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Bundles sold
Absolute Drift
This bundle will include a free update to Absolute Drift: Zen Edition, which will be launching later this summer.In&Absolute Drift, you will master the art of drifting. Practice your skills in Free-Roam and compete in drift events such as Driftkhana and Mountain Drifting.Key Features
Drive and customize up to 6 drift cars&
3 Game Modes: Driftkhana, Drifting, & Mountain Drifting with 24+ levels&
5 Free-Roaming areas, each with unique levels and themes, from airports and docks to a floating metropolis&
Online Leaderboards&
3+ hours of clean Drum & Bass and Electronic music by C41 and NYTE&
Full Controller Support
What is the longest possible length a bird can be? Obviously a question only all the fruit in the world can answer! But where could all this fruit be hiding? Follow Redbird, Greenbird and Bluebird on a quest for an amount of fruit beyond any birds wildest dreams.&Snakebird is a very simple but deceptively challenging puzzle game about assuming the right shapes for the task at hand, be it pushing, lifting, teleporting or just defying the laws of physics.
Over fifty challenging levels.
Non-linear world map.
Several different zones with their own themed puzzles.
Snake-like birds with narcolepsy.
Dynamic fruit-powered length gain system.
Beyond the veil of this world, there is a chain of strongholds that were once built to keep the horrors of the void at bay. And now the monsters are returning from the depths to conquer and kill: only you can stop the monsters before they break through to the everyday world. Choose your hero and defend the silent forts: use, rebuild and improve those ancient traps and magical machines.&
A truly unique mixture of Tower Defense games and action-RPGs.&
You and your traps against the whole otherworld: Defeat the hordes in an incredible single player campaign! You are on your own, so it's a good thing that you have deadly devices and powerful spells.&
Team up with other heroes and save the world together...: Cooperative campaign with specially designed maps.&
&or you can just show your friends your true personality: Players can set against each other in this game mode, where the defender prepares traps and defensive tactics, while the attacker has the ability to possess and control directly any creature in his or her army and employs skills to weaken the opponent or boost the invaders.&
Become the Master of the Deathtrap Strongholds: The integrated Map Editor and Monster Editor allows the creation of the us moreover, you can also share your deadly, cunning levels and challenging mini-campaigns with others.&
Knee-deep in blood: in the goriest Tower Defense game ever you can finally teach those monsters a savage lesson. Deathtrap gives you destructive spells and deadly mechanisms to smash, freeze, burn the creatures of nightmare, only to mention a few ways that can turn them into tiny, bloody pieces.&
Rewards of curiosity: Find the hidden corners on the maps and hunt down the neutral creatures hiding away from the battl you can also solve rewarding side quests as well.&
Become one of the specialists: Choose from 3 diverse classes (Mercenary, Sorceress, and Marksman); each class offers different tactics, skills and powers to dispose your enemies.&
With experience comes wisdom & and brand new ways to deal with those annoying invaders: The extended and detailed character development offers you 100 levels to achieve and more than 50 Skills per class.&
Weapons of destruction have never been so much fun: fend off the invaders with 25 deadly traps and more than 150 trap upgrades, not to mention the very special upgrades, which are tied to challenging and fun achievements.&
Enter a truly grim fantasy netherworld: the Ink, the mysterious otherworld in the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing games has hidden regions now can face what is waiting in those depths.&
Gear up and stand your ground: The detailed equipment mechanics and the comprehensive loot system make your inventory highly customizable.&
A wide variety of horrors to defeat: Invaders come in 3 races and more than 40 the countless combination of monster abilities will make the invading swarms even more colorful.&
Make your legendary weapons even more effective: Artifact crafting gives you new ways to experiment with lethal magical items.&
King of the Maze: The leaderboards and the rank system lets you compete with other players.
More games coming soon!
More&games&will be added to this bundle next&Tuesday&at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time!If you pay more than the average price when you purchase the bundle, you'll automatically receive the additional games once they're revealed!
Craft the World
Craft The World is a unique sandbox strategy game, the mix of Dungeon Keeper, Terraria and Dwarf Fortress.
Explore a random generated world populated by dangerous creatures, build a dwarf fortress, gather resources, and craft all the items, weapons, and armor you need.
You control a tribe of dwarves by giving them commands to dig in certain places, attack enemy creatures, and build houses and other structures. You'll need to provide your dwarves food and clothing, as well as help them with magic when fighting against other inhabitants of the world. You start the game with one dwarf and gain additional dwarves as your experience level increases.
Each game level has many layers of earth to explore, from the sky down to boiling subterranean lava. The level is randomly generated as an island, restricted by natural boundaries: oceans on the edges, lava beneath it, and the sky above. Other features include day and night and changing weather conditions. The worlds differ in size, humidity, temperature, terrain, and flora and fauna. Abandoned halls and rooms with treasure are hidden somewhere deep within the islands.
One feature of the game is a user-friendly system of recipes for crafting. The recipes are organized and easily accessible. You can craft dozens of different items: building blocks for houses, furniture, decorations, weapons, armor, ammunition, and food for your dwarves.
At the outset you find the recipes for basic tools and items, and build a small house with places to sleep and eat. Then, the size of the tribe increases and catches the attention of other inhabitants of the world. Most of them are night creatures and dwell underground. The worlds are full of fantasy creatures like zombies, skeletons, goblins, beholders, ghosts, giant spiders, and others. Some of them pay little attention to the dwarves, as long as the dwarves do not come into their field of vision. Others gather into quite large groups and try to break into the dwarves& residence.
Especially dangerous are the waves of monsters that appear from time to time from portals. So, do not neglect to build a safe haven with strong walls and numerous trapdoors, cells, firing towers, and secret passageways.
As a divine being, you possess various spells. You can speed up the movement of the dwarves, open small portals, illuminate dark caves to scare away monsters, evoke natural magic in the form of rain or tree growth, hurl fireballs at the monsters& heads, and find useful resources and hidden rooms underground, thereby helping to speed up resource extraction, exploration of the world, and the population growth of your assistants.&
Action Against Hunger
Payments to Action Against Hunger are made via the&.Action Against Hunger | ACF International is a global humanitarian organization committed to ending world hunger. The organization works to save the lives of malnourished children while providing communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. With 30 years of expertise in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster and chronic food insecurity, ACF runs lifesaving programs in 47 countries benefiting 13 million people each year.
Get notified of upcoming promotions:March 17, 2012
Two rabbits are in a garden and one of the rabbits says, "Thith carrot tathes pithy."
The other rabbit says, "Yes, I know, I just pithed on it."
Two guys were out fishing on the lake when a hearse and funeral procession
passed the boat on a nearby road. One of them stood up and held his fishing
hat over his heart as the hearse passed. His buddy commented, "Gee, Harry,
that was really nice and respectful!"
To which Harry replied, "Well, after all we were married 40 years."
There's this penguin, driving through the South, the Deep South... late
August. The hot months. "Ew! But it sure is hot!" the penguin lisped from
behind the wheel of his choking jalopy.
Suddenly! The jalopy fails the penguin and he has to push it down a
bumpy road to the next small town. He got out, and with all his strength
in his weak flippers, he pushed the car over hill and dale.
"Whew!" he sighed.
As luck would have it, there was a mechanic in town, and he told the
penguin that he'd have to spend some time with the car. "Why don't you come
back in an hour or so?"
Wiping the sweat from his brow, the penguin espied an ice cream shoppe!
"Hurray and yippy!" he cried! "I'll be back, toot sweet!" he said.
He ordered the tallest vanilla ice cream he could hold between his vestigial
wings... those miserable fins could barely manage the scoops upon scoops of
creamy goodness. The cone was so tall that more of it ended up on the penguin
than in him!
"Yummy! That was very very good!" the penguin said, smacking his lips.
He waddled back to the mechanic who was ready to give the little fellow
an update. The mechanic looked at the penguin sternly. The gaskets and seals
on the engine were severely damaged after years of driving without a routine
check, and it was certainly going to be expensive.
"Well, it looks like you blew a seal."
"Oh no, that's just ice cream!" the penguin said, wiping the ice cream
from his chin.
A set of jumper cables walks into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says,
"OK, I'll serve you, but don't start anything."
There’s a sweet old couple happily living life. One day the wife went in
for a medical exam and when she came home she reported to her husband,
"The doctor says I have the heart of a 50-year-old, lungs of a 40-year-old,
and the blood pressure of a 25-year-old."
The huband replies, "Oh really? And what did he say about your
70-year-old ass?"
She replied, "He never mentioned you."
As a young minister, I was asked by a funeral director to hold a
graveside service for a homeless man, with no family or friends, who had
died while traveling through the area. The funeral was to be held at a
new cemetery way back in the country, and this man would be the first
to be laid to rest there.
As I was not familiar with the backwoods area, I and
being a typical man, I did not stop for directions. I finally arrived
an hour late. I saw the crew, eating lunch, but the hearse was nowhere
in sight. I apologized to the workers for my tardiness, and stepped to
the side of the open grave, where I saw the vault lid already in place.
I assured the workers I would not hold them long, but this was the
proper thing to do.
The workers gathered around, still eating their lunch. I poured out
my heart and soul. As I preached, the workers began to say "Amen,"
"Praise the Lord," and "Glory." I preached and I preached, like I'd
never preached before: from Genesis all the way to Revelations.
I closed the lengthy service with a prayer and walked to my car.
I felt I had done my duty for the homeless man and that the crew
would leave with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication, in spite
of my tardiness.
As I was opening the door and taking off my coat, I overheard
one of the workers saying to another, "I ain't never seen anything
like that before...and I've been puttin' in septic tanks for
more'n 20 years."
Justice Brewer was asked by a man, "Will you please tell me, sir, what is the
penalty for bigamy?"
Justice Brewer smiled and answered, "Two mothers-in-law."
A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected:
a half-gallon of 2% milk
a carton of eggs
a quart of orange juice
a head of romaine lettuce
a 2 lb. can of coffee
a 1 lb. package of bacon
As she was unloading her items onto the conveyor belt to check out, a
drunk standing behind her was watching.
While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunk calmly stated,
"You must be single."
The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was intrigued
by the derelict's intuition, since she was indeed single. She looked at her
six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections
that could have tipped of the drunk to her marital status. Curiosity getting
the better of her, she said, "Well, you know what, you're absolutely
correct. But how on Earth did you know that?"
The drunk replied, "'Cuz you're ugly"
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were in divorce court and the judge
said to Mickey, "You say here that your wife is crazy."
Mickey replied, "I didn't say she was crazy, I said she's fucking
"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out
of the shower, "Honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I
mowed the lawn like this?"
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.
March 15, 2012
A 2nd grade teacher decides to teach sex ed. to her class. She starts out by drawing a penis on the chalk board
and asks the class, "Does anyone know what this is?"
And little Johnny says, "Yes, my dad has 2 of them!"
And the teacher says, "Are you sure about that?"
And little Johnny says, "Yes, he uses a small skinny one to go to the bathroom, and a big long one to brush the
babysitter's teeth."
A study conducted at UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive
on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle or past menopause. For example: If she is
ovulating, she is attracted to a men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or
menopausal, she tends to me more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest
while he is on fire. No further studies are expected.
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