我打开1.7.10的flan mod 教程MOD的制造台会崩溃,怎么办?急!!!!!

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MOD介绍:&这个星际之门是根据美国著名的科幻电视剧《星际之门》所制作的传送门mod添加了星际之门(虫洞传送装置),DHD(拨号装置)以及与星门相关的设备,物品与矿物等。支持大多数mod中载具与生物的传送,兼容性极高经楼主测试FLAN MOD中的载具与神奇宝贝MOD中的精灵不能传送。会造成游戏崩溃!但地图不会受影响,可重新启动游戏后进入。(除此之外,基本只要是小于星门尺寸的生物或载具都能传送)(当然不论玩家穿上任何装备也都能传送)此外还可传送掉落在地上的物品与方块以及飞行状态中的箭当然不能传送方块和液体已测试可支持的载具传送mod列表如下阿基米德的船光晕神奇宝贝自行车 &mcheli &四轮沙滩车 &摩托车 &&小汽车 &蚁人 &&悬浮滑板 & &基本上都可以传送很少会与其他mod冲突& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&支持任意mod中新世界间传送支持与工业2mod以及建筑mod的联动可用电脑mod或开放式电脑mod来对星际之门达到控制的效果!可以说LanteaCraft与其他mod的兼容性是极强的!星际之门概念什么是星际之门(StarGate)?星际之门是一种虫洞传送装置,是一个拥有数百万年历史的外星种族——古人,所建造的。通过拨号连接另一扇星门,会产生一个稳定的人造虫洞。穿过虫洞时你会被分解成分子,之后你将瞬间到达另一扇星门所在的位置,并重组。由此可以实现快捷的星际旅行,想要到另一个放置了星门的星球无需坐飞船,直接拨号星门走过去就行。主要是看另一扇星门的位置。星门的激活与构成物质:星门装置本身由一种地球没有的硅岩金属(Naquadah)制造。Naquadah金属最早发现于电影Stargate中的星球Abydos。这种金属可以吸引并激活微中子。不知何故, 当微中子被激活以后,星门的窗体内会产生一个稳定的人造虫洞。并且它不会对其它的物质起反应-- 包括辐射、粒子轰击,火烧,压力…等等。星门的拨号装置看起来就像一个倾斜的&表&面。上面有39个不同的符号。当拨入7个正确的符号(像密码锁),将激活星门与某地之间的联系。这些密码(地址),最初由星门的制造者古人设置,它们用来准确描绘三维宇宙中的点位置。7个符号中的最后一个符号往往是该地址星门的所在地。星门(环)上有几个标记?星门系统总共有39个符号, 每个符号都代表宇宙中唯一的某个点;通过7个符号可以准确锁定星门的所在位置,(如果那个位置的星门工作正常的话)可以拨号连接那个星门。当然拨号星门需要一定能量。星门环状装置上有9个标记(chevron)。尽管门上有9个标记,但一般拨号往往只用7个。在“Fifth Race”这集中, 第8个标记被使用 (这要感谢古人的知识被输入了O‘Neill上校的大脑),Carter的说法是,&附加的一个标记一定是为了标示距离现在这个点更远的一个位置,如同电话的区号。到目前为止, 第8个标记仅仅使用了一次(在地球的星际之门)。而第9个标记的作用则代表一种密码或者说是公式,用来连接更遥远的宇宙中移动中的星门。在星际之门宇宙中第九个符号被使用!注意:游戏中需要完整的9个符号拨号!如果游戏中在一个的区块(1个方块高16 x16个方块的范围)之中放置了许多星门那么这些星际之门就会是同样的地址。如果你拨的地址区块包含不止一个星际之门,那么将会随机传送到其中一个。星际之门组件星际之门是由多个方块组成的由3种方块构成分别是星门环方块,星门标记方块,星门核心方块你可能会在世界任何地方找到这3种方块比如你可以在地牢的宝箱(沙漠神殿里较常见)里发现它的组件有时候你甚至可能遇到一个完整的星际之门。一些组件是可以制作,但并不是所有的。特别是核心控制水晶,这些组件是超出我们制作能力的,这些只能在世界各地寻找,或者从村民(Tok'ra村民)处购买。{如果更改配置文件是可以允许有核心控制水晶的配方的~}如何构建一个星际之门因为有旧版和新版这里就分开讲了首先是新版,要创建一个星际之门,您需要构建一个7x7环组成的星际之门方块结构,您需要十四块星际之门环方块和九块星门标记方块以及一块星际之门核心方块。如图注意图中最下面中那块方块是多放突出来了一格的,不要被误导。中间蓝色的圆是星门核心块,圆的朝向应是面对你希望星际之门所朝的方向,其他方块的方向并不重要。星际之门燃料老版本:在你使用星际之门之前,它还需要提供燃料。硅岩金属是一种致密的矿物,成分不明的,是一个非常强大的能量来源。硅岩金属可以从硅岩金属矿石中获得.硅岩金属常见于岩浆底下,有时候也会出现在其它地方.由于其密度的非常高,所以必须要用钻石镐级别工具开采。要启动星际之门还需要通过右键单击星际之门来打开它的界面(不是控制器)将硅岩金属放置到燃料槽中。你可以放置最多4组.建立一个连接需要一个相当大能量,每块燃料大约可以开启20次.开启5分钟后会自动关闭。燃料只是用于初始化连接的星际之门,被连接的星门不需要消耗燃料.RC版:将zpm或具有能量的能量水晶放于DHD拨号装置中,67版本及以上已不需要能量(作者说激活星际之门的能量要求并不是干脆取消能量要求,毕竟原作中外星球拨号也不是每次都要外加能量)星际之门控制器(DHD)要想使用你的星际之门,你需要一个星际之门控制器。控制器必须放置在星际之门底座的正面,距离底座不超过5格的水平距离.可以在同一水平面或上下一格高的位置。右键单击控制器会弹出一个界面,在这里可以输入目标星门的地址。如果地址正确会连接到目标星际之门,中央的按钮在界面中会变为橙色。如果它是灰色的,说明你的控制器放置的太远,或者放在了错误的方向。地址可以通过点击圆形网格按钮或者直接通过键盘输入。退格或删除键可以用来删除字符。正确输入完地址后可以按回车键或点击橙色的按钮,如果地址是有效的,橙色的按钮将会被点亮同时星际之门开始拨号。如果一个星际之门处于连接状态,你可以再按次点击中间的按钮来断开当前连接。RC版可以按粘贴键粘贴地址星际之门安全星门开启瞬间会产生粒子波浪,是极其危险的,会对生物造成伤害。建议保持至少5格的距离,直到波浪稳定下来。老版本的话(不建议在星门连接打开的时候破坏一个星际之门。星际之门中包含了大量的潜在能源,如果星际之门在开启时被破坏,这个能量将爆炸方式来释放.)RC版不会爆炸......& 星门类型1.7.10与1.7.2新版有其他种类的星际之门,分别是幽灵星际之门 & &NOX星际之门 & & 飞马系星际之门 &以及最初始的银河系星门LanteaCraft2目前则只有最初始的银河系星门可用传送环(LanteaCraft2独有)首先拿出这3个物品之后搭成这样再以中间的圆形方块为核心再这堆方块的正上方或正下方再搭一个这样的拿上传输环启动器走到这堆方块的范围右击其中某个灰色方块传送环即可启动一段绚丽的特效过后,你就来到了上方的传送环所在的位置大家注意传送环是无视方块阻挡的~比如这样还是可以的星际之门控制器(DHD)星际之门底座星际之门环方块星际之门标记方块开启水晶核心的合成方式(true/false)开启硅岩金属的合成方式true/false求Minecraft1.7.10的flan mod ,就是装枪械mod的那个_百度知道
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发表我的评论Flan’s Mod 1.8/1.7.10
& Flan’s Mod 1.8/1.7.10
Flan’s Mod 1.8/1.7.10
Flan's Mod is a combination of Planes, Vehicles and WW2Guns rewritten with a whole load of awesome new features
| By: jamioflan
Flan&#8217;s mod is a combination of Planes, Vehicles and WW2Guns rewritten with a whole load of awesome new features and designed to allow easy custom content creation by anyone. Flan&#8217;s mod alone is useless, it requires content packs in order to be of any use.
Flan&#8217;s Mod is a huge mod for Minecraft which adds planes, cars, tanks, guns, grenades and more in a customisable content pack system. Enjoy peacefully flying through the Minecraftian skies and driving through your worlds or get some more destructive content packs and stab, shoot and detonate mobs, blocks and even other players.
Every part of Flan&#8217;s Mod works in multiplayer and provides additional experiences such as flying large bombers with multiple passenger gun turrets and playing gametypes such as Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.
Usage and Recipes:
Most actual items and blocks are separate from the mod, distributed in content packs, but there are still a few things you will need to know how to craft that are in the base mod.
Vehicle Crafting Table &# / 253 / 254
All 3 tables have been combined into one, but all the crafting recipes still exist. As such, this is the cheapest one
Some notes about plane and vehicle crafting
The planes and vehicles will take any engine. The engine speed adds to the plane / vehicle speed so better engines make the plane / vehicle go faster.
Guns are always optional. You can put any deployable guns into the gun slots, but some planes / vehicles disallow use of certain slots.
The blueprints section lists all the planes / vehicles you have made in the past and clicking on one of these places as much stuff into the crafting table as possible to make that particular plane / vehicle.
Teams Controls
G : Open Team Select Menu
H : Open Team Score Menu
Plane / Vehicle Controls
(This will be changeable in the next update)
E : Exit plane / vehicle
R : Inventory
Planes (simple control mode) and Vehicles
W : Accelerate
S : Decelerate / Go backwards
A : Turn left
D : Turn right
Left Ctrl : Shoot machine guns
V : Drop bomb / fire shell
Space : Pitch up (Planes only)
Left Shift : Pitch down (Planes only)
C : Switch control modes (planes only)
Planes (mouse controls)
Same as simple controls except no pitching with space / shift
Mouse up/down : pitch up/down
Mouse left/right : roll left/right
Left click : Shoot machine guns
Right click : Drop bombs
Teams Mod Instructions
Teams Mod is designed to allow you to play FPS-like gametypes on your Minecraft server. To use it, you will need to be op on your server.
1) Enter “/teams listGametypes” into the chat window to see the available gametypes
2) Enter “/teams setGametype &Gametype&” where &Gametype& is one of the gametypes listed in step 1 (“TDM” for example)
3) Enter “/teams listAllTeams” to see the available teams
4) Enter “/teams setTeams &team1& &team2&” and add more teams if the gametype you chose requires more than two teams.
5) Enter “/teams getSticks”
6) Go to creative mode “/gamemode 1″ and spawn in some Player Spawners, Item Spawners and Flags (all of which are in the “Flan’s Mod Teams Stuff” creative tab)
7) Place a flag at the centre of each base you want to create and then spread some player spawners around the flag in places where you want players to spawn.
8) Use the stick of connecting to connect the spawners to the flagpole by clicking one after the other
9) Use the stick of ownership on the flagpole to change the base owner
10) Item spawners may be left unconnected (in which case anyone can pick up their items) or connected (in which case only people on the team of the base connected to the spawner can pick up the items). To change the spawn delay of an item spawner, right click it with an empty hand. To add an item stack to the spawner, right click it with that stack in your hand.
For more help with teams try “/teams help”
Other useful commands
“/teams setGametype None” : Switch Teams mod off
“/teams setVariable friendlyFire false” : Allow / disallow friendly fire
“/teams setVariable autobalance true” : Enable / disable autobalance
“/teams setVariable scoreLimit 100″ : Set the TDM score limit
“/teams armourDrops false” : Turn off armour drops
“/teams weaponDrops smart” : Turn on smart drops (other options are on/off)
“/teams canBreakGlass false” : Whether bullets break glass, lightstone and the like
“/teams explosions false” : Whether explosive weaponry damages the environment
“/teams mgLife 100″ : Set the lifespan of MGs. 0 means they never dissapear
“/teams vehicleLife 100″ : Set the lifespan of vehicles. 0 means they never dissapear
“/teams planeLife 100″ : Set the lifespan of planes. 0 means they never dissapear
Now you can set your bases into groups (called maps) and use a simple command to set the current map, and hence the set of currently used bases.
“/teams listMaps” : List the maps
“/teams addMap shortName The Long Name of The Map” : Make a new map. “shortName” is a reference name used to set the map and the full name follows.
“/teams setMap shortName” : Sets the current map to be the map with the given shortName
“/teams removeMap shortName” : Remove a map from the list
Use the Stick of Mapping (“/teams getSticks”) to set the map of a base
Map Rotation
“/teams listRotation” : Show the current rotation
“/teams useRotation true” : Use the map rotation
“/teams addRotation &map& &gametype& &team1& &team2&” : Add a map with set gametype and teams to the map rotation
“/teams removeRotation &ID&” : Remove a map from the rotation. IDs are as in listRotation
“/teams nextMap” : Skip the current map and move on to the next one
“/teams goToMap &ID&” : Jump around the rotation at will
How to install Flan&#8217;s Mod for Minecraft:
Download and install .
Download the mod.
Go to %appdata%.
Go to .minecraft/ folder.
Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
If one does not exist you can create one.
Now run Minecraft through the launcher and quit.
Returning to your game directory, there should be a ?Flan? folder.
Put all the content pack zips (don&#8217;t extract them) in the newly created ?Flan? folder.
Run Minecraft again and you should be good to go.
Enjoy the mod.
Flan&#8217;s Content Packs:
Flan&#8217;s Mod Download Links:
Previous versions:
For 1.7.10
Flans Mod : Apocalypse
Apocalypse Content Pack
Credits: jamioflan
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