mortal online下载之前的ddu条款是什么意思思

The Mortal Online
GM Galenus - Posted 1 weekagoContacting Web Support Hi all,
When you contact our online web support at /support please make sure that your email contact is entered correctly. There are a lot of times where our reply gets rejected by a mailer daemon due to a wrong Email address entered on the form.
With issues related to password changes and changing your registered Email, please be ready to provide your:
* Date of Birth
...LGM Discord - Posted 2 weeksagoVeteran Cape Warning It has come to our attention that adding the veteran cape to a bag and performing /droploot will delete them, please be aware of this as Support will not be able to compensate for these because they are trad-able item.Sebastian Persson - Posted 1 monthagoKekke the intern needs your help!
This is Kekke, he is the guy who recently built the VOIP system for Mortal Online.
But now Kekke needs your help, he is writing an essay on the work that he has done during the last 5 months.
He now needs fancy diagrams to impress his teachers and to create those he needs data.
So please, fill out this VOIP survey to give him some statistics to work with:
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Progress update Some of you have already guessed it but here's the confirmation: the next magic school is indeed Necromancy.…Progress update Hi there, community! Today we bring you a bit of information on what we are doing but also ask for your help!…
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Deal 1000 melee damage.
Deal 10000 melee damage.
Finish the tutorial.
Deal 50000 melee damage.
Deal 100000 melee damage.
Deal 1000 ranged damage.
Lost Lunch
Deal 10000 ranged damage.
Novice tamer
Successfully tame 15 pets.
Execute someone in mercy mode.
Deal 50000 ranged damage.
Gonna make you sweat
Visit Sarducaa.
Crack Shot
Deal 100000 ranged damage.
Adept tamer
Successfully tame 50 pets.
Fall 120 meters and land in water.
Deal 1000 magic damage.
What is it good for?
Be in a guild when a war starts.
Expert tamer
Successfully tame 100 pets.
See a war end.
Ride a mount as a fledgling.
Deal 10000 magic damage.
Novice lockpicker
Successfully pick 15 locks.
Master tamer
Successfully tame 200 pets.
Novice dominator
Successfully dominate 15 pets.
Hold your breath for more than 150 seconds, then take drowning damage.
Catch 10 fishes.
Get murdered by a group of at least 5 people.
Adept lockpicker
Successfully pick 50 locks.
Expert lockpicker
Successfully pick 100 locks.
Master lockpicker
Successfully pick 200 locks.
Adept dominator
Successfully dominate 50 pets.
Deal 50000 magic damage.
Deal 100000 magic damage.
Heal 100000 HP using magic.
Heal 1000 HP using magic.
Heal 10000 HP using magic.
Medicine Man
Heal 50000 HP using magic.
Catch 200 fishes.
Don't drop it!
Hold a relic.
That's not mine, I swear!
Try to persuade 10 guards.
It's just a gift!
Try to bribe 10 guards.
Unlock 20 titles on a single character.
Have 500 skills on a single character.
Do you feel lucky?
Try to threaten 10 guards.
Expert dominator
Successfully dominate 100 pets.
Catch 50 fishes.
Just in time
Get saved while being executed in mercy mode.
Master dominator
Successfully dominate 200 pets.
Catch 100 fishes.
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访问量:2479发布日期:10年02月02日 17时21分
瑞典Star Vault公司开发制作的MMORPG《》(Mortal Online)已于2月1日开始全面公开测试。使用虚幻3引擎的该游戏并不特别设定单独的PVP区域,玩家可随时与其他玩家进行战斗。,是继《》后再次彰显北欧独特&野蛮&风格的一款大作。而更为特别的是,该作使用第一人称视角,让娱乐的真实感顿增,但是对于大局观的控制应该不如第三人称方便。孰优孰劣,还是走进游戏亲身体验一番吧!因为该游戏标榜为超过18岁可以玩的游戏,首先选择生日,点Save下一步点击位于网页正中的下图点Create a game account 进入注册界面基本资料:账号名、密码、重复密码、姓名、邮箱、生日、性别、住址&门牌号、邮编、城市、省/州、国家、推荐人。点击CREATE ACCOUNT!
提示注册成功!以下为如何在官网上购买游戏及账号注册的后续操作,仅供参考官方提供三种产品供玩家选择:完整包(特别版)71.95欧元一般盒装版54.95欧元and网络下载版34.95欧元选择支付方式如果想重新选择产品或者支付方式可点击下图中间两个重置,没问题点击click here账户管理界面,正式收费以后的操作应该都在这里,如下图:账户建立的同时,系统会自动在论坛等相关地方创建账号,想要激活这些账号需进入邮箱点击下图链接
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