apreg match类型的游戏有哪些?

authentication - PHP Curl And Cookies - Stack Overflow
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I have some problem with PHP Curl and Cookies Authentication.
I have a file Connector.php which authenticates users on another server and returns cookie with current user.
The Problem is that I want to authenticate
thousands of users with curl but it authenticates and saves COOKIES only for one user at a time.
the code for connector.php is this:
if(!count($_REQUEST)) {
die("No Access!");
//Core Url For Services
define ('ServiceCore', 'http://example.com/core/');
//Which Internal Service Should Be Called
$path = $_GET['service'];
//Service To Be Queried
$url = ServiceCore.$
//Open the Curl session
$session = curl_init($url);
// If it's a GET, put the GET data in the body
if ($_GET['service']) {
//Iterate Over GET Vars
$postvars = '';
foreach($_GET as $key=&$val) {
if($key!='service') {
curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvars);
//Create And Save Cookies
$tmpfname = dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt';
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $tmpfname);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $tmpfname);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
$json = curl_exec($session);
Here is the process of authentication:
User enters username and password: Connector.php?service=logon&user_name=user32&user_pass=123
Connector.php?service=logosessionInfo this returns info about user based on cookies saved earlier with logon service.
The problem is that this code saves Cookie in one file for one user and cant handle multiple user authentication.
You can specify the cookie file with a curl opt. You could use a unique file for each user.
curl_setopt( $curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true );
curl_setopt( $curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, uniquefilename );
curl_setopt( $curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, uniquefilename );
The best way to handle it would be to stick your request logic into a curl function and just pass the unique file name in as a parameter.
function fetch( $url, $z=null ) {
$useragent = isset($z['useragent']) ? $z['useragent'] : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/ Firefox/10.0.2';
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, isset($z['post']) );
if( isset($z['post']) )
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $z['post'] );
if( isset($z['refer']) )
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $z['refer'] );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, ( isset($z['timeout']) ? $z['timeout'] : 5 ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,
$z['cookiefile'] );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $z['cookiefile'] );
$result = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
I use this for quick grabs. It takes the url and an array of options.
In working with a similar problem I created the following function after combining a lot of resources I ran into on the web, and adding my own cookie handling. Hopefully this is useful to someone else.
function get_web_page( $url, $cookiesIn = '' ){
$options = array(
// return web page
//return headers in addition to content
// follow redirects
// handle all encodings
// set referer on redirect
// timeout on connect
// timeout on response
// stop after 10 redirects
// Validate SSL Certificates
=& $cookiesIn
= curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
$rough_content = curl_exec( $ch );
= curl_errno( $ch );
= curl_error( $ch );
= curl_getinfo( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
$header_content = substr($rough_content, 0, $header['header_size']);
$body_content = trim(str_replace($header_content, '', $rough_content));
$pattern = "#Set-Cookie:\\s+(?&cookie&[^=]+=[^;]+)#m";
preg_match_all($pattern, $header_content, $matches);
$cookiesOut = implode("; ", $matches['cookie']);
= $header_
$header['content'] = $body_
$header['cookies'] = $cookiesO
First create temporary cookie using tempnam() function:
$ckfile = tempnam ("/tmp", "CURLCOOKIE");
Than execute curl init witch cookie saves as a temporary file:
$ch = curl_init ("http://uri.com/");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $ckfile);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$output = curl_exec ($ch);
Or visit cookie data where is store of temporary data:
$ch = curl_init ("http://somedomain.com/cookiepage.php");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $ckfile);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$output = curl_exec ($ch);
This will loads page of cookie initialization:
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $ckfile);
Here you can find some useful info about cURL & cookies
You can also use this well done method
like a function:
function CURL($url, $data = null, $method = 'GET', $cookie = null, $options = null, $retries = 3)
if ((extension_loaded('curl') === true) && (is_resource($curl = curl_init()) === true))
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
if (preg_match('~^(?:DELETE|GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|POST|PUT)$~i', $method) & 0)
if (preg_match('~^(?:HEAD|OPTIONS)$~i', $method) & 0)
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_HEADER =& true, CURLOPT_NOBODY =& true));
else if (preg_match('~^(?:POST|PUT)$~i', $method) & 0)
if (is_array($data) === true)
foreach (preg_grep('~^@~', $data) as $key =& $value)
$data[$key] = sprintf('@%s', rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(ltrim($value, '@'))), '/') . (is_dir(ltrim($value, '@')) ? '/' : ''));
if (count($data) != count($data, COUNT_RECURSIVE))
$data = http_build_query($data, '', '&');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, strtoupper($method));
if (isset($cookie) === true)
curl_setopt_array($curl, array_fill_keys(array(CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE), strval($cookie)));
if ((intval(ini_get('safe_mode')) == 0) && (ini_set('open_basedir', null) !== false))
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS =& 5, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION =& true));
if (is_array($options) === true)
curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);
for ($i = 1; $i &= $ ++$i)
$result = curl_exec($curl);
if (($i == $retries) || ($result !== false))
usleep(pow(2, $i - 2) * 1000000);
And pass this as $cookie parameter:
$cookie_jar = tempnam('/tmp','cookie');
You can define different cookies for every user with CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE and CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR. Make different file for every user so each one would have it's own cookie-based session on remote server.
Solutions which are described above, even with unique CookieFile names, can cause a lot of problems on scale.
We had to serve a lot of authentications with this solution and our server went down because of high file read write actions.
The solution for this was to use Apache Reverse Proxy and omit CURL requests at all.
Details how to use Proxy on Apache can be found here:
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledregex - php only allow letters, numbers, spaces and specific symbols using pregmatch - Stack Overflow
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on my php i use preg_match to validate input texts.
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $firstname)) {
But this only allows alphanumeric and does not allow spaces. I want to allow spaces, alpha and numeric. and period(.) and dash(-)
Please help me out here? thanks in advance.
preg_match('/^[a-z0-9 .\-]+$/i', $firstname)
If you not only want to allow ASCII, then use :
preg_match('/^[\p{L}\p{N} .-]+$/', $firstname)
\p{L} is any letter in any language, matches also Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, ... characters.
\p{N} any kind of numeric character (means also e.g. roman numerals)
if you want to limit to digits, then use \p{Nd}
The only difficult bit here is the dash.
For spaces and dots, you can simply add them to your character class, like so:
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9 .]+$/'
The dash is slightly harder because hyphens have special meaning in a character class like this (as you already know, they're used for ranges of characters like a-z). In order to specify a hyphen in a character class, it must be the first character in the class (ie it must not be between two characters, otherwise it is treated as a character range marker).
So your expression would be:
'/^[-a-zA-Z0-9 .]+$/'
Hope that helps.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled求助:PHP preg_match_all匹配的问题_百度知道
求助:PHP preg_match_all匹配的问题
echo '&pre&';print_r($arr);
echo '没有找到匹配的';
echo '&pre&';print_r($arr);
echo '没有找到匹配的';
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Detect Browser Language in PHP - Stack Overflow
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I use the following PHP script as index for my website.
This script should include a specific page depending on the browser's language (automatically detected).
This script does not work well with all browsers, so it always includes index_en.php for any detected language (the cause of the problem is most probably an issue with some Accept-Language header not being considered).
Could you please suggest me a more robust solution?
// Open session var
// views: 1 = &1 = second visit
// Detect language from user agent browser
function lixlpixel_get_env_var($Var)
function lixlpixel_detect_lang()
// Try to detect Primary language if several languages are accepted.
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
if(strpos($_AL, $K)===0)
return $K;
// Try to detect any language if not yet detected.
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
if(strpos($_AL, $K)!==false)
return $K;
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
//if(preg_match("/[[( ]{$K}[;,_-)]/",$_UA)) // matching other letters (create an error for seo spyder)
return $K;
// Return default language if language is not yet detected.
return $GLOBALS['_DLANG'];
// Define default language.
// Define all available languages.
// WARNING: uncomment all available languages
$GLOBALS['_LANG'] = array(
'af', // afrikaans.
'ar', // arabic.
'bg', // bulgarian.
'ca', // catalan.
'cs', // czech.
'da', // danish.
'de', // german.
'el', // greek.
'en', // english.
'es', // spanish.
'et', // estonian.
'fi', // finnish.
'fr', // french.
'gl', // galician.
'he', // hebrew.
'hi', // hindi.
'hr', // croatian.
'hu', // hungarian.
'id', // indonesian.
'it', // italian.
'ja', // japanese.
'ko', // korean.
'ka', // georgian.
'lt', // lithuanian.
'lv', // latvian.
'ms', // malay.
'nl', // dutch.
'no', // norwegian.
'pl', // polish.
'pt', // portuguese.
'ro', // romanian.
'ru', // russian.
'sk', // slovak.
'sl', // slovenian.
'sq', // albanian.
'sr', // serbian.
'sv', // swedish.
'th', // thai.
'tr', // turkish.
'uk', // ukrainian.
'zh' // chinese.
// Redirect to the correct location.
// Example Implementation aff var lang to name file
echo 'The Language detected is: '.lixlpixel_detect_lang(); // For Demonstration
echo "&br /&";
$lang_var = lixlpixel_detect_lang(); //insert lang var system in a new var for conditional statement
echo "&br /&";
echo $lang_ // print var for trace
echo "&br /&";
// Insert the right page iacoording with the language in the browser
switch ($lang_var){
case "fr":
//echo "PAGE DE";
include("index_fr.php");//include check session DE
case "it":
//echo "PAGE IT";
case "en":
//echo "PAGE EN";
//echo "PAGE EN - Setting Default";
include("index_en.php");//include EN in all other cases of different lang detection
why dont you keep it simple and clean
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
switch ($lang){
case "fr":
//echo "PAGE FR";
include("index_fr.php");//include check session FR
case "it":
//echo "PAGE IT";
case "en":
//echo "PAGE EN";
//echo "PAGE EN - Setting Default";
include("index_en.php");//include EN in all other cases of different lang detection
is a list of weighted values (see q parameter). That means just looking at the first language does not mean it’s als in fact, a q value of 0 means not acceptable at all.
So instead of just looking at the first language, parse the list of accepted languages and available languages and find the best match:
// parse list of comma separated language tags and sort it by the quality value
function parseLanguageList($languageList) {
if (is_null($languageList)) {
return array();
$languages = array();
$languageRanges = explode(',', trim($languageList));
foreach ($languageRanges as $languageRange) {
if (preg_match('/(\*|[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8}(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*)(?:\s*;\s*q\s*=\s*(0(?:\.\d{0,3})|1(?:\.0{0,3})))?/', trim($languageRange), $match)) {
if (!isset($match[2])) {
$match[2] = '1.0';
$match[2] = (string) floatval($match[2]);
if (!isset($languages[$match[2]])) {
$languages[$match[2]] = array();
$languages[$match[2]][] = strtolower($match[1]);
// compare two parsed arrays of language tags and find the matches
function findMatches($accepted, $available) {
$matches = array();
foreach ($accepted as $acceptedQuality =& $acceptedValues) {
$acceptedQuality = floatval($acceptedQuality);
if ($acceptedQuality === 0.0)
foreach ($available as $availableQuality =& $availableValues) {
$availableQuality = floatval($availableQuality);
if ($availableQuality === 0.0)
foreach ($acceptedValues as $acceptedValue) {
if ($acceptedValue === '*') {
foreach ($availableValues as $availableValue) {
$matchingGrade = matchLanguage($acceptedValue, $availableValue);
if ($matchingGrade & 0) {
$q = (string) ($acceptedQuality * $availableQuality * $matchingGrade);
if (!isset($matches[$q])) {
$matches[$q] = array();
if (!in_array($availableValue, $matches[$q])) {
$matches[$q][] = $availableV
if (count($matches) === 0 && $any) {
$matches = $
// compare two language tags and distinguish the degree of matching
function matchLanguage($a, $b) {
$a = explode('-', $a);
$b = explode('-', $b);
for ($i=0, $n=min(count($a), count($b)); $i&$n; $i++) {
if ($a[$i] !== $b[$i])
return $i === 0 ? 0 : (float) $i / count($a);
$accepted = parseLanguageList($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$available = parseLanguageList('en, fr, it');
$matches = findMatches($accepted, $available);
If findMatches returns an empty array, no match was found and you can fall back on the default language.
The existing answers are a little too verbose so I created this smaller, auto-matching version.
function prefered_language(array $available_languages, $http_accept_language) {
$available_languages = array_flip($available_languages);
preg_match_all('~([\w-]+)(?:[^,\d]+([\d.]+))?~', strtolower($http_accept_language), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($matches as $match) {
list($a, $b) = explode('-', $match[1]) + array('', '');
$value = isset($match[2]) ? (float) $match[2] : 1.0;
if(isset($available_languages[$match[1]])) {
$langs[$match[1]] = $
if(isset($available_languages[$a])) {
$langs[$a] = $value - 0.1;
And the sample usage:
//$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] = 'en-us,q=0.8,es-q=0.5,zh-q=0.3';
// Languages we support
$available_languages = array("en", "zh-cn", "es");
$langs = prefered_language($available_languages, $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
[en] =& 0.8
[es] =& 0.4
[zh-cn] =& 0.3
The official way to handle this is using the . Unlike some answers here, this correctly handles the language priorities (q-values), partial language matches and will return the closest match, or when there are no matches it falls back to the first language in your array.
How to use:
$supportedLanguages = [
'en-US', // first one is the default/fallback
// Returns the negotiated language
// or the default language (i.e. first array entry) if none match.
$language = http_negotiate_language($supportedLanguages, $result);
The problem with the selected answer above is that the user may have their first choice set as a language that's not in the case structure, but one of their other language choices are set. You should loop until you find a match.
This is a super simple solution that works better.
Browsers return the languages in order of preference, so that simplifies the problem. While the language designator can be more than two characters (e.g. - "EN-US"), typically the first two are sufficient.
In the following code example I'm looking for a match from a list of known languages my program is aware of.
$known_langs = array('en','fr','de','es');
$user_pref_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
foreach($user_pref_langs as $idx =& $lang) {
$lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);
if (in_array($lang, $known_langs)) {
echo "Preferred language is $lang";
I hope you find this a quick and simple solution that you can easily use in your code.
I've been using this in production for quite a while.
Try this one:
# Copyright (C) 2008 Darrin Yeager
# https://www.dyeager.org/
# Licensed under BSD license.
function getDefaultLanguage() {
return parseDefaultLanguage($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
return parseDefaultLanguage(NULL);
function parseDefaultLanguage($http_accept, $deflang = "en") {
if(isset($http_accept) && strlen($http_accept) & 1)
# Split possible languages into array
$x = explode(",",$http_accept);
foreach ($x as $val) {
#check for q-value and create associative array. No q-value means 1 by rule
$lang[$matches[1]] = (float)$matches[2];
$lang[$val] = 1.0;
#return default language (highest q-value)
$qval = 0.0;
foreach ($lang as $key =& $value) {
if ($value & $qval) {
$qval = (float)$
$deflang = $
return strtolower($deflang);
The following script is a modified version of Xeoncross's code (thank you for that Xeoncross) that falls-back to a default language setting if no languages match the supported ones, or if a match is found it replaces the default language setting with a new one according to the language priority.
In this scenario the user's browser is set in order of priority to Spanish, Dutch, US English and English and the application supports English and Dutch only with no regional variations and English is the default language. The order of the values in the "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" string is not important if for some reason the browser does not order the values correctly.
$supported_languages = array("en","nl");
$supported_languages = array_flip($supported_languages);
var_dump($supported_languages); // array(2) { ["en"]=& int(0) ["nl"]=& int(1) }
$http_accept_language = $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]; // es,q=0.8,en-q=0.5,q=0.3
preg_match_all('~([\w-]+)(?:[^,\d]+([\d.]+))?~', strtolower($http_accept_language), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$available_languages = array();
foreach ($matches as $match)
list($language_code,$language_region) = explode('-', $match[1]) + array('', '');
$priority = isset($match[2]) ? (float) $match[2] : 1.0;
$available_languages[][$language_code] = $
array(4) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
$default_priority = (float) 0;
$default_language_code = 'en';
foreach ($available_languages as $key =& $value)
$language_code = key($value);
$priority = $value[$language_code];
if ($priority & $default_priority && array_key_exists($language_code,$supported_languages))
$default_priority = $
$default_language_code = $language_
var_dump($default_priority); // float(0.8)
var_dump($default_language_code); // string(2) "nl"
var_dump($default_language_code); // string(2) "nl"
I think the cleanest way is this!
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
All of the above with fallback to 'en':
$lang = substr(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])[0],0,2)?:'en';
...or with default language fallback and known language array:
function lang( $l = ['en'], $u ){
return $l[
] ?: $l[0];
function lang($l=['en'],$u){return $l[array_keys($l,substr(explode(',',$u?:$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])[0],0,2))[0]]?:$l[0];}
// first known lang is always default
lang(['de']); // 'de'
lang(['de','en']); // 'en'
// manual set accept-language
lang(['de'],'en-us'); // 'de'
lang(['de'],'de-de, en-us'); // 'de'
lang(['en','fr'],'de-de, en-us'); // 'en'
lang(['en','fr'],'fr-fr, en-us'); // 'fr'
lang(['de','en'],'fr-fr, en-us'); // 'de'
I've got this one, which sets a cookie. And as you can see, it first checks if the language is posted by the user. Because browser language not always tells about the user.
$lang = getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE");
$set_lang = explode(',', $lang);
if (isset($_POST['lang']))
$taal = $_POST['lang'];
setcookie("lang", $taal);
header('Location: /p/');
setcookie("lang", $set_lang[0]);
echo $set_lang[0];
echo '&br&';
echo $set_lang[1];
header('Location: /p/');
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