
4.9.2014Posted on September 4, 2014 by Silentstalker — 69 Comments ↓- Storm states that it is principially possible to rework WoT (or any game) to a different engine (UE4 mentioned), but the issue is how much time would that take, not whether it’s possible. It’s not an option to simply stop developing the game for a year to do it.Storm 表示坦克世界引擎可能要换一个不同的(提到过的UE4),但问题是做这个需要多少时间,并不在于它的可能性。仅仅只是用一年的时间去做这个引擎而停止开发游戏不太现实。- Evilly confirms that the “bonus for premium tanks” is legitEvilly 确认“金币车加成”的事情是合乎规矩的- tier 10 reward tanks (VK7201) will also get bonus XP and crew XP bonus10级奖励车辆(VK7201)也会获得经验加成和成员经验加成- these changes to the premium tanks are not final, apparently more bonuses will be announced on Russian Tanker’s Day (14.9.)金币车的这些变化并非最终的,在俄罗斯坦克手节这天会放出更多的奖励加成- confirmed: 9.3 test tomorrow确认:明天9.3测试开放- in 9.3, M6A2E1 will be also buffed9.3,M6a2E1也会加强- bonus experience gained by premium tanks will NOT count towards the account average experience, it will be treated as bonus XP for missions (SS: no average XP statpadding for you!)金币车加成经验不计入平均经验,它被视作活动额外经验。- the buff to premium tanks was considered for a long time already加强金币车的的想法已经考虑很久了- no larget credit making bonus for premium tanks than they have now is planned没有计划让金币车的刷钱能力超过现在很多- the premium bonus XP will be added to Churchill III 1,35 coefficient金币车丘吉尔III的经验加成会达到1.35倍系数。- the additional XP for premium vehicles will add up to the crew XP bonus for premiums as well金币车的额外经验会分给成员- the VK7201 and M60 will recieve 5 percent bonus to XPVK7201 和M 60会有5%的经验加成- for now, there is no info available on the Italian autoloading Leopard暂时,没有关于意呆利弹夹豹式坦克的可用信息- Q: “I bought WG shares and they are useless!” A: “Don’t buy WG shares. It’s voluntary :)”我买了WG股票,但它们没啥用处啊! 千万别买,这是自愿行为 。推荐阅读:
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