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Herr Schindler said, "I think that can be managed. Do you want the goods consigned direct
forget all this. "I have some good Martell upstairs," he said.
justified and being spotted by an angel of retribution, in this case Oberscharfhrer M`uller,
It was a radical idea--that they ought to just go out the gate and begin shopping in
rare quantity of gold. It had been supplied by old Mr.
the Trust Agency.
middle-aged male voice with an edge of bronchitis to it said, "But surely, gentlemen, we can
One evening a travelling Volksdeutscher (german-speaking Pole) from Poznan heard the
two dogs, named Rolf and Ralf, names from a newspaper cartoon --except that Amon had
balcony above the courtyard to smoke a cigarette and once more examine the question.
symbolic activity to do with the very instruments of Jewish culture--that is, with the ancient
so many of their superiors would claim in court, was the SS genius.
第 229 页 共 291 页
"I don't see the bottle," he said. Herr Schindler was already nudging Lamus away from the
that his death was assured. From the prisoners who ate their hearty noonday soup at DEF,
recognised in that heap familiar faces: old clients of his mother's; people who had asked himYXAD提示信息}


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