unity里面如何让人物死亡之后显示game overover

主题 : (提问)unity3d中有让GameObject隐藏/显示的 方法吗?
级别: 侠客
可可豆: 714 CB
威望: 714 点
在线时间: 207(时)
发自: Web Page
(提问)unity3d中有让GameObject隐藏/显示的 方法吗?&&&
本人要实现两个模型的替换&&想让一个模型先隐藏 然后显示的同时隐藏另一个&&不知道有没有相关的方法本人新手&&谢谢高手指点
级别: 侠客
可可豆: 714 CB
威望: 714 点
在线时间: 207(时)
发自: Web Page
? &&&&&&&&&&
级别: 禁止发言
可可豆: 8213 CB
威望: 8213 点
在线时间: 876(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 侠客
可可豆: 2595 CB
威望: 2595 点
在线时间: 796(时)
发自: Web Page
引用 引用第2楼aqingde88于 16:37发表的&&:gameObject.renderer.enabled = 或者    gameObject.active = 使用gameObject.active = false之后,是不是用FindObject()就找不到物体了??
级别: 禁止发言
可可豆: 8213 CB
威望: 8213 点
在线时间: 876(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 精灵王
可可豆: 3927 CB
威望: 4087 点
在线时间: 3300(时)
发自: Web Page
gameObject.active = false 后  用find是找不物体的
级别: 天使
发帖: 152450
可可豆: 2255414 CB
威望: 2255414 点
在线时间: 1735(时)
发自: Web Page
那就不要find.直接var gameobject变量..
8*2-5 正确答案:11
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接下来是DestroyByContact.cs脚本,依然点Find References in scene
&&& public&GameObject&explosion;
&&&&&&&&}&& //找到tag为GameController的物体,获取上面的Done_GameController脚本实体,至少判断了下是否存在,保证了程序的健壮
//判断不为空后 调用敌人被消灭后的粒子效果,我有个疑问,敌人的子弹的碰撞后也显示效果?,然后去子弹的预设体看了下,它是个null,好吧,那就是子弹不执行这一条,没有粒子效果
还有我们运行游戏是发现Player是不死的,然后在if(other.tag == &Player&)设置断点再让Player去撞岩石,断点不会触发,那就是说没成功进入这个函数,我们检查岩石和Player的碰撞体组件,发现Player的碰撞体可能由于自动调整版本的关系Is Trigger上层的Convex选项没有亮,导致Is Trigger也是暗的,我们勾选Convex选项,再运行游戏,可以了
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
原创:22篇unity3d中有让GameObject隐藏/显示的 方法吗_百度知道
unity3d中有让GameObject隐藏/显示的 方法吗
要不占drawcalls 改要提前引用,即不去渲染 改大小 &#47。.color = new Color (1;&#47.,1方法很多; &#47。,移到视野外,或者干脆去掉MeshFilter。,等我想到新的再来加,遍历 Destroy&#47。 自写shader,结合相机渲染layer和隐藏物体假如你不再用的话 改透明度renderer,推荐;&#47。&#47,0); /&#47,最节省
gameObject,1; &#47.SetActive (false);如果shader支持透明通道的话 遮罩mask来隐藏 关闭单独渲染次物体的相机 改layer,满足条件.enabled =/这法子其实不错,要不你就改不回来了,去掉颜色值渲染或者顶点偏移 暂时想到这么多.。,记得xyz都要改0;多个渲染器的话.material,或者合并一点.localScale = Vector3.zero,删掉渲染的mesh: 改position
使用gameObject.active = false之后,不要find.直接var gameobject变量.。
[Unity3D]手机3D游戏开发:场景切换与数据存储(PlayerPrefs 类的介绍与使用)
function Update () {
function Start() {
PlayerPrefs.SetString(&Player Name&, &Bob&);//存入字符串
var levelToLoad:S
var graphic = TextureGUI(); //(28,23);
var startPoint = Location();
var GUIColor:Color = Color.
var noGuiStyle : GUIS
function Start() {
function Update() {
if (graphic.texture){
function OnGUI() {
GUI.color = GUIC
if (GUI.Button(Rect(graphic.offset.x+startPoint.offset.x,graphic.offset.y+startPoint.offset.y,
graphic.texture.width,graphic.texture.height),graphic.texture,noGuiStyle)) {
var boxStartLocation:Vector2; // offset of main GUI element
var center = Location(); // handy class for calculating the center of the screen
function Start() {
Debug.Log(PlayerPrefs.GetString(&Player Name&));
function Update() {
center.updateLocation(); // every frame, check if the screen has changed and re-calculate the screen center value.
// draw a text string to the screen
var textGUIStyle : GUIS // to control the display of text
var roundsGUIStyle : GUIS // to control the display of text for kills
var score = new Highscore[10]; // array of names for the highscore
score[0].name = &&; // Highscore #1
score[1].name = &Papa&;
score[2].name = &Kyle&;
score[3].name = &Tanya&;
score[4].name = &Delano&;
score[5].name = &Justin&;
score[6].name = &Eddie&;
score[7].name = &Josh&;
score[8].name = &Chris&;
score[9].name = &Steve&;
score[0].rounds = 999;
score[0].kills = 999;
var heightOffset: float = 10; // how much space to place between each highscore level
var roundsOffset: // horizontal offset for rounds column
var killsOffset: // horizontal offset for kills column
var numberHighscores:int = 8; // controls how many loops to run to display
function OnGUI() {
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores to display
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x, // draw a box with the name
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].name,textGUIStyle); // using textGUIStyle
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x + roundsOffset, // draw a box with the rounds
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].rounds.ToString(),roundsGUIStyle); // using roundsGUIStyle
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x + killsOffset, // draw a box with the kills
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].kills.ToString(),roundsGUIStyle); // using roundsGUIStyle
import PreviewLabs.PlayerP
var timer:float = 10;
private var origTimer:
var maxTimer:
var roundsWon:int = 1;
var enemyKills:int = 0;
var totalEnemyKills:int = 0;
var transitionDelay:float = 0;
function OnGUI() {
if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,70,50,30),&Click&)) {
// Highscore naming scheme
// key starts : &highscore&
// past that, whatever the setting needs to be
PreviewLabs.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscoreCurrentRounds&, roundsWon);
PreviewLabs.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscoreCurrentKills&, totalEnemyKills);
function Awake() {
origTimer =
function Start() {
maxTimer =
// if there is a GameID, we want to get it and add one
var gameID:
if (PreviewLabs.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscoreCurrentGameID&)) {
gameID = PreviewLabs.PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentGameID&);
function EnemyKilled () {
enemyKills += 1;
enemyKills = Mathf.Clamp(enemyKills,0,999999);
totalEnemyKills += 1;
totalEnemyKills = Mathf.Clamp(totalEnemyKills,0,999999);
function WonRound() {
var isGameOver:boolean =
function GameOver() {
if (!isGameOver) {
NotificationCenter.DefaultCenter().PostNotification(this, &GameOver&);
isGameOver =
// wait for death to play, something else?
function Start() {
Debug.Log(PlayerPrefs.GetString(&Player Name&));
function Start() {
Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscoreCurrentRounds' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentRounds&));
Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscoreCurrentKills' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentKills&));
function SyncPlayerPrefs() {
// our assumption is that the data in player prefs should over-ride the local data
// need this to see if we have player prefs keys and if we do, copy into our local
// if the key does not exist, we need to populate it with the local data
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &name& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].name = PlayerPrefs.GetString(&highscore& + i + &name&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetString(&highscore& + i + &name& , score[i].name);
function Start() {
&& &Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscore4name' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetString(&highscore4name&));
&& &Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscore8name' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetString(&highscore8name&));
function Update() {
center.updateLocation(); // every frame, check if the screen has changed and re-calculate the screen center value.
function SyncPlayerPrefs() {
// our assumption is that the data in player prefs should over-ride the local data
// need this to see if we have player prefs keys and if we do, copy into our local
// if the key does not exist, we need to populate it with the local data
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &name& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].name = PlayerPrefs.GetString(&highscore& + i + &name&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetString(&highscore& + i + &name& , score[i].name);
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &rounds& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].rounds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscore& + i + &rounds&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscore& + i + &rounds& , score[i].rounds);
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &kills& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].kills = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscore& + i + &kills&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscore& + i + &kills& , score[i].kills);
function AddNewHighscore() {
var curRounds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentRounds&);
var curKills = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentKills&);
var newHighscorePosition:
// check if the current score are good / above the highscores in the playersPrefs
// are we assuming the local and playerprefs data is the same? - Yes
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores
if (curRounds & score[i].rounds) {
// new score is higher!
newHighscorePosition =
} else if (curRounds == score[i].rounds && curKills & score[i].kills) {
// new score is equal in rounds and kills are greater
newHighscorePosition =
} // if the rounds are equal and kills are less
} // if the rounds are less
Debug.Log (newHighscorePosition);
//if it is calculate what the # of the new houigschore would be
// add it into our data and save it.
// this is called after a player dies OR from the main menu
// Display the highscore
// track the follow: Player Name, highscore number of the rounds survived and kills
//Upon entering the High Score menu, test if we have a high score and if we do, ask the
// player to enter a name and add it to the High Score save data.
var boxStartLocation:Vector2; // offset of main GUI element
var center = Location(); // handy class for calculating the center of the screen
function Start() {
Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscoreCurrentRounds' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentRounds&));
Debug.Log(&The value of key 'highscoreCurrentKills' is: & + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentKills&));
function Update() {
center.updateLocation(); // every frame, check if the screen has changed and re-calculate the screen center value.
// draw a text string to the screen
var textGUIStyle : GUIS // to control the display of text
var roundsGUIStyle : GUIS // to control the display of text for kills
var score = new Highscore[10]; // array of names for the highscore
score[0].name = &&; // Highscore #1
score[1].name = &Papa&;
score[2].name = &Kyle&;
score[3].name = &Tanya&;
score[4].name = &Delano&;
score[5].name = &Justin&;
score[6].name = &Eddie&;
score[7].name = &Josh&;
score[8].name = &Chris&;
score[9].name = &Steve&;
score[0].rounds = 99;
score[0].kills = 999;
score[1].rounds = 1;
score[1].kills = 9;
var heightOffset: float = 10; // how much space to place between each highscore level
var roundsOffset: // horizontal offset for rounds column
var killsOffset: // horizontal offset for kills column
var numberHighscores:int = 8; // controls how many loops to run to display
function OnGUI() {
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores to display
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x, // draw a box with the name
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].name,textGUIStyle); // using textGUIStyle
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x + roundsOffset, // draw a box with the rounds
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].rounds.ToString(),roundsGUIStyle); // using roundsGUIStyle
GUI.Box(Rect(center.offset.x + boxStartLocation.x + killsOffset, // draw a box with the kills
center.offset.y + boxStartLocation.y + i * heightOffset,
222,34),score[i].kills.ToString(),roundsGUIStyle); // using roundsGUIStyle
// Highscore naming scheme
// key starts : &highscore&
// past that, whatever the setting needs to be
// a specific high score would look like this:
// highscore4name
function AddNewHighscore() {
var curRounds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentRounds&);
var curKills = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreCurrentKills&);
var newHighscorePosition:
// check if the current score are good / above the highscores in the playersPrefs
// are we assuming the local and playerprefs data is the same? - Yes
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores
if (curRounds & score[i].rounds) {
// new score is higher!
newHighscorePosition =
} else if (curRounds == score[i].rounds && curKills & score[i].kills) {
// new score is equal in rounds and kills are greater
newHighscorePosition =
} // if the rounds are equal and kills are less
} // if the rounds are less
Debug.Log (newHighscorePosition);
//if it is calculate what the # of the new houigschore would be
// add it into our data and save it.
function SyncPlayerPrefs() {
// our assumption is that the data in player prefs should over-ride the local data
// need this to see if we have player prefs keys and if we do, copy into our local
// if the key does not exist, we need to populate it with the local data
for( var i:int = 0 ; i & numberH i++ ) { // for the number of highscores
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &name& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].name = PlayerPrefs.GetString(&highscore& + i + &name&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetString(&highscore& + i + &name& , score[i].name);
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &rounds& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].rounds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscore& + i + &rounds&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscore& + i + &rounds& , score[i].rounds);
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(&highscore& + i + &kills& )) {
//copy Player preferences value to local highscore class array
score[i].kills = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscore& + i + &kills&);
//set that player prefs to local data
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(&highscore& + i + &kills& , score[i].kills);
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学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 在Unity中的数据存储和IOS中字典的存储基本相同,是通过关键字实现数据存储与调用. 下面来介绍一下Unity用来存储数据的PlayerPrefs 类. 使用PlayerPrefs可以在在游戏会话中保持并访问玩家偏好设置. 在Mac OS X上PlayerPrefs存储在-/Library/PlayerPre ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 上一章已经可以实现最高分的本地存储,接下来的任务就是插入最高分并且实现排行榜其余分数的依次下调. 在代码中的修改十分简单,使用for循环依次调整即可: function AddNewHighscore() { var curRounds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(&highscoreC ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 游戏中的数据存储是很常见的问题,比如想在高分榜里显示如下的数据: 下面就是HighScore的制作流程. 首先要搭建好显示的框架,包括背景图片和橙色的边框两个部分, 创建一个空的GameObject用来存放这些GUI,并将其命名为HighscoresOBJ,上面拖拽三个脚本文件. 在这三个脚本文件之前,先创建_ ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 创建脚本文件TestGUI.js: function OnGUI() { GUI.Box(Rect(0,0,120,30),&This is a title&); } 将其拖拽到HighscoresOBJ上面,运行游戏便会发现窗口中多了一行标签: 这显然不是想要的结果. Unity中的原点和 ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引重力感应在手机游戏的开发中非常常见.Unity3D本身集合了重力感应的相关内容.一个简单的JS脚本示范一下重力感应的使用.CSDNGravity.js://物体的贴图 var round : Texture2D; //物体在屏幕中显示的X Y坐标 var x = 0; var y = 0; //物体屏幕显示的最大 ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 该案例来源是Digital Tutors的视频教程中的项目源码. 项目的下载的地址在:Unity源码之FPS 手机游戏的开发建议使用UnityRemote,可以直接使用安卓机器运行项目,前提是一定要安装该安卓机的驱动. UnityRemote的下载地址:UnityRemote下载 先来说下项目需求,做完之后大概 ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 Joystick在手游开发中非常常见,也就是在手机屏幕上的虚拟操纵杆,但是Unity3D自带的Joystick贴图比较原始,所以经常有使用自定义贴图的需求. 下面就来演示一下如何实现自定义JoyStick贴图. 首先导入贴图,注意要把默认的Texture改为GUI要不然尺寸会发生改变: 在Inspector面板 ...
学习Unity脚本推荐:Unity3D官网索引 鼠标手势建议使用一款插件FingerGestures:下载地址. 当然也可以自己写脚本. 一个简单的Demo脚本源码如下 //用于绑定参照物对象 var target : T //缩放系数 var distance = 10.0; //左右滑动移动速度 var xSpeed = 250.0;}


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