features.
Account required for leaderboards.
Requires an account for online multiplayer. Single player no longer requires Reality Pump activation.
Requires an account on the developer's site. Requires a constant internet connection for all game modes.
When you start the game, you are asked to connect to Eugen.net game server. Eugen.net handles multiplayer system, as well as friend list.
When you start the game, you are asked to connect to Eugen.net game server. Eugen.net handles multiplayer system, as well as friend list.
Requires a
account for multiplayer.
Requires a .
Hardware-based DRM uses components of the PC such as the MAC address of network adapter(s) and serial number(s) of hard drive(s) to create a hash or signature which is used for identification of the PC in the DRM activation process. When a game which incorporates this type of DRM is run, it checks that the current components of the PC match the hash/signature which was created and stored during the previously completed activation.
The tolerance for matching this hash varies by game, but in general if a significant component or components of the PC which comprise the hash have changed, the DRM will require a new activation to play the game. If an activation limit exists and is reached, the game will refuse to play. In most cases where this type of DRM is used, there will be methods to either revoke activations or reset the limit so a new activation is performed. These will be noted at the bottom of their respective sections below.
Executable obfuscation DRM made by some previous employees of Sony DADC DigitalWorks.
Us the game's support page can be used for manual authentication on systems without internet access.
Found in game files.
for authentication on systems without internet access.
Mentioned in the EULA.
for authentication on systems without internet access.
Mentioned in the EULA.
for authentication on systems without internet access.
for authentication on systems without internet access.
for authentication on systems without internet access.
Listed in depots.
in Steam Community.
DRM specific to Reality Pump titles.
Previously listed as "Aktivierung" for some games.
Activation limit unknown. DRM has reportedly made the game unplayable for some players.
Activation limit unknown.
Activation limit unknown.
Activation limit unknown.
3 machine activation limit. To reset activations follow instructions
or use phone support (phone number in-game).
Activation limit unknown.
Activation limit unknown.
Prompts for product key only (does not use online activation).
Reality Pump DLM V2. No activation limit. In-game registration is optional.
3 machine activation limit.
3 machine activation limit.
Reality Pump DLM V2. No activation limit.
5 machine activation limit.
5 machine activation limit.
Proprietary activation method through CD key. 3 machine limit. If limit is reached .
To revoke SecuROM activations, for EA games with SecuROM "released after May 2008" use the .
Activations can usually be revoked by using the /revoke command-line switch when running the game's main executable or launcher.
If that does not work, .
to remove SecuROM activation information (after revoking the activations, if applicable).
Machine limit is raised from 5 to 20 according to the developer.
Activation limit is not known.
4 activations per month. A revoke tool is available in your Steam Tools section. Non-GOTY owners get GOTY version for free which has Steamworks DRM instead of SecuROM and GFWL.
5 machine limit, 10 activations per machine. Non-GOTY owners get GOTY version for free which has Steamworks DRM instead of SecuROM and GFWL.
5 machine limit.
Local key check only. No activation or Internet connection required.
5 machine limit.
50 machine limit.
50 machine limit.
Machine limit is raised from 5 to 20 according to the developer.
Machine limit is raised from 5 to 20 according to the developer. Store page has not been updated.
Used for CD check only.
Activation limit unknown. Owners have received
which does not use SecuROM.
Activation limit unknown.
5 activations per month.
Machine limit is raised from 5 to 20 according to the developer.
Unlimited activations.
: Complete Edition
Used in GTA IV and its expansions as noted below.
Unlimited activations.
The previous wording of "15 machine limit" is no longer on the store page, presumably because now it's unlimited.
Used for CD check only.
Single-player portion only, 5 machine limit, 1 activation added every 60 days.
5 machine limit.
5 machine limit using new "Content Protection" by "Sony DADC Austria AG".
4 machine limit.
StarForce ProActive is contained to the folder of the game using it. It does not make registry entries or install drivers.
10 machine limit. After 10 activations, 1 more is generated in a month.
8 activations and 10 deactivations. FAQ does not mention whether activations regenerate.
DRM on each individual DLC instead of base game. Each DLC has a 10 machine activation limit and 10 deactivations. After no activations remain, 1 more is generated in a month.
is a fork of StarForce AAA Protection. It is unknown if this is either a genuine fork or a replacement of StarForce.
Games can be activated/deactivated with ACPC.EXE in the installation folder or with the online .
5 machine limit for Toolkit editor only. The main game does not require activation or an Internet connection.
2 machine limit. Use
to remove.
5 machine limit
5 machine limit
TAGES does not support
activations automatically regenerate on a timer, usually one every 30 days.
to remove the TAGES drivers from your computer.
3 machine limit, 1 activation added back every 30 days.
3 machine limit, 1 activation added back every 30 days. 5 revocations allowed per month.
3 machine limit, 1 activation added back every 30 days.
SolidShield is TAGES’ new DRM technology. It is presumed that this is their replacement for TAGES.
To revoke activations for EA games with SolidShield "released after May 2008" use the .
To revoke activations for other games use the executable in the game's folder (usually called activation.exe); see
for further details.
5 machine limit.
3 machine limit.
5 machine limit.
has SolidShield, but it does not appear to impose restrictions.
5 machine limit.
5 machine limit.
DEGRADE (ex-FADE) is an invisible, ingame, check of CD key. No activation limit.
. 5 machine limit.
Uniloc, 5 machine limit.
Online activation with serial key, 3 machine limit.
GameShield IronWrap & Patcher. Machine limit explicitly not available per Rockstar policy, but is likely unlimited on Steam.
GameShield IronWrap & Patcher. Machine limit explicitly not available per Rockstar policy. Likely 15 activation limit and verifying install via Steam counts toward activation limit.
Activated through RedLynx servers. Activation limit exists, but is unknown and can be reset.
Proprietary activation method though CD key. 5 machine limit. To reset your activation limit, .
Uses VMProtect DRM. DRM data is stored in and executed from \Temp\ which may trigger antivirus warnings.
Some games on Steam contain remnants of DRM that has been removed (e.g.
or ) or DRM files which are not used unless you attach a DRM expansion pack or DLC to the game. The DRM files do nothing, install nothing and are completely inert unless otherwise noted.
SecuROM. Installs files that can be safely removed without the Removal Tool.
SecuROM patched ou SecuROM paul.dll remains but does nothing and the game still works if it is deleted.
Crysis Wars is inert. Crysis Warhead itself is still active.
SecuROM 7 on single player executable. Appears to be inactive.
SecuROM removed for owners got a free copy of
on October 29, 2012 which is DRM free.
SecuROM removed in 1.03 update despite store page's notes, but some files still remain.
SecuROM is activated on launching (the now defunct) multiplayer. The singleplayer parts of the game contain no third party DRM.
SecuROM patched ou SecuROM paul.dll remains but does nothing and the game still works if it is deleted.
SecuROM paul.dll is included but appears to be unused (game still works if it is deleted).
SecuROM was removed via 1.1 patch for retail. Steam version has inert files. Game is DRM free and you can use CD key for the free DRM free backup on
and for the bonus content.
TAGES. Delete TAGES files in Redist and bin subfolders to prevent installation. Use
to remove if already installed.
Uniloc removed in patch 1.1. Some unused files remain.
Russian Steam version has inactive remnants of some sort of DRM in files mrazik_dir.res, mrazik_vdir.res, and mrazik_cd1_an.res.
These games had DRM in retail form, or had it on digital storefronts in the past, but it has b these are listed below to help cautious shoppers.
All games from Telltale Games
SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors. Exceptions are The Walking Dead and Poker Night series (Steamworks).
removed in April 1, 2014 update.
Proprietary activation system on the Angry Birds shop and retail.
TAGES removed by applying latest retail patch. Steam version without TAGES as of April 24, 2014.
/ Expansion
TAGES removed by applying latest retail patch. Steam version without TAGES as of April 24, 2014.
SecuROM removed via patch.
SecuROM removed via patch. Game is DRM free.
SecuROM and
removed via patch. Game is DRM free.
SecuROM removed via patch. Game is DRM free.
SolidShield on other digital distributors.
GFWL and SecuROM removed. Non-GOTY owners get GOTY upgrade for free. Retail/GFWL keys added to Steam DB for activation.
GFWL and SecuROM removed. Non-GOTY owners get GOTY upgrade for free. Retail/GFWL keys added to Steam DB for activation.
GFWL on retail (EU only). US edition of the game – Check vs Mate – does not have GFWL.
SecuROM on launch (also disk check for retail). SecuROM later removed with patches (522175 for Steam version and 795745 for retail)
SecuROM on retail.
SecuROM on retail.
SecuROM on retail and from other digital distributors. SecuROM removed from the Steam version of the game in an update after its initial release due to outcry from customers. It was replaced with Steam's "stub" form of DRM.
SecuROM and GFWL removed on October 3, 2013.
SecuROM on retail.
on retail.
SecuROM on other versions. Removed from base game and all DLC.
StarForce on retail.
SecuROM on retail.
Tages on other versions. Tages removed from Steam version in latest patch.
SecuROM on retail, removed from the Steam version via patch.
SecuROM on retail.
There is no more Relic account from 7 May as CoH series completely moved to Steamworks because of SEGA's purchase of Relic.
There is no more Relic account from 7 May as CoH series completely moved to Steamworks because of SEGA's purchase of Relic.
There is no more Relic account from 7 May as CoH series completely moved to Steamworks because of SEGA's purchase of Relic.
ACTControl is removed. There is still key for online play.
StarForce on retail Dreamcast Collection.
- Maximum Edition
SolidShield on original Crysis 2 release and on Origin. The Steam version of the game contains Steam's "stub" form of DRM in addition to SolidShield, although the SolidShield wrapping seems inert.
replaced with Steamworks for the Steam version.
GFWL on Games on Demand (Games for Windows marketplace) version only (no longer available to purchase).
replaced with Steamworks for the Steam version on March 17, 2015.
replaced with Steamworks for the Steam version on March 17, 2015.
SecuROM on GamersG Steam version has only Steam DRM.
SecuROM disc check on retail. SecuROM\Locale registry subfolder is a ha no SecuROM data is written.
Games for Windows - LIVE and SecuROM on original version.
SecuROM on retail.
Game is DRM free. Free upgrade for owners of
StarForce removed via patch.
ACTControl on other digital versions.
EA DRM Removed.
GFWL removed on Free To Play version. Owners of DLC from the paid version got free DLC for the Free To Play version (see ).
SecuROM on retail version.
SecuROM listed in Steam system requirements but not present in game files. Steam DRM removed with September 7 patch
SecuROM on retail.
StarForce on retail. Relaunched SimBin digital version (Steam exclusive) is DRM free.
StarForce on retail. Relaunched SimBin digital version (Steam exclusive) is DRM free.
SecuROM on retail. Relaunched SimBin digital version (Steam exclusive) is DRM free.
SecuROM on GamersGate.
SecuROM on retail, but was removed with the last patch. TAGES on GamersGate.
SecuROM on retail. TAGES on GamersGate.
SecuROM on retail and GamersGate.
SolidShield removed via patch.
Games for Windows Live replaced by Steamworks in update.
was removed in the Steam Matchmaking update.
All non-Ste Steam version uses Steamworks instead. Prompts for EA A close prompt(s) to skip.
SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
StarForce on retail and some other digital distributors.
StarForce or SecuROM on retail (depends on market).
expansion. SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
SecuROM on retail and other digital distributors.
SecuROM on retail.
Always online requirement removed from single-player campaign.
with Steamworks. LIVE version is still available through the Betas tab.
SolidShield on retail and Origin.
SecuROM removed in patch/hotfix 1.23.1765.
ACTControl removed via patch.
GFWL on Games on Demand (Games for Windows marketplace) version only (no longer available to purchase).
StarForce on retail. TAGES on GamersGate.
Multiplayer requirement of creation of an account on the ROTT Multiplayer network was removed in the 1.2 patch.
TAGES on other digital distributors. Steam and retail versions are DRM free.
removed in Steamworks update on December 3, 2014. Legacy LIVE version is still available through the Betas tab.
removed in Steamworks update on March 26, 2015.
StarForce on retail.
expansion. SecuROM on retail and some other digital distributors.
SecuROM on original Sacred 2. Gold version is DRM-free except on Steam where it contains Steam's "Stub" form of DRM.
TAGES on retail.
TAGES removed via patch.
StarForce on retail Dreamcast Collection.
SolidShield removed via patch.
SolidShield removed via patch.
TAGES removed via patch.
expansions. SecuROM removed via patch. Retail version is DRM free.
StarForce on retail. TAGES on GamersGate.
Includes all expansions (most recent: Showtime). SecuROM, disc check only on retail, 5 machine limit on other digital distributions.
StarForce on retail Dreamcast Collection.
StarForce on retail Dreamcast Collection.
SecuROM on retail.
SecuROM on retail.
ACTControl removed via patch.
SecuROM disc check on retail. SecuROM\Locale registry subfolder is a ha no SecuROM data is written.
StarForce on retail release, removed from the Steam version via patch.
The Steam version of the game now uses Steam's "stub" form of DRM.
It is not DRM-free.
SecuROM removed in patch 1.02a.
Can choose between GFWL and Steamworks. GFWL version is still included but can be completely ignored.
StarForce removed in the "Forever" update.
StarForce removed in the "Forever" update.
removed from Steam version on May 30, 2014. Originally titled Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.
ACTControl removed via patch.
removed in Steamworks update.
removed in Steamworks update.
StarForce on retail, removed from Steam version via patch.
TAGES removed in patch 1.5. Game is DRM free but you can use CD key for free DRM backup on
and for the bonus content.
GFWL on Games on Demand (Games for Windows marketplace) version only (no longer available to purchase).
TAGES removed from all versions in patch 2.5.
SolidShield removed via patch.}


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