social crm是什么意思是Social

社会利益(Social Interest) 何为社会利益? 对社会利益内涵的认识将直接影响我们围绕社会利益而展开的研究.
边沁 认为:“共同体的利益(即社会利益) 是组织共同体的若干成员的利益总和.”可见,在边沁看来, 个人利 益是最基础、最重要的利益,社会利益只不过是个体利益的总和, 亦即不存在独立的社会利益.
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Design + Desires is a platform for people-centered design with , ,
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Social City is a virtual city based on your dreams and desires, which you can express via the . Join Social City, create your avatar, meet others and see your Social City grow!
Design for refugees is a noble enterprise, but it will only work when policy makers see refugees as regular individuals in the first place, each with their own skill set, hopes, and dreams.
The mig...
Diversity fuels modern city life, but makes it complex too. Diversity is a continuous balancing act between integration and exclusion. Total integration could lead to a loss of identity, whereas ex...
Participatory policies and governmental programs can be looked at as social designs, which do not function well.
Jaap Warmenhoven thinks this could change if governments learn to open up to inhabit...
At the head of Java island in Amsterdam's former eastern harbor, against the curious backdrop of two giant floating tourist resorts, lies an improvised temporary city. It is comprised of around 50 ...
Are you shopping online or offline? Or both? How do you see shopping change in the future?
A competition open to all international designers, thinkers, architects, artists, creatives, city-dwellers, enthusiasts - professional or otherwise - to design a city based on real citizen desires....
Based on the answers to the initial poll that you gave when you joined Social City, architect office TD designed "Treehousewaterboatappartmenthammocktower." It could be built! But is is what you wa...
Social citizens want to rule their city themselves, says our poll. But how could a bottom up governmental model actually function? We talked to Dutch artist Jonas Staal about his New World Summit o...
What does your ideal city square look like? Click below to select your preferred options or add your own ideas!
How public are our public spaces? Private and governmental organizations increasingly tend to decide how this space looks like and operates. This was a reason to organize an event in H?tel Droog ar...
Interview: Pascal Gielen proposes “commonism” as a meta-ideological framework.
Although endlessly diverse in demographics and urban desires, many Social Citizens consider themselves impassionate risk-takers.
Are robots a blessing or a threat to humans? What do you think? Click the poll below to select your preferred options or add your own ideas!
We need smart cities that exist because of their citizens, not because of their technologies.
Social City would be a workshop-dotted city inhabited by creative citizens.
Social City team went on a #STREETTALK expedition in the city of Amsterdam, to reach non web-users. Common citizens were asked the following questions: How do you want to rule your City?
Windmills, solar panels, robots doing the work and the internet-of-everything: Social City would be well equipped with technology.
This is one of the questions in our quiz. We received a lot of ideas. The best we share with you. What do you think? You can also add your own dreams.
There is a crucial difference between property ownership and the ability to take ownership of your city. Our cities are qu the challenge now is to ensure the true urban experie...
This week’s update is about urban governance. The citizens of Social City want to be in charge, instead of having national governments, big companies or computers to rule their cities.
In the poll...
Four young Chinese architects transform New York's 432 Park Avenue from an icon of luxury into a manifesto of human ecology.
This week’s update is about mobility: how would you like to move around in Social City and use space if there were no cars at all?
Part of the Social City exhibition at UABB are two interactive installations by architect and computer programmer Mark van der Net. The installations describe the energy of two great neighbouring c...
This week’s update is about the coexistence of nature and the city: the majority of Social Citizens is eager to have as much nature as possible. How do we reconnect cities to nature?
Part of the Social City exhibition at the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture are soft maps by artist Jan Rothuizen describing the homes, lives and desires of four Shenzhen citizens.
The Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UABB) in Shenzhen invited Renny Ramakers to be the co-curator of Re-Living the City - the 6th edition. She curated the Social City exhibition, which c...
Part of the Social City exhibition at the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture is a forward-looking model of a building block that satisfies the desires of all Social Citizens by architect off...
Newcomers could revitalise declining places and economies, have a chance to make their own living and be part of a new and diverse society.
The expression “I am a Shenzhener” embodies the optimism of the upcoming generation of entrepreneurs, high-tech experts, craftsmen, architects, and others residents of the city of tomorrow.
A thoroughly militarised public space only promises us the illusion of safety.
This week’s poll update: streets and benches are liked, but squares score best as favourite public space. How can we use them optimally?
Monnik describes a city in which productivity growth is replaced by resource distribution, and where social status is measured by 'I Am' instead of 'I Have'.
A majority of Social Citizens likes social control over other safety measures, while CCTV and gated communities are both favoured by one in ten people. One in five says they don't need any control....
Design+Desires / ‘Re-dreaming the Street’ is a small-scale research project that results in a data visualization and a public symposium.
Stefania Vulpi asks if we could imagine a flexible citizenship that can be borrowed and swapped between people from different countries.
Cities provide the perfect setup for a more enlightened view on identity.
Farid Tabarki responds to the text "How dreams, passions and desires of city dwellers can shape a city", arguing that knowledge is key.
In response to the text 'Borderless identities in an urban world', Koert Debeuf describes cities as places for opportunities.
We need a system which allows for rules to be modified and changed with more ease and fluidity.
Could a shared identity that is freed from borders, rules and regulations, social stratifications and historical ballast create a new kind of virtual, post-national community?
We have to build strong frameworks in which people can make a mess.
With an open mind, not hindered by rules and regulations, prevailing social and economic stratification and historical ballast, we could reframe the city, based on the diverse desires of citizens.
The beta version of the online platform, the predecessor of, was launched during the Next City Living Lab at the Beijing Design Week (BJDW, 23/9 – 7/10, 2015) in C...
Virtual research community Beijing City Lab recently published visualised data based on the latest census, giving insight into the dynamics and evolution of Beijing as a city. Visualising enormous ...
In the fall of 2014 the Design+Desires team conducted a pilot study of its method via a Fall semester course option studio at the Architecture Art Planning Department of Cornell University (Ithaca,...社交网络 The Social Network
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我的名字叫Mark Zuckerberg,我是一典型卷发犹太人,我成绩优秀,高中最爱编程,造了几个有点小用的软件后,我考上了哈佛. 在大学我什么都不缺,社交?那是上等社会有钱小孩的游戏,我羡慕但我不需要,女朋友?有一个我喜欢无比的女生Erica,但她没我聪明,从她去波士顿大学就知道了. 我不会甜言蜜语,我向来直言直语,这就是为什么我女朋友会叫我*sshole然后和我分手. 我生气............
《社交网络》,一部急风骤雨般的电影。它似乎在模仿着主人公的成功之路。让人喘不过气来的急速上升之后,Mark Zuckerberg,facebook的创始人,史上最年轻的亿万富翁,不过是个住在租来的房子里的26岁年轻人。
那天在离Google总部不远的电影院看这部电影。片中当Zuckerberg决定将当时的the facebook推广到Stanford时,全场欢呼。我忽然有种感觉,好像自己正生活在世界的中心。............
美国的中期选举刚刚结束,在水深火热的加州eBay前任总裁梅格o惠特曼豪掷1.4亿美元去选州长,还是失败了。虽然这哥们是IT起家,心中还是有个政治家的梦想呀。其实呢,想改变世界,有时候做你最拿手的就可以了。 这个片子是芬奇叔叔最新力作,在我看来是本年度最佳电影,没有之一,超越inception, avatar等等等等。没有炫目的特技只有漂亮的镜头,最重要的是讲了一个真正的好............
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