
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
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W3C has published new global guidelines, TTML Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.0
as a W3C Recommendation, that will improve accessibility and make it easier and less expensive for distributors of online video content to deliver subtitles and closed captions worldwide.
An application of the W3C’s Emmy® award-winning Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), TTML Profiles for IMSC1 simplifies authoring and processing of subtitles and captions worldwide by harmonizing popular profiles of TTML. In addition, W3C’s TTML Working Group updated the working draft of , the second version of Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), which adds features introduced in IMSC1 as well as other improvements, such as additional support for East Asian language typography, stereoscopic presentations, and mapping to HTML and CSS.
Described as a harmonization point for subtitling practices around the world, the IMSC1 global standard helps to bring together standards, rather than creating further fragmentation. Compatible with common media container formats, IMSC1 integrates with existing workflows, content libraries, and captioning requirements by offering conversion from popular captioning formats. You may read more in the .
invites implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of . The specification describes a CSS box model optimized for user interface design. In the flex layout model, the children of a flex container can be laid out in any direction, and can “flex” their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent. Both horizontal and vertical alignment of the children can be easily manipulated. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.
is calling for implementations of , which is now a Candidate Recommendation. Webmention provides a mechanism for a website to notify other websites that it has content which links to them and when the source content changes or is deleted. This mechanism is a core building block for a decentralized (social) Web because it allows sites to automatically learn about connected content without any prior setup or agreement. For users, an immediate benefit is cross-site comments. Before being brought to W3C for standardization, Webmention already had twenty-seven independent implementations in the
has published three documents for which reviews are actively sought.
document offers advice on how data of all kinds – government, research, commercial – can be shared on the Web, whether openly or not. The underlying aim is to make data intelligently available, maximizing the likelihood of its discovery and reuse. The provision of a variety of metadata, the use of URIs as identifiers and multiple access options are key to this. The Working Group believes that the document is now complete and is seeking review before the transition to Candidate Recommendation (call for implementations).
Two new vocabularies accompany the Best Practices document:
offers a framework in which citations, comments, and uses of data within applications can be structured. The aim is to benefit data publishers by enabling assessment of the impact of their efforts to share data, and to benefit data users by encouraging the continued availability of data and the visibility of their own work that uses it.
is a framework in which the quality of a dataset can be described, whether by the dataset publisher or by a broader community of users. It does not provide a formal, complete definition of quality, rather, it sets out a consistent means by which information can be provided such that a potential user of a dataset can make his/her own judgment about its fitness for purpose.
The vocabularies are seen as mature and the Working Group is seeking one last round of feedback to enable them to be published as Working Group Notes in the near future.
have published a Candidate Recommendation of . This document defines a set of JavaScript APIs that allow local media, including audio and video, to be requested from a platform. It also defines APIs for requesting access to local multimedia devices, such as microphones or video cameras.
invites implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of . One of the fundamental design principles of CSS is cascading, which allows several style sheets to influence the presentation of a document. When different declarations try to set a value for the same element/property combination, the conflicts must somehow be resolved.
The WAI Education and Outreach Working Group () has posted the first version of
that explores the impact of accessibility for people with disabilities and the benefits for everyone. This resource introduces 10 web accessibility topics with short videos, brief descriptions, and links to learn more. The videos relate the benefits of accessibility to everyone in different situations, and encourage viewers to learn more about web accessibility. Read about the .
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ZigBee与Thread联盟 智能家居的标准终于统一了吗?
核心提示:ZigBee Alliance与Thread Group发表联合声明,宣布将在Thread网路架构上实现ZigBee的应用层协议(ZigBee Cluster Library, ZCL)。ZCL专为各种应用在智能家居和其它市场的设备应用层功能实现标准化,而Thread的设计正是为了要支援不同应用层协议,两者的合作有助于共同创建一个完善的家庭网络通讯产品解决方案。& & ZigBee Alliance与Thread Group发表联合声明,宣布将在Thread网路架构上实现ZigBee的应用层协议(ZigBee Cluster Library, ZCL)。ZCL专为各种应用在和其它市场的设备应用层功能实现标准化,而Thread的设计正是为了要支援不同应用层协议,两者的合作有助于共同创建一个完善的家庭产品解决方案。ThreadGroup总裁兼技术产品营销经理Chris Boross表示,&达成合作的共识后,ZigBee和Thread都将迈出一大步,从而减少了产业碎片化现象。&
  ZigBee是专为智慧家庭应用所设计的无线通讯标准技术,采用运作在2.4GHz频段的IEEE 802.15.4标准,具备可靠、低功耗的连线能力,可以融入各类电子产品,几乎可以配置并实现任何短距离无线功能。ZigBee 联盟成员之间可以互相分享专业知识和技术储备,通过标准化实现更大的价值,为用户打造舒适、便利的家庭联网体验。
  ZigBee联盟中国区理事成员欧瑞博CEO Mark认为,ZigBee技术应用于智能家居行业有先天的优势,随着nest恒温器的大量普及,其力挺的Thread技术已迅速吸引几十家知名厂商的加入,现在ZigBee和Thread标准的结合,将帮助双方各自的成员进一步提升服务与产品竞争力。对行业来说,两者结合将极大地推动行业标准统一的进度,改变目智慧家庭标准分歧的现象;对从事智能家居产品研发人员来说是一次新的启发,思路将更加聚焦。ZigBee和Thread合作是智能家居行业发展的一个里程碑,预示着用户所担心的组网难问题会有确切的解决方式,智能家居系统场景化体验将离我们越来越近。
深公网安备案证字第 4 号
增值电信业务经营许可证号 粤B2-百度联盟的审核标准是什么?_百度知道
??还有就是好像联盟推广有几种形式我的站 也想做百度联盟的推广,有没什么标准
您的网站要满足联盟的各业务申请标准。更多问题.baidu,请到推广客户端帮助频道查询:第二://yingxiao,联盟在审核时会综合考察您的网站质量(包括一级页面及二级页面),如具体内容是否丰富、更新维护时间是否及时、页面是否美观整洁./support/editor/index.html" target="_blank">http,关于申请条件您可参看.baidu://yingxiao
  目前,国际上企业界流行着这样一种理念,一流企业卖标准,二流企业卖专利,三流企业卖服务,四流企业卖产品。此种理念深刻地揭示了当今激烈竞争的市场的一条游戏规则,谁制定了标准,谁就将是市场的强者和赢家。  市场竞争最终意义上是标准的竞争,谁掌握了标准,谁就掌握了市场的话语权;谁掌握了标准,谁就意味着将先行拿到市场的入场卷。  《中华人民共和国标准化法》将我国标准分为国家标准、行业标准、地方标准与企业标准四级。而国家标准、行业标准、地方标准的出台均需要经过立项、纳入标准制定计划、成立标准项目组、进行标准项目调研、编制标准征求意见稿、送审稿、报批稿、审查报批等一系列复杂的过程,需要一年乃至更长的时间。  而现实生活中,企业技术和产品的生命周期越来越短,企业迫切需要尽快制定标准,将产品推向市场;而技术不成熟等诸多因素导致不可能在短时间出台国家标准、行业标准、地方标准,致使企业无标生产。  于是,与某项新产品相关的企业就会在多种因素促使的情况下达成联合,组成企业联盟,进而制定出某种新产品的联盟标准。  联盟标准作为国家标准与行业标准的补充,具有制定速度快、对市场需求响应及时、推广高效等优点,这已成为解决新产品生产难题的最佳、有效途径。  当前,企业联盟已成为一种重要的产品组织形式,对产品发展、企业成长,尤其是对高新技术企业的快速成长具有重要的意义。  企业通过自发形式共同起草标准,实施标准,企业联盟与联盟标准就应运而生了。  企业联盟承载着以联盟标准促进企业良性发展的责任,而联盟标准作为一种规范性技术文件,对提升企业技术与质量水平,发挥着越来越大的作用。  实施联盟标准的意义,一是消除无标生产,二是提升产品档次与水平,三是为制定国家标准和行业标准提供标准数据与基础资料。  联盟标准的实施,统一了技术门槛的高度,解决了无序生产带来的产品参差不齐的问题。现在,越来越多的企业通过标准抱团发展,强健筋骨,避免同室操戈,众人拾柴火焰高,共同夺取市场份额。  可以这样说,市场的无序竞争呼唤、催生了联盟标准。通过一个统一的标准来规范各企业的生产行为已势在必行。亲爱的召唤师,欢迎
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