
social是什么意思 social在线翻译 social什么意思 social的意思 social的翻译 social的解释 social的发音 social的同义词 social的反义词 social的例句
social['səuʃəl]social 基本解释adj. 社会的, 群居的, 社交的n. 联欢会social 例句adj.1. She asked in a social voice.& & 她用有礼貌的声音问道。2. George stayed out of the social life of the school.& & 乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。3. Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.& & 有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。4. Bees and ants are social insects.& & 蜜蜂和蚂蚁是群居昆虫。social 同义词adj. social 网络解释1. 社会的& & 正因为如此,&社会的&(social)一词起源于罗马,而在希腊语言或者思想中却没有一个相对应的词--这一点尽管不具有决定性意义,但却至关重要. 然而,拉丁语中对societas一词的运用最初则带有明显的、尽管是有限的政治含义;2. 社会& & [11] 从本质上看,&社会&(Social)一词和任何词汇结合都会造成莫名其妙的混乱,使用社会行为、社会公正、社会民主、社会法制(Sozialer Rechtsstaat)国家等等一系列的核心意思,乃是冒用全部群体之名,行部分群体的主张、行为和信念和意图之实,3. 社会学& & 简乐慈进一步阐述道,高年级ESL学生,不光在英文课和社会学(Social)上有显而易见的困难,就算是引以自豪的数理化强项科目,也会遭遇学习障碍. 她说,中国的理科课程内容虽然程度高,但注重记忆公式和机械性的习题重复联系,而这边的教育,4. 社会型& & A:艺术型(Artistic)C:事务型(Conventional)E:企业型(Enterprise)I:研究型(Investigative)R:现实型 (Realistic)S:社会型(Social)路易威登(AVMH)是世界上数一数二的奢侈品公司,旗下有50多个品牌,如轩尼诗、CD、想要进咨询公司,social 网络例句1. It is a product of social development. & &它是社会发展的产物。2. I'd like to be social with you! & &我想和你的社会!3. This is a very serious social problem. & &这是一个非常严重的社会问题。4. This is a very serious social problem. & &这是一个非常严峻的社会问题。5. And, it is a matter of social justice. & &而且,它是社会正义的问题。6. This is not compatible with social development. & &这是与社会的发展格格不入的。7. This is the performance of social progress. & &这是社会进步的表现。social 情景会话1. 在银行&&A: I’d like to open a current account.&&&&&&我想开一个支票帐户。&&B: Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.&&&&&&好的,请给我社会保障卡和身份证好吗?&&A: Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.&&&&&&在这里。我想知道支票户头可以赚取多少利息。&&B: Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.&&&&&&噢!支票户头是没有利息的。&&A: Why is that?&&&&&&为什么这样?&&B: It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.&&&&&&因为这是为了作交易而设的,就是用支票付欠单、买东西和寄钱等等。我们相信支票户头里不会有大量存款。&&A: I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?&&&&&&原来这样,那么我如何提钱给自己用呢?&&B: In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.&&&&&&那么您就要开一张现金支票给自己了。2. Social Security-(社会保险)&&A: Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.&&&&&&嘿,他们从我的薪水里扣了不少钱哦。&&B: Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?&&&&&&是呀,政府确实扣除不少。&&A: Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.&&&&&&当然。只有社会保险这种税我不介意上交。每回只要从薪水里面扣除几元钱。&&B: Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?&&&&&&是呀,我也不介意。我们最终肯定不会缺钱也不会需要它,但是如果我们有这个钱的话,你知道?&&A: Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.&&&&&&是呀,虽然不多,但是最少老了以后每个月有一个固定收入。&&B: Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.&&&&&&是呀,我祖母就是靠社会保险金和祖父在世时的投资生活。&&A: Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.&&&&&&让我们巴望政治家们不会想着法子把它用掉吧。&&B: Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.&&&&&&真的吗?不,不会的。如果他们这样做了,他们的工作就不保了。3. 查找图书&&A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to find some books on social science?&&&&&&请问,能告诉我怎样查找社会科学书籍吗?&&B: Sure. You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls?&&&&&&当然。你看到靠墙排列的这一个个小抽屉了吗?&&A: Yes.&&&&&&看见了。&&B: These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library. Together they constitute the library’s “card catalog”.You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another. For example, this drawer goes from SCA to SCM.&&&&&&这些抽屉里装着这本图书馆所有图书的卡片,它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。你可以看出每只抽屉都是从字母表中的一部分排到另一部分。比如说这只抽屉,就是从SCA 排到SCM。&&A: So if I’m looking for a look called A History of Western Society, I’d just look under “A”.&&&&&&这么说,如果我要找一本《西方社会史》的话,就在“A”的分类下找。&&B: No. You’d look under “W”. The articles “a” and “the” don’t count in our alphabetization, and card are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as “history of”, “introduction to”, “story of” and so forth.&&&&&&不。应该“W”下找。冠词“a”和“the”不包括在字母排列中。一般来说,目录卡片往往省略一些特别常用的词和词组。如“history of”,“introduction to”,“story of”等等。&&A: What if I don’t know the title of the book?&&&&&&如果不知道书名怎么办?&&B: When you can look under the author’s name.&&&&&&那你可以在作者名下找。&&A: Could you give me an example?&&&&&&能举个例子吗?&&B: Suppose you want to find a book by your professor, William Smith. You’d look under SMITH and then WILLIAM. Since that’s a very common name, you may have to go through several “William Smith” until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you’re interested in.&&&&&&假如你要找一本你的导师威廉?史密斯教授写的书,你可以在SMITH 栏下寻找,由于William Smith 是一个很常见的姓名,你可能得查阅很多William Smith 才能找到你所感兴趣的书的那位William Smith。从 social 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语social是什么意思,social在线翻译,social什么意思,social的意思,social的翻译,social的解释,social的发音,social的同义词,social的反义词,social的例句,social的相关词组,social意思是什么,social怎么翻译,单词social是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 英 ['s?u??l]
美 ['so??l]
a. 社会的,社交的,群居的,社会福利的
副 词:so'cial·ly
3.n. 社会福利
4.n.(=venereal disease)性病,花柳病
3.n. 社会福利
4.n.(=venereal disease)性病,花柳病
6.n.(=social service)社会服务
7.n. 联合国的经济社会理事会
8.n. 社会地位
12.【法】 社会政策
15.盛大的公共集会, 正式社交集会
17.【经】 社会组织
18.n. 社会公益服务
20.n. &美& 想法挤入上流社会者, 攀高枝者, 巴结权贵向上爬的人
23.【法】 社会控制
与 social 相关的例句
1.Unacceptable or undesirable according to social convention.不被接受的不能被社会常理接受的或欢迎的
2.a patriarchal social system.父权制社会制度
3.Detachment,as from social or emotional involvement.冷淡对于社交场合或感情方面冷漠
4.He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
5.He became an active social reformer.他成了一位积极的社会改革家。
1.Unacceptable or undesirable according to social convention.不被接受的不能被社会常理接受的或欢迎的
2.a patriarchal social system.父权制社会制度
3.Detachment,as from social or emotional involvement.冷淡对于社交场合或感情方面冷漠
4.He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
5.He became an active social reformer.他成了一位积极的社会改革家。
6.This organization studies social matters.这个组织研究社会问题。
7.Misappropriating the theories of social science.不正确地使用社会科学的理论
8.Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior.她的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。
1.a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity[同] ,,
1.a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity[同] ,,
1.relating to human society and its members[同] ,
social institutionssocietal evolutionsocietal forcessocial legislation
2.living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups[反]
a human being is a social animalmature social behavior
3.relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society
made fun of her being so social and high-toneda social gossip columthe society page
4.composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability
a purely social clubthe church has a large social halla social director
5.tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind
ants are social insects
1.relating to human society and its members[同] ,
social institutionssocietal evolutionsocietal forcessocial legislation
2.living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups[反]
a human being is a social animalmature social behavior
3.relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society
made fun of her being so social and high-toneda social gossip columthe society page
4.composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability
a purely social clubthe church has a large social halla social director
5.tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind
ants are social insects
6.marked by friendly companionship with others
a social cup of coffee
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爱思英语学习网是公益类学习网站,所有资料仅供学习者免费参考使用。Untitled DocumentWhat is Social Engineering?
Social Engineering (SE) is a blend of science, psychology and art. While it is amazing
and complex, it is also very simple.
We define it as,
“Any act that influences a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest.” We have defined it in very broad and general terms because we feel that social engineering is not always negative, but encompasses how we communicate with our parents, therapists, children, spouses and others.
The Social Engineering Framework
The Social Engineering Framework is a searchable information resource for people wishing to learn more about the psychological, physical and historical aspects of social engineering.
From the BlogIt’s nothing new that when we’re on the Internet, somewhere, a small portion of our semi-personal or personal data is being cached. We’re a society used to being watched in some form or another while online. And sad to say, most people just accept this. However, what about when that steps over the line from
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Time: 10 am PT/ 1 pm ET Duration: 1 hour Presenters: Chris Hadnagy, Chief Human Hacker and Michele Fincher, Chief Influencing Agent, Social-Engineer, LLC Registration: click here The Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF) Competition, presented by Social-Engineer LLC, is held annually at the DEF CON hacking conference to generate awareness
We just came out of our coma and realized we haven’t updated all of you who couldn’t make it on what happened at DEF CON 23. So, we pulled ourselves up from the floor and started writing.
The Social-Engineer Podcast
The Social-Engineer Podcast is a monthly discussion hosted by a panel of security experts that make up the SEORG Crew. We include guests from diverse backgrounds to discuss human behavior and its implications for information security.
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