
  设备类型:单纤单模收发器   接口类型:10/100/1000Base-T   传输速率:10/100/1000Mbps [1]
  最大传输距离:10000米   电源电压:220V   工作温度:0-40℃   工作湿度:10%-90%无凝结   存储温度:-20-70℃   存储湿度:10%-90%无凝结
  设备类型:单纤单模收发器  接口类型:10/100/1000Base-T  符合协议标准:IEEE 802.3、IEEE 802.3U、IEEE 802.3ab  传输速率:10/100/1000Mbps  最大传输距离:10000米  电源电压:220V  工作温度:0-40℃  工作湿度:10%-90%无凝结  存储温度:-20-70℃  存储湿度:10%-90%无凝结  设备类型:单纤单模收发器  接口类型:10/100/1000Base-T  符合协议标准:IEEE 802.3、IEEE 802.3U、IEEE 802.3ab  传输速率:10/100/1000Mbps  最大传输距离:10000米  电源电压:220V  工作温度:0-40℃  工作湿度:10%-90%无凝结  存储温度:-20-70℃  存储湿度:10%-90%无凝结
  1979年推出的IGES格式成为CAD程序之间传输三维模型的标准。那么怎么才能打开IGS格式的文件呢?可以打开IGS的软件有UG 、SolidWork、CATIA、Pro-E等。所有的三维设计软件均能打开IGS文件格式。但是,每个软件生成的IGS其他软件去读,可能会有破面或根本就无法读出实体,或原本IGS是实体只能读出面的信息。最好的方法是你知道他是什么软件做的IGS,然后用相应的软件去读,除了特征信息,其他信息不会丢失。
此软件开igs文件的速度比起 proe 快多了,ug就更不用说
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Correct error in svnav.dat for the SVN 35 / PRN 1 stop time in 2011.
King 171012
Copied original plotorb_sh script to com_preGMT5/ and updated syntax of
script in com/ for GMT 5. Floyd 171005
Updated htoglb routines to handle inconsistency in CATREF IGS sinex files.
Created ver 6.10 of htoglb.
Herring 171003
SEPT POLARX5TR receiver to rcvant.dat. King 170928
and CHAWR1 antennas to rcvant.dat.
Added NGS calibration for CHAPRO to
King 170925
Removed deprecated "DOTS_PR_INCH" environment variable for GMT 5 in sh_plotk.
Floyd 170821
Installation: Corrected an error in unimake that fixes a problem with
identifying the OSID when there are two hyphens present in the Linux
Floyd 170808.
Corrected igs08_1958_plus to use the IGS08 PCOs rather than the
IGS14 PCOs for SVN38
and SVN36 ff.
one-to-six decimeter-level differences appear to have little effect
on processing.
King 170731
Fix bug in 10.61 causing bogus observables
King 170720
Added LC_NUMERIC environment variable explicitly to sh_plot_pos to
avoid problems when locale uses comma, not point, for decimal
separator. Floyd 170720
Updated svnav.dat, dcb.dat, and antmod.dat for the reassignment of
PRN04 from SVN38 to SVN36 effective 20 July 2017.
DCB values are
provisional until a new solution on 4 August.
The IGS is no longer
updating the IGS08 ANTEX file, so the PRN reassignments are copied
into an MIT-created igs08_1958_plus.atx (linked to antmod.dat) from
igs14_1958.atx. King 170719
Updated rcvant.dat for JAVAD TRE_3N DELTA. King 170708
Updated leap.sec to extend through 31 December 2017. King 170624
Added mods to complete models and remove bugs for processing Beidou,
Galileo, and IRNSS observations (Glonass not yet supported); if you
want to test these systems, copy gnss.170619.tar.gz to your top level
and untar the files AFTER the last incremental_update.
The GNSS code
is not yet implement for svpos/svdiff (you must have apr coordintes for
all sites in the l-file) nor for TRACK.
King/Floyd 619
Added -n option to "ls -l" on x-files in sh_preproc to provide user and
group name with numeric IDs to avoid problem when user or group name includes
spaces, which affects fields for proceeding awk. Floyd/Evans 170617
Cosmetic change to how units are displayed on axes in sh_plot_pos,
e.g. from "North / mm" to "North (mm)". Floyd 170608
Changed any instances of "gunzip" and "zcat" to "gzip -d -c", and any instances
of "bzcat" to "bzip2 -d -c" for conformity in sh_crx2rnx. Floyd 170607
Added forced overwrite when unzipping and creating symbolic links, and prepended
alias escape (\) to mv, cp and ln commands in sh_rename_rinex3. Floyd 170607
Added stripping of parentheses to "osver" variable to account for
more recent changes to Cygwin OS release ID in unimake, and updated
latest Linux kernel release to 4.9.30 ("4930") in
libraries/Makefile.config.new (note "new"). Floyd 170525
Corrected transformation of h-file list from absolute to relative paths in
sh_glred in the case that the path is not the default glbf/. Floyd 170519
Updated svnav.dat, dcb.dat, and antmod.dat for the reassignment of
PRN04 from SVN49 to SVN38 effective 18 May 2017.
DCB values are
provisional until a new solution on 4 June.
The IGS is no longer
updating the IGS08 ANTEX file, so the PRN reassignment and four new
antennas are copied into an MIT-created igs08_1949_plus.atx (linked
to antmod.dat) from igs14_1949.atx. King 170519
Add Trimble Zephyr 3 antennas TRM and TRM to rcvant.dat
and hi.dat. King 170512
sh_sp3fit: Fix bug whereby non-GPS SVs were included in the initial fit but
not a reintegrated t-file.
King 170509
sh_get_rinex: Modified to extract RINEX 3 as well as RINEX 2 files, cuurently
coded only for CDDIS.
McClusky 170509
Makefile.config: Removed the 'U',
designed to turn off deteministic mode in
the 'ar' command. A few new systems issue a warning if deterministic mode is
on, but many others prohibit this command. The warnings can be ignored since
we don't modify the archive in GAMIT/GLOBK installations. King 170509
UTC: The 1 April 2017 file libraries.10.61.tar.gz
contained an erroneous Makefile.generic for comlib.
The corrected
file is in incremental_updates but also in a 2 April 19:50 UTC replacement
of libraries.10.61.tar.gz.
Fixed bad format statement in gamit/orbits/orbrms.f.
King 170411
Fixed missing argument for initial call to getsp3 in gamit/makex/makex.f,
which may lead to a segmentation violation when sp3- rather than nav-files are
used for SV clocks.
King 170411
Updated unimake, added sh_eq_model and kf/dsiplace folder to approximately
maodel earthquake co-seismic offsets Herring 170415.}


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