
OS X高级用户对Homebrew和MacPorts都非常熟悉,通过它们可以轻松地安装和管理软件包。然而,除此之外还有其它选择。最近,Nix的热度逐渐升高,在OS X上的表现尤其抢眼。
具体的特性还没有明确,但是性能方面仍然有提升的空间,领导开发PHP引擎的Zend的CTO Zeev Suraski说,“虽然这一版本的性能没有7.0那样有飞跃性的突破,但是我们还是把精力放在了性能上。”
本文深入介绍了新的Tungsten执行引擎。Apache Spark已经非常快了,但是我们能不能让它再快10倍?
今天的教程就来说说 Git ,当然关于 Git 的知识单凭一篇文章肯定说不完的,我这篇文章先介绍一些最基本的、最常用的一些 Git 知识,争取让你们 Git 速成。
数人云操作系统已经迭代到2.0版本,实现了源码到发布全流程支持、Docker Compose 编排、实时动态扩容,并新增了对Docker镜像仓库项目Harbor、容器管理平台Mantl和另一种容器技术Hyper等三项开源技术的支持。
Node.js具有广泛的应用场景和强大的生命力,包括在Azure、Windows和Visual Studio Code上,微软的各种工具和服务都希望很好地支持Node.js,让开发者可以开发一些相应的云计算、物联网应用。
不论是无服务器架构的全云端IT,或是以NoOps、Container和微服务设计为主的Next IT架构,都试图要挑战或颠覆虚拟化技术主导IT架构多年的地位,这位一手影响两世代IT架构的VMware掌门人,会如何出招因应?
课程是面授,课程中有大量交互,解决了你听课的时候的疑问。 课程中有大量实验,让难于理解的理论,用实验的形式帮你理解。
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W3C is pleased to announce the selection of
at the University of Southampton, to host UK & Ireland Office. The W3C United Kingdom and Ireland Office will be staffed by Susan Davies, Coordination Manager for the WSI, who will become the Office Manager, and Professor Leslie Carr, Director of the WSI Centre for Doctoral Training, who will act in a Senior Advisor role. W3C Offices act as local points of contact for W3C work and help ensure that W3C and its specifications reach an international audience. Professor Dame Wendy Hall, Executive Director of the WSI commented, “The WSI is excited to be taking on this important role within the W3C. The University of Southampton has played an active role in the Web community since 1994 and has been a member of the W3C since 1998, promoting new futures of the Web through W3C community groups including the Web Observatory, Annotations and Web of Things.” Read more in our , and learn more about the .
The W3C Advisory Committee has filled five open seats on the . Created in 1998, the Advisory Board provides guidance to the Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. Beginning 1 July 2016, the nine Advisory Board participants are Tantek Çelik (Mozilla), Michael Champion (Microsoft), Virginie Galindo (Gemalto), Jay (Junichi) Kishigami (NTT), Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex), David Singer (Apple), Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group), Chris Wilson (Google) and Judy Zhu (Alibaba). Many thanks to Soohong Daniel Park (Samsung Electronics), whose term ends this month. Read more about the .
has published a Working Draft of . The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (commonly known as “SSN” or sometimes “SSNO”) is an OWL-2 DL ontology for describing sensors and the observations they make of the physical world. SSN is published in a modular architecture that supports the judicious use of “just enough” ontology for diverse applications, including satellite imagery, large scale scientific monitoring, industrial and household infrastructure, citizen observers, and Web of Things. SSN is described and examples of its use are given.
has published a Working Draft of . This specification defines an API that enables web pages to access WebAuthn compliant strong cryptographic credentials through browser script. Conceptually, one or more credentials are stored on an authenticator, and each credential is scoped to a single Relying Party. Authenticators are responsible for ensuring that no operation is performed without the user’s consent. The user agent mediates access to credentials in order to preserve user privacy. Authenticators use attestation to provide cryptographic proof of their properties to the relying party. This specification also describes a functional model of a WebAuthn compliant authenticator, including its signature and attestation functionality.
invites implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of . The specification describes a CSS box model optimized for user interface design. In the flex layout model, the children of a flex container can be laid out in any direction, and can “flex” their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent. Both horizontal and vertical alignment of the children can be easily manipulated. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.
W3C has published new global guidelines, TTML Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.0
as a W3C Recommendation, that will improve accessibility and make it easier and less expensive for distributors of online video content to deliver subtitles and closed captions worldwide.
An application of the W3C’s Emmy® award-winning Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), TTML Profiles for IMSC1 simplifies authoring and processing of subtitles and captions worldwide by harmonizing popular profiles of TTML. In addition, W3C’s TTML Working Group updated the working draft of , the second version of Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), which adds features introduced in IMSC1 as well as other improvements, such as additional support for East Asian language typography, stereoscopic presentations, and mapping to HTML and CSS.
Described as a harmonization point for subtitling practices around the world, the IMSC1 global standard helps to bring together standards, rather than creating further fragmentation. Compatible with common media container formats, IMSC1 integrates with existing workflows, content libraries, and captioning requirements by offering conversion from popular captioning formats. You may read more in the .
is calling for implementations of , which is now a Candidate Recommendation. Webmention provides a mechanism for a website to notify other websites that it has content which links to them and when the source content changes or is deleted. This mechanism is a core building block for a decentralized (social) Web because it allows sites to automatically learn about connected content without any prior setup or agreement. For users, an immediate benefit is cross-site comments. Before being brought to W3C for standardization, Webmention already had twenty-seven independent implementations in the
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an
international community that develops open
to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.
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FinanzNachrichten.de is the leading German speaking finance Website for financial news about shares, stock markets and economy. FinanzNachrichten.de as W3C member wants to take an active role in the further development of user friendly platform technologies for online media.网站颜色:
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