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英文翻译fruits of victory
例句与用法We have defended the fruits of our victory .我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。Yuan shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 revolution .袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。This period of exuberance was bound to wane, if only because we inevitably encountered the consequences of our success .这个欣欣向荣的时期肯定是会消逝的,即使是我们必然会遇到胜利果实,情况也会是这样。You know , we got to take our victories as they come我们应该好好享受胜利果实A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud ( see article )一个政客小集团通过欺骗几乎完全窃取了胜利果实。
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英文翻译for the victory:&&&& in ord ...:&&&& triumph
例句与用法What ' ll we drink to ? let ' s drink to victory我们为了什么干杯?为了胜利干杯To conquer we need to dare , to dare again , ever to dare为了胜利,我们需要勇敢,更勇敢!永远勇敢冲杀! Well , you ' re here , phil是的,你只是为了胜利,菲尔" we came to win and it was difficult to take but we can be very proud .我们到来是为了胜利,这(落败)不容易接受但我们可以感到很自豪。 ” For victory is a detailed account of how the chinese fought against the japanese invaders in the second world war《为了胜利》用全景式的描述,记录了中国人民抗日战争的基本历程。 It ' s that he was willing to do it , that he feels vested enough in this team ' s welfare to go all in for victory这主要是因为他愿意这样做,他愿意为了球队、为了胜利而释放他的得分能量。 " we go to old trafford to win . if manchester united beat chelsea , it ' s not an earthquake because it ' s a big team beating a big team ."我们为了胜利去老特拉德福德。但是如果曼联击败了切尔西,也不是世界末日,这只不过是一只强队战胜了另一支强队。 Victory at all costs , victory in spite off all terror , victory however long and h for without victory there is no survival为了胜利,不惜任何代价;为了胜利,何惧日夜惕励;为了胜利,哪怕道路多么漫长和艰辛。因为没有胜利,就没有生存。 “ it was a pleasure to win the game against bolton , we ' ve been working for the title so now we can play without pressure of the championship and be ready for the game tomorrow"能够赢博尔顿真是太好了,我们为了胜利而奋斗.现在我们减少了一些压力来面对欧战,并好好准备这场比赛Both teams kicked off the campaign with a victory and this is set to be a very early battle for that last remaining champions league spot behind the probable top three of juventus , milan and inter两只球队都为了胜利而战,并且这场比赛也是两队为争夺联赛第四所进行的提前预演。
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英文翻译nikewinged victory:&&&& triumph:&&&&goddess
例句与用法On the obverse , a winged goddess holding laurel branches in both hands , arms raised奖牌正面为张着双翅的胜利女神双臂上举,双手托着月桂花冠。 There was a feverish triumph in her eyes , and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of victory她不知道此时她那得意的神色如胜利女神一般。 Apollos and venuses and the winged victory of samothrace are friends of my finger tips阿波罗、维纳斯和有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神是我的手指尖的朋友。 The obverse of the medal features the ancient coliseum and the goddess of victory holding a winner ' s crown奖牌正面是古代竞技场和手持月桂花冠的胜利女神奈基。 The customary symbols , including the victory goddess holding a winner ' s crown , are engraved on the obverse face手握月桂花冠的胜利女神等传统标志刻在奖牌正面。 This beautiful cup is about ten inches high and has the shape of nike , the greek goddess of victory , on it美丽的足球世界杯大约有十英寸高,安放着一个外形酷似希腊胜利女神尼克的雕像。 On the obverse , the traditional goddess of victory , holding a palm in her left hand and a winner ' s crown in her right奖牌正面是传统的胜利女神像,她的左手拿着一束棕榈叶,右手举着月桂花冠。 Virgin goddess of wisdom , she was second only to jupiter . as the goddess of war and victory , she was invincible in battle智慧女神,她仅次于木星。作为战斗和胜利女神,她在战斗过程中不可战胜。 " these things can happen and the lads can be proud they gave their all with more or less everyone playing their part .“胜利女神终会眷顾我们,小伙子们能为他们自己感到自豪,他们都完成了他们的本职工作。 ” On the obverse , the ancient coliseum and the goddess of victory holding the laurel crowns and the caption : " xxiv olympiad seoul 1988 "奖牌正面是古代竞技场和手持月桂花冠的胜利女神以及“第24届汉城奥运会”字样。 更多例句:&&1&&
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英雄联盟里超神英文是Legendary,字面翻译是传奇的意思。一杀:First Blood双杀: Double Kill三杀:Trible Kill四杀:Quadra Kill 五杀: Penta Kill六杀及以上legendary Kill《英雄联盟》(简称lol)是由美国Riot Games开发,腾讯游戏运营的英雄对战网游。《英雄联盟》除了即时战略、团队作战外,还拥有特色的英雄、自动匹配的战网平台,包括天赋树、召唤师系统、符文等元素。
xxx击毁了对方的水晶 /敌方水晶即将重生Your&#47.xxx击毁了对方防御塔 &#47.己方&#47.召唤师xxx断开了链接An summ 己方水晶被击毁Your team has Defeat比赛胜利&#47. /The enemy' Your turres inhibit Your inhibito敌方水晶已经重生Victory &#47.己方&#47!防御塔击杀: yo失败An summoThe enemy&#39一血! 连杀被终止Your team has destroied an inhibitor:shut down团灭:executeShutdown. &#47.召唤师xxx重新链接了 最多只是5连杀
再后面的 杀人
都是 一个样的了; 己方防御塔被击毁Your/s inhibitor has reborned:first Blood杀3个 killing spree杀4个 rampage杀5个 unstoppable杀6个 dominating杀7个 g-g-g-godlike杀8个及以上 legendary一定时间内的连杀Double Kill
双杀Trible Kill 三杀Ultra
Kill 四杀Panta Kill 五杀杀死了一个连杀一个以上的敌人


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